!function(t) { function e(n) { if (i[n]) return i[n].exports; var o = i[n] = { i: n, l: !1, exports: {} }; t[n].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, e); o.l = !0; return o.exports; } var i = {}; e.m = t; e.c = i; e.d = function(t, i, n) { e.o(t, i) || Object.defineProperty(t, i, { enumerable: !0, get: n }); }; e.r = function(t) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }; e.t = function(t, i) { 1 & i && (t = e(t)); if (8 & i) return t; if (4 & i && "object" == typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t; var n = Object.create(null); e.r(n); Object.defineProperty(n, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); if (2 & i && "string" != typeof t) for (var o in t) e.d(n, o, function(e) { return t[e]; }.bind(null, o)); return n; }; e.n = function(t) { var i = t && t.__esModule ? function() { return t.default; } : function() { return t; }; e.d(i, "a", i); return i; }; e.o = function(t, e) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e); }; e.p = "../../bin/"; e.__strings = [ ":", ": am", ": pm", " was disconnected and has left the chat", "Back", "View more", "Zendesk Support agent not found", "Zendesk Chat requires cookies to function. 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Maximum total size is limited to .", "The file you are trying to send is not supported.", "File sending is temporary disabled. Please try again later.", "Failed to send. Please try again.", "Failed to save assignee", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Weekdays", "Weekends", "Daily", "All day", "Chat With Us", "Leave a Message", "Chat with us", "support", "We're online.", "We're away.", "We're offline.", "Live Support", "Ask us anything", "Hi, welcome to our website!", "Questions?", "Click here to chat with us", "Choose a department", "Message", "Phone", "Sorry, we aren't online at the moment. Leave a message and we'll get back to you.", "Sorry, we aren't online at the moment.", "Thanks for the message! We'll get back to you as soon as we can.", "Message", "Phone", "Nice chatting with you!", "How would you rate the chat experience you just had?", "Thanks for the good rating! 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Past information and cookies will be removed.", "You may re-enable chat anytime.", "Disable chat", "Cancel", "Zendesk Chat requires cookies to function", "Submit", "Skip", "Sign in", "Hi, ", "Hi there!", "Sound", "About", "Send a file", "Cookies", "Email transcript", "End this chat", "Connect with", "Use name and email", "Edit contact details", "Name", "Enter your name", "Email", "Enter your email", "Phone", "Enter your phone", "Save", "Cancel", "Open in new window", "Minimize", "Sign out", "Edit", "This widget uses @cookies@.", "Queue position: ", "http://zop.im/prem-offline-form", "Learn more", "Our operating hours", "Back", "Introduce yourself", "Hello there!", "Name, Email", "Edit", "Sign out", "Please update your profile", "Name", "Please provide your name", "Email", "Please provide a valid email", "or sign in with", "Phone number", "Please provide a valid phone", "Name", "Email", "Drop files here", "Reconnecting", "Customer support", "Options", "Sign in", "Hi, ", "Hi there!", "Offline", "Good", "Bad", "Remove", "Good", "Bad", "Remove", "View past chats", "Contact us here", "Leave a comment", "You", "You — Please update your info", "Message not sent", "Resend", "show original", "show translated", "This attachment was deleted.", 'Uploading ""', '"" sent.', "Rate this chat", "Open image" ]; e.__languages = { ar: "__$$__stringtable_lang_ar", az: "__$$__stringtable_lang_az", bg: "__$$__stringtable_lang_bg", ca: "__$$__stringtable_lang_ca", cs: "__$$__stringtable_lang_cs", da: "__$$__stringtable_lang_da", de: "__$$__stringtable_lang_de", el: "__$$__stringtable_lang_el", es: "__$$__stringtable_lang_es", et: "__$$__stringtable_lang_et", eu: "__$$__stringtable_lang_eu", fa: "__$$__stringtable_lang_fa", fi: "__$$__stringtable_lang_fi", fr: "__$$__stringtable_lang_fr", fr_CA: "__$$__stringtable_lang_fr_CA", he: "__$$__stringtable_lang_he", hi: "__$$__stringtable_lang_hi", hr: "__$$__stringtable_lang_hr", hu: "__$$__stringtable_lang_hu", id: "__$$__stringtable_lang_id", is: "__$$__stringtable_lang_is", it: "__$$__stringtable_lang_it", ja: "__$$__stringtable_lang_ja", ka: "__$$__stringtable_lang_ka", ko: "__$$__stringtable_lang_ko", ku: "__$$__stringtable_lang_ku", lt: "__$$__stringtable_lang_lt", lv: "__$$__stringtable_lang_lv", mk: "__$$__stringtable_lang_mk", ms: "__$$__stringtable_lang_ms", nb: "__$$__stringtable_lang_nb", nl: "__$$__stringtable_lang_nl", pl: "__$$__stringtable_lang_pl", pt: "__$$__stringtable_lang_pt", pt_BR: "__$$__stringtable_lang_pt_BR", ro: "__$$__stringtable_lang_ro", ru: "__$$__stringtable_lang_ru", sk: "__$$__stringtable_lang_sk", sl: "__$$__stringtable_lang_sl", sq: "__$$__stringtable_lang_sq", sr: "__$$__stringtable_lang_sr", sv: "__$$__stringtable_lang_sv", th: "__$$__stringtable_lang_th", tl: "__$$__stringtable_lang_tl", tr: "__$$__stringtable_lang_tr", uk: "__$$__stringtable_lang_uk", ur: "__$$__stringtable_lang_ur", vi: "__$$__stringtable_lang_vi", zh_CN: "__$$__stringtable_lang_zh_CN", zh_TW: "__$$__stringtable_lang_zh_TW" }; e(e.s = 390); }([ function(t, e) { function i() {} function n(t) { i.prototype = t; return new i(); } t.exports = n; }, function(t, e) { function i(t) { return t.name + "-" + Math.round(1e4 * Math.random()); } function n(t, e, n) { if ("function" != typeof t) throw new Error("klass should be a function"); if (!t.prototype) throw new Error("klass should have prototype"); n = n || {}; n.skip_fqname || (t.prototype.__jx__fqname = n.fqname || i(t)); t.prototype.__jx__super = e; t.prototype.__jx__constructor = t; } t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e) { if (isNaN(t)) { var i = new o(); i.add("_", t); return i; } -1 == t && (t = b.length); var n = b[t]; n || (b[t] = n = new o()); if ("string" == typeof e) n.add("_", e); else for (var r in e) e.hasOwnProperty(r) && n.add(r, e[r]); return n; } function o() { function t(t, e) { l[t] = e; } function e(t) { r(t, u); } function i(t) { d.push(t); } function n() { return a(); } function a(t) { return l[t || w] || l._; } function s(t) { var e, i = a(t); for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++) d[e](i); } function _(t, e) { var i, n = new o(); b[l._] = n; for (var r in l) if (l.hasOwnProperty(r)) { i = l[r]; if ("string" != typeof i) continue; i = i[t].apply(i, e); n.add(r, i); } return n; } for (var l = {}, d = [], u = { add: t, bind: e, onTranslate: i, toJSON: n, toString: a, update: s }, c = [ "concat", "replace", "toLowerCase", "toUpperCase" ], h = 0; h < c.length; h++) u[c[h]] = function(t) { return function() { return _(t, arguments); }; }(c[h]); return u; } function r(t, e) { for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) if (x[i] == t) { v[i] = e; return; } x.push(t); v.push(e); } function a(t) { for (var e = 0; e < x.length; e++) if (x[e] == t) { x.splice(e, 1); v.splice(e, 1); return; } } function s(t) { t = t.split(/-|_/).slice(0, 2); var e = t[0] = t[0].toLowerCase(); t[1] && (t[1] = t[1].toUpperCase()); t = t.join("_"); return p.languages ? t in p.languages ? t : e in p.languages ? e : null : null; } function _(t) { var e, i, o, r, a, _; t = s(t); if (t) { a = p.languages[t]; if (a) { _ = m[p.languages[t]]; if (_) { n.language = w = t; $.ensureLoaded(_, function(n) { n && l(t); if (t == w) { for (e = 0, i = b.length; e < i; e++) b[e].update instanceof Function && b[e].update(t); for (e = 0, i = x.length; e < i; e++) { o = x[e]; r = v[e].toString(); if (j) o.textContent = r; else if ("string" == typeof o.innerText) o.innerText = r; else if ("string" == typeof o.nodeValue) try { o.data = r; } catch (t) {} } y._active = !0; i = y.length; for (e = 0; e < i; e++) try { y[e] && y[e](t); } catch (t) {} y._active = !1; if (y._dirty) { for (e = 0; e < i; e++) if (!y[e]) { e == i - 1 ? y.pop() : y[e--] = y.pop(); i--; } y._dirty = !1; } } }); } } } } function l(t) { var e, i = m[p.languages[t]]; for (e = 0; e < i.length; e++) 0 !== i[e] && b[e].add(t, i[e]); } function d(t) { y.push(t); } function u(t) { for (var e = 0, i = y.length; e < i; e++) if (y[e] == t) { y._active ? (y[e] = null, y._dirty = !0) : e == i - 1 ? y.pop() : y[e] = y.pop(); break; } } function c() { return !(-1 == w.search(C)); } function h(t) { return c() ? t.replace(/left/, "%left%").replace(/right/, "left").replace(/%left%/, "right").replace(/ltr/, "%ltr%").replace(/rtl/, "ltr").replace(/%ltr%/, "rtl") : t; } function f() { var t = p.strings; if (t) for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) n(e, t[e]); } var g = i(8), p = i(45), m = i(5), $ = i(186), b = [], w = "_", x = [], v = [], y = [], j = g.isTextContent, C = /^ar|^fa|^he|^ur/; n.bind = r; n.flip = h; n.onLanguage = d; n.unLanguage = u; n.update = _; n.unbind = a; n.rtl = c; n.findClosestLanguage = s; n.loadDefaultStrings = f; f(); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(97), o = i(14), r = i(384), a = i(382), s = i(181), _ = i(178), l = i(96), d = i(28), u = n.REGEX, c = {}; o.extend(c); c.generateAll = r.generateAll; c.generate = r.generate; c.writeChanges = r.writeChanges; c.setPalette = a.setPalette; c.delPalette = a.delPalette; c.delPalettes = a.delPalettes; c.appendPalette = a.appendPalette; c.getPalette = a.getPalette; a.initDefaultPalette(); c.setIFrameOnly = s.setIFrameOnly; c.bindIFrame = s.bindIFrame; c.unbindIFrame = s.unbindIFrame; c.transform2CSS = _; c.getVariable = function(t) { for (var e = l.palettes, i = l.priorities, n = i.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) if (i[n] && e[i[n]] && (e[i[n]][t] || d(e[i[n]][t]))) return u.isVariable.test(e[i[n]][t]) ? c.getVariable(e[i[n]][t].toString().slice(2)) : e[i[n]][t]; }; c.reload = function() { c.writeChanges(!0); }; t.exports = c; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i) { try { t.style[I(e)] = i; } catch (t) {} } function o() {} function r() {} function a() { return "___$_" + B++; } function s(t, e) { var i = e.getAttribute(D); i = i ? i.split(" ") : []; t || (t = a()); E[t] = e; i.push(t); e.setAttribute(D, i.join(" ")); } function _(t) { var e = t.getAttribute(D); if (e) { e = e.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) delete E[e[i]]; } } function l(t) { return E[t]; } function d(t, e) { for (var i, n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { i = e[n]; if ("string" != typeof i) { i[1] && (i[1] = t + "__" + i[1]); i[3] && d(t, i[3]); } } return e; } function u(t) { var e = function(i, n, o, r, s) { n = n || a(); var _ = i.ownerDocument, l = T.create(_, t, n); l.__jx__constructor = e; l.__jx__native = !0; var d = !1; l.appendToParent = function(t) { T.hasParentNode(l) || T.appendChild(i, l); if (t && !d) { i.appendToParent && i.appendToParent(!0); d = !0; } }; l.setStyle(o); l.setAttributes(s); T.addChildren(l, r); l.appendToParent(); return l; }; return e; } function c(t) { for (;t.defaultPlacement; ) t = t.defaultPlacement; return t; } function h(t) { return t.createElement ? t : c(t).ownerDocument; } function f(t, e, i, n) { var r = h(t).createElement(e); x.isSafari && "textarea" == e.toLowerCase() && (r.style.resize = "none"); switch (e.toLowerCase()) { case "textarea": case "input": r.style.outlineStyle = "none"; } o(r); s(i, r); w(r); v.extend(r); r.setStyle(n); x.buggyCSS && r.setOverflow("auto"); return r; } function g(t) { return t.parentNode && t.parentNode.nodeType && 11 != t.parentNode.nodeType; } function p(t, e) { if (t != document.body || "absolute" != e.style.position && "fixed" != e.style.position) { for (var i = t; i.defaultPlacement; ) i = i.defaultPlacement; i.appendChild(e); e.applyConstraints(); } else { t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild); e.applyConstraints(); } } function m(t, e) { if (e && e.length) { t = c(t); for (var i, n, o, r = t.ownerDocument, a = 0; a < e.length; a++) { n = e[a]; if (y(n)) i = n[0](t, n[1], n[2], n[3], n[4]); else { o = r.createTextNode(n); t.appendChild(o); "function" == typeof n.bind && n.bind(o); } } return i; } } function $(t) { var e = t.ownerDocument; return e.defaultView && e.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? e.defaultView.getComputedStyle(t, null) || {} : t.currentStyle ? t.currentStyle : {}; } function b(t, e) { return $(t)[e]; } function w(t, e) { function i(e) { var i; for (var n in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(n)) { i = "set" + n.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + n.substr(1); "function" == typeof t[i] && t[i](e[n]); } } function n() { return t.textContent || t.innerText || ""; } function o(e) { j && j.unbind && j.unbind(t); e && "function" == typeof e.bind && e.bind(t); O ? t.textContent = e : t.innerText = e; } function r(e) { function i(e, i) { var n = I("set-" + e); "function" == typeof t[n] ? t[n](i) : N(t, e, i); } var n, o; if (1 == arguments.length && C(e)) { if (!e) return; e = e.split(";"); for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) if (!e[n].match(/^\s*$/)) { o = e[n].match(/\s*([^:]+):\s*(.*?)\s*$/); !o && e[n].length || i(o[1], o[2]); } } else if (1 == arguments.length && "object" == typeof e) for (var r in e) e.hasOwnProperty(r) && i(r, e[r]); else if (arguments.length > 1) for (n = 0; n < arguments.length; n += 2) i(arguments[n], arguments[n + 1]); } function a(e) { function i() { x.isIE ? ot.styleFloat = e : ot.cssFloat = e; } j && j.onLanguage && j.onLanguage(i); i(); return t; } function s(e) { X = h(e); g(); return t; } function _(e) { K = h(e); g(); return t; } function l(e) { Z = h(e); g(); return t; } function d(e) { Q = h(e); g(); return t; } function u(e) { J = h(e); g(); return t; } function c(e) { tt = h(e); g(); return t; } function h(t) { return C(t) && "%" == t.substr(t.length - 1) ? parseInt(t, 10) + "%" : parseInt(t, 10); } function f(e) { switch (e) { case "static": case "relative": case "absolute": case "fixed": et = e; } null !== et && N(t, "position", _t && "fixed" == et ? "absolute" : et); return t; } function g() { isNaN(X) || isNaN(tt) || (Z = NaN); isNaN(K) || isNaN(J) || (Q = NaN); J < 0 && (J = 0); tt < 0 && (tt = 0); p(); } function p() { T.hasParentNode(t) && (x.bugs.ie.cssFixed && "fixed" == et ? S(m, t, !0) : !x.bugs.ie.cssBottomRight || (isNaN(K) || isNaN(Q)) && (isNaN(X) || isNaN(Z)) ? D() : B()); } function m() { v(); t.appendToParent && t.appendToParent(!0); Z < 0 && (Z = 0); Q < 0 && (Q = 0); A.ok(isNaN(K) != isNaN(Q), "One and only one of left/right must be set"); A.ok(isNaN(X) != isNaN(Z), "One and only one of top/bottom must be set"); A.ok(!isNaN(J), "Width must be set"); A.ok(!isNaN(tt), "Height must be set"); A.ok(t.ownerDocument == document, "Fixed element must be top level element"); if (tt != nt) { ot.height = tt + "px"; nt = tt; } if (J != it) { ot.width = J + "px"; it = J; } var e, i, n, o; if (x.isQuirks) { o = "document.body.clientHeight"; n = "document.body.clientWidth"; e = "(dummye34cf6=document.body.scrollLeft)+"; i = "(dummye34cf6=document.body.scrollTop )+"; } else { o = "document.documentElement.clientHeight"; n = "document.documentElement.clientWidth"; e = "(dummye34cf6=document.documentElement.scrollLeft)+"; i = "(dummye34cf6=document.documentElement.scrollTop )+"; } isNaN(K) ? C(K) ? e += parseInt(K, 10) / 100 * (x.isQuirks ? document.body : document.documentElement).clientWidth : e += n + "-" + (J + Q) : e += K; isNaN(X) ? C(X) ? i += parseInt(X, 10) / 100 * (x.isQuirks ? document.body : document.documentElement).clientHeight : i += o + "-" + (tt + Z) : i += X; x.isIE6 && "rtl" == document.body.currentStyle.direction && (x.isQuirks ? e += "-(document.body.scrollWidth-document.body.clientWidth)" : e += "-(document.documentElement.scrollWidth-document.documentElement.clientWidth)"); ot.setExpression("left", e + '+"px"'); ot.setExpression("top", i + '+"px"'); } function v() { if (!v.alreadyHacked) { v.alreadyHacked = 1; if (x.isStrict) document.body.parentNode.style.background = "#fff url(https://) fixed"; else if ("fixed" != document.body.currentStyle.backgroundAttachment) { if ("none" != document.body.currentStyle.backgroundImage) { var t = document.createElement("div"), e = t.style, i = document.body.currentStyle; e.backgroundAttachment = i.backgroundAttachment; e.backgroundColor = i.backgroundColor; e.backgroundImage = i.backgroundImage; e.backgroundPositionX = i.backgroundPositionX; e.backgroundPositionY = i.backgroundPositionY; e.backgroundRepeat = i.backgroundRepeat; e.position = "absolute"; e.zIndex = -1; e.top = e.left = 0; e.width = "100%"; document.body.insertBefore(t, document.body.firstChild); var n, o, r = !1, a = 0, s = function() { if (!r && a) { n += document.body.clientWidth - a; e.width = n + "px"; a = document.body.clientWidth; } o || (o = setTimeout(function() { e.width = 0; document.body.className = document.body.className; n = Math.max(document.body.scrollWidth, document.body.clientWidth); e.width = n + "px"; a = document.body.clientWidth; r = document.body.scrollWidth > document.body.clientWidth; o = null; }, 0)); }; setTimeout(s, 0); e.setExpression("height", 'document.body.scrollHeight+"px"'); s(); } document.body.style.backgroundImage = "url(https://)"; document.body.style.backgroundAttachment = "fixed"; } } } function B() { function e(t, e) { ot[t] = ""; ot.removeExpression(t); "number" == typeof e ? ot[t] = e + "px" : C(e) && "%" == e.substr(e.length - 1) ? ot[t] = e : C(e) && e.length && ot.setExpression(t, e); } t.appendToParent && t.appendToParent(!0); v(); var i, n, o = isNaN(K) ? "" : K, r = isNaN(Q) ? "" : Q, a = isNaN(J) ? "" : J, s = isNaN(X) ? "" : X, _ = isNaN(Z) ? "" : Z, l = isNaN(tt) ? "" : tt, d = "BackCompat" == t.ownerDocument.compatMode; if ("fixed" == et && t.ownerDocument == document) if (d) { n = "document.body.clientHeight"; i = "document.body.clientWidth"; } else { n = "document.documentElement.clientHeight"; i = "document.documentElement.clientWidth"; } else { n = "this.offsetParent.clientHeight"; i = "this.offsetParent.clientWidth"; } if (x.isIE6) { if (!isNaN(K) && !isNaN(Q)) { r = ""; a = [ i, K, Q ].join("-"); } if (!isNaN(X) && !isNaN(Z)) { _ = ""; l = [ n, X, Z ].join(" - "); } } if ("fixed" == et && t.ownerDocument == document) if (d) { if (!isNaN(K) || isNaN(Q)) o += "+(dummye34cf6=document.body.scrollLeft)"; else { o += "+(dummye34cf6=document.body.scrollLeft)+document.body.clientWidth-this.offsetWidth-" + Q; r = ""; } if (!isNaN(X) || isNaN(Z)) s += "+(dummye34cf6=document.body.scrollTop)"; else { s += "+(dummye34cf6=document.body.scrollTop)+document.body.clientHeight-this.offsetHeight-" + Z; _ = ""; } } else { if (!isNaN(K) || isNaN(Q)) o += "+(dummye34cf6=document.documentElement.scrollLeft)"; else if (x.isIE6) { o += "+(dummye34cf6=document.documentElement.scrollLeft)+document.documentElement.clientWidth-this.offsetWidth-" + Q; r = ""; } else r += "+document.documentElement.scrollWidth-(dummye34cf6=document.documentElement.scrollLeft)-document.documentElement.clientWidth"; if (!isNaN(X) || isNaN(Z)) s += "+(dummye34cf6=document.documentElement.scrollTop)"; else if (x.isIE6) { s += "+(dummye34cf6=document.documentElement.scrollTop)+document.documentElement.clientHeight-this.offsetHeight-" + Z; _ = ""; } else _ += "+document.documentElement.scrollHeight - (dummye34cf6=document.documentElement.scrollTop) - document.documentElement.clientHeight"; } e("left", o); e("right", r); e("width", a); e("top", s); e("bottom", _); e("height", l); } function D() { W(); E(); } function E() { ot.top = C(X) ? X : isNaN(X) ? "" : X + "px"; ot.bottom = C(Z) ? Z : isNaN(Z) ? "" : Z + "px"; if (tt != nt) { ot.height = C(tt) ? tt : isNaN(tt) ? "" : tt + "px"; nt = tt; } } function W() { ot.left = C(K) ? K : isNaN(K) ? "" : K + "px"; ot.right = C(Q) ? Q : isNaN(Q) ? "" : Q + "px"; if (J != it) { ot.width = C(J) ? J : isNaN(J) ? "" : J + "px"; it = J; } } function P() { var e, i, n, o, r, a, s = isNaN(J) ? t.offsetWidth : J, _ = isNaN(tt) ? t.offsetHeight : tt; e = i = n = o = NaN; r = a = 0; switch (lt.charAt(0)) { case "t": e = 0; break; case "m": e = "50%"; break; case "b": i = 0; } switch (lt.charAt(1)) { case "l": n = 0; break; case "c": n = "50%"; break; case "r": o = 0; } "50%" == e && (r = -_ / 2); "50%" == n && (a = -s / 2); var l = 0; ut >= 0 || !isNaN(e) || "string" == typeof e ? r += ut : l = -ut; a += dt; t.setMargin([ r + "px", 0, l + "px", a + "px" ].join(" ")).setTop(e).setBottom(i).setLeft(n).setRight(o); } function R(e) { if (!y(e)) { e = e.split(" "); e[0] = parseInt(e[0], 10); e[1] = parseInt(e[1], 10); e[2] = parseInt(e[2], 10); e[3] = parseInt(e[3], 10); } if (_t) { e[1] = Math.max(0, e[1]); e[2] = Math.max(0, e[2]); } ct = e; return t; } function F(e) { if (!y(e)) { e = e.split(" "); e[0] = parseInt(e[0], 10); e[1] = parseInt(e[1], 10); e[2] = parseInt(e[2], 10); e[3] = parseInt(e[3], 10); } ht = [ Math.max(0, e[0]), Math.max(0, e[1]), Math.max(0, e[2]), Math.max(0, e[3]) ]; return t; } function M() { if (ct) { K < ct[3] + ht[3] && (K = ct[3]); Q < ct[1] + ht[1] && (Q = ct[1]); X < ct[0] + ht[0] && (X = ct[0]); Z < ct[2] + ht[2] && (Z = ct[2]); var e = x.isQuirks ? document.body : document.documentElement, i = isNaN(J) ? t.offsetWidth : J, n = e.clientWidth - i, o = e.clientHeight - t.offsetHeight; n - K <= ct[1] + ht[1] && (K = n - ct[1]); n - Q <= ct[3] + ht[3] && (Q = n - ct[3]); o - X <= ct[2] + ht[2] && (X = o - ct[2]); o - Z <= ct[0] + ht[0] && (Z = o - ct[0]); } } function V(e, i) { Z = Q = NaN; X = i; K = e; M(); p(); return t; } function H(t, e) { isNaN(K) && isNaN(Q) && (K = 0); isNaN(X) && isNaN(Z) && (X = 0); isNaN(K) || (K += t); isNaN(Q) || (Q -= t); isNaN(X) || (X += e); isNaN(Z) || (Z -= e); M(); p(); } function q(e, i, n, o) { if (e) { isNaN(J) && (J = t.offsetWidth); J = Math.max(n || 0, J + e); } if (i) { isNaN(tt) && (tt = t.offsetHeight); tt = Math.max(o || 0, tt + i); } M(); p(); t.fire("jx:resize"); return t; } function z(e) { "none" != e && "block" != e || (ft = !0); "none" != e && "hidden" != e && "false" != e && e ? Y() : U(); return t; } function U() { if (ft) { if ("none" != ot.display) { ot.display = "none"; t.fire("hide"); } } else if ("hidden" != ot.visibility) { ot.visibility = "hidden"; t.fire("hide"); } return t; } function G() { return ft ? "none" != t.getStyle("display") : "visible" == t.getStyle("visibility"); } function Y() { if (ft) { if ("block" != ot.display) { ot.display = "block"; t.fire("show"); } } else if ("visible" != ot.visibility) { ot.visibility = "visible"; t.fire("show"); } return t; } var X, Z, K, Q, J, tt, et, it, nt, ot = t.style, rt = t.ownerDocument, at = "BackCompat" == rt.compatMode, st = !(!rt.documentElement || !rt.documentElement.style.setExpression), _t = x.isIE6 || x.isIE && at && st; X = Z = K = Q = J = tt = NaN; et = null; var lt = "", dt = 0, ut = 0; t.dock = function(e, i, n) { lt = e; k(i) && (dt = i); k(n) && (ut = n); P(); t.on("jx:resize", P); }; var ct, ht = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], ft = !1; t.getStyles = function() { return $(t); }; t.getStyle = function(e) { return b(t, e); }; t.setAttributes = i; t.getText = n; t.setText = o; t.setStyle = r; t.setFloat = a; t.setPosition = f; t.setTop = s; t.setBottom = l; t.setLeft = _; t.setRight = d; t.setHeight = c; t.setWidth = u; t.applyConstraints = p; t.setVisible = z; t.setBounds = R; t.setSnaps = F; t.move = H; t.moveTo = V; t.resizeBy = q; t.hide = U; t.show = Y; t.isVisible = G; for (var gt in L) L.hasOwnProperty(gt) && (t[gt] = L[gt]); if (e) for (var pt = t.firstChild; pt; ) { w(pt, !0); pt = pt.nextSibling; } return t; } var x = i(8), v = i(14), y = i(21), j = i(2), C = i(22), S = i(16), A = i(98), k = i(28), I = i(184).toCamelCase, T = { create: f, extend: w, appendChild: p, addChildren: m, hasParentNode: g, id: a, get: l, set: s, unset: _, mangleIDs: d, generateID: a, nativeGenerator: u, getStyles: $, processDeferredStyles: r }, N = n, B = 1, D = "__JX__ID", E = {}; x.bugs.leaksMemory && x.bugs.leaksMemory(function() { for (var t, e = 0, i = E.length; e < i; e++) { t = E[e]; t.plugLeakage && t.plugLeakage(); } }); var O = x.isTextContent, L = T.proto = { $: function(t) { return l(this.id + "__" + t); }, destroy: function() { if (this._destructors) for (var t = this._destructors, e = t.length, i = 0; i < e; i++) t[i].call(this); this.parentNode && this.parentNode.removeChild(this); this._autobinds && this.autounbind(); "function" == typeof this.empty && this.empty(); "function" == typeof this.unextendEvents && this.unextendEvents(); _(this); x.bugs.leaksMemory && "function" == typeof this.plugLeakage && this.plugLeakage(); }, empty: function() { for (var t; t = this.firstChild; ) "function" == typeof t.destroy ? t.destroy() : t.jx_wrapper ? t.jx_wrapper.destroy() : 1 == t.nodeType ? L.destroy.call(t) : this.removeChild(t); }, onDestruction: function(t) { (this._destructors || (this._destructors = [])).push(t); }, autobind: function(t, e, i) { t.on(e, i); this._autobinds || (this._autobinds = []); this._autobinds.push([ t, e, i ]); }, autounbind: function(t, e, i) { var n, o, r = this._autobinds; if (t && e && i) for (n = r.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { o = r[n]; if (o[0] == t && o[1] == e && o[2] == i) { r.splice(n, 1); o[0].un(o[1], o[2]); return; } } else if (t || e || i) ; else { if (!r) return; for (n = r.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { o = r[n]; o[0].un(o[1], o[2]); } } }, getXY: function() { var t, e, i = this.offsetParent; t = this.offsetLeft; e = this.offsetTop; for (;i; ) { t += i.offsetLeft; e += i.offsetTop; i = i.offsetParent; } return [ t, e ]; }, getFixedXY: function() { var t = 0, e = 0, i = this; if ("getBoundingClientRect" in this) { var n = this.ownerDocument, o = n.body, r = n.defaultView || i.parentWindow || !1, a = i.getBoundingClientRect(), s = n.clientTop || o.clientTop || 0, _ = n.clientLeft || o.clientLeft || 0, l = r.pageYOffset || o.scrollTop, d = r.pageXOffset || o.scrollLeft; e = a.top + l - s; t = a.left + d - _; } else { e = i.offsetTop; t = i.offsetLeft; for (;i = i.offsetParent; ) { e -= i.scrollTop, t -= i.scrollLeft; e += i.offsetTop, t += i.offsetLeft; } } return [ t, e ]; }, toggle: function() { this.isVisible() ? this.hide() : this.show(); return this; }, setOpacity: function(t) { t = Math.max(Math.min(t, 1), 0); x.isIE ? this.style.filter = (this.style.filter || "").replace(/progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha\([^\)]*\),? ?/gi, "") + (t >= 1 ? "" : "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=" + 100 * t + "), ") : this.style.opacity = t; return this; }, setBackgroundImage: function(t) { var e = t; e && x.isIE ? this.style.filter += 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="' + e + '",sizingMethod="scale"), ' : this.style.backgroundImage = 'url("' + t + '")'; return this; }, setClass: function(t) { this.className = t; return this; }, addClass: function(t) { this.removeClass(t); this.className += " " + t; return this; }, removeClass: function(t) { for (var e = this.className.split(" "), i = 0; i < e.length; i++) e[i] == t && (e[i] = ""); this.className = e.join(" "); return this; }, setRotation: function(t) { if (x.isFF) this.style.MozTransform = t ? "rotate(" + t + "deg)" : ""; else if (x.isSafari) this.style.WebkitTransform = t ? "rotate(" + t + "deg)" : ""; else if (x.isIE) { this.style.filter = t ? "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=" + Math.round(t / 90) + ")" : ""; if (x.isIE8 && t) { var e = this.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); if (x.isIE8 && e.length) { e[0].style.filter = t ? "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=" + Math.round(t / 90) + ")" : ""; this.style.overflow = "visible"; } } } return this; }, setSelectable: function(t) { function e() { return !1; } if (t && "false" != t) { this.unselectable = "on"; void 0 !== this.style.MozUserSelect ? this.style.MozUserSelect = "none" : void 0 !== this.style.WebkitUserSelect ? this.style.WebkitUserSelect = "none" : void 0 !== this.onselectstart && this.un("selectstart", e); } else { this.unselectable = "on"; void 0 !== this.style.MozUserSelect ? this.style.MozUserSelect = "none" : void 0 !== this.style.WebkitUserSelect ? this.style.WebkitUserSelect = "none" : void 0 !== this.onselectstart && this.on("selectstart", e); } return this; }, setScrollTop: function(t) { this.scrollTop = t; return this; } }; x.leaksMemory && (L.plugLeakage = function() { this.unextendEvents && this.unextendEvents(); this.$ = this.plugLeakage = this.destroy = this.empty = this.autobind = this.autounbind = this._autobinds = this._destructors = this.onDestruction = this.getXY = this.appendToParent = this.defaultPlacement = this.getStyles = this.getStyle = this.setAttributes = this.getText = this.setText = this.setStyle = this.setFloat = this.setPosition = this.setTop = this.setBottom = this.setLeft = this.setRight = this.setHeight = this.setWidth = this.applyConstraints = this.setVisible = this.setBounds = this.setSnaps = this.move = this.moveTo = this.resizeBy = this.hide = this.show = this.isVisible = this.toggle = this.setOpacity = this.setBackgroundImage = this.setClass = this.addClass = this.removeClass = this.setRotation = this.setSthisectable = this.setScrollTop = this.setBackground = this.setBackgroundPosition = this.setBorder = this.setBorderColor = this.setBorderStyle = this.setBorderWidth = this.setBorderTop = this.setBorderRight = this.setBorderBottom = this.setBorderLeft = this.setClear = this.setColor = this.setPadding = this.setMargin = this.setMarginTop = this.setMarginRight = this.setMarginBottom = this.setMarginLeft = this.setDisplay = this.setLineHeight = this.setLetterSpacing = this.setVisibility = this.setOutline = this.setOverflow = this.setOverflowX = this.setOverflowY = this.setFontFamily = this.setFontSize = this.setFontWeight = this.setFontStyle = this.setTextAlign = this.setTextDecoration = this.setTextTransform = this.setVerticalAlign = this.setZIndex = this.setCursor = this.setHref = this.setSrc = this.setChecked = this.setMedia = this.setName = this.setType = this.setValue = this.setDataNode = this.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__native = null; }); var W, P; W = "background background-position border border-color border-style border-width color border-top border-right border-bottom border-left clear padding margin margin-top margin-right margin-bottom margin-left display line-height letter-spacing visibility outline overflow overflow-x overflow-y font-family font-size font-weight font-style text-align text-decoration text-transform vertical-align z-index cursor".split(" "); for (P = 0; P < W.length; P++) L[I("set-" + W[P])] = function(t) { return function(e) { try { this.style[t] = e; } catch (t) {} return this; }; }(I(W[P])); W = "checked href media name src target type value".split(" "); for (P = 0; P < W.length; P++) L[I("set-" + W[P])] = function(t) { return function(e) { this.setAttribute(t, e); return this; }; }(W[P]); x.isIE && document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", !1, !0); t.exports = T; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(45), o = {}; o.$Data = n; t.exports = o; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i) { P = !0; V.root = $ = t instanceof S ? t : new S("root"); w = i; if (A.ACCOUNT_KEY || e) { if (e) { b = e; $.$$("livechat.ui.mockup$bool").update(!0); } if (D.isMobileBrowser) { $.$$("livechat.ui.mobile$bool").update(!0); D.isMobileWhitelist && $.$$("livechat.ui.mobile_whitelist$bool").update(!0); D.isMobileTablet && $.$$("livechat.ui.tablet$bool").update(!0); } window.$zopim_popout ? $.$$("livechat.ui.popout$bool").update(!0) : e || x.setIFrameOnly(!0); var n, o = m(k); if (!b) for (var r in O) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(O, r)) { var a = I.DOM.getVariable(r); "log" == r && a && "object" == typeof a && $.$("livechat").$("temp").update({ prev_log: a }); "settings" == r && a && B.getKeys(a).length && $.$("livechat").$("settings").update({ cached$bool: !0 }); if ("object" == typeof a) { n = B.getKeys(a); n && n.length && B.fullyExtend(B.descendsObj(o, O[r]), a); } else B.insertObj(O[r], a, o); } $.update(o); if (!b && !g()) { var s = v.isIOS ? "unload" : "beforeunload"; y.window.on(s, function() { try { p(); } catch (t) {} }); } var _ = I.getAllowCookieLaw(); "boolean" == typeof _ && $.$$("livechat.profile").update({ allow_cookies$bool: _ }); $.$$("livechat.settings.package").on("value", function(t) { if (t) { "color_customization_enabled$int" in t && t.color_customization_enabled$int && (W = 1); "widget_customization_enabled$int" in t && t.widget_customization_enabled$int && (W = 2); } }); V.fire("init"); } } function o(t) { j(t) && (P ? t() : V.on("init", t)); } function r(t, e) { N.sendChatMsg(t, e); } function a(t) { var e = parseInt(w.getServerTime().toFixed(0), 10), i = e + ""; $.$("livechat").$("channel").$("log").$(i).write({ timestamp$int: e, nick$string: $.$("livechat").$("profile").$("nick$string").getValue() || "", display_name$string: $.$("livechat").$("profile").$("display_name$string").getValue() || "", type$string: "chat.file.upload", file_name$string: t.file_name || "", file_type$string: t.file_type || "", file_size$int: t.file_size || 0, unverified$bool: !0, __client$bool: !0 }); return e; } function s(t) { if (t) { var e = {}; "name" in t && (e.display_name$string = t.name + ""); "email" in t && (e.email$string = t.email + ""); "phone" in t && (e.phone$string = t.phone + ""); "department_id" in t && (e.department_id$int = t.department_id); $.$$("livechat.profile").write(e); return !0; } } function _() { T.clearIdentity(); I.clearAll(); $.$("livechat").$("ui").$("chat_button").$("unread_count$int").update(0); $.$$("livechat.channel").update(null); $.$$("profile").update(null); } function l() { var t = $.$$("livechat.settings.cookie_law.enabled$bool").getValue(), e = $.$$("livechat.profile.allow_cookies$bool").getValue(); return !t || !1 !== e; } function d() { $.$$("connection").update({ reconnect$bool: !0 }); } function u(t) { if (!b) { var e = $.$$("livechat.account.key$string").getValue(), i = $.$$("livechat.profile.mid$string").getValue(); t && e && i && window.open(B.getAuthLoginUrl(t, e, i), F + e, $.$$("livechat.ui.mobile$bool").getValue() ? "" : M); } } function c() { if ($.$$("livechat.profile.auth.type$string").getValue()) { $.$$("livechat.profile.auth").write({ type$string: null }); $.$$("livechat.profile").update({ display_name$string: "", email$string: "" }); } else $.$$("livechat.profile").write({ display_name$string: "", email$string: "" }); } function h() { $.$$("livechat.channel").write({ chatting$bool: !1 }); } function f() { return $.$$("livechat.ui.mockup$bool").getValue() ? 100 : W; } function g() { var t = $.$("livechat").$("account").$("status$string").getValue(); return C(t, E) > -1; } function p() { if (R.canStoreCookie()) { var t = $.$("connection").getValue(); if (t && "status$string" in t) { var e = new S("root"); e.update($.getValue()); for (var i = 0, n = L.length; i < n; i++) e.$$(L[i]).update(null); var o, r; for (o in O) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(O, o)) { switch (o) { case "settings": r = w.getServerSettings("settings"); break; case "log": r = e.$("livechat").$("channel").$("chatting$bool").getValue() ? B.getLastLogEntries($.$$(O[o]), A.CHAT_LOG_REMEMBER_COUNT) : null; break; default: r = e.$$(O[o]).getValue(); } I.DOM.saveVariable(o, r); } e = null; } } } function m(t) { if ("object" != typeof t || !t) return t; var e = {}; for (var i in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && (e[i] = m(t[i])); Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, H) && (e[H] = m(t[H])); return e; } var $, b, w, x = i(3), v = i(8), y = i(14), j = i(20), C = i(31), S = i(95), A = i(18), k = i(94), I = i(93), T = i(44), N = i(176), B = i(11), D = i(35), E = [ "banned", "invalid_account_key" ], O = { last_host: "connection.server$string", chatting: "livechat.channel.chatting$bool", account_status: "livechat.account.status$string", settings: "livechat.settings", ui: "livechat.ui", notification: "livechat.profile.notification", departments: "livechat.departments", log: "livechat.channel.log", read: "livechat.channel.read", features: "livechat.features", gates: "livechat.gates" }, L = [ "livechat.settings.cached$bool", "livechat.ui.chat_window.menu_stack_name$string", "livechat.ui.chat_window.pre_chat_form.submitted$bool", "livechat.ui.post_chat_form.stack_index$int", "livechat.ui.offline_form.stack_index$int", "livechat.ui.theme_reload$bool", "livechat.ui.theme_loaded$bool", "livechat.ui.popout$bool", "livechat.ui.mobile$bool", "livechat.ui.mobile_overlay$bool", "livechat.ui.mobile_notifications$bool", "livechat.ui.chat_button.fully_visible$bool", "livechat.ui.chat_window.chat_panel.file_toast.error$string", "livechat.ui.departments", "livechat.ui.visitor.authenticated$bool", "livechat.ui.visitor.auth_status$string", "livechat.ui.history" ], W = 0, P = !1, R = { sendChatMsg: r, sendFile: a, updateProfile: s, clearAll: _, reconnect: d, canStoreCookie: l, doExternalLogin: u, doExternalLogout: c, endChat: h, getLimit: f, isAccountError: g }, F = "zlivechatexternallogin_", M = "width=500,height=500,menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,personalbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=no", V = y.extend({ init: n, root: $, livechat: R, afterInit: o }), H = "toString"; t.exports = V; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName || (r.tagName = "div"); a.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(23); n.prototype = r(a.prototype); o(n, a, { fqname: "jx_ui_Widget" }); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { function t(t) { return t.replace(/^http:/, O ? "https:" : "http:"); } function e() { if (void 0 !== window.innerHeight) return window.innerHeight; if (document.documentElement) return document.documentElement.offsetHeight; var t = document.getElementsByTagName("body"); return t.length ? t[0].clientHeight : 0; } function i() { if (void 0 !== window.innerWidth) return window.innerWidth; if (document.documentElement) return document.documentElement.offsetWidth; var t = document.getElementsByTagName("body"); return t.length ? t[0].clientWidth : 0; } function n() { if (!r(a)) return a; var t = document.createElement("div"), e = document.createElement("div"), i = t.style, n = e.style; i.overflow = "auto"; i.width = i.height = "100px"; i.position = "absolute"; i.top = "-1000px"; n.width = "100%"; n.height = "200px"; t.appendChild(e); document.body.appendChild(t); a = t.offsetWidth - t.clientWidth; document.body.removeChild(t); return a; } var a, s, _ = navigator, l = _.userAgent.toLowerCase(), d = +(/trident.*rv:? *([0-9]+)/.exec(l) || [])[1] || !1, u = function() { for (var t = 3, e = document.createElement("div"), i = e.getElementsByTagName("i"); e.innerHTML = "", i[0]; ) ; return t > 4 ? t : document.documentMode; }(), c = 8 === u, h = 7 === u, f = 6 === u, g = !!window.opera && "[object Opera]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(window.opera), p = l.indexOf("edge") > -1, m = "Google Inc." === _.vendor, $ = "Apple Computer, Inc." === _.vendor, b = !p && !u && !g && (m || $ || /webkit|khtml/.test(l)), w = +/\d+/.exec(/firefox\/\d+/i.exec(_.userAgent) || ""), x = -1 !== l.indexOf("iphone"), v = -1 !== l.indexOf("ipod"), y = -1 !== l.indexOf("ipad"), j = x || y || v, C = -1 !== l.indexOf("android"), S = -1 !== l.indexOf("wp7"), A = j || C || S, k = u && "msie" || w && "firefox" || g && "opera" || m && "chrome" || $ && "safari", I = "CSS1Compat" === document.compatMode, T = !I, N = u && T && document.documentElement && !!document.documentElement.style.setExpression, B = document.documentMode || u, D = -1 !== l.indexOf("windows") || -1 !== l.indexOf("win32"), E = -1 !== l.indexOf("macintosh") || -1 !== l.indexOf("mac os x"), O = "https:" === document.location.protocol, L = _.language || _.browserLanguage || _.userLanguage || _.systemLanguage, W = { noBoxSizing: B <= 7, ie: { cssBottomRight: f, cssFixed: f || N, buggyCSS: f || N } }, P = "textContent" in document.createElement("div"), R = !1, F = null; try { if (window.CustomEvent && /\[native code\]|\[object CustomEventConstructor\]/.test(window.CustomEvent.toString())) { new window.CustomEvent("testevent", { bubbles: !1, cancelable: !0, detail: !0 }); R = !0; F = window.CustomEvent; } } catch (t) {} switch (k) { case "msie": case "firefox": case "chrome": s = +/\d+/.exec(new RegExp(k + "[ /]\\d+").exec(l) || ""); break; default: s = +/\d+/.exec(/version[ \/]\d+/.exec(l) || ""); } var M = !1; try { var V = { get passive() { M = !0; } }, H = function() {}; window.addEventListener("test", H, V); window.removeEventListener("test", H, V); } catch (t) { M = !1; } if (f) { var q = []; W.leaksMemory = function(t) { o.isFunction(t); q.push(t); }; var z = function() { for (var t = 0; t < q.length; t++) q[t](); }; W.leaksMemory.remove = function(t) { for (var e = q.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) t == q[e] && q.splice(e, 1); }; window.attachEvent("onunload", z); } var U = "Shockwave Flash", G = "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash", Y = "application/x-shockwave-flash", X = "application/x-java-vm"; return { browser: k, version: s, isStrict: I, isQuirks: T, isOpera: g, isSafari: $, isWebKit: b, isChrome: m, isAndroid: C, isIPhone: x, isIPod: v, isIPad: y, isIOS: j, isWP7: S, isMobile: A, isNewIE: d, isEdge: p, isIE: u, isIE6: f, isIE7: h, isIE8: c, isFF: w, isCustomEvents: R, CustomEvent: F, engineIE: B, bugs: W, isWindows: D, isMac: E, isSecure: O, secureURL: t, hasFlash: function() { var t, e = _.plugins && _.plugins[U]; if (e) { t = _.mimeTypes && _.mimeTypes[Y]; return t && !t.enabledPlugin ? null : e.description; } if (window.ActiveXObject) try { e = new window.ActiveXObject(G); e.AllowScriptAccess = "always"; return e.GetVariable("$version"); } catch (t) {} }(), hasJava: function() { var t = _.mimeTypes; return u ? !S && ("javaEnabled" in _ && _.javaEnabled()) : t && (t = t[X]) && (t = t.enabledPlugin) ? t.name : void 0; }(), language: L, getScrollbarSize: n, getWindowClientHeight: e, getWindowClientWidth: i, isTextContent: P, hasPassiveListeners: M }; } var o = i(98), r = i(25), a = n(); a.sniffBrowser = n; t.exports = a; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { var t = l.root, e = t.$("livechat").$("ui").$("mobile$bool"), i = t.$("livechat").$("ui").$("popout$bool"), n = t.$("livechat").$("ui").$("mockup$bool"), r = t.$("livechat").$("ui").$("tablet$bool"); d.popout = a(i); d.mockup = a(n); d.tablet = a(r); d.mobile = function(t) { if (e.getValue()) { t.addClass("mobile"); t.removeClass("desktop"); } else { t.addClass("desktop"); t.removeClass("mobile"); } }; d.rtl = function(t) { function e() { _.unLanguage(i); } function i() { if (_.rtl()) { t.addClass("rtl"); t.removeClass("ltr"); } else { t.addClass("ltr"); t.removeClass("rtl"); } } if (_ && _.onLanguage) { _.onLanguage(i); i(); t.onDestruction(e); } else t.addClass("ltr"); }; d.windowPosition = o(t.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").$("position$string")); d.windowPositionMobile = o(t.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").$("position_mobile$string")); d.windowSize = o(t.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").$("size$string")); d.buttonPosition = o(t.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_button").$("position$string")); } function o(t, e) { e = e || ""; return function(i, n, o) { n = n || ""; i.autobind(t, "value", r(i, e + n, o)); }; } function r(t, e, i) { var n; return function(o) { if (n != o) { n && t.removeClass(e + n); n = o; n && t.addClass(e + n); "function" == typeof i && i(n); } }; } function a(t, e) { e = e || t.name.split("$")[0]; return function(i, n) { i.autobind(t, "value", s(i, e, n)); }; } function s(t, e, i) { return function(n) { t[n ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](e); "function" == typeof i && i(n); }; } var _ = i(2), l = i(6), d = {}; l.afterInit(n); t.exports = d; }, function(t, e, i) { var n, o = i(2), r = i(6), a = i(94), s = i(11), _ = i(95), l = o(3), d = o(4), u = o(5), c = o(6), h = o(7), f = o(8), g = o(9); n = { get: function(t) { if (!t) return ""; var e, i; if (t instanceof _) { e = t.getValue(); i = s.descendsObj(a, t.path().slice(1).join(".")); } else { e = r.root.$$(t).getValue(); i = s.descendsObj(a, t); } return (e && e.toString(10)) == (i && i.toString(10)) ? i : e || ""; }, status: { online: o(10), away: o(11), offline: o(12) }, error_message: { text: o(13), email: o(14), textarea: o(15), select: o(16), radio: o(17), checkbox: o(18), checkbox_multiple: o(19), department: o(20), default: o(21) }, placeholder: { phone: o(22) }, end_chat_menu_message: o(23), external_login: { facebook: o(24), twitter: o(25), google: o(26) }, chat_log: { agent_disconnected: l, "chat.memberjoin": o(27), "chat.memberleave": o(28), "chat.changename": o(29), "chat.visitorjoin": o(30), "chat.visitorleave": o(31), "chat.comment": o(32), "chat.rating": { good: o(33), bad: o(34), cancel: o(35) } }, chat_panel: { name_is_typing: o(36), names_are_typing: o(37), agents_are_typing: o(38), chattextarea_placeholder: o(39), sendbutton_text: o(40), new_message_below: o(41), new_messages_below: o(42) }, chat_button: { unread_one: o(43), unread_many: o(44), mobile_greeting: { online: o(45), offline: o(46) } }, chat_notification: { attachment: o(47) }, connection_status: { reconnecting: o(48), idle_disconnect: o(49), disconnected: o(50), resuming: o(51), fast_init: o(52) }, cookie_law: { disabled: o(53), disabled_mobile: o(54), privacy_policy: o(55), request_use_cookies_golion: h }, profile: { unlink: o(56) }, system_msg: { queue: g }, branding: { title_zendesk: "Zendesk", title_golion: f }, pre_chat_offline_form: { button_message: o(57), button_chat: o(58), department_any: o(59), department_any_required: o(60), button_disabled: o(61), operating_hours: { closed: o(62), period: o(63) } }, file_upload: { error: { size: o(64), type: o(65), disabled: o(66), default: o(67) } }, set_assignee: { error: { default: o(68), zendesk_agent_not_found: c } }, datetime: { days: [ o(69), o(70), o(71), o(72), o(73), o(74), o(75) ], weekday: o(76), weekend: o(77), everyday: o(78), all_day: o(79) }, back: d, history: { view_more: u } }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e) { for (var i, n = document.createElement("div"), o = 0, r = L.length; o < r; o++) if (void 0 !== n.style[L[o]]) { i = e[o]; break; } return i ? t ? function(t, e, n) { t.autobind(e, i, n); } : function(t, e, n) { W && t.autounbind(e, i, n); } : function() {}; } function o(t, e) { for (var i = {}, n = 0, o = e.length; n < o; n++) { var r = e[n]; r in t && (i[r] = t[r]); } return i; } function r() { for (var t, e, i = arguments.length, n = 1, o = arguments[0] || {}; n < i; n++) if (null != (t = arguments[n])) for (e in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e) && o !== t[e] && (o[e] = t[e]); return o; } function a(t, e) { for (var i in e) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, i)) if (e[i] && e[i].constructor && e[i].constructor === Object) { t[i] = t[i] || {}; a(t[i], e[i]); } else t[i] = e[i]; return t; } function s(t, e) { for (var i in e) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, i)) { if (!(i in t)) continue; e[i] && e[i].constructor && e[i].constructor === Object ? s(t[i], e[i]) : delete t[i]; } return t; } function _() { if (void 0 === k) try { k = l(); } catch (t) {} return k; } function l() { if (!window.getComputedStyle) return !1; var t = document.createElement("div"), e = "border-box"; document.body.appendChild(t); t.style.height = "10px"; t.style.padding = "5px"; t.style.boxSizing = e; t.style.webkitBoxSizing = e; t.style.mozBoxSizing = e; var i = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(t).height, 10); document.body.removeChild(t); return 10 != i; } function d(t) { var e = t.getComputedStyle(); if ("auto" == e.height) return t.getHeight(); var i = parseInt(e.height, 10) || 0; R.computedHeightBoxSizingBug() && (i += (parseInt(e.paddingTop, 10) || 0) + (parseInt(e.paddingBottom, 10) || 0) + (parseInt(e.borderTopWidth, 10) || 0) + (parseInt(e.borderBottomWidth, 10) || 0)); return i + "px"; } function u(t) { function e() { this.addClass("hover"); } function i() { this.removeClass("hover"); } if (I.bugs.noBoxSizing) { t.on("mouseover", e); t.on("mouseout", i); } } function c(t, e) { for (var i, n = e.split("."); n.length; ) { i = n.shift(); T(t[i], !0) && (t[i] = {}); t = t[i]; } return t; } function h(t, e) { if (0 === e.indexOf(t.path)) { for (var i, n = t.path.split(".").length, o = e.split(".").slice(n), r = t.update; o.length; ) { i = o.shift(); if (!(i in r)) return; r = r[i]; } return r; } } function f(t, e, i) { t = t.split("."); var n = t.pop(); if (n) { for (var o = 0, r = t.length; o < r; o++) { t[o] in i || (i[t[o]] = {}); i = i[t[o]]; } i[n] = e; } } function g(t) { for (var e = t.split("."), i = "." + e.splice(e.length - 2, 2).join("."); e.length; ) { var n = { domain: i, path: "/" }; B.set("zte2095", "1", n); if ("1" == B.get("zte2095")) { B.remove("zte2095", n); break; } i = "." + e.pop() + i; } return i; } function p(t) { return M.test(t); } function m(t) { return F.test(t); } function $(t) { if (t && "object" == typeof t) { var e = []; for (var i in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && e.push(i); return e; } } function b(t) { if (window.Image) try { var e = new window.Image(); e.onload = e.onerror = function() { t(!(1 != this.width || 1 != this.height)); }; e.src = ""; } catch (e) { t(); } else t(); } function w(t, e) { t = parseInt(t, 10); isNaN(t) && (t = 0); var i = t < 0; t = Math.abs(t).toString().split(""); for (var n = Math.max(e - t.length, 0); n--; ) t.unshift("0"); i && t.unshift("-"); return t.join(""); } function x(t, e) { function i(t, e, i) { return i.replace("", t).replace("", e); } var n = N(0), o = N(1), r = N(2), a = "24" === e ? 24 : 12, s = function(t, e) { return t - Math[t > 0 ? "floor" : "ceil"](t / e) * e; }(Math[t > 0 ? "floor" : "ceil"](t / 60), a), _ = R.pad(Math.abs(t) % 60, 2); if (24 === a) return i(R.pad(s, 2), _, n); var l = 0 === s ? 12 : s; return Math.abs(t / 60) % 24 < 12 ? i(l, _, o) : i(l, _, r); } function v(t) { return t && t.replace(D.FILE_REPLACE_SOURCE, D.FILE_REPLACE_RESULT); } function y(t, e) { e = parseInt(e, 10); if (!e) return t.getValue(); var i = t.getKeys(), n = i.length, o = {}; if (n <= e) return t.getValue() || o; for (var r = 0; r < n; r++) i[r] = parseInt(i[r], 10); i = i.sort().slice(-e); var a, s = t.getValue(); if (!s) return o; for (r = 0, n = i.length; r < n; r++) { a = i[r]; o[a] = s[a]; } return o; } function j(t, e) { var i; if (t.leaf && t.parentNode) { i = {}; i[t.name] = e; t.parentNode.write(i); } else t.write(e); } function C() { if (I.isNewIE) try { "body" !== document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() && document.activeElement.focus(); } catch (t) {} } function S() { window.console && window.console.warn && window.console.warn("The Zopim widget embed code is invalid. Please email chat@zendesk.com with your account key: " + D.ACCOUNT_KEY); } function A(t, e, i) { return D.AUTH_URL.replace("$NAME", t).replace("$KEY", e).replace("$MID", i); } var k, I = i(8), T = i(25), N = i(2), B = i(177), D = i(18), E = "-webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- ".split(" "), O = "webkit Moz O ms ".split(" "), L = [ "transition", "MozTransition", "OTransition", "WebkitTransition" ], W = [ "transitionend", "transitionend", "otransitionend", "webkitTransitionEnd" ], P = [ "animationend", "animationend", "oanimationend", "webkitAnimationEnd" ], R = { contains: function() { var t = document.documentElement; return t.compareDocumentPosition ? function(t, e) { t = t.dom || t; e = e.dom || e; return !!(16 & t.compareDocumentPosition(e)); } : t.contains ? function(t, e) { t = t.dom || t; e = e.dom || e; var i = 9 === t.nodeType ? t.documentElement : t, n = e.parentNode; return t === n || !!(n && 1 === n.nodeType && i.contains && i.contains(n)); } : function(t, e) { t = t.dom || t; e = e.dom || e; for (;e = e.parentNode; ) if (e === t) return !0; return !1; }; }(), onTransitionEnd: n(!0, W), unTransitionEnd: n(!1, W), onAnimationEnd: n(!0, P), unAnimationEnd: n(!1, P), css_prefixes: E, cssom_prefixes: O, isStyleSupported: function() { function t(t) { for (var e = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1), n = (t + " " + O.join(e + " ") + e).split(" "), o = 0; o < n.length; o++) if (void 0 !== i[n[o]]) return !0; return !1; } var e = document.createElement("div"), i = e.style; return t; }(), pick: o, shallowExtend: r, fullyExtend: a, fullyDelete: s, computedHeightBoxSizingBug: _, getComputedHeight: d, hoverFix: u, getEffectiveTLD: g, descendsObj: c, insertObj: f, getValueByReference: h, isDefaultName: m, getKeys: $, supportsDataURI: b, isIE: function() { return I.isIE || /Trident\//.test(window.navigator.userAgent); }(), pad: w, formatMinutesAsHours: x, replaceFileHostname: v, getLastLogEntries: y, writeNode: j, isAgentNick: p, refocusActiveElement: C, warnBadEmbed: S, getAuthLoginUrl: A }, F = /^Visitor [0-9]{3,}$/, M = /^agent:[0-9]+/i; t.exports = R; }, function(t, e) { function i(t) { return !!t && "false" != t; } t.exports = i; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName = "div"; a.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(23); n.prototype = r(a.prototype); o(n, a, { fqname: "jx_ui_html_div" }); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e) { var i = {}, n = {}, o = function(e) { return !t.nodeType && t != window && t != document || ("FORM" != t.tagName || "submit" != e) && (!u.isCustomEvents && (u.isFF && u.isFF < 9 ? !document.createEvent("event")[e.toUpperCase()] : void 0 === t["on" + e])); }, r = function(e, n) { if (!e && "function" != typeof n) throw "bad arguments to on / addEventListener"; if (!(e in i)) { i[e] = []; o(e) || a(e); } i[e].push(n); return t; }, a = function(e) { if (!(e in n)) { n[e] = function(n) { n && (n.stopPropagation || h(n)); var o, r = i[e], a = r.length, s = !0; r._active = !0; for (o = 0; o < a; o++) try { if (!r[o]) continue; !1 === r[o].call(t, u.isCustomEvents && n instanceof u.CustomEvent ? n.detail : n) && (s = !1); } catch (t) { c.fire("error", t); } r._active = !1; if (r._dirty) { for (o = 0; o < a; o++) if (!r[o]) { o == a - 1 ? r.pop() : r[o--] = r.pop(); a--; } r._dirty = !1; } if (!1 === s) { if (n) { n.preventDefault(); n.returnValue = !1; } return !1; } }; t.attachEvent ? t.attachEvent("on" + e, n[e]) : t.addEventListener && t.addEventListener(e, n[e], !1); } }, s = function(e) { var o = n[e]; if (o) { t.attachEvent ? t.detachEvent("on" + e, o) : t.addEventListener && t.removeEventListener(e, o, !1); delete n[e]; delete i[e]; } }, _ = function(e, o) { var r = i[e]; if (r) { for (var a = 0, _ = r.length; a < _; a++) if (r[a] === o) { 1 == r.length ? n[e] ? s(e) : delete i[e] : r._active ? (r[a] = null, r._dirty = !0) : a == _ - 1 ? r.pop() : r[a] = r.pop(); break; } return t; } }, l = function() { if (i && n) { for (var t in n) n.hasOwnProperty(t) && s(t); i = n = null; } }, d = function(e, n) { if (!u.isCustomEvents || o(e)) { var r = i[e], a = !0; if (r && r.length) { r._active = !0; var s, _, l; for (s = 0, _ = r.length; s < _; s++) try { if (!r[s]) continue; l = r[s].call(t, n); !1 === l && (a = !1); } catch (t) { c.fire("error", t); } r._active = !1; if (r._dirty) { for (s = 0; s < _; s++) if (!r[s]) { s == _ - 1 ? r.pop() : r[s--] = r.pop(); _--; } r._dirty = !1; } } return a; } return t.dispatchEvent(new u.CustomEvent(e, { bubbles: !1, cancelable: !0, detail: n })); }, h = function(t) { t.preventDefault = h.preventDefault; t.stopPropagation = h.stopPropagation; t.target = t.srcElement; }; h.preventDefault = function() { this.returnValue = !1; }; h.stopPropagation = function() { this.cancelBubble = !0; }; var f = { fire: d, on: r, un: _, unextendEvents: l }; if (e) return f; for (var g in f) f.hasOwnProperty(g) && (t[g] = f[g]); u.bugs.leaksMemory && u.bugs.leaksMemory(function() { for (var e in f) f.hasOwnProperty(e) && (t[e] = null); }); return t; } function o(t) { s(0, t); } function r(t) { s(1, t); } function a(t) { s(2, t); } function s(t, e) { t <= h ? e() : f[t].push(e); } function _(t) { for (;h < t; ) { h++; for (var e = 0; e < f[h].length; e++) f[h][e](); f[h] = null; } } function l() { h > 0 || (document.body && document.body.firstChild ? _(1) : window.setTimeout(l, 200)); } function d() { _(2); } var u = i(8), c = { extend: n, body: n(document.body, !0), window: n(window, !0), document: n(document, !0), runAfterScriptReady: o, runAfterFirstChildReady: r, runAfterDomReady: a }; c.extend(c); var h = 0, f = [ [], [], [], [] ]; l(); !function() { var t; if (u.isSafari) t = window.setInterval(function() { if (/loaded|complete/i.test(document.readyState)) { window.clearInterval(t); d(); } }, 20); else if (document.addEventListener) /loaded|complete/i.test(document.readyState) ? d() : document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", d, !1); else if (u.isIE) { window.attachEvent("onload", d); var e = document.createElement("document:ready"); t = window.setInterval(function() { if (/loaded|complete/i.test(document.readyState)) { e = null; window.clearInterval(t); d(); } else { try { e.doScroll("left"); } catch (t) { return; } e = null; window.clearInterval(t); d(); } }, 200); } }(); t.exports = c; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, i, o, r, _) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, i, o, r, _); i = i || s.generateID(); var l = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", selectable: "false", class: "icon_font" } ], d = l[0].call(this, e, i, null, s.mangleIDs(i, l[3]), l[4]), u = d || this; s.set(i, u); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var c = function() { var t = { zopim: "", message: "💬", tick: "✔", cross: "✖", popout: "↗", popin: "↙", minimize: "−", plus: "+", smiley: "☺", happy: "", happier: "", sad: "", thumbsup: "👍", thumbsdown: "👎", sadder: "", brand: "", brand_suffix: "", brand_extended: "", avatar_placeholder: "", email: "📧", facebook: "", twitter: "", google: "", facebook_out: "", twitter_out: "", google_out: "", badge_default: "", warning_sign: "⚠", arrow_left: "←", arrow_up: "↑", arrow_down: "↓", arrow_down_long: "⇩", arrow_right: "→", pencil: "✎", dustbin: "", sound_on: "🔊", sound_off: "🔇", send: "»", upload: "⇧", exclamation: "!", brand_zendesk: "", google_2016: "", google_2016_out: "", paperclip: "📎", picture: "🖼", zendesk_2016: "", zendesk_chat_2016: "", messenger_squircle: "", twitter_squircle: "", messenger_round: "", twitter_round: "", clock_stroke: "🕐", google_2019_r: "", google_2019_y: "", google_2019_g: "", google_2019_b: "" }; u.setIcon = function(e) { u.setHTML(t[e] || e || ""); }; u.setFont = function(t) { u.setFontFamily(t || ""); }; }(); for (var h in c) u[h] = c[h]; u.fire && u.fire("init"); u.setStyle && u.setStyle(o); u.setAttributes && u.setAttributes(_); "function" == typeof u.addChildren ? u.addChildren(r) : s.addChildren(u, r); if (u !== this) { u.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; u.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return u; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { fontFamily: 'zopim, "Segoe UI Symbol", "Arial Unicode MS", "Lucida Sans Unicode", sans-serif', speak: "none", fontStyle: "normal", fontWeight: "normal", lineHeight: 1, WebkitFontSmoothing: "antialiased" }, "&:focus": { outline: "none" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i) { a.ok("function" == typeof t, "1st argument to nextTick must be a function"); if (i) for (var n = l.length; n-- > 0; ) if (l[n][0] === t && l[n][1] === e) return; l.push([ t, e ]); r || (r = setTimeout(o, 0)); } function o() { var t = +new Date() + _, e = l; l = []; r && (r = clearTimeout(r)); for (var i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++) { try { e[i][0].apply(e[i][1]); } catch (t) { s.fire("error", t); } if (+new Date() > t) { if (i < n - 1) { e.splice(0, i + 1); if (l.length) l = e.concat(l); else { l = e; r = setTimeout(o, 0); } } break; } } } var r, a = i(98), s = i(14), _ = 100, l = []; n.tick = o; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(1), o = i(3), r = i(2), a = i(0), s = i(69), _ = s, l = i(7), d = i(6), u = i(9); s = function(t, e, i, n, a) { function l() { c.fixOverflowTitle(); } if (!(this instanceof s)) return new s(t, e, i, n, a); if (!s.__jx__jcss_generated) { o.generate(this, s.prototype.__jx__fqname, s.__jx__jcss, null, s); s.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } a || (a = {}); a.type || (a.type = "button"); _.call(this, t, e, i, n, a); u.mobile(this); u.rtl(this); var c = this; if (n && 1 == n.length && ("string" == typeof n[0] || n[0].bind)) { if (r && r.onLanguage) { r.onLanguage(l); this.onDestruction(function() { r.unLanguage(l); }); } this.autobind(d.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("theme_loaded$bool"), "value", function(t) { t && c.fixOverflowTitle(); }); } }; s.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { appearance: "none", width: "48%", overflow: "hidden", textOverflow: "ellipsis", whiteSpace: "nowrap", color: "$$buttonColor", background: "$$buttonBg", "paddingTop, paddingBottom": "$$buttonPadding", "paddingLeft, paddingRight": "$$buttonPaddingHorizontal", borderWidth: "$$buttonBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$buttonBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$buttonBorderColor", borderRadius: "$$buttonRadius", boxShadow: "$$buttonShadow", fontWeight: "$$buttonFontWeight", wordWrap: "normal", "*overflow": "visible", cursor: "pointer", "&:hover, &:focus": { color: "$$buttonHoverColor", background: "$$buttonHoverBg", borderColor: "$$buttonHoverBorderColor", boxShadow: "$$buttonHoverShadow" }, "&:active": { color: "$$buttonActiveColor", background: "$$buttonActiveBg", borderColor: "$$buttonActiveBorderColor", boxShadow: "$$buttonActiveShadow" } }, "&.secondary": { color: "$$buttonSecColor", background: "$$buttonSecBg", borderColor: "$$buttonSecBorderColor", boxShadow: "$$buttonSecShadow", "&:hover, &:focus": { color: "$$buttonSecHoverColor", background: "$$buttonSecHoverBg", borderColor: "$$buttonSecHoverBorderColor", boxShadow: "$$buttonSecHoverShadow" }, "&:active": { color: "$$buttonSecActiveColor", background: "$$buttonSecActiveBg", borderColor: "$$buttonSecActiveBorderColor", boxShadow: "$$buttonSecActiveShadow" } }, "&.disabled": { opacity: "0.5", cursor: "default", "&:hover, &:focus": { color: "$$buttonColor", background: "$$buttonBg", borderColor: "$$buttonBorderColor", boxShadow: "$$buttonShadow" } }, "&.fit": { width: "auto", "paddingLeft, paddingRight": "$$buttonPadding" }, "&.wide": { width: "100%" }, "&.short": { "paddingTop, paddingBottom": "$$buttonShortPadding" }, "&.short.mobile": { "paddingTop, paddingBottom": "$$buttonPadding" }, "&.short.mobile.short_mobile": { "paddingTop, paddingBottom": "$$buttonShortPadding" } }; s.prototype = a(_.prototype); n(s, _, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_Button" }); var c = [ "fontFamily", "fontSize", "fontWeight", "fontStyle" ]; s.prototype.fixOverflowTitle = function() { if ("en" != r.language) { s.dummy || (s.dummy = new l(this.doc.body, null, null, null, { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden" })); var t = this.getText(), e = this.getComputedStyle(); if (e) { for (var i = 0, n = c.length; i < n; i++) s.dummy.style[c[i]] = e[c[i]]; s.dummy.setText(t); var o = s.dummy.getWidth(), a = parseInt(e.width, 10) || 0 - (parseInt(e.paddingLeft, 10) || 0) - (parseInt(e.paddingRight, 10) || 0) - (parseInt(e.borderLeftWidth, 10) || 0) - (parseInt(e.borderRightWidth, 10) || 0); this.setTitle(o > 0 && a > 0 && o > a ? t : ""); } } else this.setTitle(""); }; s.prototype.__jx__super = _; t.exports = s; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { if (window.$zopim && window.$zopim.s) return window.$zopim.s.src; for (var t, e = document.getElementsByTagName("script"), i = /.*zopim.(com|net|org)\//, n = 0, o = e.length; n < o; n++) { t = e[n].src || ""; if (i.test(t)) return t; } return ""; } function o(t) { t && !g.test(t) && (t = null); var e = "id." + (u.brandDomain || "zopim.com"); return "https://" + (t || e) + "/authenticated/web/jwt"; } function r(t) { if (t) { if (p.test(t)) return t.replace(p, "$1.zopim.com$2"); g.test(t) || (t = null); } var e = "widget-mediator." + (u.brandDomain && u.brandDomain.replace(/:[0-9]+/, "") || "zopim.com"); return t || e; } var a = i(25), s = i(45), _ = i(8), l = i(381), d = i(64), u = function() { for (var t = n(), e = [ /\/?[?]/, /\/livechat\// ], i = [], o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { i = t.split(e[o]); if (i.length) break; } var r = i[1], a = i[0], s = /^(https?:)?\/\/[^\/]+/.exec(a), _ = a.replace(/^(https?:)?\/\//i, "").split("/")[0], l = _.replace(/(.+\.)(?=.+\..+)/, ""), d = i[0].split("/"); d = d.pop() == _ ? i[0] : d.join("/"); s = s && "zopim.com" !== _ ? s[0] : "https://v2.zopim.com"; return { accountKey: r, brandDomain: l, baseURL: d, rootURL: s }; }(), c = "https://v2.zopim.com/widget", h = c + "/images", f = l.map([ ".zopim.com", ".zopim.org", ".zdch.at", ".zd-dev.com", ".bre-zd.com" ], d.escape), g = new RegExp("^[a-z][a-z0-9_-]*(\\.[a-z][a-z0-9_-]*)*(" + f.join("|") + ")(:\\d+)?$", "i"), p = /^([a-z][a-z0-9_-]*)(:\d+)?$/i; a(s.baseURL, !0) && (s.baseURL = _.secureURL(u.baseURL)); var m = { ASSETS_URL: c, IMAGES_URL: h, SOUNDS_URL: "https://v2.zopim.com/widget/sounds", FONTS_URL: "https://v2.zopim.com/widget/fonts", ASSETS_LEGACY: document.location.protocol + "//cdn.zopim.com/assets", BRANDING_URL: "https://www.zopim.com", AVATARS: { CONCIERGE: h + "/avatar_simple_agent.png", AGENT: h + "/avatar_simple_agent.png", VISITOR: h + "/avatar_simple_visitor.png", DEFAULT: h + "/avatar_simple_visitor.png" }, ACCOUNT_KEY: u.accountKey, BRAND_DOMAIN: u.brandDomain, COUNTRY_CODE: function() { var t = 'IN'.toUpperCase(); "<" == t.charAt(0) && (t = "geo"); return t; }(), AUTH_URL: "https://www.zopim.com/auth/$NAME/$KEY-$MID", AUTH_LOGOUT_URL: "https://www.zopim.com/auth/logout/$KEY-$MID", AUTH_SERVER_URL: o(), IS_POPOUT: window.$zopim_popout, POPOUT_WINDOW_PREFIX: "zlivechatpopout_", POPOUT_URL: u.rootURL + "/widget/livechat.html", CALLBACK_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH: "/client/widget/upload", FILE_UPLOAD_PATH: "/client/widget/uploads", FILE_UPLOAD_MAX: 20971520, RESEND_MSG_TIMEOUT: 5e3, FILE_REPLACE_SOURCE: /^(\s*https?\:\/\/v2(?:assets|uploads)\.zopim\.)com(\/)/i, FILE_REPLACE_RESULT: "$1io$2", CHAT_LOG_REMEMBER_COUNT: 10, getAuthServerURL: o, getMediatorHost: r }; t.exports = m; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName || (r.tagName = "label"); a.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); null == r.selectable && this.setSelectable(!1); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(7); n.prototype = r(a.prototype); o(n, a, { fqname: "jx_ui_Label" }); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e) { function i(t) { return "function" == typeof t; } t.exports = i; }, function(t, e) { function i(t) { return "[object Array]" == Object.prototype.toString.call(t); } t.exports = i; }, function(t, e) { function i(t) { return "string" == typeof t; } t.exports = i; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { return l(t) && "%" == t.substr(t.length - 1) ? parseInt(t, 10) + "%" : parseInt(t, 10); } function o() { if (!o.alreadyHacked) { o.alreadyHacked = 1; if (_.isStrict) { document.body.parentNode.style.background = "#fff url(https://) fixed"; document.body.className = document.body.className; } else if ("fixed" != document.body.currentStyle.backgroundAttachment) { if ("none" != document.body.currentStyle.backgroundImage) { var t, e, i = document.createElement("div"), n = i.style, r = document.body.currentStyle, a = !1, s = 0; n.backgroundAttachment = r.backgroundAttachment; n.backgroundColor = r.backgroundColor; n.backgroundImage = r.backgroundImage; n.backgroundPositionX = r.backgroundPositionX; n.backgroundPositionY = r.backgroundPositionY; n.backgroundRepeat = r.backgroundRepeat; n.position = "absolute"; n.zIndex = -1; n.top = n.left = 0; n.width = "100%"; document.body.insertBefore(i, document.body.firstChild); var l = function() { if (!a && s) { t += document.body.clientWidth - s; n.width = t + "px"; s = document.body.clientWidth; } e || (e = setTimeout(function() { n.width = 0; document.body.className = document.body.className; t = Math.max(document.body.scrollWidth, document.body.clientWidth); n.width = t + "px"; s = document.body.clientWidth; a = document.body.scrollWidth > document.body.clientWidth; e = null; }, 0)); }; setTimeout(l, 0); n.setExpression("height", 'document.body.scrollHeight+"px"'); l(); } document.body.style.backgroundImage = "url(https://)"; document.body.style.backgroundAttachment = "fixed"; } } } function r(t) { for (;t.defaultPlacement; ) t = t.defaultPlacement; return t; } function a(t, e, i, n, o) { if (!(this instanceof a)) return new a(t, e, i, n, o); if (t) { o || (o = {}); this.jx_id = e = e || d.generateID(); this._top = this._bottom = this._left = this._right = this._width = this._height = NaN; this._position = null; this.pos = ""; this.offsetx = 0; this.offsety = 0; this._snaps = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]; this.useDisplay = !1; this.doc = this.ownerDocument = t.ownerDocument; this.parentNode = t; this.attributes = o; this.tagName = o.tagName; this.isNew = !0; this.dom = this.doc.createElement(this.tagName); this.dom.jx_wrapper = this; this.style = this.dom.style; this.children = []; this._autobinds = []; x.call(this); n && this.addChildren(n); t.appendChild(t instanceof a ? this : this.dom); this.setStyle(i); this.setAttributes(o); this.__jx__fqname && this.addClass(this.__jx__fqname); e && d.set(e, this); } } var s = i(1), _ = i(8), l = i(22), d = i(4), u = i(0), c = i(21), h = i(31), f = i(2), g = i(16), p = i(98), m = i(28), $ = i(12), b = i(25), w = i(184).toCamelCase, x = i(183); _.isIE && document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", !1, !0); var v = "background background-position border border-color border-style border-width color border-top border-right border-bottom border-left clear padding margin margin-top margin-right margin-bottom margin-left display line-height letter-spacing visibility outline overflow overflow-x overflow-y font-family font-size font-weight font-style text-align text-decoration text-transform vertical-align z-index cursor min-height min-width max-height max-width".split(" "), y = "title checked href media name src target dir data-test-id".split(" "), j = _.bugs.ie.cssFixed; a.prototype = u(x.prototype); s(a, x, { skip_fqname: !0, fqname: "jx_ui_HTMLElement" }); a.prototype.addChildren = function(t) { var e = t && t.length; if (t && e) for (var i, n, o = r(this), a = o.ownerDocument, s = 0; s < e; s++) { i = t[s]; if (c(i)) o.appendChild(i); else { n = a.createTextNode(i); o.appendChild(n); "function" == typeof i.bind && i.bind(n); } } }; a.prototype.appendChild = function(t) { if (c(t)) return t[0](this, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]); -1 == h(t, this.children) && 3 != t.nodeType && this.children.push(t); t.parentNode && t.parentNode != this && t.parentNode.removeChild(t.parentNode instanceof a ? t : t.dom || t); t.dom && (t.parentNode = this); this.dom.appendChild(t.dom || t); return t; }; a.prototype.removeChild = function(t) { try { if (t.dom) { this.dom.removeChild(t.dom); t.parentNode = null; } else this.dom.removeChild(t); var e = h(t, this.children); if (-1 != e) return this.children.splice(e, 1); } catch (t) {} }; a.prototype.insertBefore = function(t, e) { var i = h(e, this.children); e && -1 == i && (e = null); if (t.parentNode) { var n = h(t, this.children); if (-1 != n) { this.children.splice(n, 1); i > n && i--; } else t.parentNode.removeChild(t); } t.dom && (t.parentNode = this); e ? this.children.splice(i, 0, t) : this.children.push(t); this.dom.insertBefore(t.dom || t, e ? e.dom || e : null); }; a.prototype.insertAfter = function(t, e) { this.insertBefore(t, e && e.getNextSibling()); }; a.prototype.prependTo = function() {}; a.prototype.cloneNode = function(t) { return this.dom.cloneNode(t); }; a.prototype.getNextSibling = function() { return this.dom.nextSibling && this.dom.nextSibling.jx_wrapper; }; a.prototype.getPreviousSibling = function() { return this.dom.previousSibling && this.dom.previousSibling.jx_wrapper; }; a.prototype.getFirstChild = function() { return this.dom.firstChild && this.dom.firstChild.jx_wrapper; }; a.prototype.getLastChild = function() { return this.dom.lastChild && this.dom.lastChild.jx_wrapper; }; var C = _.isTextContent; a.prototype.getText = function() { return this.dom.textContent || this.dom.innerText || ""; }; a.prototype.setText = function(t) { if (this.dom) { f && f.unbind && f.unbind(this.dom); t && "function" == typeof t.bind && t.bind(this.dom); C ? 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t : this.__jx__fqname + " " + t) + (this._pseudo ? 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e[t] : e; }; a.prototype.setStyle = function(t) { var e, i; if (1 == arguments.length && l(t)) { if (!t) return this; t = t.split(";"); for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++) if (!t[e].match(/^\s*$/)) { i = t[e].match(/\s*([^:]+):\s*(.*?)\s*$/); !i && t[e].length || this.setOneStyle(i[1], i[2]); } } else if (1 == arguments.length && "object" == typeof t) for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && this.setOneStyle(n, t[n]); else if (arguments.length > 1) for (e = 0; e < arguments.length; e += 2) this.setOneStyle(arguments[e], arguments[e + 1]); return this; }; a.prototype.setOneStyle = function(t, e) { var i = w("set-" + t); "function" == typeof this[i] ? this[i](e) : this.setCSSStyle(t, e); return this; }; a.prototype.setCSSStyle = function(t, e) { try { this.dom.style[w(t)] = e; } catch (t) {} return this; }; a.prototype.getScrollWidth = function() { return this.dom.scrollWidth; }; a.prototype.getScrollHeight = function() { return this.dom.scrollHeight; }; a.prototype.getClientWidth = function() { return this.dom.clientWidth; }; a.prototype.getClientHeight = function() { return this.dom.clientHeight; }; a.prototype.getTop = function() { return this.dom.offsetTop; }; a.prototype.getLeft = function() { return this.dom.offsetLeft; }; a.prototype.getWidth = function() { return this.dom.offsetWidth; }; a.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this.dom.offsetHeight; }; a.prototype.setTop = function(t) { this._top = n(t); this.solveConstraints(); return this; }; a.prototype.setLeft = function(t) { this._left = n(t); this.solveConstraints(); return this; }; a.prototype.setBottom = function(t) { this._bottom = n(t); this.solveConstraints(); return this; }; a.prototype.setRight = function(t) { this._right = n(t); this.solveConstraints(); return this; }; a.prototype.setWidth = function(t) { this._width = n(t); this.solveConstraints(); return this; }; a.prototype.setHeight = function(t) { this._height = n(t); this.solveConstraints(); return this; }; a.prototype.getScrollLeft = function() { return this.dom.scrollLeft; }; a.prototype.setScrollLeft = function(t) { this.dom.scrollLeft = t; return this; }; a.prototype.getScrollTop = function() { return this.dom.scrollTop; }; a.prototype.setScrollTop = function(t) { this.dom.scrollTop = t; return this; }; a.prototype.setFloat = function(t) { function e() { _.isIE ? i.dom.style.styleFloat = t : i.dom.style.cssFloat = t; } var i = this; if (f && f.onLanguage && !this._onLanguageFloat) { f.onLanguage && f.onLanguage(e); this.onDestruction(function() { f.unLanguage && f.unLanguage(e); }); this._onLanguageFloat = !0; } e(); return this; }; a.prototype.solveConstraints = function() { isNaN(this._top) || isNaN(this._height) || (this._bottom = NaN); isNaN(this._left) || isNaN(this._width) || (this._right = NaN); this._width < 0 && (this._width = 0); this._height < 0 && (this._height = 0); this.applyConstraints(); }; a.prototype.applyConstraints = function() { var t = this.dom.style, e = this; if (d.hasParentNode(this.dom)) if (_.bugs.ie.cssFixed && "fixed" == this._position) g(function() { e.dom && e.hackFixed(); }); else { if (_.bugs.ie.cssBottomRight && (!isNaN(this._left) && !isNaN(this._right) || !isNaN(this._top) && !isNaN(this._bottom))) { this.appendToParent && this.appendToParent(!0); o(); var i, n, r = isNaN(this._left) ? "" : this._left, a = isNaN(this._right) ? "" : this._right, s = isNaN(this._width) ? "" : this._width, u = isNaN(this._top) ? "" : this._top, c = isNaN(this._bottom) ? "" : this._bottom, h = isNaN(this._height) ? "" : this._height, f = "BackCompat" == this.dom.ownerDocument.compatMode; if ("fixed" == this._position && this.dom.ownerDocument == document) if (f) { n = "document.body.clientHeight"; i = "document.body.clientWidth"; } else { n = "document.documentElement.clientHeight"; i = "document.documentElement.clientWidth"; } else { n = "this.offsetParent.clientHeight"; i = "this.offsetParent.clientWidth"; } if (_.isIE6) { if (!isNaN(this._left) && !isNaN(this._right)) { a = ""; s = [ i, this._left, this._right ].join("-"); } if (!isNaN(this._top) && !isNaN(this._bottom)) { c = ""; h = [ n, this._top, this._bottom ].join(" - "); } } var p = function(e, i) { t[e] = ""; t.removeExpression(e); "number" == typeof i ? t[e] = i + "px" : l(i) && "%" == i.substr(i.length - 1) ? t[e] = i : l(i) && i.length && t.setExpression(e, i); }; p("left", r); p("right", a); p("width", s); p("top", u); p("bottom", c); p("height", h); } !function() { t.left = l(e._left) ? e._left : isNaN(e._left) ? "" : e._left + "px"; t.right = l(e._right) ? e._right : isNaN(e._right) ? "" : e._right + "px"; if (e._width != e.__width) { t.width = l(e._width) ? e._width : isNaN(e._width) ? "" : e._width + "px"; e.__width = e._width; } }(); !function() { t.top = l(e._top) ? e._top : isNaN(e._top) ? "" : e._top + "px"; t.bottom = l(e._bottom) ? e._bottom : isNaN(e._bottom) ? "" : e._bottom + "px"; if (e._height != e.__height) { t.height = l(e._height) ? e._height : isNaN(e._height) ? "" : e._height + "px"; e.__height = e._height; } }(); } }; a.prototype.hackFixed = function() { var t = this.dom.style; o(); this.appendToParent && this.appendToParent(!0); this._bottom < 0 && (this._bottom = 0); this._right < 0 && (this._right = 0); p.ok(isNaN(this._left) != isNaN(this._right), "One and only one of left/right must be set"); p.ok(isNaN(this._top) != isNaN(this._bottom), "One and only one of top/bottom must be set"); p.ok(!isNaN(this._width), "Width must be set"); p.ok(!isNaN(this._height), "Height must be set"); p.ok(this.ownerDocument == document, "Fixed element must be top level element"); if (this._height != this.__height) { t.height = this._height + "px"; this.__height = this._height; } if (this._width != this.__width) { t.width = this._width + "px"; this.__width = this._width; } var e, i, n, r, a = this.getHeight(), s = this.getWidth(); if (_.isQuirks) { r = "document.body.clientHeight"; n = "document.body.clientWidth"; e = "(dummye34cf6=document.body.scrollLeft)+"; i = "(dummye34cf6=document.body.scrollTop )+"; } else { r = "document.documentElement.clientHeight"; n = "document.documentElement.clientWidth"; e = "(dummye34cf6=document.documentElement.scrollLeft)+"; i = "(dummye34cf6=document.documentElement.scrollTop )+"; } isNaN(this._left) ? l(this._left) ? e += parseInt(this._left, 10) / 100 * (_.isQuirks ? document.body : document.documentElement).clientWidth : e += n + "-" + (s + this._right) : e += this._left; isNaN(this._top) ? l(this._top) ? i += parseInt(this._top, 10) / 100 * (_.isQuirks ? document.body : document.documentElement).clientHeight : i += r + "-" + (a + this._bottom) : i += this._top; _.isIE6 && "rtl" == document.body.currentStyle.direction && (_.isQuirks ? e += "-(document.body.scrollWidth-document.body.clientWidth)" : e += "-(document.documentElement.scrollWidth-document.documentElement.clientWidth)"); t.setExpression("left", e + '+"px"'); t.setExpression("top", i + '+"px"'); }; a.prototype.dock = function(t, e, i) { this.pos = t; m(e) && (this.offsetx = e); m(i) && (this.offsety = i); this.doDock(); this.on("jx:resize", this.doDock); }; a.prototype.doDock = function() { var t, e, i, n, o, r, a, s = isNaN(this._width) ? this.dom.offsetWidth : this._width, _ = isNaN(this._height) ? this.dom.offsetHeight : this._height; t = e = i = n = NaN; o = r = a = 0; switch (this.pos.charAt(0)) { case "t": t = 0; break; case "m": t = "50%"; break; case "b": e = 0; } switch (this.pos.charAt(1)) { case "l": i = 0; break; case "c": i = "50%"; break; case "r": n = 0; } "50%" == t && (o = -_ / 2); "50%" == i && (r = -s / 2); this.offsety >= 0 || !isNaN(t) || "string" == typeof t ? o += this.offsety : a = -this.offsety; r += this.offsetx; this.setMargin([ o + "px", 0, a + "px", r + "px" ].join(" ")).setTop(t).setBottom(e).setLeft(i).setRight(n); }; a.prototype.setBounds = function(t) { if (!c(t)) { t = t.split(" "); t[0] = parseInt(t[0], 10); t[1] = parseInt(t[1], 10); t[2] = parseInt(t[2], 10); t[3] = parseInt(t[3], 10); } if (j) { t[1] = Math.max(0, t[1]); t[2] = Math.max(0, t[2]); } this._bounds = t; return this; }; a.prototype.setSnaps = function(t) { if (!c(t)) { t = t.split(" "); t[0] = parseInt(t[0], 10); t[1] = parseInt(t[1], 10); t[2] = parseInt(t[2], 10); t[3] = parseInt(t[3], 10); } this._snaps = [ Math.max(0, t[0]), Math.max(0, t[1]), Math.max(0, t[2]), Math.max(0, t[3]) ]; return this; }; a.prototype.applyBounds = function() { if (this._bounds) { this._left < this._bounds[3] + this._snaps[3] && (this._left = this._bounds[3]); this._right < this._bounds[1] + this._snaps[1] && (this._right = this._bounds[1]); this._top < this._bounds[0] + this._snaps[0] && (this._top = this._bounds[0]); this._bottom < this._bounds[2] + this._snaps[2] && (this._bottom = this._bounds[2]); var t = _.isQuirks ? document.body : document.documentElement, e = isNaN(this._width) ? this.dom.offsetWidth : this._width, i = t.clientWidth - e, n = t.clientHeight - this.dom.offsetHeight; i - this._left <= this._bounds[1] + this._snaps[1] && (this._left = i - this._bounds[1]); i - this._right <= this._bounds[3] + this._snaps[3] && (this._right = i - this._bounds[3]); n - this._top <= this._bounds[2] + this._snaps[2] && (this._top = n - this._bounds[2]); n - this._bottom <= this._bounds[0] + this._snaps[0] && (this._bottom = n - this._bounds[0]); } }; a.prototype.moveTo = function(t, e) { this._bottom = this._right = NaN; this._top = e; this._left = t; this.applyBounds(); this.applyConstraints(); return this; }; a.prototype.move = function(t, e) { isNaN(this._left) && isNaN(this._right) && (this._left = 0); isNaN(this._top) && isNaN(this._bottom) && (this._top = 0); isNaN(this._left) || (this._left += t); isNaN(this._right) || (this._right -= t); isNaN(this._top) || (this._top += e); isNaN(this._bottom) || (this._bottom -= e); this.applyBounds(); this.applyConstraints(); }; a.prototype.resizeBy = function(t, e, i, n) { if (t) { isNaN(this._width) && (this._width = this.dom.offsetWidth); this._width = Math.max(i || 0, this._width + t); } if (e) { isNaN(this._height) && (this._height = this.dom.offsetHeight); this._height = Math.max(n || 0, this._height + e); } this.applyBounds(); this.applyConstraints(); this.fire("jx:resize"); return this; }; a.prototype.setVisible = function(t) { "none" != t && "block" != t || (this.useDisplay = !0); "none" != t && "hidden" != t && "false" != t && t ? this.show() : this.hide(); return this; }; a.prototype.isVisible = function() { var t = this.dom.style; return this.useDisplay ? "none" != t.display : "visible" == t.visibility; }; a.prototype.show = function() { var t = this.dom.style; if (this.useDisplay) { if (t.display != (this._initialDisplay || "block")) { t.display = this._initialDisplay || "block"; this.fire("show"); } } else if ("visible" != t.visibility) { t.visibility = "visible"; this.fire("show"); } return this; }; a.prototype.hide = function() { var t = this.dom.style; if (this.useDisplay) { if ("none" != t.display) { this._initialDisplay = "none" != t.display && t.display; t.display = "none"; this.fire("hide"); } } else if ("hidden" != t.visibility) { t.visibility = "hidden"; this.fire("hide"); } return this; }; a.prototype.toggle = function() { return this.isVisible() ? this.hide() : this.show(); }; a.prototype.getXY = function() { var t, e, i = this.dom.offsetParent; t = this.dom.offsetLeft; e = this.dom.offsetTop; for (;i; ) { t += i.offsetLeft; e += i.offsetTop; i = i.offsetParent; } return [ t, e ]; }; a.prototype.getFixedXY = function() { var t, e, i = this.dom, n = this.dom.ownerDocument, o = n.documentElement, r = n.defaultView || i.parentWindow || !1, a = { top: 0, left: 0 }, s = o.clientTop || 0, _ = o.clientLeft || 0, l = r.pageYOffset || o.scrollTop, d = r.pageXOffset || o.scrollLeft; "getBoundingClientRect" in i && (a = i.getBoundingClientRect()); e = a.top + l - s; t = a.left + d - _; return [ t, e ]; }; a.prototype.setOpacity = function(t) { t = Math.max(Math.min(t, 1), 0); _.isIE < 9 ? this.dom.style.filter = (this.dom.style.filter || "").replace(/progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha\([^\)]*\),? ?/gi, "") + (t >= 1 ? 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return this; }; }(y[S]); t.exports = a; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { H("UIController init"); oe.mobile && oe.popout && Jt(); Qt(); o(); ae.userShowBadgeOrWindow = h; ae.userShowWindow = f; ae.userHideWindow = g; ae.userHideBanner = p; ae.userHideBubble = m; ae.userDismissMobileNotification = se; ae.userReplyMobileNotification = $; ae.showWindow = b; ae.hideWindow = w; ae.toggleWindow = x; ae.showBanner = v; ae.hideBanner = y; ae.showButton = j; ae.hideButton = C; ae.showMobileNotification = T; ae.hideMobileNotification = N; ae.disableMobileNotifications = B; ae.hideAll = S; ae.showBubble = A; ae.hideBubble = k; ae.resetBubble = I; ae.setWindowUserHidden = E; ae.setBannerUserHidden = O; ae.setBubbleUserHidden = L; ae.resetBubbleUserHidden = W; ae.setHideWhenOffline = P; ae.mobileNotificationsIgnoreChatButtonVisibility = D; ae.showMenu = R; ae.showProfileMenu = F; ae.getAPIState = M; ae.resetState = z; } function o() { nt = !1; U = Zt.root; G = U.$("livechat"); Y = G.$("settings"); X = Y.$("theme"); Z = G.$("ui"); K = Z.$("chat_window"); Q = Z.$("chat_button"); Et = G.$("profile").$("logged_in$bool"); Ot = G.$("profile").$("auth").$("type$string"); Lt = Y.$("login").$("allowed_types_count$int"); Wt = G.$("settings").$("login").$("restrict_profile$bool"); Bt = K.$("menu_stack_name$string"); Dt = K.$("profile_menu").$("index$int"); J = Z.$("popout$bool"); tt = Z.$("mobile$bool"); et = Z.$("mockup$bool"); it = Z.$("mobile_overlay$bool"); Ht = Z.$("current_display$string"); Vt = Z.$("previous_display$string"); V(J, "popout", function() { l(); _(); }); V(tt, "mobile", function() { l(); _(); }); V(it, "mobile_overlay", _); V(et, "mockup"); ft = U.$("connection").$("message$string"); V(ft, "connection_message", _); gt = U.$("connection").$("status$string"); V(gt, "connection_status", function() { r(); _(); }); pt = G.$("account").$("status$string"); V(pt, "account_status", function() { l(); _(); }); mt = G.$("channel").$("chatting$bool"); It = Z.$("chat_window").$("pre_chat_form").$("submitted$bool"); V(mt, "chatting", function() { r(); _(); }); $t = G.$("channel").$("served$bool"); V($t, "chat_served", _); bt = Y.$("behavior").$("do_not_display$bool"); wt = Y.$("banner").$("enabled$bool"); vt = Y.$("bubble").$("enabled$bool"); Ct = Y.$("chat_button").$("hide_when_offline$bool"); St = K.$("user_hidden$bool"); At = K.$("user_hidden_banner$bool"); kt = K.$("user_hidden_bubble$bool"); xt = X.$("chat_window").$("use_banner$bool"); jt = Q.$("bubble").$("display$bool"); yt = X.$("chat_button").$("use_bubble$bool"); V(bt, "do_not_display", _); V(wt, "banner_enabled", _); V(vt, "bubble_enabled", _); V(Ct, "hide_when_offline", _); V(St, "chat_window_user_hidden", _); V(At, "banner_user_hidden", _); V(kt, "bubble_user_hidden", l); V(xt, "use_banner", _); V(jt, "bubble_display", l); V(yt, "use_bubble", l); Tt = G.$("settings").$("forms").$("pre_chat_form").$("required$bool"); Tt.bindValue(a); It.bindValue(a); Pt = Q.$("display$bool"); Rt = K.$("display$bool"); Ft = K.$("main_stack_name$string"); Mt = Z.$("chat_notification").$("display$bool"); Pt.bindValue(s); Rt.bindValue(s); Ft.bindValue(s); Mt.bindValue(s); nt = !0; } function r() { if (oe.chatting && oe.connection_status == ie.REATTACHED) { H("UIController: setting pre_chat_form_submitted to true"); It.update(!0); } } function a() { var t = Tt.getValue(), e = It.getValue(), i = t && !e; if (i != Nt) { Nt = i; _(); } } function s() { var t, e, i = Pt.getValue(), n = Rt.getValue(), o = Ft.getValue(), r = Mt.getValue(); t = Gt(i) && Gt(n) && Gt(r) ? te.UNDEFINED : n ? o == ee.NEW_CHAT_FORM ? te.BANNER : te.WINDOW : i ? te.BUTTON : r ? te.NOTIFICATION : te.NONE; e = o; if (t != qt || e != zt) { qt = t; zt = e; _(); } } function _() { function t() { if (Nt) { q(e, "pre_chat_form_required"); u([ ee.PRE_CHAT_OFFLINE_FORM ]); } else { q(e, "!pre_chat_form_required"); u([ ee.CHAT_PANEL, ee.AGENT_LIST, ee.CARD_FORM, ee.POST_CHAT_FORM, ee.ABOUT_PANEL, ee.COOKIE_FORM ]); } } if (nt) if (_t) H("UIController update: abort - display settings updating"); else if (at) H("UIController update: abort - api updating"); else if (st) H("UIController update: abort - user updating"); else if (ot) H("UIController update: abort - updating loop"); else { ot = !0; var e = []; if (oe.account_status == ne.BANNED) { q(e, ne.BANNED); if (oe.popout) { q(e, "popout"); d(te.WINDOW); u([ ee.PRE_CHAT_OFFLINE_FORM ]); } else { q(e, "!popout"); d(te.UNDEFINED); } } else if (re.api_display && re.api_stack) q(e, "api_display && api_stack"); else if (!oe.do_not_display || oe.popout || re.api_display || oe.chatting || qt != te.UNDEFINED) if (!oe.mobile || oe.mobile_overlay || oe.popout) { if (oe.connection_status == ie.COOKIE_LAW) { q(e, "cookie_law"); if (re.api_display) q(e, "api_display"); else if (qt == te.NONE) q(e, "none"); else if (oe.popout) { q(e, "popout"); d(te.WINDOW); } else { q(e, "!popout"); if (qt == te.UNDEFINED) { q(e, "undefined"); d(te.BUTTON); } else q(e, "!undefined"); } u([ ee.COOKIE_FORM ]); } else if (oe.connection_status == ie.REGISTERED || oe.connection_status == ie.REATTACHED || oe.connection_message == ie.FAST_INIT) { q(e, "registered/reattached/fast_init"); if (oe.chatting) { q(e, "chatting"); if (re.api_display) { q(e, "api_display"); if (oe.mobile_overlay && (qt === te.BUTTON || re.mobile_notifications_ignore_chat_button_visibility && qt !== te.WINDOW) && ut) { q(e, "overlay && (displaying button || ignoring chat button visibility && not displaying window) && has mobile notification"); d(te.NOTIFICATION); } else { q(e, "!overlay || !displaying button && !(ignoring chat button visibility && not displaying window) || !has mobile notification"); if (qt !== te.NOTIFICATION || ut) q(e, "!displaying notification || has mobile notification"); else { q(e, "displaying notification && !has mobile notification"); d(re.api_display); } } } else { q(e, "!api_display"); if (oe.mobile_overlay) { q(e, "overlay"); if (oe.chat_window_user_hidden) { q(e, "user hidden"); if (ut) { q(e, "has mobile notification"); d(te.NOTIFICATION); } else { q(e, "!has mobile notification"); d(te.BUTTON); } } else { q(e, "!user hidden"); if (dt) { q(e, "user_shown_window_before"); d(te.WINDOW); } else { q(e, "!user_shown_window_before"); if (ut) { q(e, "has mobile notification"); d(te.NOTIFICATION); } else { q(e, "!has mobile notification"); d(te.BUTTON); } } } } else { q(e, "!overlay"); if (oe.chat_window_user_hidden) { q(e, "user hidden"); if (oe.popout) { q(e, "popout"); d(te.WINDOW); } else { q(e, "!popout"); if (qt == te.UNDEFINED) { q(e, "undefined"); d(te.BUTTON); } else q(e, "!undefined"); } } else { q(e, "!user hidden"); d(te.WINDOW); } } } u(oe.chat_served ? [ ee.CHAT_PANEL, ee.AGENT_LIST, ee.CARD_FORM, ee.ABOUT_PANEL, ee.RATING_PANEL, ee.COOKIE_FORM ] : [ ee.CHAT_PANEL, ee.AGENT_LIST, ee.CARD_FORM, ee.ABOUT_PANEL, ee.COOKIE_FORM ]); } else if (oe.account_status == ne.ONLINE || oe.account_status == ne.AWAY) { q(e, "online/away"); if (re.api_display) { q(e, "api_display"); t(); } else if (oe.popout || qt == te.WINDOW) { q(e, "popout/window"); if (oe.popout) { q(e, "popout"); d(te.WINDOW); } else q(e, "window"); t(); } else if (qt == te.NONE) q(e, "none"); else if (oe.banner_enabled && oe.use_banner) { q(e, "show banner"); switch (qt) { case te.UNDEFINED: q(e, "none"); if (oe.banner_user_hidden) { q(e, "user hidden"); d(te.BUTTON); } else { q(e, "!user hidden"); d(te.BANNER); } break; case te.BUTTON: q(e, "button"); if (oe.banner_user_hidden) q(e, "user hidden"); else { q(e, "!user hidden"); d(te.BANNER); } break; case te.BANNER: q(e, "banner"); } } else { q(e, "!show banner"); if (qt === te.BUTTON) q(e, "button"); else { q(e, qt); d(te.BUTTON); } } } else if (oe.account_status == ne.OFFLINE) { q(e, ne.OFFLINE); if (re.api_display) q(e, "api_display"); else if (oe.popout) { q(e, "popout"); d(te.WINDOW); } else if (qt == te.NONE) q(e, "none"); else if (oe.hide_when_offline) { q(e, "hide when offline"); d(te.UNDEFINED); } else { q(e, "!hide when offline"); if (qt == te.WINDOW) q(e, "window"); else { q(e, "!window"); d(te.BUTTON); } } u([ ee.PRE_CHAT_OFFLINE_FORM ]); } } } else { q(e, "mobile"); if (re.api_display) q(e, "api_display"); else { q(e, "!api_display"); if (qt == te.NONE) q(e, "none"); else { q(e, "!none"); if (oe.do_not_display || oe.account_status == ne.OFFLINE && oe.hide_when_offline) { q(e, "do_not_display || (account_status == offline && hide_when_offline)"); if (oe.chatting) { q(e, "chatting"); d(te.BUTTON); } else { q(e, "!chatting"); d(te.UNDEFINED); } } else { q(e, "!(do_not_display || (account_status == offline && hide_when_offline))"); d(te.BUTTON); } } } } else q(e, "do not display, !popout, !api_display"); H("UIController update: " + (e.join(" > ") || "no path")); ot = !1; } else H("UIController update: abort - binding not complete"); } function l() { if (nt) if (lt) H("UIController Bubble update: abort - bubble settings updating"); else if (at) H("UIController Bubble update: abort - api updating"); else if (st) H("UIController Bubble update: abort - user updating"); else if (rt) H("UIController Bubble update: abort - updating loop"); else { rt = !0; var t = []; if (oe.mobile || oe.popout) { q(t, "mobile || popout"); c(!1); } else { q(t, "!mobile && !popout"); if (oe.use_bubble) { q(t, "use_bubble"); if (re.api_bubble) q(t, "bubble_api"); else { q(t, "!bubble_api"); if (oe.bubble_enabled) { q(t, "bubble_enabled"); if (oe.account_status == ne.ONLINE || oe.account_status == ne.AWAY) { q(t, "online || away"); if (oe.bubble_user_hidden) { q(t, "user_hidden_bubble"); c(!1); } else { q(t, "!user_hidden_bubble"); if (Gt(oe.bubble_display)) { q(t, "undefined"); c(!0); } else q(t, "!undefined"); } } else { q(t, ne.OFFLINE); c(void 0); } } else { q(t, "!bubble_enabled"); c(!1); } } } else { q(t, "!use_bubble"); c(void 0); } } H("UIController Bubble update: " + (t.join(" > ") || "no path")); rt = !1; } else H("UIController Bubble update: abort - binding not complete"); } function d(t) { H("UIController setDisplay: " + t); ct = Rt.getValue(); _t = !0; var e = Ht.getValue(); if (e !== t) { Vt.update(e); Ht.update(t); } switch (t) { case te.UNDEFINED: Pt.update(void 0); Rt.update(void 0); Mt.update(void 0); break; case te.NONE: Pt.update(!1); Rt.update(!1); Mt.update(!1); break; case te.BUTTON: Pt.update(!0); Rt.update(!1); Mt.update(!1); break; case te.BANNER: if (Ft.getValue() != ee.NEW_CHAT_FORM) { ht = Ft.getValue(); Ft.update(ee.NEW_CHAT_FORM); } Pt.update(!1); Rt.update(!0); Mt.update(!1); break; case te.NOTIFICATION: Pt.update(!1); Rt.update(!1); Mt.update(!0); break; case te.WINDOW: if (Ft.getValue() == ee.NEW_CHAT_FORM) { u(ht ? [ ht ] : [ ee.PRE_CHAT_OFFLINE_FORM, ee.CHAT_PANEL, ee.POST_CHAT_FORM, ee.COOKIE_FORM, ee.CARD_FORM, ee.AGENT_LIST, ee.RATING_PANEL ]); ht = null; } Pt.update(!1); Mt.update(!1); Rt.update(!0); } at || (ct && t != te.WINDOW ? ae.fire("API:window:hide") : ct || t != te.WINDOW || ae.fire("API:window:show")); _t = !1; } function u(t) { if (t && t.length) { -1 == Yt(zt, t) && Ft.update(t[0]); } } function c(t) { H("UIController setBubble: " + t); lt = !0; jt.update(t); lt = !1; } function h() { if (!oe.mobile) { st = !0; var t = Ft.getValue(); d(oe.banner_enabled && t == ee.NEW_CHAT_FORM && oe.use_banner ? te.BANNER : te.WINDOW); re.api_display = !1; re.api_stack = !1; st = !1; _(); } } function f() { if ((!oe.mobile || oe.mobile_overlay) && qt != te.WINDOW) { st = !0; St.update(!1); dt = !0; d(te.WINDOW); re.api_display = !1; re.api_stack = !1; st = !1; _(); } } function g() { if ((!oe.mobile || oe.mobile_overlay) && qt != te.BUTTON) { st = !0; ae.setWindowUserHidden(); d(oe.do_not_display ? te.NONE : te.BUTTON); re.api_display = !1; re.api_stack = !1; st = !1; _(); } } function p() { if (!oe.mobile && qt != te.BUTTON) { st = !0; ae.setBannerUserHidden(); d(oe.do_not_display ? te.NONE : te.BUTTON); re.api_display = !1; re.api_stack = !1; st = !1; _(); } } function m() { if (!oe.mobile) { st = !0; ae.setBubbleUserHidden(); c(!1); re.api_bubble = !1; st = !1; l(); } } function $() { ut = !1; f(); } function b() { H("API update: showWindow"); if (oe.mobile && !oe.mobile_overlay) Kt.openPopout(!0); else { at = !0; ut && (ut = !1); d(te.WINDOW); re.api_display = te.WINDOW; at = !1; _(); } } function w() { if (!oe.mobile || oe.mobile_overlay) { H("API update: hideWindow"); at = !0; if (oe.do_not_display) { d(te.NONE); re.api_display = te.NONE; } else { d(te.BUTTON); re.api_display = te.BUTTON; } at = !1; _(); } } function x() { if (!oe.mobile || oe.mobile_overlay) { H("API update: toggleWindow"); qt == te.WINDOW ? ae.hideWindow() : ae.showWindow(); } } function v() { if (!oe.mobile && oe.use_banner) { H("API update: showBanner"); at = !0; d(te.BANNER); re.api_display = te.BANNER; re.api_stack = te.BANNER; at = !1; _(); } } function y() { if (!oe.mobile) { H("API update: hideBanner"); at = !0; if (oe.do_not_display) { d(te.NONE); re.api_display = te.NONE; } else { d(te.BUTTON); re.api_display = te.BUTTON; } re.api_stack = !1; at = !1; _(); } } function j() { H("API update: showButton"); at = !0; d(te.BUTTON); re.api_display = te.BUTTON; at = !1; _(); } function C() { H("API update: hideButton"); at = !0; if (oe.mobile) { ut && (ut = !1); re.api_display = te.NONE; d(te.NONE); } else { re.api_display = te.WINDOW; d(te.WINDOW); } at = !1; _(); } function S() { H("API update: hideAll"); at = !0; d(te.NONE); re.api_display = te.NONE; ut && (ut = !1); at = !1; _(); } function A() { if (!oe.mobile) { H("API update: showBubble"); at = !0; c(!0); re.api_bubble = !0; at = !1; l(); } } function k() { if (!oe.mobile) { H("API update: hideBubble"); at = !0; c(!1); re.api_bubble = !0; at = !1; l(); } } function I() { if (!oe.mobile) { H("API update: resetBubble"); at = !0; ae.resetBubbleUserHidden(); c(!0); re.api_bubble = !0; at = !1; l(); } } function T() { if ((qt === te.BUTTON || re.mobile_notifications_ignore_chat_button_visibility && qt !== te.WINDOW) && !re.disable_mobile_notifications) { ut = !0; _(); } } function N() { ut = !1; _(); } function B(t) { Gt(t) && (t = !0); re.disable_mobile_notifications = t; } function D(t) { Gt(t) && (t = !0); re.mobile_notifications_ignore_chat_button_visibility = t; } function E() { St.update(!0); } function O() { At.update(!0); } function L() { kt.update(!0); } function W() { kt.update(!1); } function P(t) { Ct.update(t); } function R(t) { Bt.update(t); } function F() { if (!Wt.getValue()) { ae.showMenu("profile_menu"); Dt.update(Et.getValue() ? Ot.getValue() ? 1 : 2 : oe.mobile ? 2 : Lt.getValue() ? 0 : 2); } } function M() { return re; } function V(t, e, i) { t && Xt(t.bindValue) && t.bindValue(function(t) { if (oe[e] != t) { oe[e] = t; Xt(i) && i(); } }); } function H(t) {} function q(t, e) {} function z() { dt = void 0; ut = void 0; re = { api_display: !1, api_stack: !1, api_bubble: !1 }; } var U, G, Y, X, Z, K, Q, J, tt, et, it, nt, ot, rt, at, st, _t, lt, dt, ut, ct, ht, ft, gt, pt, mt, $t, bt, wt, xt, vt, yt, jt, Ct, St, At, kt, It, Tt, Nt, Bt, Dt, Et, Ot, Lt, Wt, Pt, Rt, Ft, Mt, Vt, Ht, qt, zt, Ut = i(14), Gt = i(25), Yt = i(31), Xt = i(20), Zt = i(6), Kt = i(70), Qt = i(355), Jt = i(354), te = { UNDEFINED: "undefined", NONE: "none", BUTTON: "button", BANNER: "banner", WINDOW: "window", NOTIFICATION: "notification" }, ee = { NEW_CHAT_FORM: "new_chat_form", PRE_CHAT_OFFLINE_FORM: "pre_chat_offline_form", CHAT_PANEL: "chat_panel", POST_CHAT_FORM: "post_chat_form", COOKIE_FORM: "cookie_form", CARD_FORM: "card_form", AGENT_LIST: "agent_list", ABOUT_PANEL: "about_panel", RATING_PANEL: "rating_panel" }, ie = { COOKIE_LAW: "cookie_law", REATTACHED: "reattached", REGISTERED: "registered", FAST_INIT: "fast_init" }, ne = { ONLINE: "online", AWAY: "away", OFFLINE: "offline", BANNED: "banned" }, oe = {}, re = { api_display: !1, api_stack: !1, api_bubble: !1 }, ae = Ut.extend({ init: n }), se = N; t.exports = ae; }, function(t, e) { var i = function(t) { return function(t, e) { return e ? null == t : void 0 === t; }; }(); t.exports = i; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { S = A = k = !1; I = []; T = []; N = []; B = []; D = []; E = []; O = []; W = {}; C = H.root; C.$("connection").$("status$string").bindValue(o); C.$("connection").$("message$string").bindValue(r); L = C.$("tmp").$("api_settings"); P = C.$("tmp").$("server_settings"); G.bindToConnectionStatus(C.$("connection").$("status$string")); R = window.zE ? "web_widget" : "standalone"; } function o(t) { if ("reattached" == t) { k = !0; _(); } else if ("registered" == t || "cookie_law" == t) { A = !0; s(); } } function r(t) { if ("fast_init" == t) { S = !0; a(); } } function a() { c(I); I.length = 0; c(B); } function s() { c(T); T.length = 0; c(D); } function _() { c(N); N.length = 0; c(E); } function l(t, e) { e && B.push(t); S ? h(t) : e || I.push(t); } function d(t, e) { e && D.push(t); A ? h(t) : e || T.push(t); } function u(t, e) { e && E.push(t); k ? h(t) : e || N.push(t); } function c(t) { if (t && F(t)) for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) h(t[e]); } function h(t) { var e = Z.call(arguments, 1); try { t.apply(null, e); } catch (e) { if (!window.console) return; if (!M(window.console.log)) return; var i = "Error in LiveChatAPI call", n = []; e.name && n.push(e.name); e.message && n.push(e.message); n.length && (i += ": " + n.join(" - ")); window.console.log(i); M(window.console.dir) && window.console.dir(e); window.console.log(t.toString()); } } function f(t) { return function() { var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); setTimeout(function() { t.apply(null, e); }, 0); }; } function g(t) { return K.test(t); } function p(t) { q.fullyExtend(W, t); L && L.update(W); } function m(t) { q.fullyDelete(W, t); if (L) { L.update(null); L.update(W); } } function $(t) { return t ? P.getValue(t) : P.getValue(); } function b(t, e) { O.push([ t, e ]); } function w() { return O; } function x() { var t; try { t = U.parse(V().get("api_calls")); } catch (t) {} return F(t) ? t : []; } function v() { return Y; } function y(t, e, i) { return z.rateLimit(t, { interval: i.interval, limit: i.limit, callback: function() { window.console && window.console.log && window.console.log(X.getPrefix() + ": " + e + " has been ratelimited. This call has been ignored."); } }); } function j(t) { G.increment("jsapi.usage", [ "source:" + R, "method:" + t ]); } var C, S, A, k, I, T, N, B, D, E, O, L, W, P, R, F = i(21), M = i(20), V = i(36), H = i(6), q = i(11), z = i(357), U = i(56), G = i(356), Y = "Zendesk Chat", X = { init: n, callNow: h, handleDelayed: c, callOnFastInit: l, callOnRegistered: d, callOnReattached: u, isHexColor: g, getCallbackCaller: f, saveAPISettings: p, resetAPISettings: m, getServerSettings: $, savePopoutAPICalls: b, getPopoutAPICalls: w, parseAPIFromQuery: x, getPrefix: v, rateLimit: y, instrument: j }, Z = Array.prototype.slice, K = /^#[0-9A-F]{6}$/i; t.exports = X; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_AbsolutePaddingContainer = i(164); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_AbsolutePaddingContainer, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { var t = i(6), e = i(9), n = t.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("mobile$bool").getValue(), o = c.setAbsPaddingBottom; c.setAbsPaddingBottom = function() { n || o.apply(c, arguments); }; !function() { e.mobile(c); e.tablet(c); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_AbsolutePaddingContainer.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": {}, "&.mobile": { margin: "0 auto", height: "auto", border: "none", maxWidth: "$$mobileMaxWidthS" }, "&.tablet": { maxWidth: "$$mobileMaxWidth" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_AbsolutePaddingContainer, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowContent" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e) { function i(t) { return "number" == typeof t; } t.exports = i; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "inner", "", [], { id: "inner", addClass: "scrollable_inner", container: "default" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { addClass: "scrollable_fixed_top" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { addClass: "scrollable_fixed_bottom" } ] ], { "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__inner"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } c.defaultPlacement = h; var f = function() { function t() { a && window.clearTimeout(a); a = window.setTimeout(e, 10); } function e() { a && window.clearTimeout(a); a = null; if (c.dom) { c[n() ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("scroll_top"); c[o() ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("scroll_bottom"); c[r() ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("scrollable"); } } function n() { return !h.getScrollTop(); } function o() { return h.getScrollTop() + h.getHeight() >= h.getScrollHeight(); } function r() { return h.getScrollHeight() > h.getHeight(); } var a, s = i(6), _ = i(9), l = s.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("theme_loaded$bool"), d = s.root.$$("livechat.ui.mobile$bool"); h.on("scroll", t); c.updateScrollStyles = t; c.getScrollHeight = function() { return h.getScrollHeight(); }; c.getScrollTop = function() { return h.getScrollTop(); }; c.getHeight = function() { return h.getHeight(); }; c.setScrollTop = function(t) { return h.setScrollTop(t); }; !function() { c.autobind(l, "value", t); t(); _.mobile(c); _.popout(c); _.windowSize(c, "sf_"); d.getValue() && c.addClass("mobile"); }(); }(); for (var g in f) c[g] = f[g]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self, .scrollable_inner": { position: "relative", "width, height": "100%" }, ".scrollable_inner": { overflowX: "hidden", overflowY: "auto", paddingBottom: "0 !important" }, ".scrollable_fixed_top, .scrollable_fixed_bottom": { position: "absolute", "left, right": 0, pointerEvents: "none" }, ".scrollable_fixed_top": { top: 0, height: "$$scrollableFrameTopHeight", background: "$$scrollableFrameTopBackground", backgroundColor: "$$scrollableFrameTopBackgroundColor" }, ".scrollable_fixed_bottom": { bottom: 0, height: "$$scrollableFrameBottomHeight", background: "$$scrollableFrameBottomBackground", backgroundColor: "$$scrollableFrameBottomBackgroundColor" }, "&.scroll_top .scrollable_fixed_top": { display: "none" }, "&.scroll_bottom .scrollable_fixed_bottom": { display: "none" }, "&.scroll .scrollable_inner": {}, "&.sf_small": { padding: "$$scrollableFramePaddingSmall", ".scrollable_inner": { padding: "$$scrollableFrameInnerPaddingSmall" } }, "&.sf_medium": { padding: "$$scrollableFramePaddingMedium", ".scrollable_inner": { padding: "$$scrollableFrameInnerPaddingMedium" } }, "&.sf_large": { padding: "$$scrollableFramePaddingLarge", ".scrollable_inner": { padding: "$$scrollableFrameInnerPaddingLarge" } }, "&.popout": { "@media only screen and (max-width: 300px)": { padding: "$$scrollableFramePaddingSmall", ".scrollable_inner": { padding: "$$scrollableFrameInnerPaddingSmall" } }, "@media only screen and (min-width: 300px) and (max-width: 500px)": { padding: "$$scrollableFramePaddingMedium", ".scrollable_inner": { padding: "$$scrollableFrameInnerPaddingMedium" } }, "@media only screen and (min-width: 500px)": { padding: "$$scrollableFramePaddingLarge", ".scrollable_inner": { padding: "$$scrollableFrameInnerPaddingLarge" } } }, "&.mobile": { borderBottom: "none", ".scrollable_inner": { padding: "10px" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_ScrollableFrame" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName = "span"; a.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(23); n.prototype = r(a.prototype); o(n, a, { fqname: "jx_ui_html_span" }); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e) { function i(t) { "use strict"; if (null == this) throw new TypeError(); var e = Object(this), i = e.length >>> 0; if (0 === i) return -1; var n = 0; if (arguments.length > 0) { n = Number(arguments[1]); n != n ? n = 0 : 0 != n && n != 1 / 0 && n != -1 / 0 && (n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n))); } if (n >= i) return -1; for (var o = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(i - Math.abs(n), 0); o < i; o++) if (o in e && e[o] === t) return o; return -1; } function n(t, e, i) { return o.call(e, t, i); } var o = Array.prototype.indexOf; "function" == typeof o && /\[native code\]/.test(o.toString()) || (o = i); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", addClass: "bottom" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { var t = i(9); !function() { t.mobile(c); t.windowSize(c, "bottom_"); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "absolute", "bottom, left": 0, width: "100%", textAlign: "center", "*overflow": "hidden", paddingTop: "$$margin", paddingBottom: 0, height: "$$bottomHeight", borderWidth: "$$bottomBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$bottomBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$bottomBorderColor", "&.bottom_padding_bottom": { paddingBottom: "$$margin", height: "$$bottomHeightBottomPadding" }, "&.bottom_small": { "paddingLeft, paddingRight": "10px" }, "&.bottom_medium": { "paddingLeft, paddingRight": "20px" }, "&.bottom_large": { "paddingLeft, paddingRight": "50px" } }, "&.note": { height: "auto", fontSize: "$$fontSizeXS", padding: "$$margin", borderWidth: "$$bottomNoteBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$bottomNoteBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$bottomNoteBorderColor" }, "&.padding_bottom": { height: "$$bottomHeightBottomPadding" }, "&.mobile": { position: "relative", padding: "$$margin", height: "auto" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_Bottom" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { m = O.throttle(r, 2e3); $ = O.debounce(a, 100); b = L.root.$("livechat"); w = b.$("channel"); x = w.$("chatting$bool"); y = w.$("log"); v = w.$("last_read"); S = b.$("profile").$("nick$string"); C = b.$("ui").$("chat_button").$("unread_count$int"); k = 0; N = 0; I = 0; T = []; w.on("value", function(t) { null === t && (D = B = void 0); }); S.on("value", function(t) { if (t && t !== A) { A && v.$(A).$("timestamp$int").un("value", l); A = t; v.$(t).$("timestamp$int").on("value", l); } }); x.on("value", d); y.on("value", function(t) { j = t; }); y.on("keys", o); } function o(t) { if (t && t.length && A) { for (var e, i, n, o, r = 0, a = t.length; r < a; r++) { e = j[t[r]]; if (e) { i = e.timestamp$int; n = e.type$string; o = e.nick$string; i > N && (N = i); switch (n) { case "chat.comment": w.update({ last_comment_ts$int: i }); break; case "chat.rating": w.update({ last_rating_ts$int: i }); break; case "chat.memberjoin": case "chat.join": W.isAgentNick(o) && u(i); break; case "chat.memberleave": W.isAgentNick(o) ? c(i) : f(); break; case "chat.mention": case "chat.msg": o != A && -1 === T.indexOf(i) && T.push(i); _(i, o, t[r]); default: W.isAgentNick(o) && 0 === k && u(i); } } } $(); } } function r() { x.getValue() && b.$("ui").$("chat").write({ read_ts$int: N }); } function a() { for (;T[0] <= I; ) T.shift(); C.update(T.length); } function s() { C.update(0); T = []; m(); } function _(t, e, i) { if (e != A) { if (!B) { B = t; w.update({ first_account_msg_id$string: i, first_account_msg_ts$int: t }); } } else if (!D) { D = t; w.update({ first_visitor_msg_ts$int: t }); } } function l(t) { if (!E(t, !0)) { I = t; N > 0 && $(); } } function d(t) { if (!1 === t) { s(); w.getValue("served$bool") && g(); } } function u(t) { k++; h(t); } function c(t) { k = Math.max(k - 1, 0); h(t); } function h(t) { if (0 === k) w.update({ last_agent_leave_ts$int: t }); else { 1 === k && w.update({ served$bool: !0 }); w.getValue("last_agent_leave_ts$int") && w.update({ last_agent_leave_ts$int: null }); } } function f() { g(); } function g() { k = 0; w.update({ served$bool: !1, first_visitor_msg_ts$int: null, first_account_msg_ts$int: null, first_account_msg_id$string: null, last_agent_leave_ts$int: null, last_comment_ts$int: null, last_rating_ts$int: null }); D = B = void 0; N = I = 0; T = []; } function p() { g(); A = void 0; } var m, $, b, w, x, v, y, j, C, S, A, k, I, T, N, B, D, E = i(25), O = i(34), L = i(6), W = i(11), P = { init: n, resetUnreadCount: s, updateUnreadCount: $, resetState: p }; t.exports = P; }, function(t, e) { function i(t, e) { function i() { s = !s; t.apply(o, n); } var n, o, r, a, s = !0; return function() { n = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); o = this; if (s) { a = setTimeout(function() { s = !0; }, e); return i(); } a && clearTimeout(a); r && clearTimeout(r); r = setTimeout(i, e); }; } function n(t, e) { function i() { t.apply(o, n); } var n, o, r; return function() { r && clearTimeout(r); n = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); o = this; r = setTimeout(i, e); }; } function o(t, e) { function i() { a = +new Date(); r = null; t.apply(o, n); } var n, o, r, a = 0; return function() { n = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); o = this; if (!r) { var t = +new Date() - a; t >= e ? i() : r = setTimeout(i, e - t); } }; } function r(t, e) { function i() { a = +new Date(); n = o.length > 1 ? setTimeout(i, e) : null; t.apply(r.shift(), o.shift()); } var n, o = [], r = [], a = 0; return function() { o.push(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); r.push(this); if (!n) { var t = +new Date() - a; t >= e ? i() : n = setTimeout(i, e - t); } }; } var a = { debounceExceptFirst: i, debounce: n, throttle: o, queue: r }; t.exports = a; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { return window.document.documentElement.clientWidth > window.document.documentElement.clientHeight; } function o(t) { } function r() { return y && p.test(v); } function a() { return y && /(iemobile|windows phone)/i.test(x); } function s() { return y && f.test(v) && !g.test(x); } function _() { var t = window.document.documentElement.clientWidth, e = window.document.documentElement.clientHeight, i = t / e > b, n = window.screen.width, o = window.screen.height; if (i && n < o) { n = window.screen.height; o = window.screen.width; } var r = window.innerWidth, _ = t / n; window.devicePixelRatio && s() && !d.isIOS ? _ *= window.devicePixelRatio : a() && (_ *= 1.5); var l = t / r / _; l = (l / j.MOBILE_ZOOM_ADDITIONAL).toFixed(2); return l; } function l() { var t = window, e = t.document.documentElement, i = t.document.body, n = null, o = { top: 0, left: 0 }; u(e.getBoundingClientRect) && (u(t.getComputedStyle) ? "relative" == t.getComputedStyle(i).position ? n = i : "relative" == t.getComputedStyle(e).position && (n = e) : i.currentStyle ? "relative" == i.currentStyle.position ? n = i : "relative" == e.currentStyle.position && (n = e) : "relative" == i.style.position ? n = i : "relative" == e.style.position && (n = e)); if (n) { var r = n.getBoundingClientRect(); o.top = r.top + t.pageYOffset - e.clientTop; o.left = r.left + t.pageXOffset - e.clientLeft; } return o; } var d = i(8), u = i(20), c = i(175), h = i(379), f = /google inc\./i, g = /chrome/i, p = /apple computer, inc\./i, m = /crios/i, $ = /OS ([_0-9]+) like Mac OS X/i, b = 1.45, w = c.getVariable("navigator"), x = w.userAgent || "", v = w.vendor || "", y = h(), j = { isMobileBrowser: y, isMobileWhitelist: function() { for (var t = !1, e = [ /(android (?:[2-9]|[1-9][0-9]+))|(iemobile\/(?![5-9]))|(ucbrowser)|(Webkit.+Chrome)|(ipod|iphone|ipad).+applewebkit.+(CriOS|Version\/[5-9]|Mobile)/i ], i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++) if (e[i].test(x)) { t = !0; break; } /android.+ucbrowser/i.test(x) && (t = !1); return t; }(), isMobileTablet: function() { var t, e = window.document.documentElement.clientWidth; t = n() ? e > C : e > S; return t; }(), isAndroid: function() { return y && f.test(v); }(), isIOS: r(), isWP: a(), isIEMobile: a(), isChromeIOSMobile: function() { return y && p.test(v) && m.test(x); }(), isSafariIOSMobile: function() { return y && p.test(v) && !m.test(x); }(), isChromeAndroidMobile: function() { return y && f.test(v) && g.test(x); }(), isOperaAndroidMobile: function() { return y && /(opera|opr).*android|android.*(opera|opr)/i.test(x); }(), isNativeAndroidMobile: s(), isUCBrowserMobile: function() { return y && /ucbrowser/i.test(x); }(), iOSVersion: function() { if (r()) { var t = x.match($); return t && parseFloat(t[1].split("_").slice(0, 2).join(".")); } }(), hideVirtualKeyboard: o, checkLandscape: n, getZoomLevel: _, getOffset: l, MOBILE_ZOOM_ADDITIONAL: 1.2 }, C = 640, S = 320; t.exports = j; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { if (!(this instanceof n)) { _ || n._initSingleton(window); return _; } if (t) return n.parseQuery(t); this.store = {}; } function o(t, e, i) { if (void 0 === e && void 0 === i) return t; void 0 === e && (e = "string"); if (!(e in s)) throw "invalid type requested"; return void 0 === t ? void 0 !== i ? i : s[e] : "boolean" === e ? a.test(t) : "integer" === e ? !0 === t ? 1 : parseInt(t, 10) : "float" === e ? !0 === t ? 1 : parseFloat(t) : t; } var r = i(21), a = /^(1|on|true)$/i, s = { boolean: !1, integer: 0, float: 0, string: "" }, _ = null; n._initSingleton = function(t) { _ = new n(t.location.search); }; n.buildQuery = function(t) { var e, i, n, o, a, s, _ = [], l = []; for (a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && _.push(a); _.sort(); for (e = 0, n = _.length; e < n; e++) { a = _[e]; s = t[a]; a = window.encodeURIComponent(a); if (r(s)) if (1 !== s.length || !0 !== s[0]) for (i = 0, o = s.length; i < o; i++) l.push(a + "=" + window.encodeURIComponent(s[i] + "")); else l.push(a); else l.push(a + "=" + window.encodeURIComponent(s + "")); } return l.join("&"); }; n.parseQuery = function(t) { var e, i, o = new n(); t = t.replace(/^\?|\/+$/g, ""); var r, a, s = t.split("&"); for (e = 0, i = s.length; e < i; e++) { var _ = s[e]; if (_.length) { var l = _.indexOf("="); if (l <= -1) { r = _; a = !0; } else { r = _.slice(0, l); a = window.decodeURIComponent(_.slice(l + 1)); } o.add(window.decodeURIComponent(r), a); } } return o; }; n.getHash = function(t, e) { var i = e || window.location.hash; return n.parseQuery(i.replace(/^#/, "")).get(t); }; var l = n.prototype; l.add = function(t, e) { this.has(t) ? this.store[t].push(e) : this.store[t] = [ e ]; }; l.has = function(t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.store, t); }; l.getLast = function(t, e, i) { return this.has(t) ? this.getAt(t, this.store[t].length - 1, e, i) : o(void 0, e, i); }; l.getFirst = function(t, e, i) { return this.getAt(t, 0, e, i); }; l.getAt = function(t, e, i, n) { return o(this.has(t) ? this.store[t][e] : void 0, i, n); }; l.getRaw = function(t) { return this.has(t) ? this.store[t].concat() : []; }; l.get = l.getLast; l.toString = function() { return n.buildQuery(this.store); }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", type: "button" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { var t = i(9); !function() { t.mobile(c); t.rtl(c); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { background: "transparent", border: "none", position: "relative", width: "100%", overflow: "hidden", cursor: "pointer", "*zoom": 1, textAlign: "left", padding: "$$menuItemPadding", "*": { cursor: "pointer" } }, "&.rtl": { textAlign: "right" }, "&:hover": { background: "$$menuItemHoverBg" }, "&.mobile": { borderTopWidth: "$$menuBorderWidth", borderTopStyle: "$$menuBorderStyle", borderTopColor: "$$menuBorderColor" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_menu_Item" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, a) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, a); if (!n.__jx__jcss_generated) { r.generate(this, n.prototype.__jx__fqname, n.__jx__jcss, null, n); n.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } s.call(this, t, e, i, o, a); } var o = i(1), r = i(3), a = i(0), s = i(7); n.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { lineHeight: "1.2", marginBottom: "$$marginL" }, "&.short": { marginBottom: "0" } }; n.prototype = a(s.prototype); o(n, s, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_Body" }); n.prototype.__jx__super = s; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Branding = i(89); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "container_and_brand_wrapper", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "$$defaultplacement$$", "", [], { container: "default", addClass: "container", id: "$$defaultplacement$$" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Branding, "branding", "", [], { id: "branding", addClass: "chat_window_panel_branding", hideOnDesktop: "true" } ] ], { id: "container_and_brand_wrapper", addClass: "container_and_brand_wrapper" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__container_and_brand_wrapper"), f = s.get(o + "__$$defaultplacement$$"), g = s.get(o + "__branding"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } c.defaultPlacement = f; var p = function() { function t() { var i; if (v) { i = "free_flow_with_fixed_titlebar_layout"; if (d.isStyleSupported("overflow-scrolling")) { e(); l(h); } } else i = w ? "free_flow_layout" : "full_frame_layout"; if (i !== t.lastClassName) { c.removeClass(t.lastClassName); c.addClass(i); t.lastClassName = i; } } function e() { function t() { h.setCSSStyle("webkitOverflowScrolling", "auto"); setTimeout(function() { h.setCSSStyle("webkitOverflowScrolling", "touch"); }, 50); } c.autobind(b.$("chat_window").$("display$bool"), "value", function(e) { e && t(); }); } function n() { var t; t = o ? "cwp_mini" : w || x ? "cwp_full" : "cwp_" + y.getValue(); if (t !== n.lastClassName) { c.removeClass(n.lastClassName); c.addClass(t); n.lastClassName = t; } } var o, r = i(31), a = i(12), s = i(6), _ = i(9), l = i(359), d = i(11), u = i(169), f = i(167), p = i(166), m = i(353), $ = s.root, b = $.$("livechat").$("ui"), w = b.getValue("mobile$bool"), x = b.getValue("popout$bool"), v = b.getValue("mobile_overlay$bool"), y = $.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").$("size$string"); c.setTitleBar = function(t) { if (!c.titleBar) { var e = t.split(","); if (-1 == r("none", e)) { c.titleBar = new u(c); c.addClass("has_title_bar"); for (var i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++) switch (e[i]) { case "hidePopout": c.titleBar.setHidePopout(!0); } } else { c.titleBar = !0; c.removeClass("has_title_bar"); } } }; c.getDraggableNode = function() { return c.titleBar instanceof u ? c.titleBar : null; }; c.setActionBar = function(t) { if (!c.actionBar) { var e = t.split(","); if (-1 == r("none", e)) if (w) { if (-1 != r("default", e)) { c.actionBar = new p(c); c.actionBar.addClass("mobile_options_menu_icon"); } } else { c.addClass("has_action_bar_at_bottom"); -1 != r("default", e) ? c.actionBar = new m(c) : c.actionBar = new f(c); } else { c.actionBar = !0; c.removeClass("has_action_bar_at_bottom"); } } }; c.setMiniSize = function(t) { o = a(t); n(); }; c.setHideBrandingMobile = function(t) { t = a(t); w && t ? g.addClass("hidden") : g.removeClass("hidden"); }; !function() { _.rtl(c); c.autobind(y, "value", n); t(); }(); }(); for (var m in p) c[m] = p[m]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "relative", margin: "$$chatWindowPanelMargin" }, ".container": { position: "relative", background: "$$windowContentBg", borderWidth: "$$windowContentBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$windowContentBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$windowContentBorderColor" }, ".mobile_options_menu_icon": { position: "absolute", zIndex: "102" }, ".chat_window_panel_branding": { display: "block", padding: "5px", margin: "10px 0", textAlign: "center", "&.hidden": { display: "none !important" } }, ".container_and_brand_wrapper": { "width, height": "100%" }, "&.full_frame_layout": { overflow: "hidden", "width, height": "100%", ".container": { "width, height": "100%", overfow: "hidden" } }, "&.free_flow_layout": { overflow: "auto", "width, height": "auto", ".container": { "width, height": "auto" } }, "&.free_flow_with_fixed_titlebar_layout": { overflow: "hidden", "width, height": "100%", ".container_and_brand_wrapper": { overflow: "auto", "-webkit-overflow-scrolling": "touch" }, ".container": { "width, height": "auto" } }, "&.has_title_bar": { paddingTop: "$$titleBarHeight" }, "&.has_action_bar_at_bottom": { paddingBottom: "$$actionBarHeight" }, "&.cwp_small": { width: "$$windowSmallWidth", height: "$$windowSmallHeight" }, "&.cwp_medium": { width: "$$windowMediumWidth", height: "$$windowMediumHeight" }, "&.cwp_large": { width: "$$windowLargeWidth", height: "$$windowLargeHeight" }, "&.cwp_full": { "width, height": "100%" }, "&.cwp_mini": { width: "$$windowMiniWidth", height: "$$windowMiniHeight" }, "&.ltr": { ".mobile_options_menu_icon": { "top, left": 0 } }, "&.rtl": { ".mobile_options_menu_icon": { "top, right": 0 } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { c = b.root; h = c.$("livechat").$("settings").$("cookie_law"); f = h.$("enabled$bool"); g = c.$("livechat").$("profile"); p = g.$("allow_cookies$bool"); var t = $.getAllowCookieLaw(); "boolean" == typeof t && g.write({ allow_cookies$bool: t }); } function o() { c.$("connection").$("status$string").getValue() ? window.console && window.console.log && window.console.log("Zendesk Chat: Cookie Law mode must be enabled immediately after embedding script") : h.write({ enabled$bool: !0 }); } function r(t) { t = m(t); var e = s(), i = _(); if (t !== e) { $.setAllowCookieLaw(t); g.write({ allow_cookies$bool: t }); if (a()) { !1 === t && b.livechat.clearAll(); t !== i && b.livechat.reconnect(); } } } function a() { return !!f.getValue(); } function s() { return p.getValue(); } function _() { var t = s(); return "boolean" != typeof t || t; } function l() { var t = a(), e = _(); return t && !1 === e; } function d() { "boolean" != typeof s() && r(!1); } function u() { if (x.isCookieDenied()) { var t = w.cookie_law.request_use_cookies_golion + "\n\n" + w.cookie_law.privacy_policy + ": https://www.zendesk.com/privacy"; if (window.confirm(t)) { x.setUserChoice(!0); return !0; } return !1; } return !0; } var c, h, f, g, p, m = i(12), $ = i(93), b = i(6), w = i(10), x = { init: n, enableCookieLaw: o, setUserChoice: r, isCookieDenied: l, setDefaultImplicitConsent: d, requestPermission: u }; t.exports = x; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName || (r.tagName = "form"); r.method || (r.method = "post"); s.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); this.on("submit", function(t) { this.validate() || t.preventDefault(); }); this.on("reset", function(t) { t.preventDefault(); this.reset(); }); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(12), s = i(7); n.prototype = r(s.prototype); o(n, s, { fqname: "jx_ui_Form" }); n.prototype.submit = function() { this.dom.submit(); return this; }; n.prototype.reset = function() { for (var t = this.getElements(), e = 0; e < t.length; e++) t[e].reset && t[e].reset(); return this; }; n.prototype.getElements = function() { for (var t = [], e = 0, i = this.dom.elements.length; e < i; e++) t.push(this.dom.elements[e].jx_wrapper || this.dom.elements[e]); return t; }; n.prototype.getAutocomplete = n.prototype.getAutoComplete = function() { return this.dom.autocomplete; }; n.prototype.setAutocomplete = n.prototype.setAutoComplete = function(t) { if (void 0 === this.dom.autocomplete) return this; var e = ""; if ("boolean" == typeof t) { this.dom.autocomplete = t ? "on" : "off"; return this; } switch (t) { case "false": e = "off"; break; case "true": e = "on"; break; default: e = t; } this.dom.autocomplete = e; return this; }; n.prototype.getNoValidate = function() { return this.dom.noValidate; }; n.prototype.setNoValidate = function(t) { this.dom.noValidate = a(t); return this; }; n.prototype.getMethod = function() { return this.dom.method; }; n.prototype.setMethod = function(t) { this.dom.method = t; return this; }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, a) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, a); a || (a = {}); a.tagName || (a.tagName = "input"); d.call(this, t, e, i, o, a); if (r.engineIE <= 8 && a.type && a.tagName && "input" == a.tagName.toLowerCase()) { var s = this.parentNode; this.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode instanceof c ? this : this.dom); this.dom = t.doc.createElement("<" + a.tagName + ' type="' + a.type + '" name="' + (a.name || "") + '"/>'); this.dom.jx_wrapper = this; this.style = this.dom.style; s.appendChild(s instanceof c ? this : this.dom); this.setStyle(i); this.setAttributes(a); this.addClass(this.__jx__fqname); } a.initialValue && this.setValue(a.initialValue); this.setAttribute("id", this.jx_id); a.label && this.setLabel(a.label); a.errorMessage && this.setErrorMessage(a.errorMessage); this.on("blur", function() { this.onAutoValidate(); }); } var o = i(1), r = i(8), a = i(0), s = i(12), _ = i(31), l = i(19), d = i(7), u = i(41), c = i(23), h = /^[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+([a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])$/i, f = /^(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/)(?:\S+(?::\S*)?@)?(?:(?!10(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!127(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})(?!169\.254(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!192\.168(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff]{2,})))(?::\d{2,5})?(?:\/[^\s]*)?$/i, g = { required: 1, pattern: 2, maxlength: 4, min: 8, max: 16, step: 32 }, p = { button: 1, checkbox: 1, email: 7, hidden: 0, number: 57, password: 3, radio: 1, range: 25, reset: 0, search: 7, select: 1, submit: 0, tel: 7, text: 63, textarea: 1, url: 7 }; n.prototype = a(d.prototype); o(n, d, { fqname: "jx_ui_Input" }); n.prototype.getLabel = function() { return this.label && this.label.getText(); }; n.prototype.setLabel = function(t) { t && this.createLabel(t); this.label && this.label.setText(t); return this; }; n.prototype.createLabel = function(t) { if (this.label instanceof c) return this; if (!this.dom.parentNode) return this; this.label = new l(this.parentNode, null, null, null, { tagName: "label" }); this.getNextSibling() != this.label && this.parentNode.insertBefore(this.label, this.getNextSibling()); this.label.setAttribute("for", this.jx_id || ""); this.label.addClass("label"); this.label.addClass(this.attributes.type || this.getInputType() || ""); this.label.setText(t || this.attributes.label || ""); this.defaultLabel = !0; return this; }; n.prototype.getLabelElement = function() { return this.label; }; n.prototype.setLabelElement = function(t) { if (!(t instanceof c)) return this; this.defaultLabel && this.label.destroy(); this.label = t; this.label.setAttribute("for", this.jx_id || ""); this.defaultLabel = !1; return this; }; n.prototype.getErrorMessage = function() { return this.errorMessage && this.errorMessage.getText(); }; n.prototype.setErrorMessage = function(t) { t && this.createErrorMessage(t); this.errorMessage && this.errorMessage.setText(t); return this; }; n.prototype.showErrorMessage = function() { this.errorMessage && this.errorMessage.setVisible(!0).setDisplay(""); return this; }; n.prototype.hideErrorMessage = function() { this.errorMessage && this.errorMessage.setVisible(!1); return this; }; n.prototype.createErrorMessage = function(t) { if (this.errorMessage instanceof c) return this; if (!this.dom.parentNode) return this; this.errorMessage = new l(this.parentNode, null, null, null, { tagName: "label" }); (this.label ? this.label.getNextSibling() : this.getNextSibling()) != this.errorMessage && this.parentNode.insertBefore(this.errorMessage, this.label ? this.label.getNextSibling() : this.getNextSibling()); this.errorMessage.setAttribute("for", this.jx_id || ""); this.errorMessage.addClass("error_message"); this.errorMessage.addClass(this.attributes.type || this.getInputType() || ""); this.setErrorMessage(t || this.attributes.errorMessage || ""); this.hideErrorMessage(); this.defaultErrorMessage = !0; return this; }; n.prototype.getErrorMessageElement = function() { return this.errorMessage; }; n.prototype.setErrorMessageElement = function(t) { if (!(t instanceof c)) return this; this.defaultErrorMessage && this.errorMessage.destroy(); this.errorMessage = t; this.errorMessage.setAttribute("for", this.jx_id || ""); this.defaultErrorMessage = !1; return this; }; n.prototype.validate = function(t) { var e = this.getInputType(), i = this.getValue(), n = p[e], o = this.dom, r = (!(n & g.required) || !o.required || "" !== (i || "").trim() && null != i) && (!(n & g.pattern) || !o.pattern || new RegExp(o.pattern).test(i)) && (!(n & g.maxlength) || !(o.maxLength && o.maxLength >= 0) || i.length <= o.maxLength) && (!(n & g.min) || !o.min || parseFloat(i) >= parseFloat(o.min)) && (!(n & g.max) || !o.max || parseFloat(i) <= parseFloat(o.max)) && ("email" != e || (o.required ? h.test(i) : "" === i || h.test(i))) && ("url" != e || (o.required ? f.test(i) : "" === i || f.test(i))); !r && t && this.focus(); this.setValidity(r); return r; }; n.prototype.getValidity = function() { return this.validity; }; n.prototype.setValidity = function(t) { this.validity = s(t); this.validity ? (this.hideErrorMessage(), this.addClass("valid"), this.removeClass("invalid")) : (this.showErrorMessage(), this.removeClass("valid"), this.addClass("invalid")); return this; }; n.prototype.getAutoValidate = function() { return this.autoValidate; }; n.prototype.setAutoValidate = function(t) { this.autoValidate = s(t); return this; }; n.prototype.onAutoValidate = function() { if (this.autoValidate && !this.getDisabled() && !this.getReadOnly()) return this.validate(); }; n.prototype.reset = function() { var t = this.getType(); if ("submit" == t || "reset" == t) return this; this.setValue(this.getInitialValue() || "").setValidity(!0); return this; }; var m = "textarea button select".split(" "); n.prototype.getInputType = function() { return -1 != _(this.tagName, m) ? this.tagName : this.getType(); }; n.prototype.getType = function() { return this.validationType || d.prototype.getType.call(this); }; n.prototype.setType = function(t) { this.validationType = t; d.prototype.setType.call(this, t); }; n.prototype.getInitialValue = function() { return r.engineIE <= 8 ? this._initialValue : this.dom.getAttribute("value"); }; n.prototype.setInitialValue = function(t) { r.engineIE <= 8 ? this._initialValue = t && (t.toString ? t.toString() : t) : this.setAttribute("value", t); return this; }; n.prototype.getRequired = function() { return this.dom.required; }; n.prototype.setRequired = function(t) { this.dom.required = s(t); return this; }; n.prototype.getPattern = function() { return this.dom.pattern; }; n.prototype.setPattern = function(t) { this.dom.pattern = t; return this; }; n.prototype.getMin = function() { return this.dom.min; }; n.prototype.setMin = function(t) { this.dom.min = t; return this; }; n.prototype.getMax = function() { return this.dom.max; }; n.prototype.setMax = function(t) { this.dom.max = t; return this; }; n.prototype.getMaxLength = function() { return this.dom.maxLength; }; n.prototype.setMaxLength = function(t) { this.dom.maxLength = parseInt(t, 10); return this; }; n.prototype.getStep = function() { return this.dom.step; }; n.prototype.setStep = function(t) { this.dom.step = t; return this; }; n.prototype.getMultiple = function() { return this.dom.multiple; }; n.prototype.setMultiple = function(t) { this.dom.multiple = s(t); return this; }; n.prototype.getAutocomplete = n.prototype.getAutoComplete = u.prototype.getAutocomplete; n.prototype.setAutocomplete = n.prototype.setAutoComplete = u.prototype.setAutocomplete; n.prototype.select = function() { this.dom.select && this.dom.select(); return this; }; n.prototype.getForm = function() { return this.dom.form && (this.dom.form.jx_wrapper || this.dom.form); }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName = "a"; a.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(23); n.prototype = r(a.prototype); o(n, a, { fqname: "jx_ui_html_a" }); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { f = t; } function o(t) { y = t ? $.getAuthServerURL(t) : $.AUTH_SERVER_URL; } function r(t) { c = t; } function a() { return c; } function s(t) { if (h) { +new Date() - h.issued_at >= h.expires_in - 6e4 ? b.authenticate(function(e) { if (e) { f && f.$("visitor").$("auth_status$string").update("failed"); t(e, null); } else t(null, h.id_token); }) : t(null, h.id_token); } else t(null, null); } function _() { c = void 0; h = void 0; f && f.$("visitor").$("authenticated$bool").update(!1); } function l() { return !!h; } function d(t) { c && c(p.once(function(e) { e && g(e) ? b.exchangeToken({ account_key: $.ACCOUNT_KEY, auth_url: y, site_jwt: e, state: h && h.state ? h.state : null }, function(e, i) { h = i; f && f.$("visitor").$("authenticated$bool").update(!e); t(e); }) : t({ reason: "invalid jwt in callback" }); })); } function u(t, e) { var i = new XMLHttpRequest(); i.open("POST", t.auth_url, !0); i.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); i.onload = function() { if (e) { var t; try { var n = i.response; if ("" === n) throw w; t = JSON.parse(n); } catch (t) { e({ reason: w }); return; } 200 === i.status ? e(void 0, { issued_at: +new Date(), id_token: t.id_token, expires_in: 1e3 * t.expires_in, state: t.state }) : e({ reason: v, details: t.details }); } }; i.onerror = function() { e && e({ reason: x }); }; var n = { account_key: t.account_key, token: t.site_jwt, format: "json" }; t.state && (n.state = t.state); var o = m.buildQuery(n); i.send(o); } var c, h, f, g = i(22), p = i(55), m = i(36), $ = i(18), b = { authenticate: d, isAuthenticated: l, getSiteJWTFunc: a, retrieveIDToken: s, clearIdentity: _, setOverrideHost: o, setSiteJWTFunc: r, setDataNode: n, exchangeToken: u }, w = "format error", x = "network/security error", v = "jwt verification error", y = $.AUTH_SERVER_URL; t.exports = b; }, function(t, e) { var i = { build_number: "20200610.071112", git_commit: "601daa14f698a0bbb0419d51239104835c2d640a", release_tag: "!ERR" }; t.exports = i; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { function a(e) { if (e) for (var i in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, i) && i in h && h[i](e[i], t); } if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); c.root.$("tmp").$("api_settings").$("settings").$("theme").$("custom_fonts").$("config$json").on("value", a); } function o(t, e) { for (var i = 0, n = t.urls.length; i < n; i++) d(e, null, null, null, { href: t.urls[i] }); } function r(t, e) { d(e, null, null, null, { href: l(t.families, t.text) }); } function a(t, e) { var i = t.projectId, n = t.version; new u(e, null, null, null, { src: "//fast.fonts.net/jsapi/" + i + ".js" + (n ? "?v=" + n : "") }); } function s(t, e) { var i = e.ownerDocument; 0 === i.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("script").length && new u(e); var n = t.api || "https://use.typekit.net"; !function(e) { var i, o = { kitId: t.id, scriptTimeout: 3e3 }, r = e.documentElement, a = setTimeout(function() { r.className = r.className.replace(/\bwf-loading\b/g, "") + " wf-inactive"; }, o.scriptTimeout), s = e.createElement("script"), _ = !1, l = e.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; r.className += " wf-loading"; s.src = n + "/" + o.kitId + ".js"; s.async = !0; s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = function() { i = this.readyState; if (!(_ || i && "complete" != i && "loaded" != i)) { _ = !0; clearTimeout(a); try { (e.defaultView ? e.defaultView : e.parentWindow).Typekit.load(o); } catch (t) {} } }; l.parentNode.insertBefore(s, l); }(i); } function _(t, e) { var i = window.location.hostname, n = t.id; new u(e, null, null, null, { src: "//f.fontdeck.com/s/css/js/" + i + "/" + n + ".js" }); } function l(t, e) { for (var i = "//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=", n = [], o = [], r = 0, a = t.length; r < a; r++) { var s = t[r].split(":"); 3 === s.length && o.push(s.pop().replace(/ /g, "+")); var _ = 2 == s.length && "" != s[1] ? ":" : ""; n.push(s.join(_).replace(/ /g, "+")); } i += n.join("%7C"); o.length > 0 && (i += "&subset=" + o.join(",")); e && e.length > 0 && (i += "&text=" + window.encodeURIComponent(e)); return i; } var d = i(253), u = i(252), c = i(6), h = { custom: o, google: r, monotype: a, typekit: s, fontdeck: _ }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { var t = i(9); !function() { t.mobile(c); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { padding: "5px 0", borderTopWidth: "$$menuBorderWidth", borderTopStyle: "$$menuBorderStyle", borderTopColor: "$$menuBorderColor", "*borderTop": "none", "*zoom": 1, "*position": "relative" }, "&:first-child": { borderTop: "none" }, "&.flow": { padding: "0", margin: "10px" }, "&.mobile": { padding: "0", borderTop: "0 none" }, "&.border_top": { borderTopWidth: "$$menuBorderWidth", borderTopStyle: "$$menuBorderStyle", borderTopColor: "$$menuBorderColor" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_menu_Section" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "primary", "", [], { id: "primary", addClass: "button_container left", container: "primary" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "secondary", "", [], { id: "secondary", addClass: "button_container right", container: "secondary" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { addClass: "clear_both" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__primary"), f = s.get(o + "__secondary"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var g = function() { function t() { var t = !!(e && e.rtl && e.rtl()), i = o != t; h.addClass(i ? "right" : "left"); h.removeClass(i ? "left" : "right"); f.addClass(i ? "left" : "right"); f.removeClass(i ? "right" : "left"); } var e = i(2), n = i(6), o = n.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("mobile$bool").getValue() || !1; !function() { t(); if (e && e.onLanguage) { e.onLanguage(t); c.onDestruction(function() { e.unLanguage(t); }); } }(); }(); for (var p in g) c[p] = g[p]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { ".button_container": { width: "48%" }, ".left": { float: "left" }, ".right": { float: "right" }, ".clear_both": { clear: "both" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_Controls" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(20), o = i(21), r = i(25), a = function() { function t() { if (d || u) return !0; var t, e = window[window.GoogleAnalyticsObject || "ga"]; if (n(e)) { u = e; t = !0; } if (window._gaq && window._gat) { d = window._gaq; c = window._gat; t = !0; } return t; } function e(t) { var e; t == f.NEW && u ? n(u.getAll) && (e = u.getAll()) : t == f.OLD && c && (n(c._getTrackers) ? e = c._getTrackers() : n(c._getTrackerByName) && (e = [ c._getTrackerByName() ])); return o(e) ? e : []; } function i(t, e, i, n) { try { a(t, e, i, n); } catch (t) {} } function a(e, i, n, o) { if (!p && t() && e) { u && s(e, i, n, o); d && _(e, i, n, o); } } function s(t, i, o, a) { h = e(f.NEW); var s = { hitType: "event", eventCategory: o || g, eventAction: t }; r(i, !0) || (s.eventLabel = i); r(a, !0) || (s.eventValue = a); if (h.length) for (var _ = 0, l = h.length; _ < l; _++) n(h[_].send) && h[_].send("event", s); else u("send", s); } function _(t, i, o, a) { h = e(f.OLD); d.push(function() { for (var e = 0, s = h.length; e < s; e++) if (n(h[e]._trackEvent)) { r(i, !0) && (i = void 0); r(a, !0) && (a = void 0); h[e]._trackEvent(o || g, t, i, a); } }); } function l(t) { p = t; } var d, u, c, h, f = { OLD: "ga.js", NEW: "analytics.js" }, g = "Zopim Livechat", p = !1; return { trackEvent: i, setDisabled: l }; }(); t.exports = a; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName = "td"; a.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(23); n.prototype = r(a.prototype); o(n, a, { fqname: "jx_ui_html_td" }); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName = "tr"; a.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(23); n.prototype = r(a.prototype); o(n, a, { fqname: "jx_ui_html_tr" }); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName = "tbody"; a.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(23); n.prototype = r(a.prototype); o(n, a, { fqname: "jx_ui_html_tbody" }); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName = "table"; a.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(23); n.prototype = r(a.prototype); o(n, a, { fqname: "jx_ui_html_table" }); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(1), o = i(3), r = i(0), a = i(172), s = a; a = function(t, e, i, n, r) { if (!(this instanceof a)) return new a(t, e, i, n, r); if (!a.__jx__jcss_generated) { o.generate(this, a.prototype.__jx__fqname, a.__jx__jcss, null, a); a.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } r || (r = {}); s.call(this, t, e, i, n, r); }; a.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { "width, height": "100%" } }; a.prototype = r(s.prototype); n(a, s, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_ViewStack" }); a.prototype.__jx__super = s; t.exports = a; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e) { if (!r(t)) throw new TypeError("FunctionUtils.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable"); if (r(t.bind) && !("prototype" in t.bind)) return t.bind.apply(t, s.call(arguments, 1)); var i = s.call(arguments, 2), n = function() {}, o = function() { return t.apply(this instanceof n && e ? this : e, i.concat(s.call(arguments))); }; n.prototype = o.prototype; o.prototype = new n(); return o; } function o(t) { var e; return function() { if (!e) { e = !0; return t.apply(this, s.call(arguments)); } }; } var r = i(20), a = { bind: n, once: o }, s = Array.prototype.slice; t.exports = a; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { return '"' + t.replace(u, o) + '"'; } function o(t) { return c[t] || "\\u" + ("0000" + t.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4); } function r(t) { switch (typeof t) { case "string": return n(t); case "number": return isFinite(t) ? t.toString() : "null"; case "boolean": return String(t); case "object": if (!t) return "null"; var e, i, o = []; if (l(t)) { for (e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++) o[e] = r(t[e]) || "null"; return "[" + o.join(",") + "]"; } var a, s, _ = []; for (a in t) t.hasOwnProperty(a) && _.push(a); _.sort(); for (e = 0, i = _.length; e < i; e++) { a = _[e]; s = r(t[a]); s && o.push(n(a) + ":" + s); } if (o.length) return "{" + o.join(",") + "}"; } } function a(t, e, i) { return e ? g[e] : String.fromCharCode(parseInt(i, 16)); } function s(t) { var e, i, n, o, r, s = t.match(h), _ = s.length, l = s[0]; "{" == l ? (e = {}, r = 1) : "[" == l ? (e = [], r = 1) : (e = [], r = 0, i = !0); var d = [ e ]; for (_ = s.length; r < _; ++r) { l = s[r]; switch (l.charCodeAt(0)) { case 91: o = d[0]; d.unshift(o[n || o.length] = []); n = void 0; break; case 93: d.shift(); break; case 123: o = d[0]; d.unshift(o[n || o.length] = {}); n = void 0; break; case 125: d.shift(); break; case 102: o = d[0]; o[n || o.length] = !1; n = void 0; break; case 110: o = d[0]; o[n || o.length] = null; n = void 0; break; case 116: o = d[0]; o[n || o.length] = !0; n = void 0; break; case 34: l = l.substring(1, l.length - 1); -1 !== l.indexOf(m) && (l = l.replace(f, a)); o = d[0]; if (void 0 == n) { if (!(o instanceof Array)) { n = l || p; break; } n = o.length; } o[n] = l; n = void 0; break; default: o = d[0]; o[n || o.length] = +l; n = void 0; } } if (i) { if (1 == d.length) return e[0]; } else if (!d.length) return e; throw "error"; } var _ = i(25), l = i(21), d = !_(window) && window.JSON || { parse: s, stringify: r }; d = { parse: s, stringify: r }; var u = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g, c = { "\b": "\\b", "\t": "\\t", "\n": "\\n", "\f": "\\f", "\r": "\\r", "\\": "\\\\", '"': '\\"' }, h = new RegExp('(?:false|true|null|[\\{\\}\\[\\]]|(?:-?\\b(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:\\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?\\b)|(?:"(?:[^\\0-\\x08\\x0a-\\x1f"\\\\]|\\\\(?:["/\\\\bfnrt]|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}))*"))', "g"), f = new RegExp("\\\\(?:([^u])|u(.{4}))", "g"), g = { '"': '"', "/": "/", "\\": "\\", b: "\b", f: "\f", n: "\n", r: "\r", t: "\t" }, p = new String(""), m = "\\"; t.exports = d; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { var t, e, n, o, r, a, s, _ = i(16), l = i(6), d = i(92), u = i(378), h = i(364), f = i(243), g = i(229), p = i(221), m = i(219), $ = i(210), b = i(209), w = i(35), x = i(11), v = l.root, y = v.$("livechat").$("ui"), j = y.$("theme_loaded$bool"), C = y.$("mobile$bool"), S = y.$("mobile_overlay$bool"), A = y.$("popout$bool"), k = y.$("mockup$bool"); !function() { function i() { if (!e) { e = new h(l, null, null, null, { visibility: "hidden", dataTestId: "ChatWidgetWindow" }); N || e.iframe.setTitle("Zendesk Chat widget window"); } } u.init(); j.bindValue(function(i) { if (i && !t) { t = !0; _(function() { e && e.setVisibility(""); n && n.setVisibility(""); o && o.setVisibility(""); r && r.setVisibility(""); a && a.setVisibility(""); s && s.setVisibility(""); x.refocusActiveElement(); }); } }); var l = window.document.body, v = k.getValue(), I = C.getValue(), T = S.getValue(), N = A.getValue(); (v || N) && (l = c); if (N) { var B = w.iOSVersion; if (I && B && B >= 11.2) { !function() { s || (s = new $(l, null, null, null, { visibility: "hidden", dataTestId: "ChatWidgetPopoutMobileWindow" })); }(); c.addClass("popout"); } else { i(); c.addClass("popout"); } } else if (I) { d.init(); !function() { if (!n) { n = new g(l, null, null, null, { visibility: "hidden", dataTestId: "ChatWidgetMobileButton" }); n.iframe.setTitle("Zendesk Chat widget button"); } }(); !function() { if (!o) { o = new p(l, null, null, null, { visibility: "hidden", dataTestId: "ChatWidgetMobileUnreadCountBadge" }); o.iframe.setTitle("Zendesk Chat widget unread count badge"); } }(); if (T) { !function() { if (!a) { a = new m(l, null, null, null, { visibility: "hidden", dataTestId: "ChatWidgetMobileWindow" }); a.setTitle("Zendesk Chat widget window"); } }(); y.$("mobile_notifications$bool").getValue() && function() { if (!r) { r = new b(l, null, null, null, { visibility: "hidden", dataTestId: "ChatWidgetMobileNotification" }); r.iframe.setTitle("Zendesk Chat widget notification"); } }(); } } else { i(); !function() { if (!n) { n = new f(l, null, null, null, { visibility: "hidden", dataTestId: "ChatWidgetButton" }); n.iframe.setTitle("Zendesk Chat widget button"); } }(); } }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self, textarea, input, button": { fontFamily: [ "$$fontFamily", "$$customFontFamily" ], fontSize: "$$fontSize" }, ":lang(ja), :lang(ko), :lang(zh_CN), :lang(zh_TW)": { "*": { fontWeight: "normal !important", fontStyle: "normal !important" }, "::placeholder": { fontStyle: "normal !important" } }, "&.popout": { position: "absolute", "top, left": 0, "width, height": "100%" }, "*": { WebkitTapHighlightColor: "transparent" }, "input, select, textarea, button": { "&:focus": { outline: "none" } }, img: { MsInterpolationMode: "bicubic" }, "input, textarea": { "&:-moz-placeholder, &::-moz-placeholder": { opacity: 1 } }, "input, button": { "&::-moz-focus-inner": { padding: 0, border: 0 } }, table: { fontSize: "100%", color: "inherit", borderCollapse: "collapse", borderSpacing: 0 } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_Widget" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e) { if (!t._vmlstyled) { var i = t.createElement("style"); i.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); i.styleSheet.cssText = "v\\:*{behavior:url(#default#VML); display: inline-block;} .vml{behavior:url(#default#VML); display: inline-block;}"; t.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(i); i = null; t._vmlstyled = !0; } return t.createElement("<" + e + ' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft.com:vml">'); } function o(t) { var e = t.split(/\s+/); if (4 !== e.length) throw "bad viewBox: " + t; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { e[i] = parseInt(e[i], 10); if (isNaN(e[i])) throw "bad viewBox: " + t; } return { x: e[0], y: e[1], width: e[2], height: e[3] }; } function r(t) { var e = t.split(" "); return { offsetX: parseInt(e[0], 10), offsetY: parseInt(e[1], 10), blurRadius: parseInt(e[2], 10), color: e[3], opacity: parseFloat(e[4]), rgba: "rgba(" + C(e[3]).toArray().join(",") + "," + e[4] + ")" }; } function a(t) { var e = /from\(([^)]+\){0,1})\)/.exec(t), i = /to\(([^)]+\){0,1})\)/.exec(t), n = []; e && n.push({ stop: "0%", color: new C(e[1]) }); t.replace(/color-stop\(([^)]+\){0,1})\)/g, function(t, e) { e = s(e); n.push({ stop: e.substring(0, e.indexOf(" ")), color: new C(e.substring(e.indexOf(" "))) }); }); i && n.push({ stop: "100%", color: new C(i[1]) }); return n; } function s(t) { return t.replace(/[,\s]+/g, " ").trim(); } function _(t, e) { function i(t, e, i, n) { for (var o = 0; o < arguments.length; o++) arguments[o] = parseFloat(arguments[o]); var r = (n - e) / (i - t); return Math.round(270 - 180 * Math.atan(r) / Math.PI); } e = s(e); var n, o, r, _ = e.split(" "), l = []; _.shift(); switch (_[0]) { case "left": _.shift(); n = "270"; break; case "top": _.shift(); n = "180"; break; case "right": _.shift(); n = "90"; break; case "bottom": _.shift(); n = "0"; break; default: n = i.apply(null, _.splice(0, 4)); } o = a(e); for (var d = 0, u = o.length; d < u; d++) { r = o[d]; l.push(r.stop + " " + r.color.toStrRGB()); } var c = j.createVMLNode(t, "fill"); c.className = "vml"; c.setAttribute("on", "true"); c.setAttribute("type", "gradient"); c.setAttribute("angle", n); c.setAttribute("colors", l.join(",")); c.setAttribute("method", "sigma"); r && 1 !== r.color.alpha && c.setAttribute("opacity", r.color.alpha); return c; } function l(t, e) { e = s(e); var i, n = e.split(" "); n.shift(); switch (n[0]) { case "left": n.shift(); i = "0% 0% 100% 0%".split(" "); break; case "top": n.shift(); i = "0% 0% 0% 100%".split(" "); break; case "right": n.shift(); i = "100% 0% 0% 0%".split(" "); break; case "bottom": n.shift(); i = "0% 100% 0% 0%".split(" "); break; default: i = n.splice(0, 4); } var o = t.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "linearGradient"), r = "grad_" + new Date().getTime() + Math.round(1001 * Math.random()); o.setAttribute("id", r); o.setAttribute("x1", i[0]); o.setAttribute("y1", i[1]); o.setAttribute("x2", i[2]); o.setAttribute("y2", i[3]); o.setAttribute("gradientUnits", "objectBoundingBox"); for (var _, l, d = a(e), u = 0; u < d.length; u++) { l = d[u]; l.stop.indexOf("%") > -1 ? l.stop = parseFloat(l.stop) / 100 : l.stop = parseFloat(l.stop); _ = t.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "stop"); _.setAttribute("offset", l.stop); _.setAttribute("stop-color", l.color.toStrRGB()); _.setAttribute("stop-opacity", l.color.alpha); o.appendChild(_); } return o; } function d(t) { function e(t) { for (var e = t.length; e--; ) t[e] += s[e % 2]; n(t); return t; } function i(t, e) { _.push({ command: S[t], coords: e }); } function n(t) { if (2 == t.length) { h.x.push(t[0]); h.y.push(t[1]); } else { if (6 != t.length) throw "problem with updateBBox"; var e = o(s.concat(t)); h.x.push(e.minX, e.maxX); h.y.push(e.minY, e.maxY); } } function o(t) { var e = t[0], i = t[1], n = t[2], o = t[3], a = t[4], s = t[5], _ = t[6], l = t[7], d = [ e, _ ].concat(r(e, n, a, _)), u = [ i, l ].concat(r(i, o, s, l)); return { minX: Math.min.apply(null, d), minY: Math.min.apply(null, u), maxX: Math.max.apply(null, d), maxY: Math.max.apply(null, u) }; } function r(t, e, i, n) { var o, r, a, s = [], _ = []; if (t - 3 * e + 3 * i - n != 0) { r = (Math.sqrt(-t * i + t * n + e * e - e * i - e * n + i * i) - t + 2 * e - i) / (3 * e - t - 3 * i + n); a = (-Math.sqrt(-t * i + t * n + e * e - e * i - e * n + i * i) - t + 2 * e - i) / (3 * e - t - 3 * i + n); s.push(r, a); } else if (t - 3 * e + 3 * i - n == 0 && t - 2 * e + i !== 0) { o = (t - e) / (2 * (t - 2 * e + i)); s.push(o); } for (var l = 0; l < s.length; l++) { o = s[l]; o < 0 || o > 1 || _.push(Math.pow(1 - o, 3) * t + 3 * (1 - o) * (1 - o) * o * e + 3 * (1 - o) * o * o * i + o * o * o * n); } return _; } t = t.replace(/[A-Za-z]/g, " $& ").replace(/,/g, " ").replace(/-/g, " -").replace(/\s+/g, " ").trim(); for (var a = t.split(" "), s = [ 0, 0 ], _ = [ { command: "beginPath" } ], l = 0, d = a.length; l < d; l++) if (!/^[A-Za-z]/.test(a[l])) { a[l] = parseFloat(a[l]); if (isNaN(a[l])) throw new window.Error("Bad path after " + a.slice(0, l).join(" ")); } for (var u, c = [], h = { x: [], y: [] }; a.length; ) { /^[a-z]$/i.test(a[0]) && (u = a.shift()); switch (u) { case "M": c = a.splice(0, 2); n(c); i("M", c); s = c; break; case "m": c = e(a.splice(0, 2)); i("M", c); s = c; break; case "Z": case "z": i("Z", []); break; case "l": c = e(a.splice(0, 2)); i("L", c); s = c; break; case "L": c = a.splice(0, 2); n(c); i("L", c); s = c; break; case "c": c = e(a.splice(0, 6)); i("C", c); s = [ c[4], c[5] ]; break; default: throw new window.Error("Unknown canvas command: " + u); } } var f = function(t) { for (var e = 0, i = _.length; e < i; e++) { var n = _[e]; t[n.command].apply(t, n.coords); } }; f.bBox = { minX: Math.min.apply(null, h.x), minY: Math.min.apply(null, h.y), maxX: Math.max.apply(null, h.x), maxY: Math.max.apply(null, h.y) }; return f; } function u(t) { function e(t, n) { t = new t.constructor(t, i); t.id && !n && y.set(t.id, t); t.attributes && t.setAttributes(t.attributes); if (t.childrens) for (var o = 0, r = t.childrens.length; o < r; o++) t.childrens[o] = e(t.childrens[o]); return t; } var i = new c(t); v.extend(i); e(i, "ignore-id"); return i; } function c(t, e) { t || (t = {}); this.id = t.id; e && (this.root = e); this.attributes = t.attributes; this.childrens = t.childrens; } function h(t) { return t.replace(/^\w/, function(t) { return t.toUpperCase(); }); } function f(t, e) { switch (t) { case "viewBox": return o(e); case "path": return d(e); case "fill": return g(e); case "shadow": return r(e); default: return e; } } function g(t) { t = s(t); return /linear/.test(t) ? function(e, i) { return p(t, e, i); } : function() { return t; }; } function p(t, e, i) { t = t.replace(/,/g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " "); var n, o = t.split(" "); o.shift(); switch (o.shift()) { case "left": n = e.createLinearGradient(i.minX, i.minY, i.maxX, i.minY); break; case "top": n = e.createLinearGradient(i.minX, i.minY, i.minX, i.maxY); break; case "right": n = e.createLinearGradient(i.maxX, i.minY, i.minX, i.minY); break; case "bottom": n = e.createLinearGradient(i.minX, i.maxY, i.minX, i.minY); } for (var r, s = a(t), _ = 0; _ < s.length; _++) { r = s[_]; r.stop.indexOf("%") > -1 ? r.stop = parseFloat(r.stop) / 100 : r.stop = parseFloat(r.stop); n.addColorStop(r.stop, r.color.toStrRGBA()); } return n; } function m(t) { var e = $(t); if (t.border) { var i = {}, n = t.border; for (var o in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, o) && (i[o] = t[o]); i.x += n; i.y += n; i.width -= 2 * n; i.height -= 2 * n; i.rx && (i.rx = Math.max(i.rx - n, 1)); i.ry && (i.ry = Math.max(i.ry - n, 1)); e += $(i, "CCW"); } return e; } function $(t, e) { var i = t.rx, n = t.ry, o = t.width, r = t.height, a = t.x, s = t.y, _ = Math.round(s + r / 2), l = ""; if (i || n) { var d = .5522848 * i, u = .5522848 * n, c = o - 2 * i, h = r - 2 * n; l = e ? w("M", a + o, s + n) + (t.corner2 ? b(-i, -n, d, u, 1) : w("l", 0, -n, -i, 0)) + w("l", -c, 0) + (t.corner1 ? b(-i, n, d, u, 1) : w("l", -i, 0, 0, n)) + w("l", 0, h) + (t.corner4 ? b(i, n, d, u, 1) : w("l", 0, n, i, 0)) + w("l", c, 0) + (t.corner3 ? b(i, -n, d, u, 1) : w("l", i, 0, 0, -n)) + "z" : w("M", a, s + n) + (t.corner1 ? b(i, -n, d, u) : w("l", 0, -n, i, 0)) + w("l", c, 0) + (t.corner2 ? b(i, n, d, u) : w("l", i, 0, 0, n)) + w("l", 0, h) + (t.corner3 ? b(-i, n, d, u) : w("l", 0, n, -i, 0)) + w("l", -c, 0) + (t.corner4 ? b(-i, -n, d, u) : w("l", -i, 0, 0, -n)) + "z"; } else { e && (r = -r); l = w("M", a, _) + w("l", 0, e ? s - r - _ : s - _) + w("l", o, 0) + w("l", 0, r) + w("l", -o, 0) + "z"; } return l; } function b(t, e, i, n, o) { var r = t > 0 ? 1 : -1, a = e > 0 ? 1 : -1, s = o ? -r * a : r * a; return w("c", 1 == s ? r * i : 0, 1 == s ? 0 : a * n, 1 == s ? t : t - r * i, 1 == s ? e - a * n : e, t, e); } function w(t) { var e = " ", i = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments); if ("string" == typeof i[0] && /^[A-Za-z]$/.test(i[0])) { e += t; i.shift(); } for (var n = 0, o = i.length; n < o; n++) e += Math.round(i[n]) + " "; return e; } var x = i(8), v = i(14), y = i(4), j = { parseViewBox: o, parseShadow: r, detectedGraphicType: function() { var t = document.implementation.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#BasicStructure", "1.1"); return document.createElement("canvas").getContext ? "canvas" : document.createElementNS && t ? "svg" : x.isIE ? "vml" : "none"; }(), getGradColors: a, parseCanvasData: u, CanvasData: c, generateVmlLinearGradient: _, generateSvgLinearGradient: l, generateCanvasGradient: p, generate_drawing_function: d, generateRectPath: m, createVMLNode: n }, C = i(119), S = { M: "moveTo", L: "lineTo", C: "bezierCurveTo", Z: "closePath" }; c.prototype.setAttribute = function(t, e) { this.attributes[t] = f(t, e); this.refresh(); return this; }; c.prototype.setAttributes = function(t) { for (var e in t) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e)) { var i = "set" + h(e); "function" == typeof this[i] && this[i](t[e]); } }; c.prototype.refresh = function() { this.root ? this.root.fire("update") : this.fire("update"); return this; }; c.prototype.getAttribute = function(t) { return this.attributes[t]; }; c.prototype.destroy = function() { this.id && y.unset(this); this.root = null; var t = this.childrens; if (t) for (var e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++) t[e] instanceof c && t[e].destroy(); }; for (var A = "opacity fill stroke strokeWidth d path shadow viewBox".split(" "), k = 0; k < A.length; k++) { var I = A[k]; c.prototype["set" + h(I)] = function(t) { return function(e) { return this.setAttribute(t, e); }; }(I); } t.exports = j; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); s.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); this.setBase64(a); this.setFont("zopim"); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = { woff: "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" }, s = i(254); n.prototype = r(s.prototype); o(n, s, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_fontLoader_ZopimFont" }); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { v = Y.root; y = v.$("livechat"); j = y.$("ui").$("chat_button"); C = y.$("ui").$("chat_window"); k = y.$("channel").$("typing"); T = y.$("channel").$("log"); S = C.$("chat_panel"); A = S.$("textarea"); I = S.$("scrollable"); N = y.$("ui").$("chat_button").$("button_clicked$bool"); B = C.$("display$bool"); D = C.$("main_stack_name$string"); E = S.$("served_by").$("visible$bool"); E.update(!0); D.on("value", function(t) { "chat_panel" === t && a(Z.INSTANT); }); q.window.on("resize", c); T.on("keys", u); N.on("value", g); O = !0; P = 0; H = 0; M = !1; V = !1; R = !0; } function o(t) { A.update({ value$string: t }); if (t) { L || _(); clearTimeout(W); W = setTimeout(l, X); } else if (!1 !== L) { W = clearTimeout(W); l(); } } function r() { return P <= 5; } function a(t, e) { if (R) { t = t || Z.SMOOTH; var i = I.$(t).getValue() || 0, n = {}; n[t] = i + 1; I.update(n); if (void 0 === e) { clearTimeout(F); F = setTimeout(function() { a(t, !0); }, 250); } } } function s(t) { r() && a(t); } function _() { L = !0; k.write({ typing$bool: !0 }); G.setUserChoice(!0); } function l() { L = !1; k.write({ typing$bool: !1 }); } function d(t) { var e = t.trim(); if (e) { Y.livechat.sendChatMsg({ msg: e }); o(""); a(Z.SMOOTH); } } function u() { s(Z.SMOOTH); } function c() { P = void 0; a(Z.INSTANT); } function h(t) { P = t; M && (V = !0); R && I.$("scrolled_to_bottom$bool").update(r()); V && p(); K(); } function f() { m(!1); a(Z.SMOOTH); } function g() { a(Z.INSTANT); } function p() { R && r() && "chat_panel" === D.getValue() && !0 === B.getValue() && 0 !== j.$("unread_count$int").getValue() && U.resetUnreadCount(); } function m(t) { if (O !== t) { E.update(!!t); O = t; } } function $(t) { M = !0; H = t.touches[0].clientY; p(); } function b(t) { t.touches[0].clientY - H > 0 ? m(!0) : t.touches[0].clientY - H < 0 && m(!1); } function w() { M = !1; } function x() { W = clearTimeout(W); F = clearTimeout(F); T.un("keys", u); N.un("value", g); v = y = j, C = S = A = k = I = T = N = B = D = L = P = R = M = V = void 0; } var v, y, j, C, S, A, k, I, T, N, B, D, E, O, L, W, P, R, F, M, V, H, q = i(14), z = i(34), U = i(33), G = i(40), Y = i(6), X = 12e4, Z = { SMOOTH: "smooth_scroll_count$int", INSTANT: "instant_scroll_count$int" }, K = z.debounce(function() { V = !1; }, 80), Q = { TYPING_TIMEOUT: X, SCROLL_TYPES: Z, init: n, scrollToBottom: a, userFocusTextArea: f, userInputValue: o, userChangeOrientation: c, userClickChatButton: g, userDistFromBottom: h, userSendMessage: d, userReceiveMessage: u, userTouchStart: $, userTouchMove: b, userTouchEnd: w, resetState: x }; t.exports = Q; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, a) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, a); if (!n.__jx__jcss_generated) { r.generate(this, n.prototype.__jx__fqname, n.__jx__jcss, null, n); n.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } s.call(this, t, e, i, o, a); } var o = i(1), r = i(3), a = i(0), s = i(38); n.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { fontWeight: "bold" } }; n.prototype = a(s.prototype); o(n, s, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_Header" }); n.prototype.__jx__super = s; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(1), o = i(3), r = i(0), a = i(42), s = a, _ = i(7), l = i(6), d = i(349), u = i(9); a = function(t, e, i, n, r) { if (!(this instanceof a)) return new a(t, e, i, n, r); if (!a.__jx__jcss_generated) { o.generate(this, a.prototype.__jx__fqname, a.__jx__jcss, null, a); a.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } s.call(this, t, e, i, n, r); a.__constructor.call(this); }; a.__constructor = function() { u.mobile(this); u.rtl(this); if (l.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("mobile$bool").getValue() && this.hasClass("mobile_error_icon")) { this.pContainer = new _(this.parentNode, null, null, null, { position: "relative" }); this.pContainer.appendChild(this); var t = new d(this.pContainer), e = this.showErrorMessage, i = this.hideErrorMessage, n = this; this.showErrorMessage = function() { t.setDisplay(""); return e.call(n); }; this.hideErrorMessage = function() { t.setDisplay("none"); return i.call(n); }; } }; a.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { display: "block", appearance: "none", "*overflow": "visible", width: "100%", color: "$$inputColor", background: "$$inputBg", padding: "$$inputPadding", borderWidth: "$$inputBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$inputBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$inputBorderColor", borderRadius: "$$inputRadius", boxShadow: "$$inputShadow" }, "&:focus, &.focus": { color: "$$inputFocusColor", background: "$$inputFocusBg", borderColor: "$$inputFocusBorderColor", boxShadow: "$$inputFocusShadow", outline: "none" }, "&::placeholder": { color: "$$inputPlaceholderColor", fontStyle: "$$inputPlaceholderFontStyle" }, "&.invalid": { color: "$$inputInvalidColor", background: "$$inputInvalidBg", borderColor: "$$inputInvalidBorderColor", boxShadow: "$$inputInvalidShadow" }, "&.invalid.mobile": { paddingRight: "30px" }, "&.invalid.rtl.mobile": { paddingRight: "$$inputPadding", paddingLeft: "30px" }, "&.unstyled": { border: "none", background: "transparent", boxShadow: "none" }, "&.standalone": { marginTop: "10px", marginBottom: "5px" } }; a.prototype = r(s.prototype); n(a, s, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_Input" }); a.prototype.__jx__super = s; t.exports = a; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(2), o = i(31), r = i(25), a = n(106), s = n(107), _ = n(108), l = n(109), d = n(110), u = n(111), c = {}; c.ERR_SIZE = "TOO_LARGE"; c.ERR_FORMAT = "ILLEGAL_TYPE"; c.ERR_DISABLED = "FILE_UPLOADS_TEMPORARILY_DISABLED"; var h = /^(x-|vnd\.)/i, f = [ "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "txt", "pdf" ], g = {}, p = n(112); g[c.ERR_SIZE] = a; g[c.ERR_FORMAT] = s; g[c.ERR_DISABLED] = _; c.prettySize = function() { var t = [ l, d, u ], e = [ 0, 1, 2 ]; return function(i, n) { i = Math.max(parseInt(i, 10) || 0, 0); n = n || {}; for (var o, r = n.base2 ? 1024 : 1e3, a = t.length; a--; ) { o = Math.pow(r, a); if (i >= o) return t[a].replace("", (i / o).toFixed(e[a])); } }; }(); c.prettyType = function(t, e, i) { i = i || window.Infinity; var n = t.split("/")[1]; n = n && n.replace(h, ""); if (n && n.length < i) return n.toLowerCase(); n = e.split(".").pop(); return (n || "").toLowerCase(); }; c.isValidType = function(t, e) { if (t) { e = e || f; var i = t.substr(t.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase(); return -1 !== o(i, e); } }; c.prettyError = function(t, e) { var i = t in g ? g[t] : p; r(e) || (i = i.replace("", c.prettySize(e || 5e6))); return i; }; c.blobToFile = function(t, e, i) { t.lastModifiedDate = new Date(); t.name = e; return new window.File([ t ], e, { type: i }); }; c.getExtension = function(t) { var e = t.lastIndexOf("."); return -1 === e ? null : t.substr(e + 1).toLowerCase(); }; t.exports = c; }, function(t, e) { var i = "[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.)+([a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])", n = "(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)", o = { email: new RegExp("^" + i + "$", "i"), ip_token: new RegExp("^" + n + "$"), ip: new RegExp("^(?:" + n + "\\.){3}" + n + "$"), tld: /^(AERO|ARPA|ASIA|A[CDEFGILMNOQRSTUWXZ]|BIZ|B[ABDEFGHIJMNORSTVWYZ]|CAT|COM|COOP|C[ACDFGHIKLMNORUVXYZ]|D[EJKMOZ]|EDU|E[CEGRSTU]|F[IJKMOR]|GOV|G[ABDEFGHILMNPQRSTUWY]|H[KMNRTU]|INFO|INT|I[DELMNOQRST]|JOBS|J[EMOP]|K[EGHIMNPRWYZ]|L[ABCIKRSTUVY]||MIL|MOBI|MUSEUM|M[ACDEGHKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]|NAME|NET|N[ACEFGILOPRUZ]|ORG|OM|PRO|P[AEFGHKLMNRSTWY]|QA|R[EOSUW]|S[ABCDEGHIJKLMNORTUVYZ]|TEL|TRAVEL|T[CDFGHJKLMNOPRTVWZ]|U[AGKSYZ]|V[ACEGINU]|W[FS]|XN|Y[ET]|Z[AMW])$/i, search: { email: new RegExp(i, "ig"), email_lws: new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + i, "ig"), hurl: /(^|\s+)(?:(?:https?|ftps?):\/\/)(?:\S+)/gi, url: /(^|\s+)(?:[\w-]+\.)+(\w{2,})(?::[0-9]+)?(?:\/\S*)?/g, phone_number: /(?:^|\s+)(?:(?:\+?\d{1,3}|\(\d{1,3}\))([-.\s])?)?\d{3,10}(?:([-.\s])\d{3,10})?/gi }, escape: function(t) { return t.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); } }; t.exports = o; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e); this.elm = t; this.currStyle = d({}, e); this.applyStyle(this.currStyle); var i = this; this.elm.onDestruction(function() { i.destroy(); }); } var o = i(28), r = i(226), a = i(225), s = i(224), _ = i(11), l = i(222), d = _.shallowExtend, u = function() {}; n.prototype.animate = function(t, e) { var i = d({}, t.endStyle), n = o(t.duration) ? t.duration : 300, r = o(t.delay) ? t.delay : 0, a = t.easeType || "easeQuadInOut", s = o(t.startTime) ? t.startTime : +new Date(), _ = 0; e = e || u; if (o(window.animateDebug)) { n *= window.animateDebug; r *= window.animateDebug; } r < 0 ? _ = -r : s += r; this.stop(); this.cb = e || u; this._animate({ startStyle: this.currStyle, endStyle: i, duration: n, startTime: s, elapsedOffset: _, easeType: a }); }; n.prototype.stop = function() { if (this.timer) { this.timer.stop(); this.timer = null; this.cb.call(this.elm, "stopped"); } }; n.prototype.destroy = function() { this.stop(); this.elm = this.currStyle = this.cb = this.timer = null; }; n.prototype.isAnimating = function() { return !!this.timer; }; n.prototype._animate = function(t) { function e(t) { t += _; if (t >= o) { h.stop(); f.timer = null; f.currStyle = n; f.applyStyle(n); f.cb.call(f.elm, null); } else { var e = c(t / o), i = u(e); f.currStyle = i; f.applyStyle(i); } } var i = t.startStyle, n = t.endStyle, o = t.duration, _ = t.elapsedOffset, l = t.startTime, d = t.easeType, u = s.interpolateObject(i, n), c = a[d], h = r.timer(e, 0, l), f = this; f.timer = h; }; n.prototype.applyStyle = function(t) { t = l(t); for (var e in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e) && this.elm.setCSSStyle(e, t[e]); }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { var t = i(9); !function() { t.mobile(c); t.tablet(c); t.rtl(c); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "absolute", minWidth: "180px", maxWidth: "360px", zIndex: "100", bottom: "$$actionBarHeight", marginBottom: "-2px", "left, right": "10px", color: "$$menuColor", background: "$$menuBg", borderWidth: "$$menuBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$menuBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$menuBorderColor", borderRadius: "$$menuRadius", boxShadow: "$$menuShadow" }, "&.rtl": { "left, right": "10px" }, "&.mobile": { left: "0", top: "$$titleBarHeight", bottom: "auto", width: "100%", maxWidth: "$$mobileMaxWidth", borderTop: "0 none" }, "&.mobile.rtl": { right: 0 } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_Menu" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { if (k.isAuthenticated()) { D = !0; _ = t.$("livechat"); l = _.$("history"); d = _.$("ui").$("history"); u = _.$("channel"); c = u.$("log"); h = _.$("profile").$("has_history$bool"); f = d.$("state$string"); g = d.$("log"); p = d.$("log_length$int"); m = d.$("scroller_at_top$bool"); $ = d.$("spinner_visibility"); b = l.$("log"); w = l.$("has_more$bool"); x = l.$("in_progress$bool"); v = l.$("cursor$string"); b.bindValue(function(t) { t && (B = S.extend(B, t)); }); x.bindValue(function(t) { !1 === t && setTimeout(function() { f.update("rendering"); g.update(B); B = {}; }, I); }); v.bindValue(function(t) { if (void 0 !== t && t !== y) { y = t; f.update("fetched"); } }); c.bindKeys(function() { var t = c.getKeys(); if (0 !== t.length) { var e = c.$(t[0]).$("first$bool"); e.getValue() || e.update(!0); } }); h.bindValue(function(t) { t && L.fetchChatHistory(!0); }); p.bindValue(function(t) { void 0 !== t && f.update("rendered"); }); o(); } } function o() { function t() { var t = w.getValue(), e = c.getKeys().length > 0, i = p.getValue() > 0, n = f.getValue(), o = n && "rendered" !== n, r = m.getValue(), a = !(e || i); $.update({ large$bool: a && o, small$bool: !a && !1 !== t && r && o }); } if (D) { j && j(); c.bindKeys(t); w.bindValue(t); p.bindValue(t); f.bindValue(t); m.bindValue(t); t(); j = function() { c.unbindKeys(t); w.unbindValue(t); p.unbindValue(t); f.unbindValue(t); m.unbindValue(t); }; } } function r(t, e, i) { D && t.autobind($, "value", function(t) { if (t) { "large$bool" in t && i.setVisible(t.large$bool); "small$bool" in t && e.setVisible(t.small$bool); } }); } function a(t, e) { function i() { var e = t.getScrollHeight(), o = e - E, r = E > 0 ? O + o : e; t.setScrollTop(r); n || C.un("write", i); } if (D) { e = e || 0; var n = !1; f.bindValue(function(e) { if ("rendering" === e) { n = p.getValue() > 0; E = t.getScrollHeight(); O = t.getScrollTop(); } else "rendered" === e && (n ? i() : C.on("write", i)); }); t.on("scroll", A.debounce(function() { var i = t.getScrollTop(), n = i < N + e; n && L.fetchChatHistory(); m.getValue() !== n && m.update(n); }, T)); } } function s(t) { if (D && !x.getValue() && !1 !== w.getValue()) { t && g.update(null); f.update("fetching"); l.write({ cursor$string: t ? "" : v.getValue() || "" }); } } var _, l, d, u, c, h, f, g, p, m, $, b, w, x, v, y, j, C = i(3), S = i(73), A = i(141), k = i(44), I = 500, T = 100, N = 20, B = {}, D = !1, E = 0, O = 0, L = { init: n, fetchChatHistory: s, setupSpinner: o, bindSpinnerUI: r, setupScrollListener: a }; t.exports = L; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, s) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, s); if (!n.__jx__jcss_generated) { r.generate(this, n.prototype.__jx__fqname, n.__jx__jcss, null, n); n.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } s || (s = {}); s.tagName || (s.tagName = "input"); s.type || (s.type = "submit"); _.call(this, t, e, i, o, s); this.setValue(this._value); var l = this; this._setValue = function() { l.setValue(l._value); }; a && a.onLanguage && a.onLanguage(this._setValue); } var o = i(1), r = i(3), a = i(2), s = i(0), _ = i(17); n.__jx__jcss = { "**self": {} }; n.prototype = s(_.prototype); o(n, _, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_Submit" }); n.prototype.__jx__super = _; n.prototype.setValue = function(t) { this._value = t; return _.prototype.setValue.call(this, t); }; n.prototype.destroy = function() { a && a.unLanguage && a.unLanguage(this._setValue); _.prototype.destroy.call(this); }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName || (r.tagName = "button"); a.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(42); n.prototype = r(a.prototype); o(n, a, { fqname: "jx_ui_Button" }); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(8), o = i(56), r = i(36), a = i(18), s = i(6), _ = i(26), l = i(35), d = {}; d.init = function() { var t, e = s.root, i = e.$("connection").$("status$string"), u = e.$("livechat").$("ui").$("popout$bool"), c = e.$("livechat").$("ui").$("mobile$bool"), h = e.$("livechat").$("ui").$("mockup$bool"), f = e.$("livechat").$("account").$("key$string"), g = e.$("livechat").$("profile").$("mid$string"), p = e.$("livechat").$("settings").$("language").$("language$string"), m = c.getValue() ? "dialog=no,fullscreen=yes" : "width=400,height=500,menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,personalbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=no"; d.openPopout = function(e) { if (!n.bugs.noBoxSizing) { var i = f.getValue() || a.ACCOUNT_KEY, o = c.getValue(); if (!h.getValue() && !u.getValue() && i && !l.isIEMobile) { var r = d.getPopoutURL(); if (t && !t.closed && t.focus) { if (!o && n.isChrome || l.isNativeAndroidMobile || l.isSafariIOSMobile) t.focus(); else { t.close(); t = window.open(r, a.POPOUT_WINDOW_PREFIX + i + new Date(), m); if (!t || t.closed) return; } return !0; } if (o || e) { try { t = window.open(r, a.POPOUT_WINDOW_PREFIX + i, m); } catch (t) {} if (l.isChromeIOSMobile) return !0; if (!t || t.closed) return; try { t.focus(); } catch (t) {} return !0; } } } }; d.getPopoutURL = function() { var t = { key: f.getValue() || a.ACCOUNT_KEY, mid: g.getValue() || "", lang: p.getValue() || "", hostname: window.location.hostname, api_calls: o.stringify(_.getPopoutAPICalls()) }, e = [ a.POPOUT_URL, "?", r.buildQuery(t) ], i = r.getHash("__zopim_widget_proxy"); i && e.push("#", r.buildQuery({ __zopim_widget_proxy: i })); return e.join(""); }; d.isReady = function() { var t = i.getValue(); return "registered" == t || "reattached" == t || "cookie_law" == t; }; }; t.exports = d; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); var s = this; this._onAutoResize = function() { s.onAutoResize(); }; d.call(this, t, e, i, null, r); d.prototype.setMargin.call(this, "0"); d.prototype.setPadding.call(this, "0"); d.prototype.setBorder.call(this, "0"); d.prototype.setBackground.call(this, "transparent"); d.prototype.setOverflow.call(this, "hidden"); d.prototype.setPosition.call(this, "fixed"); this.appendToParent(); this.iframe = new u(this, null, null, null, { tagName: "iframe", position: "relative", width: "100%", height: "100%", minWidth: "100%", minHeight: "100%", maxWidth: "100%", maxHeight: "100%", border: "0", margin: "0", padding: "0", background: "transparent", overflow: "hidden", display: "block" }); this.iwin = this.iframe.iwin; this.idoc = this.iframe.idoc; this.ibody = this.iframe.ibody; this.ihead = this.iframe.ihead; this.content = new c(this.iframe.defaultPlacement); this.content.setOverflow("hidden"); this.wrapper = new d(this.content, null, null, null, { display: "inline-block" }); this.wrapper.__jx__fqname = this.__jx__fqname; if (a.bugs.noBoxSizing) { this.wrapper.style.display = "inline"; this.wrapper.style.zoom = "1"; } this.setAttributes(r); this.defaultPlacement = this.wrapper; this.addChildren(o); if (a.isIE < 9) { this.on("hide", function() { s.iframe.setDisplay("none"); }); this.on("show", function() { s.iframe.setDisplay("block"); }); } this.raise(); } var o, r = i(1), a = i(8), s = i(0), _ = i(4), l = i(12), d = i(7), u = i(173), c = i(90), h = 16e6; !function() { for (var t = [ "", "WebKit" ], e = "MutationObserver", i = 0; i < t.length; i++) t[i] + e in window && (o = window[t[i] + e]); }(); n.prototype = s(d.prototype); r(n, d, { fqname: "jx_ui_FloatingFrame" }); n.prototype.fire = function(t, e) { d.prototype.fire.call(this, t, e); this.iframe && this.iframe.fire(t, e); this.wrapper && this.wrapper.fire(t, e); }; n.prototype.on = function(t, e) { "init" == t ? d.prototype.on.call(this, t, e) : this.wrapper && this.wrapper.on(t, e); }; n.prototype.raise = function(t) { t = parseInt(t, 10) || 1; this.setZIndex(h += t); }; n.prototype.normalize = function() { var t = this.getXY(); this.moveTo(t[0], t[1]).setMargin(0); }; n.prototype.getXY = function() { var t = this.dom.offsetLeft, e = this.dom.offsetTop; if (a.isIE) if (a.isStrict) { if (a.isIE6) { t -= document.documentElement.scrollLeft; e -= document.documentElement.scrollTop; } } else { t -= document.body.scrollLeft; e -= document.body.scrollTop; } else if (a.isSafari) { var i = _.getStyles(this.iframe.offsetParent); t += parseInt(i.borderLeftWidth, 10); e += parseInt(i.borderTopWidth, 10); } return [ t, e ]; }; n.prototype.fitToContents = function(t, e, i) { t = t || this; for (var n = 0, o = 0; t.defaultPlacement; ) t = t.defaultPlacement; t.dom && (t = t.dom); o = t.scrollWidth - t.clientWidth; n = t.scrollHeight - t.clientHeight; this.resizeBy(o, n, i || 0, e || 0); }; n.prototype.destroy = function() { this.setAutoResize(!1); d.prototype.destroy.call(this); this.iframe = this.iwin = this.idoc = this.ibody = this.ihead = this.content = null; }; n.prototype.setBackground = function(t) { return this.iframe && this.iframe.setBackground(t); }; n.prototype.setBackgroundImage = function(t) { return this.iframe && this.iframe.setBackgroundImage(t); }; n.prototype.setBorder = function(t) { return this.iframe && this.iframe.setBorder(t); }; n.prototype.setBorderColor = function(t) { return this.iframe && this.iframe.setBorderColor(t); }; n.prototype.setBorderStyle = function(t) { return this.iframe && this.iframe.setBorderStyle(t); }; n.prototype.setBorderWidth = function(t) { return this.iframe && this.iframe.setBorderWidth(t); }; n.prototype.setCursor = function(t) { return this.iframe && this.iframe.setCursor(t); }; n.prototype.setOpacity = function(t) { return this.iframe && this.iframe.setOpacity(t); }; n.prototype.setSelectable = function(t) { return this.iframe && this.iframe.setSelectable(t); }; n.prototype.setColor = function(t) { return this.content && this.content.setColor(t); }; n.prototype.setPadding = function(t) { return this.content && this.content.setPadding(t); }; n.prototype.setFontFamily = function(t) { return this.content && this.content.setFontFamily(t); }; n.prototype.setFontSize = function(t) { return this.content && this.content.setFontSize(t); }; n.prototype.setFontWeight = function(t) { return this.content && this.content.setFontWeight(t); }; n.prototype.setTextAlign = function(t) { return this.content && this.content.setTextAlign(t); }; n.prototype.setLetterSpacing = function(t) { return this.content && this.content.setLetterSpacing(t); }; n.prototype.setLineHeight = function(t) { return this.content && this.content.setLineHeight(t); }; n.prototype.setOverflow = function(t) { return this.content && this.content.setOverflow(t); }; n.prototype.getAutoResize = function() { return this.autoResize; }; n.prototype.setAutoResize = function(t) { t = l(t); this.autoResize = t; if (this.wrapper) { var e = this; if (this.autoResize) { if (o) { this._autoResizer = new o(function() { e.onAutoResize(); }); this._autoResizer.observe(this.wrapper.dom, { childList: !0, attributes: !0, characterData: !0, subtree: !0 }); } else { this._autoResizer && window.clearInterval(this._autoResizer); this._autoResizer = window.setInterval(this._onAutoResize, 200); } this.onAutoResize(); } else if (this._autoResizer) if (o) { this._autoResizer.disconnect(); this._autoResizer = null; } else { window.clearInterval(this._autoResizer); this._autoResizer = null; } return this; } }; n.prototype.onAutoResize = function() { if (a.bugs.noBoxSizing) { this.style.width = "10px"; this.style.height = "10px"; } var t = this.wrapper.getWidth(), e = this.wrapper.getHeight(); this.setWidth(t); this.setHeight(e); if (a.bugs.noBoxSizing) { this.style.width = t + "px"; this.style.height = e + "px"; this.iframe.dom.className = this.iframe.dom.className; } }; n.prototype.setDataTestId = function(t) { this.iframe && this.iframe.setDataTestId(t + "-iframe"); return d.prototype.setDataTestId.call(this, t); }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { nt = t.isCookieDenied; Y = ct.getMediatorHost(t.overrideProxy); ot = t.source; rt = t.source_ver; at = t.gd_compatible; H = t.activity_window || window; q = H.document; z = t.root; Z = z.$("tmp").$("api_settings"); K = z.$("tmp").$("server_settings"); Q = z.$("livechat").$("settings").$("cached$bool"); U = z.$("connection"); J = U.$("server_retired$bool"); et = U.$("server_ready$bool"); et.bindValue(_); J.bindValue(s); X = z.$("livechat").$("ui").$("mockup$bool").getValue(); if (X) U.$("status$string").update("reattached"); else { z.$("livechat").$("profile").bindValue(a); U.$("status$string").bindValue(r); U.$("socket_status$string").bindValue(A); z.bindWrite(E); U.$("reconnect$bool").bindValue(p); if (window.__z_sdk) M = !0; else { M = !1; "visibilityState" in document && "prerender" == document.visibilityState ? document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", o) : St.connect(); } } } function o() { if ("prerender" != document.visibilityState) { document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", o); St.connect(); } } function r(t) { wt = "reattached" == t; if (wt) { U.update({ client_reattached_timestamp$int: +new Date() }); E(); } wt && !1 === M && k(); if ("idle_disconnect" == t || "shutdown" == t || "error" == t) { var e = z.$("livechat").$("account").$("status$string").getValue(), i = z.$("connection").$("backoff"), n = i.$("active$int").getValue() || 0, o = i.$("max_seconds$int").getValue(); "invalid_account_key" == e ? gt.warnBadEmbed() : "widget_v2" == ot && "shutdown" == t && n && o && f(o); c(); } A(); } function a(t) { t && (nt() || ct.IS_POPOUT || t.mid$string && ht.setIdentity(t.mid$string)); } function s(t) { tt = !0 === t; } function _(t) { it = !1 !== t; if (it) { yt = !1; l(); } } function l() { for (var t = 0, e = vt.length; t < e; t++) { var i = vt[t]; _t(i) && i(); } vt = []; } function d(t) { if (!it || tt) { U.update({ server_ready$bool: !1 }); vt.push(t); if (!yt) { yt = !0; G.reconnect(); } } else t(); } function u(t) { G && G.send(t); } function c(t) { G && G.close(); V = !t; G = null; } function h() { window.clearTimeout(St.reconnectTimer); c(!0); St.connect(); } function f(t) { window.clearTimeout(St.reconnectTimer); St.reconnectTimer = window.setTimeout(function() { St.reconnect(); }, 1e3 * t); } function g() { U.update({ status$string: "idle_disconnect" }); } function p(t) { t && St.reconnect(); } function m(t) { return st || new mt(t, "W", null, bt); } function $() { if (!G && !V) { G = m(Y); G.on("break", x); G.on("message", w); G.on("reopen", y); G.on("resume", v); G.on("open", b); } } function b() { if (!X) { U.update({ socket_open_timestamp$int: +new Date(), socket_status$string: null, disconnection_status$string: null }); C(); } } function w(t) { if (t) { if (t.raw && t.raw.__messageID in Ct) { var e = Ct[t.raw.__messageID]; delete Ct[t.raw.__messageID]; e(t); } var i = z; if ("update" in t) { var n = gt.getValueByReference(t, "livechat.account"); if (n) { K.$("account").update(n); gt.fullyExtend(n, Z.getValue("account")); } var o = gt.getValueByReference(t, "livechat.settings"); if (o) { K.$("settings").update(o); gt.fullyExtend(o, Z.getValue("settings")); } var r = gt.getValueByReference(t, "livechat.profile.mid$string"); if (r && r !== ht.getIdentity()) { z.$("livechat").$("channel").update(null); z.$("livechat").$("profile").update(null); z.$("livechat").$("ui").$("chat_button").$("unread_count$int").update(0); } t.path && (i = i.descend(t.path)); i.update(t.update); St.fire("message", t); } } } function x() { U.update({ socket_status$string: "break" }); } function v() { U.update({ socket_resume_timestamp$int: +new Date(), socket_status$string: "resume" }); } function y() { U.update({ socket_open_timestamp$int: +new Date(), socket_status$string: "reconnect" }); wt = !1; C(); } function j() { var t = ht.getIdentity(), e = nt(), i = z.$("livechat").$("ui").getValue("mobile$bool") ? "mobile" : "desktop", n = z.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").getValue("name$string"), o = { __type: "register", accountKey: ct.ACCOUNT_KEY, mID: t, ua: H.navigator.userAgent, dt: i, theme: n, cookie_law: e, rev: lt.git_commit, source: ot, source_ver: rt, country_code: ct.COUNTRY_CODE, multisession: !0, gd_compatible: at }; if (z.$("livechat").$("ui").$("popout$bool").getValue()) o.popout = !0; else { o.title = q.title; o.url = H.location.href; o.ref = H.document.referrer; } var r = St._register; if (r) for (var a in r) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r, a) && (o[a] = r[a]); return o; } function C() { if (ct.ACCOUNT_KEY) { var t = j(); ft.retrieveIDToken(function(e, i) { if (e) R(); else { if (i) { delete t.mID; t.idt = i; } u(t); } }); } } function S() { return !!Q.getValue(); } function A() { var t = U.getValue("status$string"), e = U.getValue("socket_status$string"); window.clearTimeout(I.timer); if ("error" != t) if ("break" == e) if ("idle_disconnect" == t) U.update({ message$string: "idle_disconnect" }); else { U.update({ message$string: "reconnecting" }); I.timer = window.setTimeout(I, 6e4); } else if (null === e && "registered" == t) U.update({ message$string: "resuming" }); else if (dt(t) && dt(e)) { var i = S() ? "fast_init" : "first_init"; U.update({ message$string: i }); } else U.update({ message$string: null }); else I.timer = window.setTimeout(I, 5e3); } function k() { G && z.$("livechat").$("profile").write({ disconnect_timeout$int: L(G.rtt) }); } function I() { U.update({ message$string: "disconnected" }); } function T() { return pt.getConnectionStats(G); } function N() { return Y; } function B() { return pt.getServerTime(G); } function D(t) { jt += 1; Ct[jt] = t; return jt; } function E(t) { if (t) { var e = {}; e.path = t.path; e.value = t.value; _t(t.func) && (e.__messageID = D(t.func)); xt.push(e); } if (G && wt) for (;xt.length; ) G.send(xt.shift()); } function O(t) { return t ? K.getValue(t) : K.getValue(); } function L(t) { var e, i, n = 10 * $t.SECOND, o = 1 * $t.SECOND, r = 120 * $t.SECOND, a = 20 * $t.SECOND; t = Math.round(t) || 0; t = Math.max(o, Math.min(t, n)); e = (t - o) / (n - o); i = a + function(t) { return t; }(e) * (r - a); return Math.floor(i / 1e3); } function W(t) { st = t; } function P() { return G ? G.id : null; } function R() { U.update({ disconnection_status$string: "disconnecting" }); c(); I.timer = clearTimeout(I.timer); U.update({ disconnection_status$string: "disconnected" }); } function F() { et.unbindValue(_); J.unbindValue(s); z.$("livechat").$("profile").unbindValue(a); U.$("status$string").unbindValue(r); U.$("socket_status$string").unbindValue(A); U.$("reconnect$bool").unbindValue(p); R(); wt = !1, xt = [], vt = [], yt = !1, jt = 0, Ct = {}, M = V = z = U = G = X = Z = K = Q = J = tt = et = it = nt = ot = rt = at = st = null; } var M, V, H, q, z, U, G, Y, X, Z, K, Q, J, tt, et, it, nt, ot, rt, at, st, _t = i(20), lt = i(45), dt = i(25), ut = i(14), ct = i(18), ht = i(93), ft = i(44), gt = i(11), pt = i(377), mt = i(376), $t = i(371), bt = { FLUSH_DELAY_MS: 0, RECONNECT_DELAY_MS: 1e4 }, wt = !1, xt = [], vt = [], yt = !1, jt = 0, Ct = {}, St = ut.extend({ init: n, send: u, connect: $, reconnect: h, clientDisconnect: R, destroy: F, disconnect: g, getConnectionStats: T, getHost: N, getServerTime: B, getServerSettings: O, reconnectIfServerRetired: d, registerCallback: D, getSocketID: P, getDCTimeoutValue: L, setSocket: W, reset: F }); t.exports = St; }, function(t, e) { var i = function(t, e) { return t === e || t && e && "object" == typeof t && "object" == typeof e && n(t, e); }, n = function(t, e) { var n; for (n in t) if (!i(t[n], e[n])) return !1; for (n in e) if (!i(t[n], e[n])) return !1; return !0; }, o = function(t) { if ("object" != typeof t || !t) return t; var e = {}; for (var i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (e[i] = o(t[i])); return e; }, r = function(t) { if (t) for (var e = 1, i = arguments.length; e < i; e++) { var n = arguments[e]; if (n) for (var o in n) n.hasOwnProperty(o) && (t[o] = n[o]); } return t; }, a = { equal: i, clone: o, extend: r }; t.exports = a; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { var e; h = $.root.$("livechat").$("account").$("key$string"); u = (f.isIE || f.isNewIE) && ("language" in window.navigator && !C.test(window.navigator.language) || "userLanguage" in window.navigator && !C.test(window.navigator.userLanguage) || "browserLanguage" in window.navigator && !C.test(window.navigator.browserLanguage)), c = t; g.on("error", s); h.bindValue(function(t) { if (-1 != p(t, A)) { g.window.on("error", a); g.window.on("unload", function() { g.window.un("error", a); }); } }); e = { ignoreErrors: j, logger: "widget", release: m.info.gitCommit, shouldSendCallback: function(t) { x.submitToServer(t); return !1; } }; e.whitelistUrls = [ S ]; v.config("https://0@0/0", e); } function o(t) { t && (t.onerror = s); } function r(t, e, i, n, o) { try { x.handleErrorEvent(t, e, i, n, o); } catch (t) {} } function a(t, e, i, n, o) { r(t, e, i, n, o); return !1; } function s(t, e, i, n, o) { r(t, e, i, n, o); return !0; } function _(t, e, i, n, o) { if ((t || o) && !u) { var r = o || t, a = r.stack ? [ r.toString(), r.stack ].join("\n") : r.toString(), s = [ a, e, i ].join(" "); if (!(r.name && y.indexOf(r.name) > -1 || I[s])) { I[s] = !0; x.post(r); } } } function l(t) { if (!(Math.random() > k) && t && c) { var e = $.root, i = e.$("livechat").$("account").getValue(), n = e.$("livechat").$("profile").$("mid$string").getValue(), o = { key: i.key$string, is_voltron: i.is_voltron$bool, status: i.status$string, mid: n }; v.setUserContext({ id: o.key }).captureException(t, { extra: { system: m.info, connection: c.getConnectionStats(), account: o } }); } } function d(t) { var e = c.getHost(); if (t && e) { try { var i = t.exception.values[0], n = i.type, o = i.stacktrace.frames, r = o[o.length - 1].lineno; t.fingerprint = [ n, r + "" ]; } catch (t) {} w.post("https://" + e + "/client/widget/errors", { params: { sentry_data: b.stringify(t) } }); } } var u, c, h, f = i(8), g = i(14), p = i(31), m = i(251), $ = i(6), b = i(56), w = i(250), x = { init: n, post: l, bind: o, handleErrorEvent: _, submitToServer: d }, v = i(249), y = [ "SyntaxError" ], j = [ "Out of memory", "too much recursion" ], C = /^en/i, S = /^($|about:blank$|(https?:\/\/)?([\w_-]+\.)*zopim\.(?:com|org))/i, A = [ "zopim" ], k = .1, I = {}; t.exports = x; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Button = i(69); t.exports = function() { function t(e, i, o, r, _) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, i, o, r, _); i = i || s.generateID(); var l = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Button, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui" } ], d = l[0].call(this, e, i, null, s.mangleIDs(i, l[3]), l[4]), u = d || this; s.set(i, u); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } for (var c in void 0) u[c] = (void 0)[c]; u.fire && u.fire("init"); u.setStyle && u.setStyle(o); u.setAttributes && u.setAttributes(_); "function" == typeof u.addChildren ? u.addChildren(r) : s.addChildren(u, r); if (u !== this) { u.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; u.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return u; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Button.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { background: "transparent", border: "0px none", color: "$$menuColor", textAlign: "inherit" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Button, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_menu_ButtonLabel" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { t.bindValue(o); } function o(t) { if ("registered" == t || "reattached" == t || "cookie_law" == t) { _ = !0; s.flush(); } else _ = !1; } function r() { if (_ && this.queue.length) { f.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("mockup$bool").getValue() || l(s.send) && s.send({ __type: "instrumentation", metrics: this.queue }); this.queue = []; } } function a() { var t = []; t.push("client_country_code:" + g.COUNTRY_CODE); t.push("browser:" + d.browser); var e, i; if (h.isMobileBrowser) { e = h.isMobileTablet ? "tablet" : "mobile"; i = h.isAndroid ? "android" : h.isIOS ? "ios" : h.isWP ? "wp" : "other"; } else { e = "desktop"; i = d.isWindows ? "win" : d.isMac ? "mac" : "other"; } t.push("device:" + e); t.push("platform:" + i); t.push("rev:" + u.git_commit); return t; } var s, _, l = i(20), d = i(8), u = i(45), c = i(168), h = i(35), f = i(6), g = i(18); !function() { s = new c(); s.setTags(a()); s.bindToConnectionStatus = n; s.flush = r; }(); t.exports = s; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, a) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, a); if (!n.__jx__jcss_generated) { r.generate(this, n.prototype.__jx__fqname, n.__jx__jcss, null, n); n.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } s.call(this, t, e, i, o, a); var l = _.root.$("connection").$("message$string"), d = this; d.autobind(l, "value", function(t) { d.setDisabled(!!t); }); } var o = i(1), r = i(3), a = i(0), s = i(68), _ = i(6); n.__jx__jcss = {}; n.prototype = a(s.prototype); o(n, s, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_ConnAwareSubmit" }); n.prototype.__jx__super = s; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(1), o = i(3), r = i(0), a = i(154), s = a, _ = i(62); a = function(t, e, i, n, r) { if (!(this instanceof a)) return new a(t, e, i, n, r); if (!a.__jx__jcss_generated) { o.generate(this, a.prototype.__jx__fqname, a.__jx__jcss, null, a); a.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } s.call(this, t, e, i, n, r); _.__constructor.call(this); }; a.__jx__jcss = {}; a.prototype = r(s.prototype); n(a, s, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_TextArea" }); a.prototype.__jx__super = _; t.exports = a; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(1), o = i(3), r = i(0), a = i(337), s = a, _ = i(62); a = function(t, e, i, n, r) { if (!(this instanceof a)) return new a(t, e, i, n, r); if (!a.__jx__jcss_generated) { o.generate(this, a.prototype.__jx__fqname, a.__jx__jcss, null, a); a.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } s.call(this, t, e, i, n, r); _.__constructor.call(this); }; a.__jx__jcss = {}; a.prototype = r(s.prototype); n(a, s, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_EmailField" }); a.prototype.__jx__super = _; t.exports = a; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, a) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, a); if (!n.__jx__jcss_generated) { r.generate(this, n.prototype.__jx__fqname, n.__jx__jcss, null, n); n.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } s.call(this, t, e, i, o, a); } var o = i(1), r = i(3), a = i(0), s = i(7); n.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { marginTop: "$$marginS", marginBottom: "$$margin", color: "$$errorMessageColor", fontWeight: "$$errorMessageFontWeight", fontStyle: "$$errorMessageFontStyle" } }; n.prototype = a(s.prototype); o(n, s, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_ErrorMessage" }); n.prototype.__jx__super = s; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont = i(15); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { var t = i(341), e = i(12), n = c.setIcon; c.setIcon = function(e) { "google_2019" !== e ? n(e) : new t(c, null, null, null, {}); }; c.setHoverable = function(t) { var i = e(t); c[i ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("hoverable"); }; }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "&.facebook": { color: "$$facebook" }, "&.twitter": { color: "$$twitter" }, "&.hoverable": { "&:hover, &:focus, &:active": { "&.facebook": { color: "$$facebookActive" }, "&.twitter": { color: "$$twitterActive" }, "&.google": { opacity: "0.8" } } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_iconFont_Auth" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_img = i(112); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_iconFont_Auth = i(81); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_img, "img", "", [], { id: "img", class: "img" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_iconFont_Auth, "auth_type", "", [], { id: "auth_type", addClass: "auth_type" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__img"), f = s.get(o + "__auth_type"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var g = function() { function t(t) { e(); _ && c.autounbind(_, "value", n); _ = t; _ && c.autobind(_, "value", n); } function e() { w = x = y = ""; f.setDisplay("none"); } function n() { if (_) { switch (_.name) { case "profile": l = "visitor"; break; case "concierge": l = "concierge"; break; default: l = "agent"; } var t = _.getValue() || {}; t.nick$string && (v = t.nick$string); t.display_name$string && !p.isDefaultName(t.display_name$string) && o(t.display_name$string); var e; e = t.auth && t.auth.avatar$string ? t.auth.avatar$string : t.avatar_data$string ? t.avatar_data$string : t.avatar_path$string ? t.avatar_path$string : ""; r(e); var i; i = t.auth && "type$string" in t.auth ? t.auth.type$string : ""; a(i); } } function o(t) { if (t && t != w) { c.setTitle(t); w = t; } } function r(t) { var e = t || s(); if (e && e != x) { h.setSrc(p.replaceFileHostname(e)); x = e; } } function a(t) { if (t !== y) { f.removeClass(y); y = t; f.addClass(y); f.setIcon("google" === y ? "google_2019" : y); f.setDisplay(y ? "" : "none"); } } function s() { var t = m.getValue(), e = b.getValue() || {}; d = t; var i; switch (l) { case "visitor": i = e.visitor$string || u.AVATARS.VISITOR; break; case "concierge": i = e.concierge$string || u.AVATARS.CONCIERGE; break; case "agent": i = $.getValue() || e.agent$string || u.AVATARS.AGENT; } return i || u.AVATARS.DEFAULT; } var _, l, d, u = i(18), g = i(6), p = i(11), m = g.root.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("name$string"), $ = g.root.$("livechat").$("settings").$("concierge").$("avatar_path$string"), b = g.root.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme"), w = "", x = "", v = "", y = ""; c.setDataNode = t; !function() { c.autobind(m, "value", function(t) { d && t != d && n(); }); }(); }(); for (var p in g) c[p] = g[p]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "relative" }, ".img": { "width, height": "100%" }, ".auth_type": { position: "absolute", "bottom, left": 0, background: "#FFF", "fontSize, width, height": "12px", "line-height": "16px", overflow: "hidden", borderRadius: "2px", "&.facebook": { color: "$$facebook" }, "&.twitter": { color: "$$twitter" }, "&.google": { fontSize: "9px", paddingTop: "3px", paddingRight: "1px", paddingLeft: "1px" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_gravatar_GravatarImage" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div = i(13); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t(t) { c[h(t) ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("hide_auth_type"); return c; } function e(t) { c.autounbind(); "agents" == t.name ? o(t) : n(t); } function n(t) { _([ t ]).setNodes([ t ]); } function o(t) { l && c.autounbind(l, "keys", r); l = t; l && c.autobind(l, "keys", r); } function r() { for (var t = l.getKeys(), e = [], i = 0, n = Math.min(3, t.length); i < n; i++) e.push(l.$(t[i])); a(e); } function a(t) { var e = _(t); e && e.setNodes(t); } function s(t) { var e = _(t); e && e.setImages(t); } function _(t) { if (t instanceof Array && t.length) { var e = Math.min(t.length, 4), i = $[e - 1]; if (e !== u) { c.empty(); d = new i(c); u = e; } return d; } } var l, d, u, h = i(12), f = i(342), g = i(340), p = i(339), m = i(338), $ = [ f, g, p, m ]; !function() { c.setImages = s; c.setDataNode = e; c.setMemberNode = n; c.setGroupNode = o; c.setHideAuthType = t; }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { width: "60px", height: "60px", position: "relative", overflow: "hidden", borderWidth: "$$avatarBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$avatarBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$avatarBorderColor", borderRadius: "$$avatarRadius", boxShadow: "$$avatarShadow", ".avatar": { background: "#FFF" }, "&.hide_auth_type": { ".auth_type": { display: "none !important" } } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_Gravatar" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_toast_Disconnected = i(348); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_toast_Disconnected, "", "", [], { addClass: "toast" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { var t = i(9); !function() { t.mobile(c); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "absolute", zIndex: "1000", top: "40px", left: "0", width: "100%", height: "0", textAlign: "center", ".toast": { display: "inline-block", maxWidth: "80%" } }, "**self.mobile": { position: "fixed", top: "60px" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowDisconnectedToast" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, a) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, a); a = d.extend({}, u, a); "input" != a.tagName || a.type || (a.type = "text"); l.call(this, t, e, i, o, a); this.getValue() || this.showPlaceholder(); this.on("blur", this.handlePlaceholderBlur); this.on("focus", this.handlePlaceholderFocus); this.on("click", this.handleAutoSelect); var s = this; this._handlePlaceholder = function() { s.setPlaceholder(s.getPlaceholder()); }; r && r.onLanguage && r.onLanguage(this._handlePlaceholder); } var o = i(1), r = i(2), a = i(0), s = i(8), _ = i(12), l = i(42), d = i(73), u = { tagName: "input", autoValidate: !0 }; n.prototype = a(l.prototype); o(n, l, { fqname: "jx_ui_TextField" }); n.prototype.getPlaceholder = function() { return this.internalPlaceholder || ""; }; n.prototype.setPlaceholder = function(t) { "placeholder" in this.dom || (this.emulatePlaceholder = !0); this.internalPlaceholder = t; this.emulatePlaceholder || (this.dom.placeholder = t); this.placeholderActive && this.showPlaceholder(); return this; }; n.prototype.handlePlaceholderFocus = function() { this.placeholderActive && this.hidePlaceholder(); }; n.prototype.handlePlaceholderBlur = function() { this.getValue() || this.showPlaceholder(); }; n.prototype.showPlaceholder = function() { this.addClass("placeholder"); this.placeholderActive = !0; var t = this; if (this.emulatePlaceholder) { this._setValueOverride = !0; this.setValue(this.getPlaceholder()); this._setValueOverride = !1; if ("password" == this.getType()) { this.realTypePassword = !0; if (s.engineIE < 9) { if (!this.fakePlaceholderPasswordIE) { var e = { class: this.getClass(), type: "text", visible: "none", value: this.getPlaceholder(), autoValidate: !1, tabIndex: this.attributes.tabIndex }; this.fakePlaceholderPasswordIE = new l(this.parentNode, null, null, null, e); this.parentNode.insertAfter(this.fakePlaceholderPasswordIE, this); this.autobind(this.fakePlaceholderPasswordIE, "focus", function() { t.hidePlaceholder(); }); } "none" != this.getComputedStyle("display") && (this.originalDisplay = this.getComputedStyle("display")); this.fakePlaceholderPasswordIE.show().setOneStyle("display", this.originalDisplay).setClass(this.getClass()); this.setVisible("none"); } else this.setType("text", !0); } } }; n.prototype.hidePlaceholder = function() { this.removeClass("placeholder"); this.placeholderActive = !1; if (this.emulatePlaceholder) { this._setValueOverride = !0; this.setValue(""); this._setValueOverride = !1; if (this.realTypePassword) { this.realTypePassword = !1; if (s.engineIE < 9) { this.fakePlaceholderPasswordIE instanceof l && this.setVisible("block").setOneStyle("display", this.originalDisplay); this.fakePlaceholderPasswordIE.setVisible("none"); this.focus(); } else this.setType("password", !0); } } }; n.prototype.setValue = function(t) { var e = 0 === t || !!t; this._setValueOverride || e && this.hidePlaceholder(); l.prototype.setValue.call(this, t); if (!this._setValueOverride) try { this.doc.activeElement.jx_wrapper != this && (e || this.showPlaceholder()); } catch (t) {} return this; }; n.prototype.getValue = function() { return this.placeholderActive && this.emulatePlaceholder ? "" : l.prototype.getValue.call(this); }; n.prototype.setAutocomplete = n.prototype.setAutoComplete = function(t) { if (!("autocomplete" in this.dom)) return this; var e = ""; if ("boolean" == typeof t) { this.dom.autocomplete = t ? "on" : "off"; return this; } switch (t) { case "false": e = "off"; break; case "true": e = "on"; break; default: e = t; } this.dom.autocomplete = e; return this; }; n.prototype.getAutocomplete = n.prototype.getAutoComplete = function() { return this.dom.autocomplete; }; n.prototype.getAutoSelect = function() { return this.autoSelect; }; n.prototype.setAutoSelect = function(t) { this.autoSelect = _(t); return this; }; n.prototype.handleAutoSelect = function() { this.autoSelect && this.dom.select(); }; n.prototype.destroy = function() { r && r.unLanguage && r.unLanguage(this._updatePlaceholder); this.un("blur", this.handlePlaceholderBlur); this.un("focus", this.handlePlaceholderFocus); this.un("click", this.handleAutoSelect); if (this.fakePlaceholderPasswordIE instanceof l) { this.fakePlaceholderPasswordIE.destroy(); this.fakePlaceholderPasswordIE = null; } l.prototype.destroy.call(this); }; n.prototype.reset = function() { l.prototype.reset.call(this); this.handlePlaceholderBlur(); return this; }; n.prototype.insertAtCaret = function(t) { if (t) { this.placeholderActive && this.hidePlaceholder(); if (void 0 !== this.dom.selectionStart && 9 != s.engineIE) { var e = this.dom.selectionStart, i = this.dom.selectionEnd, n = this.getScrollTop(), o = this.getValue(); this.setValue(o.substring(0, e) + t + o.substring(i, o.length)); this.focus(); this.dom.selectionStart = this.dom.selectionEnd = e + t.length; this.setScrollTop(n); } else if (document.selection) { this.focus(); var r = document.selection.createRange(); r.text = t; this.focus(); } else { this.setValue(this.getValue() + t); this.focus(); } } }; n.prototype.getCaret = function() { var t = 0; if (void 0 !== this.dom.selectionStart) t = this.dom.selectionStart; else if (document.selection) { this.focus(); var e = document.selection.createRange(); e.moveStart("character", -this.getValue().length); t = e.text.length; } return t; }; n.prototype.setCaret = function(t) { if (void 0 !== this.dom.selectionStart) { this.dom.selectionStart = t; this.dom.selectionEnd = t; this.focus(); } else if (document.selection) { this.focus(); var e = document.selection.createRange(); e.moveStart("character", -this.getValue().length); e.moveEnd("character", -this.getValue().length); e.moveStart("character", t); e.moveEnd("character", 0); e.select(); } return this; }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(1), o = i(3), r = i(0), a = i(85), s = a, _ = i(62); a = function(t, e, i, n, r) { if (!(this instanceof a)) return new a(t, e, i, n, r); if (!a.__jx__jcss_generated) { o.generate(this, a.prototype.__jx__fqname, a.__jx__jcss, null, a); a.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } s.call(this, t, e, i, n, r); _.__constructor.call(this); }; a.__jx__jcss = {}; a.prototype = r(s.prototype); n(a, s, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_TextField" }); a.prototype.__jx__super = _; t.exports = a; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); this.childConstructors = []; this.childAttributes = []; this.delimiter = "@"; l.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); var s = this; this._updateContent = function() { s.updateContent(); }; a && a.onLanguage && a.onLanguage(this._updateContent); this.onDestruction(function() { a && a.unLanguage && a.unLanguage(s._updateContent); }); } function o(t) { return t.replace(/&#([0-9]{1,4});/g, function(t, e) { return String.fromCharCode(e); }); } var r = i(1), a = i(2), s = i(0), _ = i(21), l = i(7); n.prototype = s(l.prototype); r(n, l, { fqname: "jx_ui_Localizer" }); n.prototype.appendChild = function(t) { if (_(t)) { this.childConstructors.push(t[0]); this.childAttributes.push(t[4]); this._localizer_appendchild_override || this.updateContent(); } else l.prototype.appendChild.call(this, t); }; n.prototype.updateContent = function() { this.setContent(this.getContent()); }; n.prototype.getContent = function() { return this.content; }; n.prototype.setContent = function(t) { this.content = t; this.empty(); if (t) { t.toString && (t = t.toString()); for (var e, i = t, n = i.length, r = 0, a = this.delimiter, s = a.length, _ = 0; r < n && -1 != r; ) { e = i.indexOf(a, r); -1 == e && (e = n); if (e > r) { this._localizer_appendchild_override = !0; l.prototype.appendChild.call(this, [ l, null, null, [ o(i.slice(r, e)) ], { tagName: "label", display: "inline" } ]); this._localizer_appendchild_override = !1; r = e; } if (e == r && e != n) { var d = i.indexOf(a, e + s); -1 == d && (d = n); this._localizer_appendchild_override = !0; l.prototype.appendChild.call(this, [ this.childConstructors[_] || l, null, null, [ o(i.slice(r + s, d)) ], this.childAttributes[_] || { tagName: "label", display: "inline" } ]); this._localizer_appendchild_override = !1; r = d + s; _++; } } return this; } }; n.prototype.setChildProperties = function(t, e, i) { this.childConstructors[t] = e; this.childAttributes[t] = i; }; n.prototype.clearChildProperties = function() { this.childConstructors.length = this.childAttributes.length = 0; }; n.prototype.getDelimiter = function() { return this.delimiter; }; n.prototype.setDelimiter = function(t) { this.delimiter = t; this.updateContent(); return this; }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, i, o, r, _) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, i, o, r, _); i = i || s.generateID(); var l = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", addClass: "border_overlay" } ], d = l[0].call(this, e, i, null, s.mangleIDs(i, l[3]), l[4]), u = d || this; s.set(i, u); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } for (var c in void 0) u[c] = (void 0)[c]; u.fire && u.fire("init"); u.setStyle && u.setStyle(o); u.setAttributes && u.setAttributes(_); "function" == typeof u.addChildren ? u.addChildren(r) : s.addChildren(u, r); if (u !== this) { u.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; u.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return u; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "absolute", "top, left": 0, "width, height": "100%", borderRadius: "inherit" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_BorderOverlay" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t() { var t = g.getValue(), e = u[t]; if (e && !(o instanceof e)) { o && o.destroy(); o = new e(c); } } function e() { var t = f.getValue(); t && r ? c.setDisplay("none") : t || !a ? c.setDisplay("") : c.setDisplay("none"); } function n(t) { c.setVisibility(t ? "hidden" : ""); } var o, r, a, s = i(12), _ = i(6), l = i(361), d = i(360), u = { icon_font_zopim: l, icon_font_zendesk: d }, h = _.root.$("livechat"), f = h.$("ui").$("mobile$bool"), g = h.$("settings").$("theme").$("branding").$("type$string"), p = h.$("settings").$("branding").$("hide_branding$bool"); c.setHideOnMobile = function(t) { r = s(t); e(); }; c.setHideOnDesktop = function(t) { a = s(t); e(); }; !function() { c.autobind(g, "value", t); c.autobind(f, "value", e); c.autobind(p, "value", n); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { display: "inline-block", color: "$$brandingLinkColor" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_Branding" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, s) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, s); if (r.bugs.noBoxSizing) { var l = this.table = new _(t, null, null, null, { tagName: "table" }), d = this.tbody = new _(l, null, null, null, { tagName: "tbody" }), u = this.tr = new _(d, null, null, null, { tagName: "tr" }), c = this.td = new _(u, null, null, null, { tagName: "td" }), h = this; this.table.destroy = function() { h.destroy(); }; this.table.empty = function() { h.empty(); }; this.setPadding = function(t) { this.td.setPadding(t); return this; }; this.show = function() { this.table && this.table.show(); return this; }; this.hide = function() { this.table && this.table.hide(); return this; }; _.call(this, c, e, i, o, s); l.style.tableLayout = "fixed", l.style.borderCollapse = "collapse"; d.style.height = d.style.width = this.style.height = this.style.width = "100%"; l.setTop(0).setLeft(0).setWidth("100%").setHeight("100%").setPosition("absolute").applyConstraints(); this.style.position = "relative", this.style.overflow = "auto"; l.defaultPlacement = this; } else { this.setPadding = function(t) { if (!a(t)) return this; t = t.split(" "); t[0] = parseInt(t[0], 10); t[1] = parseInt(t[1], 10); t[2] = parseInt(t[2], 10); t[3] = parseInt(t[3], 10); if (isNaN(t[0])) t[3] = t[2] = t[1] = t[0] = 0; else if (isNaN(t[3])) if (isNaN(t[1])) t[3] = t[2] = t[1] = t[0]; else if (isNaN(t[2])) { t[3] = t[1]; t[2] = t[0]; } else t[3] = t[1]; this.setTop(parseInt(t[0], 10)).setRight(parseInt(t[1], 10)).setBottom(parseInt(t[2], 10)).setLeft(parseInt(t[3], 10)); return this; }; _.call(this, t, e, i, o, s); this.setStyle({ top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, overflow: "auto", position: "absolute" }); } this.setStyle(i); this.setAttributes(s); } var o = i(1), r = i(8), a = i(22), s = i(0), _ = i(7); n.prototype = s(_.prototype); o(n, _, { fqname: "jx_ui_FullFrame" }); n.prototype.destroy = function() { _.prototype.destroy.call(this); if (this.table) { _.prototype.empty.call(this.table); this.table.empty = null; _.prototype.destroy.call(this.table); this.table = this.tbody = this.tr = this.td = null; } }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(113), o = i(114), r = i(174), a = {}; a._super = r; a.defaults = { colors: { primary$string: "#555555", banner$string: "#EEEEEE", bubble$string: "#E59341" } }; a.generate = function(t) { function e(t) { var e = {}, i = t.luminance(), r = t.darken(10), a = t.lighten(10), s = n.interpolate(t, o.black, .5, "rgb"), d = n.interpolate(t, o.black, .7, "rgb"); e.color = new n.ColorScale({ colors: [ o.white, o.white, s.darken(10), s, s ], positions: [ 0, _ - .001, _ + .001, l, 1 ], mode: "rgb" }).get(i).hex(); e.bg = new n.ColorScale({ colors: [ t, t, t.darken(10) ], positions: [ 0, l, 1 ], mode: "rgb" }).get(i).hex(); e.iconColor = new n.ColorScale({ colors: [ t, t, d, d.lighten(10) ], positions: [ 0, _ - .001, _ + .001, 1 ], mode: "rgb" }).get(i).hex(); e.borderColor = new n.ColorScale({ colors: [ r, r, t.darken(20) ], positions: [ 0, l, 1 ], mode: "rgb" }).get(i).hex(); e.hoverBg = new n.ColorScale({ colors: [ a, t, t.darken(5) ], positions: [ 0, l, 1 ], mode: "rgb" }).get(i).hex(); return e; } function i(t, e) { var i = {}, r = t.luminance(), a = n.interpolate(t, o.black, e ? .7 : .5, "rgb"), s = e ? n.color(o.white) : n.interpolate(t, o.white, .5, "rgb"); i.color = new n.ColorScale({ colors: [ s, s.lighten(50), a, a.lighten(10) ], positions: [ 0, h - .001, h + .001, 1 ], mode: "rgb" }).get(r).hex(); i.bg = t.hex(); return i; } var r = n.hex(t.colors.primary$string), a = r.luminance(), s = n.hex(t.colors.banner$string || t.colors.primary$string), _ = 120 / 255, l = 200 / 255, d = e(r), u = e(r.lighten(15)), c = e(s), h = 120 / 255, f = i(r), g = i(s, !0); return { standard: { borderColor: "#DDD", headColor: f.color, headBg: r, contentColor: "#444", contentBlockBg: "#EEE", placeholderColor: "#AAA", inputColor: "#666", inputBorderColor: "#DDD", inputFocusBorderColor: o.clampLuminance(r, .2, .4).hex(), buttonColor: d.color, buttonBg: d.bg, buttonBorderColor: d.borderColor, buttonHoverBg: d.hoverBg, buttonShadow: "0px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1), inset 0px 1px 0px rgba(255,255,255,0.25)", buttonSecColor: u.color, buttonSecBg: u.bg, buttonSecBorderColor: u.borderColor, buttonSecHoverBg: u.hoverBg, scrollableFrameTopHeight: "5px", scrollableFrameTopBackground: "gradient top rgba(0,0,0,0.05) rgba(0,0,0,0)", scrollableFrameTopBackgroundColor: "transparent", scrollableFrameBottomHeight: "5px", scrollableFrameBottomBackground: "gradient top rgba(0,0,0,0) rgba(0,0,0,0.05)", scrollableFrameBottomBackgroundColor: "transparent", toastColor: "#666", toastBg: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95)", toastBorderColor: "#DDD", toastShadow: "$$windowShadow", avatarBorderColor: "#DDD", profileCardAvatarBorderWidth: 0, profileCardAvatarShadow: "0px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)", profileCardNameColor: o.clampLuminance(r, 0, .2).hex(), profileCardTitleColor: "#AAA", bottomBorderWidth: "1px 0 0", bottomBorderColor: "#EEE", chatMotifHill: "#EEE", chatMotifBubble: "#BBB", chatButtonColor: d.color, chatButtonBg: r.hex(), chatButtonBorderWidth: a > l ? "" : 0, chatButtonBorderColor: a > l ? "#DDD" : "", faviconBg: new n.ColorScale({ colors: [ r.lighten(15), r.lighten(5), r.darken(5), r.darken(5) ], positions: [ 0, .05, .0501, 1 ], mode: "rgb" }).get(a).hex(), windowColor: "#666", windowPadding: "3px", windowShadow: "0px 0px 3px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)", windowContentBorderWidth: "0 1px", windowContentBorderColor: "#DDD", menuBorderColor: "#DDD", menuItemHoverBg: "#EEE", titleBarColor: f.color, titleBarBg: f.bg, titleBarBorderWidth: a > 220 / 255 ? "1px" : 0, titleBarBorderColor: a > 220 / 255 ? "#DDD" : "", titleBarIconsColor: "", actionBarColor: "#999", actionBarBorderWidth: "0 1px 1px 1px", actionBarBorderColor: "#DDD", actionBarHoverColor: "#666", chatPanelProfileCardContainerBorderWidth: "0 0 1px", chatPanelProfileCardContainerBorderColor: "#EEE", chatLogVisitorBubbleBg: "#FBFBFB", chatLogVisitorBubbleBorderColor: "#EEE", chatLogAgentBubbleBg: n.interpolate(o.clampLuminance(r, .4, .8), o.white, .8, "rgb").hex(), chatLogAgentBubbleBorderColor: n.interpolate(o.clampLuminance(r, .4, .8), o.white, .4, "rgb").hex(), chatLogAvatarBorderWidth: "$$borderWidth", chatLogFileProgressBg: f.bg, chatLogDateDividerLineHeight: "0.1em", chatLogDateDividerBorderBottom: "1px solid #DDD", chatTranslationSwitchColor: "#999", chatTextAreaBorderWidth: "1px 0 0", chatTextAreaBorderColor: "#EEE", chatTextAreaInputShadow: "inset 0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)", chatTextAreaInputFocusShadow: "inset 0px 1px 3px " + n.interpolate(o.clampLuminance(r, .2, .4), o.white, .5, "rgb").hex(), chatTextAreaDropColor: "#444", chatTextAreaDropBg: "#EEE", chatTextAreaDropBorderWidth: "1px", chatTextAreaDropBorderStyle: "dashed", chatTextAreaDropBorderColor: "#444", badgeBg: g.bg, badgeBorderWidth: 0, badgeContentColor: g.color, badgeContentBg: g.bg, badgeContentBorderWidth: 0, badgeFormBg: o.white, badgeFormBorderWidth: "1px 0", badgeFormBorderColor: "#DDD", badgeIconColor: c.iconColor }, mobile: { authButtonBg: "$$inputBg", authButtonBorderColor: "$$inputBorderColor", authButtonShadow: "none", bottomBorderWidth: 0, menuBg: "#FBFBFB", menuHeaderColor: "#999", menuItemHoverBg: "#DDD", menuRadius: "0 0 10px 10px", menuShadow: "none", actionBarColor: f.color, actionBarBg: r.darken(10).hex(), actionBarBorderWidth: 0, actionBarHoverColor: f.color, chatPanelProfileCardContainerBorderColor: "#DDD", chatTextAreaBorderColor: "#DDD", chatTextAreaInputShadow: "none", chatTextAreaInputBorderWidth: 0, chatTextAreaInputRadius: 0, chatTextAreaInputFocusShadow: "none", brandingLinkColor: "#999" } }; }; t.exports = a; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { l = C.root; d = l.$("livechat"); u = d.$("ui"); h = u.$("chat_notification").$("display$bool"); f = u.$("chat_window").$("display$bool"); g = u.$("chat_button").$("display$bool"); p = u.$("mobile_notifications$bool"); c = u.$("mobile_overlay$bool"); h.on("value", k); f.on("value", k); g.on("value", k); p.on("value", k); } function o() { if (!0 === v) return !0; v = p.getValue() ? $ && b && m && !y(f.getValue()) && !y(h.getValue()) && !y(g.getValue()) : c.getValue() ? $ && b && !y(f.getValue()) && !y(g.getValue()) : b && !y(g.getValue()); return v; } function r() { if (w === b && x === $) { w = $; $.moveUp(A); b.moveDown(A); } else if (w) w.moveDown(function(t) { if (!t) if (x) { w = x; x.moveUp(); } else w = null; }); else { w = x; x && x.moveUp(); } } function a(t) { $ = t; k(); } function s(t) { m = t; k(); } function _(t) { b = t; k(); } var l, d, u, c, h, f, g, p, m, $, b, w, x, v, y = i(25), j = i(34), C = i(6), S = { init: n, registerChatButton: _, registerChatNotification: s, registerChatWindow: a }, A = function() {}, k = j.debounce(function() { if (o()) { var t = f.getValue(), e = h.getValue(), i = g.getValue(), n = t && $ || e && m || i && b || null; if (!(t + e + i > 1) && x !== n) { x = n; r(); } } }); t.exports = S; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { x.setActivityWindow(t); C = v.ACCOUNT_KEY; p = (t || window).location.hostname; m = /\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/.test(p) ? p : y.getEffectiveTLD(p); } function o() { if (v.IS_POPOUT) return x.get(k) || b().get("mid"); var t = u(); return t || (x.get(A) || ""); } function r(t) { x.set(A, t, { path: "/", ttl: 365, domain: m }); } function a() { x.remove(A, { path: "/", domain: m }); } function s() { var t = c(); if ("boolean" == typeof t) return t; var e = x.get(I); e = parseInt(e, 10); return 0 !== e && (1 === e || void 0); } function _() { x.remove(I, { path: "/", domain: m }); } function l(t) { t = $(t); t = t ? 1 : 0; x.set(I, t, { path: "/", ttl: 365, domain: m }); } function d() { a(); w.remove(S); } function u() { var t = x.getJSONCookie("__zlcid"); x.remove("__zlcid", { path: "/" }); if (t.mID) return t.mID; var e = h("__zlcstore"); x.remove("__zlcstore", { path: "/", domain: m }); return e && e.mID ? e.mID : void 0; } function c() { var t, e = h("__zlcprivacy"); if ("boolean" == typeof e) { t = e; l(e); } return t; } function h(t) { return x.getJSONCookie(t)[C]; } function f(t, e) { var i = w.get(S) || {}; i[C] || (i[C] = {}); var n = i[C]; n[t] = e; n.timestamp = +new Date(); w.set(S, i); } function g(t) { var e = w.get(S) || {}; if (!e[C]) return {}; var i = e[C]; return i.timestamp ? +new Date() - i.timestamp > j ? {} : i[t] : i[t] || {}; } var p, m, $ = i(12), b = i(36), w = i(380), x = i(177), v = i(18), y = i(11), j = 48e4, C = v.ACCOUNT_KEY, S = "__zlcstore", A = "__zlcmid", k = "__zlcpomid", I = "__zlcprivacy", T = { init: n, DOM: { saveVariable: f, getVariable: g }, Cookie: x, clearAll: d, setIdentity: r, getIdentity: o, clearIdentity: a, clearAllowCookieLaw: _, getAllowCookieLaw: s, setAllowCookieLaw: l }; t.exports = T; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(2), o = { livechat: { timestamp$int: +new Date(), settings: { file_sending: { enabled$bool: !0 }, behavior: { do_not_display$bool: !1 }, theme: { name$string: "simple", message_type$string: "bubble_avatar", colors: { placeholder$string: "_" }, chat_button: { position$string: "br", position_mobile$string: "br" }, chat_window: { position$string: "br", size$string: "medium", profile_card: { display_avatar$bool: !0, display_rating$bool: !0, display_title_name$bool: !0 }, use_banner$bool: !0, title_bar: { hide_minimize$bool: !1, hide_popout$bool: !1 } }, branding: { type$string: "icon_font_zopim" } }, greetings: { online$string: n(80), offline$string: n(81) }, banner: { enabled$bool: !0, layout$string: "image_right", text$string: n(82), image_path$string: "", image_data$string: "" }, chat_button: { hide_when_offline$bool: !1 }, chat_window: { mobile_mode$string: "popout", title_bar: { title$string: n(83), status_messages: { online$string: n(84), away$string: n(85), offline$string: n(86) } } }, login: { allowed_types: { email$bool: !0, facebook$bool: !0, twitter$bool: !1, google$bool: !0 }, phone_display$bool: !1, restrict_profile$bool: !1 }, concierge: { display_name$string: n(87), title$string: n(88), avatar_path$string: "", avatar_data$string: "", greeting: { enabled$bool: !1, message$string: n(89) } }, branding: { hide_branding$bool: !1, hide_favicon$bool: !1, custom_favicon_path$string: "" }, language: { language$string: "--" }, cookie_law: { enabled$bool: !1 }, sound: { disabled$bool: !1 }, popout: { enabled$bool: !0 }, rating: { enabled$bool: !0 }, end_chat_menu: { enabled$bool: !0, message$string: "" }, emoticons: { enabled$bool: !1 }, bubble: { enabled$bool: !0, title$string: n(90), text$string: n(91) }, forms: { pre_chat_form: { required$bool: !1, profile_required$bool: !1, message$string: "", form: { 0: { name$string: "name", required$bool: 0 }, 1: { name$string: "email", required$bool: 0 }, 2: { label$string: n(92), name$string: "department", required$bool: 0, type$string: "department" }, 3: { label$string: n(93), name$string: "message", required$bool: 0, type$string: "textarea" }, 4: { label$string: n(94), name$string: "phone", required$bool: 0, type$string: "text", hidden$bool: !0 } } }, offline_form: { message$string: n(95), message_disabled$string: n(96), post_submit_message$string: n(97), profile_required$bool: !0, form: { 0: { name$string: "name", required$bool: 1 }, 1: { name$string: "email", required$bool: 1 }, 2: { label$string: n(98), name$string: "message", required$bool: 1, type$string: "textarea" }, 3: { label$string: n(99), name$string: "phone", required$bool: 0, type$string: "text", hidden$bool: !0 } } }, post_chat_form: { header$string: n(100), message$string: n(101), comments_enabled$bool: !0, comments_messages: { good: { message$string: n(102), placeholder$string: n(103) }, bad: { message$string: n(104), placeholder$string: n(105) } } }, card_form: {} } } } }; t.exports = o; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e) { this.name = t; this.leaf = /\$[a-z]+$/.test(t); this.parentNode = e; this.listeners_value = []; this.listeners_write = []; if (!this.leaf) { this.listeners_keys = []; this.childNodes = {}; this.keys = {}; } } function o(t, e) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e); } function r(t) { for (var e = "", i = 0; i < t.length; i++) /^[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*$/.test(t[i]) ? e += "." + t[i] : e += "[" + JSON.stringify(t[i]) + "]"; return e.substr(1); } var a = i(14); n.prototype.fqname = function() { return r(this.path()); }; n.prototype.path = function() { for (var t = this, e = [ this.name ]; t = t.parentNode; ) e.unshift(t.name); return e; }; n.prototype.descend = function(t) { var e, i, r, a = this; "string" == typeof t && (t = t.split(".")); for (i = 0, r = t.length; i < r; i++) { e = t[i]; o(a.childNodes, e) || (a.childNodes[e] = new n(e, a)); a = a.childNodes[e]; } return a; }; n.prototype.$$ = n.prototype.descend; n.prototype.$ = function(t) { return o(this.childNodes, t) ? this.childNodes[t] : this.childNodes[t] = new n(t, this); }; n.prototype.update = function(t, e, i) { var n, o; if (null !== t) { delete this.deleted; o = this.parentNode; for (;o && o.deleted; ) { delete o.deleted; o = o.parentNode; } } if (this.leaf) { this.value = t; this.notifyListeners(t, e, i); } else { if (null == t) { this.deleted = !0; for (n in this.childNodes) this.childNodes.hasOwnProperty(n) && this.childNodes[n].update(null, !0, i); } else for (n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && this.$(n).update(t[n], !0, i); this.notifyListeners(t, e, i); } }; n.prototype.write = function(t, e, i) { if ("function" == typeof e) { i = e; e = !1; } var n = { path: this.path(), value: t }; "function" == typeof i && (n.func = i); this.update(t, e || !1, n); }; n.prototype.bindWrite = function(t) { this.listeners_write.push(t); }; n.prototype.bindValue = function(t) { this.listeners_value.push(t); try { t.call(this, this.getValue()); } catch (t) { a.fire("error", t); } }; n.prototype.bindKeys = function(t) { if (!this.leaf) { this.listeners_keys.push(t); try { t.call(this, this.getKeys(), []); } catch (t) { a.fire("error", t); } } }; n.prototype.unbindValue = function(t) { for (var e = this.listeners_value.length; e--; ) if (this.listeners_value[e] == t) { this.listeners_value.splice(e, 1); return; } }; n.prototype.unbindKeys = function(t) { if (!this.leaf) for (var e = this.listeners_keys.length; e--; ) if (this.listeners_keys[e] == t) { this.listeners_keys.splice(e, 1); return; } }; n.prototype.on = function(t, e) { switch (t) { case "value": this.bindValue(e); break; case "keys": this.bindKeys(e); } }; n.prototype.un = function(t, e) { switch (t) { case "value": this.unbindValue(e); break; case "keys": this.unbindKeys(e); } }; n.prototype.addListener = function(t, e) { this.listeners[t].push(e); }; n.prototype.removeListener = function(t, e) { for (var i = this.listeners[t], n = i.length; n--; ) i[n] == e && i.splice(n, 1); }; n.prototype.notifyListeners = function(t, e, i) { var n, r, s; if (!this.leaf) { n = []; r = []; if (t) { for (s in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(s)) if (null !== t[s]) { if (!o(this.keys, s)) { this.keys[s] = 1; n.push(s); } } else if (o(this.keys, s)) { delete this.keys[s]; r.push(s); } } else for (s in this.keys) if (this.keys.hasOwnProperty(s)) { delete this.keys[s]; r.push(s); } } for (var _ = 0; _ < this.listeners_value.length; _++) try { this.listeners_value[_].call(this, t); } catch (t) { a.fire("error", t); } if (i) for (_ = 0; _ < this.listeners_write.length; _++) try { this.listeners_write[_].call(this, i); } catch (t) { a.fire("error", t); } if (!this.leaf) { for (_ = 0; _ < this.listeners_keys.length; _++) try { this.listeners_keys[_].call(this, n, r); } catch (t) { a.fire("error", t); } if (!e && this.parentNode) { var l = {}; l[this.name] = t; this.parentNode.notifyListeners(l, e, i); } } }; n.prototype.getValue = function(t) { if (t) return this.descend(t).getValue(); if (this.leaf) return this.value; if (this.deleted) return null; var e, i, n = {}; for (var o in this.childNodes) if (this.childNodes.hasOwnProperty(o) && null != (i = this.childNodes[o].getValue())) { n[o] = i; e = !0; } return e ? n : null; }; n.prototype.hasKey = function(t) { return o(this.keys, t); }; n.prototype.getKeys = function() { if (this.leaf) return null; var t = []; for (var e in this.keys) this.keys.hasOwnProperty(e) && t.push(e); return t; }; n.prototype.gc = function() { var t = !0; for (var e in this.childNodes) if (this.childNodes.hasOwnProperty(e)) { var i = this.childNodes[e]; t = i.leaf ? !i.listeners_value.length && null == i.value && (delete this.keys[e], delete this.childNodes[e]) && t : i.gc() && (delete this.keys[e], delete this.childNodes[e]) && t; } return t && this.deleted && !this.listeners_keys.length && !this.listeners_value.length; }; n.DataNode = n; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e) { var i = { cached_fqname: {}, cache: {}, cache_replaced: {}, palettes: {}, priorities: [] }; t.exports = i; }, function(t, e) { function i(t) { return t.join(""); } var n = { space: / /g, repeatingLinearGradient: /^\s*repeating-linear-gradient/, prependFQName: /^(\*\*self|)(?!.+?keyframes)/, prePrependFQName: /^(?!\*\*self)/g, replacePseudo: /\:\:\:([A-Za-z_\-.]+)/g, replaceAppend: / +?&/g, placeholder: /::placeholder$/, replaceVariables: /(?:(?:([A-Za-z\-]+):)??(?:& *:)?\$\$([A-Za-z0-9_\.]+))(?=;)/g, replaceLeftovers: /(?:(?:[A-Za-z\-]+:)??(?:& *:)?(\$\$[A-Za-z0-9_\.]*?)??)(?=;)/g, replaceMedia: /(.*)(@media.*)@mediaend(.*)/, commaStart: /^,/, selectorCase: /([A-Z]+)/g, removePrefix: /^\$\$/, isVariable: /\$\$[A-Za-z0-9_]+/ }, o = { REGEX: n, join: i }; t.exports = o; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e) { t || r.log(e); } var o = i(20), r = { ok: n, isFunction: function(t, e) { n(o(t), e); } }; r.log = function() {}; t.exports = r; }, function(t, e) { var i; i = function() { return this; }(); try { i = i || Function("return this")() || (0, eval)("this"); } catch (t) { "object" == typeof window && (i = window); } t.exports = i; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, i, o, r, _) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, i, o, r, _); i = i || s.generateID(); var l = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui" } ], d = l[0].call(this, e, i, null, s.mangleIDs(i, l[3]), l[4]), u = d || this; s.set(i, u); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } for (var c in void 0) u[c] = (void 0)[c]; u.fire && u.fire("init"); u.setStyle && u.setStyle(o); u.setAttributes && u.setAttributes(_); "function" == typeof u.addChildren ? u.addChildren(r) : s.addChildren(u, r); if (u !== this) { u.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; u.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return u; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { marginBottom: "$$margin", color: "$$menuHeaderColor" }, "&.item": { margin: "$$menuItemPadding" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_menu_Header" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { if (!a.isWebKit || a.isChrome) return !1; var t = document.activeElement; return t && "select" === t.tagName.toLowerCase(); } function o() { if (a.isIE && document.documentMode && !(a.isStrict && document.documentMode > 7)) for (var t = document.getElementsByTagName("select"), e = t.length; e--; ) { var i = t[e].style, n = i.display; i.display = "none"; i.display = n; } } function r() { o(); } var a = i(8), s = { testSafariFocusBug: n, ieQuirksModeFix: r }; t.exports = s; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ratingBar_emoticon_Emoticon = i(294); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ratingBar_thumb_Thumb = i(290); t.exports = function() { function t(e, i, o, r, _) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, i, o, r, _); i = i || s.generateID(); var l = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ratingBar_emoticon_Emoticon, "emoticon_rating_options", "", [], { id: "emoticon_rating_options", addClass: "button_bar", visible: "none" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ratingBar_thumb_Thumb, "thumb_rating_options", "", [], { id: "thumb_rating_options", addClass: "button_bar", visible: "none" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], d = l[0].call(this, e, i, null, s.mangleIDs(i, l[3]), l[4]), u = d || this; s.set(i, u); var c = s.get(i + "__emoticon_rating_options"), h = s.get(i + "__thumb_rating_options"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var f = function() { function t(t) { s && u.autounbind(s, "value", n); s = t; s && u.autobind(s, "value", n); } function e() { return d; } function i(t) { d = t; l.setValue(t); l.updateTitle(d); } function n(t) { d !== t && i(t); } function o() { var t = l.getValue(); d === t && (t = null); i(t); u.fire("change", t); } function r() { _ = "thumb"; if ("thumb" === _) { h.show(); c.hide(); l = h; } else if ("emoticon" === _) { h.hide(); c.show(); l = c; } else { h.hide(); c.hide(); l = null; } } function a(t) { l.addClass(t); } var s, _, l, d; !function() { u.setDataNode = t; u.getValue = e; u.setValue = i; u.setSize = a; r(); l.on("change", o); }(); }(); for (var g in f) u[g] = f[g]; u.fire && u.fire("init"); u.setStyle && u.setStyle(o); u.setAttributes && u.setAttributes(_); "function" == typeof u.addChildren ? u.addChildren(r) : s.addChildren(u, r); if (u !== this) { u.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; u.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return u; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "relative", ".button_bar": { width: "100%", textAlign: "center" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_RatingBar" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div = i(13); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_ChatName = i(322); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_ChatMessage = i(321); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_ResendChatMessage = i(318); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_span = i(30); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_ChatOption = i(317); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_TranslationSwitch = i(315); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_ChatFile = i(314); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_ChatName, "chat_name", "", [], { id: "chat_name", addClass: "chat_name" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_ChatMessage, "chat_msg", "", [], { id: "chat_msg", addClass: "chat_msg" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_ResendChatMessage, "resend", "", [], { id: "resend", addClass: "resend_chat_msg" } ] ], { class: "chat_msg_holder" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_span, "", "", [], { text: " " } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_ChatOption, "chat_option", "", [], { id: "chat_option", addClass: "chat_option" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_TranslationSwitch, "translation_switch", "", [], { id: "translation_switch" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_ChatFile, "chat_file", "", [], { id: "chat_file", addClass: "chat_file" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:mui": "meshim.ui", "xmlns:logRenderer": "meshim.widget.widgets.chatLogRenderer" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__chat_name"), f = s.get(o + "__chat_msg"), g = s.get(o + "__resend"), p = s.get(o + "__chat_option"), m = s.get(o + "__translation_switch"), $ = s.get(o + "__chat_file"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var b = function() { function t(t) { if (n !== t) { if (n) { c.autounbind(n, "value", e); c.autounbind(o, "value", e); o = null; } n = t; if (n) { o = a.$(t.name).$("show_original$bool"); c.autobind(n, "value", e); c.autobind(o, "value", e); } g.setDataNode(t); h.setDataNode(t); $.setDataNode(t); } } function e() { var t = n.$("msg$string"), e = n.$("options$string"), i = null; if (n.hasKey("translation")) { i = o; if (!i.getValue()) { t = n.$("translation").$("msg$string"); e = n.$("translation").$("options$string"); } } f.setDataNode(t); p.setDataNode(e); m.setDataNode(i); } var n, o, r = i(6), a = r.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("channel").$("log"); !function() { c.setDataNode = t; }(); }(); for (var w in b) c[w] = b[w]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { marginTop: "10px", ".chat_name": { fontWeight: "bold", "&": "$$chatLogName" }, "&.visitor .chat_name": { color: "$$chatLogVisitorNameColor" }, "&.agent .chat_name": { color: "$$chatLogAgentNameColor" }, ".chat_msg_holder": { whiteSpace: "pre-wrap", wordWrap: "break-word", display: "inline", ".chat_msg": { "&": "$$chatLogMsg" }, ".resend_chat_msg": { marginLeft: "6px" } }, ".chat_option": { wordBreak: "break-all", input: { margin: "2px 5px" } }, ".chat_file": { "marginTop, marginBottom": "5px", "&": "$$chatLogFile" } }, "**self.group_children": { marginTop: "0px", ".chat_name": { display: "none" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_BasicRenderer" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_ChatLog = i(148); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_ChatLog, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:jx": "jx.controls", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:chatPanel": "meshim.widget.components.chatWindow.chatPanel" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { var t = i(6), e = t.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("history"), n = e.$("log"), o = e.$("log_length$int"); !function() { c.getElement("list").on("jx:list:length", function(t) { o.update(t); }); c.setDataNode(n); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_ChatLog.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = {}; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_ChatLog, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_HistoryLog" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div = i(13); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, "inner", "", [], { id: "inner", addClass: "inner", useDisplay: "true" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__inner"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var f = function() { var t = i(12), e = { SMALL: 16, BIG: 30 }, n = c.setVisible; c.setVisible = function(e) { e = t(e); n.call(c, e); h.setVisible(e); }; c.setSize = function(t) { var i = "big" === t ? e.BIG : e.SMALL; c.setWidth(i); c.setHeight(i); }; }(); for (var g in f) c[g] = f[g]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "@keyframes": { spinner: { to: { transform: "rotate(360deg)" } } }, "**self": { width: "16px", height: "16px", margin: "auto" }, ".inner": { width: "100%", height: "100%", borderRadius: "50%", border: "2px solid transparent", borderTopColor: "#ddd", borderRightColor: "#ddd", animation: "spinner .6s linear infinite" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_Spinner" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, a) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, a); a || (a = {}); a.tagName || (a.tagName = "input"); a.type || (a.type = "checkbox"); _.call(this, t, e, i, o, a); this.on("click", function() { this.onAutoValidate(); }); r.engineIE < 9 && this.on("click", function() { this.fire("change"); }); } var o = i(1), r = i(8), a = i(0), s = i(12), _ = i(42); n.prototype = a(_.prototype); o(n, _, { fqname: "jx_ui_CheckBox" }); n.prototype.getChecked = function() { return this.dom.checked; }; n.prototype.setChecked = function(t) { this.dom.checked = s(t); return this; }; n.prototype.toggleChecked = function() { this.setChecked(!this.getChecked()); return this; }; n.prototype.getInitialChecked = function() { return r.engineIE <= 8 ? this._initialChecked : this.dom.getAttribute("checked"); }; n.prototype.setInitialChecked = function(t) { r.engineIE <= 8 ? this._initialChecked = t : this.setAttribute("checked", t); return this; }; n.prototype.reset = function() { this.setChecked(this.getInitialChecked()).setValidity(!0); _.prototype.reset.call(this); }; n.prototype.validate = function(t) { var e = !this.dom.required || this.getChecked(); !e && t && this.focus(); this.setValidity(e); return e; }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "container", "", [], { id: "container" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:mui": "meshim.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", class: "generated_form" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__container"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var f = function() { function t() { var t, i, a, l; t = e.getValue(); if (!w.equal(n, t)) { h.empty(); S = {}; A = {}; n = t; var d, u, c, f, g; for (a in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(a)) { i = t[a]; c = null; if (C[i.name$string]) continue; if (!j[i.type$string]) continue; if (!i.name$string) continue; if (!i.label$string) continue; if (o && !i.value_user$string || "checkbox" == i.type$string && !i.checked$bool) continue; d = A[i.name$string] = new _(h, null, null, null, { className: "field field_" + i.type$string }); d.label = u = new v(d, null, null, null, { className: "label" }); d.label_name = new v(u, null, null, [ b.get(e.$$(a + ".label$string")) ]); d.label_required = new v(u, null, null, [ i.required$bool && !o ? " *" : "" ]); d.input = S[i.name$string] = c = new j[i.type$string](d, null, null, null, { name: i.name$string, required: i.required$bool, autoValidate: !0, readOnly: o }); (c.container || c).addClass("input input_" + i.type$string); c && c.setLabelElement(u); switch (i.type$string) { case "checkbox_multiple": case "radio": i.options && c.setOptions(i.options); break; case "text": case "email": case "textarea": i.placeholder$string && c.setPlaceholder(i.placeholder$string); if (o) if (r.isIE <= 7) { c.style.overflow = "visible"; c.style.height = 0; } else s(function(t) { return function() { t.setMinHeight("0"); t.setHeight("0"); t.setHeight(t.getScrollHeight()); }; }(c)); break; case "checkbox": i.checked$bool && c.setChecked(i.checked$bool).setInitialChecked(i.checked$bool); d.insertBefore(c.container || c, u); o && c.setDisabled(!0); break; case "select": for (l in i.options) if (i.options.hasOwnProperty(l)) { g = new y(c, null, null, [ i.options[l].label$string || i.options[l].value$string ], { value: i.options[l].value$string }); (i.value$string == i.options[l].value$string || i.options[l].checked$bool) && g.setSelected(!0); } o && c.setDisabled(!0); break; case "department": c.setSelectedIndex(0); } if (!o) { d.error_message = f = new $(d, null, null, [ i.error_message$string || b.error_message[i.type$string] || b.error_message.default ], { className: "error_message" }); f.setUseDisplay(!0); c && c.setErrorMessageElement(f).hideErrorMessage(); f.setVisible("none"); } if (o && i.value_user$string) { c.setValue && c.setValue(i.value_user$string || ""); c.setInitialValue && c.setInitialValue(i.value_user$string || ""); } else if (i.value$string) { c.setValue && c.setValue(i.value$string); c.setInitialValue && c.setInitialValue(i.value$string); } if (i.hidden$bool) { d.setDisplay("none"); d.setRequired(!1); } } var p = h.getLastChild(); p && p.addClass("last-child"); } } var e, n, o, r = i(8), a = i(12), s = i(16), _ = i(336), l = i(335), d = i(334), u = i(157), f = i(86), g = i(78), p = i(79), m = i(156), $ = i(80), b = i(10), w = i(73), x = i(106), v = i(19), y = i(155), j = { text: f, email: p, textarea: r.isIE < 9 ? f : g, checkbox: x, select: m, checkbox_multiple: l, radio: d, department: u }, C = { name: 1, email: 1, phone: 1 }, S = {}, A = {}; c.submitSelf = function() { if (e) { var t, i = {}; for (var o in n) if (n.hasOwnProperty(o)) { if (n[o].hidden$bool) continue; t = S[n[o].name$string]; if (!t) continue; i[o] = { value_user$string: t.getValue() }; t.getChecked && (i[o].checked_user$bool = t.getChecked()); !t.getOptions || t instanceof u || (i[o].options = t.getOptions(!0)); } e.update(i); } }; c.submit = function(t, e, i, o) { if (t) { var r, a, s = {}; for (a in n) if (n.hasOwnProperty(a)) { if (n[a].hidden$bool) continue; if (o && "department_id" == n[a].name$string) continue; r = S[n[a].name$string]; if (!r) continue; if (i) { s[a] = { value_user$string: r.getValue() }; r.getChecked && (s[a].checked_user$bool = r.getChecked()); !r.getOptions || r instanceof u || (s[a].options = r.getOptions(!0)); } else { s[a] = { name$string: n[a].name$string, value$string: r.getValue() }; r.getChecked && (s[a].checked$bool = r.getChecked()); !r.getOptions || r instanceof u || (s[a].options = r.getOptions()); } } if (e) { var _ = e.getValue(); for (a in _) if (_.hasOwnProperty(a)) { if (!_[a] || !C[a]) continue; s[a] = { name$string: a, value$string: _[a] }; } } t.write(s); } }; c.setReadOnly = function(t) { o = a(t); c[o ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("read_only"); return c; }; c.setDataNode = function(i) { if (e != i) { e && c.autounbind(e, "value", t); e = i; e && c.autobind(e, "value", t); } }; c.populateSelf = function() { if (e) { var t, i = e.getValue(); for (var o in i) if (i.hasOwnProperty(o)) { t = S[n[o].name$string]; if (!t) continue; t.setValue(i[o].value_user$string); t.setChecked && t.setChecked(i[o].checked_user$bool); t.setOptions && t.setOptions(i[o].options, !0); } } }; c.reset = function() { if (e) { var t, i = e.getValue(); for (var o in i) if (i.hasOwnProperty(o)) { t = S[n[o].name$string]; if (!t) continue; t.reset && t.reset(); } } }; c.getField = function(t) { return A[t]; }; c.getInput = function(t) { return S[t]; }; }(); for (var g in f) c[g] = f[g]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { "*zoom": 1 }, ".input_text, .input_email, textarea, select": { width: "100%" }, ".label, .error_message, .option_label": { display: "block" }, ".input_checkbox, .input_input_radio, .input_input_checkbox": { display: "inline-block", float: "left", clear: "both" }, ".field": { marginBottom: "15px", "&.field_radio .input, &.field_department .input": { input: { "width, height": "16px" }, label: { paddingLeft: "20px", lineHeight: "16px" }, "label.disabled": { color: "#ccc", "&": "$$inputDisabled" } }, "&.field_checkbox, &.field_checkbox_multiple .input": { input: { "width, height": "16px" }, label: { paddingLeft: "20px", lineHeight: "15px" } }, "&.field_checkbox, &.field_checkbox_multiple, &.field_radio": { "&.invalid": {} } }, ".label": { marginBottom: "5px", fontWeight: "bold" }, textarea: { "minHeight, *height": "70px", resize: "vertical" }, ".option_label": { marginBottom: "5px", "&:last-child": { marginBottom: 0 } }, ".error_message": { paddingBottom: "5px" }, "&.read_only": { ".field_radio, .field_checkbox_multiple": { ".input_input_radio, .input_input_checkbox": { display: "none" } }, textarea: { overflow: "hidden" }, ".input_checkbox_multiple": { label: { display: "inline", marginRight: "0.5em", "&:after": { content: "','" }, "&.last-checked": { marginRight: 0, "&:after": { content: "none" } } } }, ".field": { padding: "6px", marginBottom: 0 }, ".input_text, .input_email, textarea, .fake_input": { border: "none", padding: 0, resize: "none", background: "transparent" }, select: { padding: 0, border: "none", height: "auto", background: "transparent" }, ".option_label": { marginBottom: 0, paddingLeft: "0 !important" }, ".label": { display: "none" }, button: { position: "relative", background: "transparent" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_Form" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Gravatar = i(83); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Gravatar, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:mui": "meshim.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t(t) { r.test(t) ? c.setDataNode(a.$("settings").$("concierge")) : n.test(t) ? c.setDataNode(a.$("ui").$("cache_agents").$(t)) : o.test(t) ? c.setDataNode(a.$("profile")) : c.setDataNode(a.$("settings").$("concierge")); return c; } var e = i(6), n = /^agent/i, o = /^visitor/i, r = /^agent:trigger$/, a = e.root.$("livechat"); !function() { c.setMemberId = t; }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Gravatar.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = {}; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Gravatar, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_Avatar" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = i(2), _ = i(4); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__jx_ui_Label = i(19); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_FakeInput = i(162); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Avatar = i(108); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_iconFont_Button = i(161); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ErrorMessage = i(80); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_TextField = i(86); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_EmailField = i(79); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_PhoneField = i(160); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, l, d) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, l, d); o = o || _.generateID(); var u = s(187), c = s(188), h = s(189), f = s(190), g = s(191), p = s(192), m = s(193), $ = s(194), b = s(195), w = s(196), x = s(197), v = s(198), y = s(199), j = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "available_types_el", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "label_logged_out", "", [ u, [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "label_logged_out_required", "", [], { id: "label_logged_out_required" } ] ], { id: "label_logged_out", addClass: "label label_logged_out" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "label_logged_in", "", [ c ], { id: "label_logged_in", addClass: "label label_logged_in" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_FakeInput, "fake_input", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Avatar, "avatar", "", [], { id: "avatar", addClass: "avatar" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "internal_placeholder", "", [ h ], { id: "internal_placeholder", addClass: "internal_placeholder" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "logged_in_name", "", [], { id: "logged_in_name", addClass: "logged_in_name" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "logged_in_email", "", [], { id: "logged_in_email", addClass: "logged_in_email" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "logged_in_phone", "", [], { id: "logged_in_phone", addClass: "logged_in_phone" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "logged_in_actions", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_iconFont_Button, "logged_in_edit", "", [], { id: "logged_in_edit", icon: "pencil", title: f } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_iconFont_Button, "logged_in_clear", "", [], { id: "logged_in_clear", icon: "dustbin", title: g } ] ], { id: "logged_in_actions", addClass: "logged_in_actions" } ] ], { addClass: "floater_inner_seriously" } ] ], { addClass: "floater_inner" } ] ], { addClass: "floater" } ] ], { id: "fake_input", addClass: "fake_input", tabIndex: "0" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ErrorMessage, "error_message", "", [ p ], { id: "error_message", addClass: "error_message", useDisplay: "true" } ] ], { id: "available_types_el", addClass: "field profile_field" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "editing_el", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "label_edit_internal", "", [ u, [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "label_edit_internal_required", "", [], { id: "label_edit_internal_required" } ] ], { id: "label_edit_internal", addClass: "label label_edit_internal" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_TextField, "name", "", [], { id: "name", placeholder: m, maxLength: "255", addClass: "input_name standalone mobile_error_icon" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ErrorMessage, "name_error", "", [ $ ], { id: "name_error", addClass: "error_message", useDisplay: "true" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_EmailField, "email", "", [], { id: "email", placeholder: b, addClass: "input_email standalone mobile_error_icon" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ErrorMessage, "email_error", "", [ w ], { id: "email_error", addClass: "error_message", useDisplay: "true" } ] ], { id: "editing_el", addClass: "editing field profile_field" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "edit_external", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "", "", [ x ], { addClass: "edit_external_label" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "edit_external_types", "", [], { id: "edit_external_types", addClass: "edit_external_types" } ] ], { id: "edit_external", addClass: "edit_external" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "phone_field", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "phone_label", "", [ v, [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "phone_required", "", [], { id: "phone_required" } ] ], { id: "phone_label", addClass: "label" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_PhoneField, "phone", "", [], { id: "phone", maxLength: "25", addClass: "input_phone mobile_error_icon" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ErrorMessage, "phone_error", "", [ y ], { id: "phone_error", addClass: "error_message", useDisplay: "true" } ] ], { id: "phone_field", addClass: "field field_phone" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:mui": "meshim.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", class: "profile_form" } ], C = j[0].call(this, e, o, null, _.mangleIDs(o, j[3]), j[4]), S = C || this; _.set(o, S); var A = _.get(o + "__available_types_el"), k = _.get(o + "__label_logged_out"), I = _.get(o + "__label_logged_out_required"), T = _.get(o + "__label_logged_in"), N = _.get(o + "__fake_input"), B = _.get(o + "__avatar"), D = _.get(o + "__internal_placeholder"), E = _.get(o + "__logged_in_name"), O = _.get(o + "__logged_in_email"), L = _.get(o + "__logged_in_phone"), W = _.get(o + "__logged_in_actions"), P = _.get(o + "__logged_in_edit"), R = _.get(o + "__logged_in_clear"), F = _.get(o + "__error_message"), M = _.get(o + "__editing_el"), V = _.get(o + "__label_edit_internal"), H = _.get(o + "__label_edit_internal_required"), q = _.get(o + "__name"), z = _.get(o + "__name_error"), U = _.get(o + "__email"), G = _.get(o + "__email_error"), Y = _.get(o + "__edit_external"), X = _.get(o + "__edit_external_types"), Z = _.get(o + "__phone_field"), K = _.get(o + "__phone_label"), Q = _.get(o + "__phone_required"), J = _.get(o + "__phone"), tt = _.get(o + "__phone_error"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var et = function() { function t() { var t, e, i, n = h.getValue(); for (e in n) if (n.hasOwnProperty(e)) { t = n[e]; i = it[t.name$string]; if (!i) continue; i.setRequired(!("required$bool" in t) || t.required$bool); i.setPlaceholder(t.placeholder$string || et[t.name$string]); } } function e() { var t = ot.getValue(); at = 0; if (t) { d = t.email$bool; for (var e in j) if (j.hasOwnProperty(e)) if (t[e + "$bool"]) { at++; e; j[e].setDisplay(""); } else j[e].setDisplay("none"); a(); } } function n(t) { g = t; a(); } function o(t) { p = t; a(); } function r(t) { if (t) { if ("display_name$string" in t) if (w.isDefaultName(t.display_name$string)) { E.setText(""); q.setValue(""); } else { E.setText(t.display_name$string || ""); q.setValue(t.display_name$string || ""); } if ("email$string" in t) { O.setText(t.email$string || ""); U.setValue(t.email$string || ""); } if ("phone$string" in t) { L.setText(t.phone$string || ""); J.setValue(t.phone$string || ""); } a(); } } function a() { p && (u = !1); k.setDisplay(g ? "none" : ""); T.setDisplay(g ? "" : "none"); A.setDisplay(u ? "none" : ""); B.setDisplay(g ? "" : "none"); D.setDisplay(!g && d ? "" : "none"); M.setDisplay(u ? "" : "none"); Y.setDisplay(!g && at ? "" : "none"); if (!g && at) u ? M.addClass("zero_margin") : A.addClass("zero_margin"); else { A.removeClass("zero_margin"); M.removeClass("zero_margin"); } if (f) { k.setDisplay("none"); T.setDisplay("none"); V.setDisplay("none"); } E.setDisplay(g ? "" : "none"); O.setDisplay(g ? "" : "none"); L.setDisplay(g && S.disabled ? "" : "none"); W.setDisplay(!g || S.disabled || ht.getValue() ? "none" : ""); g && !S.disabled ? E.addClass("buttons_pad") : E.removeClass("buttons_pad"); P.setDisplay(p ? "none" : ""); S.setClass("profile_form"); S.disabled && S.addClass("disabled"); c && S.addClass("mobile"); m && m.onLanguage && _(); S.addClass(g ? "logged_in" : "logged_out"); S.addClass(d ? "internal_enabled" : "internal_disabled"); S.addClass(u ? "editing" : "available_types"); at ? 1 == at ? S.addClass("external_one") : S.addClass("external_many") : S.addClass("external_none"); } function s() { var t = !ht.getValue() && !1 !== rt.getValue() && !S.disabled; l = t; Z.setDisplay(t ? "" : "none"); } function _() { S[m.rtl() ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("rtl"); } var l, d, u, c, h, f, g, p, m = i(2), $ = i(12), b = i(6), w = i(11), x = i(10), v = i(81), y = i(159), j = { facebook: void 0, twitter: void 0, google: void 0 }, C = { facebook: "facebook", twitter: "twitter", google: "google_2019" }, et = { name: m(200), email: m(201) }, it = { name: q, email: U, phone: J }, nt = b.root.$("livechat").$("settings").$("login"), ot = nt.$("allowed_types"), rt = nt.$("phone_display$bool"), at = 0, st = b.root, _t = st.$("livechat").$("ui"), lt = st.$("livechat").$("profile"), dt = lt.$("logged_in$bool"), ut = lt.$("auth").$("type$string"), ct = _t.$("mobile$bool"), ht = _t.$("visitor").$("authenticated$bool"); S.submit = function() { var t = q.getValue().trim(), e = U.getValue().trim(), i = J.getValue().trim(), n = {}; if (!g || t || e) { n.name = t; n.email = e; } l && (n.phone = i); b.livechat.updateProfile(n); u = !1; a(); }; S.setHideLabel = function() { f = !0; a(); }; S.setDisabled = function(t) { t = $(t); S.disabled = t; S[t ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("disabled"); q.setDisabled(t); U.setDisabled(t); s(); }; S.validate = function(t) { for (var e = !0, i = [ q, U ], n = 0, o = i.length; n < o; n++) i[n].validate(!!t && e) || (e = !1); e ? A.removeClass("invalid") : A.addClass("invalid"); F.setDisplay(e ? "none" : ""); l && !J.validate(!!t && e) && (e = !1); return e; }; S.setDataNode = function(e) { if (h != e) { h && S.autounbind(h, "value", t); h = e; h && S.autobind(h, "value", t); } }; S.getValue = function() { var t = {}, e = q.getValue(); w.isDefaultName(e) || (t.name = e); t.email = U.getValue(); t.phone = J.getValue(); return t; }; S.setRequired = function(t) { t = $(t); q.setRequired(t); U.setRequired(t); I.setText(t ? " *" : ""); H.setText(t ? " *" : ""); if (!t) { var e = q.validate(!1); e = U.validate(!1) && e; F.setDisplay(e ? "none" : ""); } }; S.setPhoneRequired = function(t) { t = $(t); J.setRequired(t); Q.setText(t ? " *" : ""); t || J.validate(!1); }; !function() { function t(t) { if (t && (!t.keyCode || 13 == t.keyCode)) { var e = t.target.jx_wrapper; if (e != X) { for (;e.parentNode != X; ) e = e.parentNode; var i = e.getName && e.getName(); i && b.livechat.doExternalLogin(i); } } } function i(t) { t && t.preventDefault(); q.setValidity(!0); U.setValidity(!0); u = !0; a(); q.focus(); } function l(t) { t && t.preventDefault(); b.livechat.doExternalLogout(); N.blur(); ct.getValue() && i(); } var h; c = ct.getValue(); c && S.addClass("mobile"); B.setDataNode(lt); F.setDisplay("none"); S.removeClass("editing").addClass("available_types"); for (h in j) j.hasOwnProperty(h) && (j[h] = new (c ? y : v)(X, null, null, c ? [ x.external_login[h] ] : null, c ? { name: h, addClass: "float profile_form_edit_external " + h, icon: C[h] } : { name: h, addClass: "profile_form_icon " + h, icon: C[h], title: x.external_login[h] || h, hoverable: !0, tabIndex: 0 })); X.on("keyup", t); X.on(c ? "touchend" : "click", t); N.on("focus", function() { g || S.disabled || d && i(); }); P.on("click", i); R.on("click", l); J.setLabelElement(K); q.setErrorMessageElement(z).hideErrorMessage(); U.setErrorMessageElement(G).hideErrorMessage(); J.setErrorMessageElement(tt).hideErrorMessage(); S.autobind(ot, "value", e); S.autobind(dt, "value", n); S.autobind(lt, "value", r); S.autobind(ut, "value", o); if (m && m.onLanguage) { m.onLanguage(_); _(); } S.autobind(ht, "value", function() { s(); a(); }); S.autobind(rt, "value", function() { s(); }); }(); }(); for (var it in et) S[it] = et[it]; S.fire && S.fire("init"); S.setStyle && S.setStyle(r); S.setAttributes && S.setAttributes(d); "function" == typeof S.addChildren ? S.addChildren(l) : _.addChildren(S, l); if (S !== this) { S.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; S.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return S; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { ".label_logged_out": {}, ".label_logged_in": {}, ".fake_input": { position: "relative", overflow: "hidden", transform: "translateZ(0)", "*zoom": 1 }, ".avatar": { float: "left", "width, height": "32px", marginRight: "5px", "&": "$$profileFormLoggedIn" }, "&.rtl .avatar": { float: "right", marginRight: 0, marginLeft: "5px" }, ".internal_placeholder": { float: "left", "vertical-align": "top", cursor: "pointer" }, "&.rtl .internal_placeholder": { float: "right" }, ".profile_divider": { "vertical-align": "top", marginRight: "5px" }, "&.rtl .profile_divider": { marginRight: 0, marginLeft: "5px" }, ".internal_placeholder, .profile_divider": { lineHeight: "18px", "*lineHeight": "18px !important" }, ".editing": { ".input_name": {}, ".input_email": {}, ".input_phone": {} }, ".edit_external": { marginTop: "5px", color: "$$menuHeaderColor", marginBottom: "15px", ".edit_external_label": { verticalAlign: "middle" }, ".edit_external_types": { display: "inline-block", verticalAlign: "middle", ".profile_form_edit_external": { display: "inline-block" } } }, "&.rtl .edit_external": { ".edit_external_types": { ".profile_form_edit_external": { marginLeft: 0, marginRight: "5px" } } }, ".logged_in_name": { fontWeight: "bold" }, ".logged_in_name.buttons_pad": { paddingRight: "40px" }, ".logged_in_name, .logged_in_email": { display: "block", whiteSpace: "nowrap", overflow: "hidden", textOverflow: "ellipsis" }, "&.rtl .logged_in_name": { paddingRight: 0 }, "&.rtl .logged_in_name.buttons_pad": { paddingLeft: "40px" }, ".logged_in_actions": { position: "absolute", "top, right": 0, color: "$$menuHeaderColor", marginTop: "5px", marginRight: "5px", button: { marginLeft: "5px", "&:hover, &:focus": { color: "$$menuColor" } }, ".divider": { fontSize: "$$fontSizeXS", lineHeight: "1.5", margin: "0 5px", cursor: "default", opacity: .5 } }, "&.rtl .logged_in_actions": { right: "auto", left: 0 }, ".floater": { display: "block", overflow: "hidden", "*position": "relative !important", ".floater_inner": { display: "table", ".floater_inner_seriously": { display: "table-cell", verticalAlign: "middle" } } }, "&.internal_enabled": { ".floater": { float: "right", "*float": "right !important" } }, "&.rtl.internal_enabled": { ".floater": { float: "left" } }, "&.logged_in, &.internal_disabled": { ".floater": { ".floater_inner": { tableLayout: "fixed", width: "100%", height: "32px" } } }, "&.logged_in": { ".fake_input": { background: "$$formSubmittedBg", borderRadius: "$$formSubmittedRadius", borderWidth: "$$formSubmittedBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$formSubmittedBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$formSubmittedBorderColor" }, ".floater": { float: "none !important" } }, "&.logged_out.internal_disabled, &.logged_in": { ".fake_input": {} }, ".profile_form_icon": { cursor: "pointer", display: "inline-block", marginLeft: "8px", "height, fontSize": "17px", lineHeight: "21px", "*padding": "0 !important", "*marginLeft": "8px !important" }, "&.rtl .profile_form_icon": { marginLeft: 0, marginRight: "8px" }, ".field": { marginBottom: "15px", "&.last-child": { marginBottom: 0 }, "&.profile_field": { "*padding": "0 !important", "&.invalid": {}, "&.zero_margin": { marginBottom: "0" } } }, ".label": { display: "block", marginBottom: "5px", fontWeight: "bold" }, "&.mobile": { ".avatar": { "width, height": "36px" }, "&.available_types": { ".fake_input": { ".internal_placeholder": { lineHeight: "25px" }, ".profile_divider": { lineHeight: "44px", marginRight: "10px" } }, ".floater": { position: "absolute", top: 0, right: "-2px", height: "100%" }, ".profile_form_icon": { "marginLeft, marginRight": 0, width: "auto", height: "46px", padding: "13px 12px 10px", borderWidth: "0 0 0 1px", borderRadius: "0", ".icon_font": { textAlign: "center" }, "&.google": { "paddingLeft, paddingRight": "8px" } }, "&.logged_in": { ".fake_input": {}, ".floater": { position: "relative", "top, right, left": 0 } } }, ".logged_in_name, .logged_in_email": { paddingRight: "80px" }, ".logged_in_actions": { margin: "0px", height: "100%", button: { height: "100%", padding: "0 5px" } }, ".editing": { ".name_container, .email_container": { position: "relative", "input.invalid ~ .error_icon": { display: "block" } } }, ".edit_external": { marginBottom: "15px", ".edit_external_types": { display: "block", marginTop: "10px" } } }, "&.rtl.mobile": { ".floater": { right: "auto", left: "-2px" }, ".profile_divider": { marginRight: 0, marginLeft: "10px" }, ".logged_in_name, .logged_in_email": { paddingRight: 0, paddingLeft: "80px" }, "&.available_types": { ".profile_form_icon": { borderWidth: "0 1px 0 0" } } }, "&.disabled": { ".field": { marginBottom: 0 }, ".fake_input": { border: "none", background: "transparent" }, ".field_phone": { display: "none" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_form_Profile" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, a) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, a); if (!n.__jx__jcss_generated) { r.generate(this, n.prototype.__jx__fqname, n.__jx__jcss, null, n); n.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } s.call(this, t, e, i, o, a); var l = this; this.$connection_message = _.root.$("connection").$("message$string"); this.connected_submits = []; this.on("submit", function(t) { l.handleSubmit(t); }); this.onDestruction(function() { l.connected_submits = null; }); } var o = i(1), r = i(3), a = i(0), s = i(41), _ = i(6); n.__jx__jcss = {}; n.prototype = a(s.prototype); o(n, s, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_ConnAwareForm" }); n.prototype.__jx__super = s; n.prototype.onConnectedAndSubmit = function(t) { this.connected_submits.push(t); }; n.prototype.handleSubmit = function(t) { if (!this.$connection_message.getValue()) for (var e = 0; e < this.connected_submits.length; e++) this.connected_submits[e](t); else t.preventDefault(); }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, i, o, r, _) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, i, o, r, _); i = i || s.generateID(); var l = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", selectable: "false" } ], d = l[0].call(this, e, i, null, s.mangleIDs(i, l[3]), l[4]), u = d || this; s.set(i, u); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } for (var c in void 0) u[c] = (void 0)[c]; u.fire && u.fire("init"); u.setStyle && u.setStyle(o); u.setAttributes && u.setAttributes(_); "function" == typeof u.addChildren ? u.addChildren(r) : s.addChildren(u, r); if (u !== this) { u.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; u.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return u; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { color: "$$toastColor", background: "$$toastBg", padding: "$$toastPadding", borderWidth: "$$toastBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$toastBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$toastBorderColor", borderRadius: "$$toastRadius", boxShadow: "$$toastShadow" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_Toast" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName = "img"; a.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(23); n.prototype = r(a.prototype); o(n, a, { fqname: "jx_ui_html_img" }); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { (function(t) { (function() { var i, n, o, r, a, s, _, l, d, u, c, h, f, g, p, m, $, b, w, x, v, y, j, C, S, A, k, I, T, N, B, D, E, O, L, W, P, R, F; B = void 0 !== e && null !== e ? e : this; l = null != (W = B.chroma) ? W : B.chroma = {}; void 0 !== t && null !== t && (t.exports = l); i = function() { function t(t, e, i, n) { var o, r; o = this; null == t && null == e && null == i && null == n && (t = [ 255, 0, 255 ]); if ("array" === D(t) && 3 === t.length) { null == n && (n = e); r = t, t = r[0], e = r[1], i = r[2]; } "string" === D(t) ? n = "hex" : null == n && (n = "rgb"); "rgb" === n ? o._rgb = [ t, e, i ] : "hsl" === n ? o._rgb = g(t, e, i) : "hsv" === n ? o._rgb = p(t, e, i) : "hex" === n ? o._rgb = h(t) : "lab" === n ? o._rgb = $(t, e, i) : "lch" === n ? o._rgb = x(t, e, i) : "hsi" === n && (o._rgb = f(t, e, i)); d(o._rgb); } t.prototype.rgb = function() { return this._rgb; }; t.prototype.hex = function() { return C(this._rgb); }; t.prototype.toString = function() { return this.hex(); }; t.prototype.hsl = function() { return A(this._rgb); }; t.prototype.hsv = function() { return k(this._rgb); }; t.prototype.lab = function() { return I(this._rgb); }; t.prototype.lch = function() { return T(this._rgb); }; t.prototype.hsi = function() { return S(this._rgb); }; t.prototype.luminance = function() { return y(this._rgb); }; t.prototype.name = function() { var t, e; t = this.hex(); for (e in l.colors) if (l.colors.hasOwnProperty(e) && t === l.colors[e]) return e; return t; }; t.prototype.interpolate = function(e, i, n) { var o, r, a, s, _, l, d, u, c, h, f, g, p; u = this; null == n && (n = "rgb"); "string" === D(i) && (i = new t(i)); if ("hsl" === n || "hsv" === n || "lch" === n || "hsi" === n) { if ("hsl" === n) { g = u.hsl(); p = i.hsl(); } else if ("hsv" === n) { g = u.hsv(); p = i.hsv(); } else if ("hsi" === n) { g = u.hsi(); p = i.hsi(); } else if ("lch" === n) { g = u.lch(); p = i.lch(); } if ("h" === n.substr(0, 1)) { a = g[0], h = g[1], l = g[2]; s = p[0], f = p[1], d = p[2]; } else { l = g[0], h = g[1], a = g[2]; d = p[0], f = p[1], s = p[2]; } if (isNaN(a) || isNaN(s)) if (isNaN(a)) if (isNaN(s)) r = void 0; else { r = s; 1 !== l && 0 !== l || (c = f); } else { r = a; 1 !== d && 0 !== d || (c = h); } else { o = s > a && s - a > 180 ? s - (a + 360) : s < a && a - s > 180 ? s + 360 - a : s - a; r = a + e * o; } null == c && (c = h + e * (f - h)); _ = l + e * (d - l); return "h" === n.substr(0, 1) ? new t(r, c, _, n) : new t(_, c, r, n); } if ("rgb" === n) { g = u._rgb; p = i._rgb; return new t(g[0] + e * (p[0] - g[0]), g[1] + e * (p[1] - g[1]), g[2] + e * (p[2] - g[2]), n); } if ("lab" === n) { g = u.lab(); p = i.lab(); return new t(g[0] + e * (p[0] - g[0]), g[1] + e * (p[1] - g[1]), g[2] + e * (p[2] - g[2]), n); } throw "color mode " + n + " is not supported"; }; t.prototype.darken = function(t) { var e, i; null == t && (t = 20); i = this; e = i.lch(); e[0] -= t; return l.lch(e); }; t.prototype.darker = function(t) { return this.darken(t); }; t.prototype.brighten = function(t) { null == t && (t = 20); return this.darken(-t); }; t.prototype.brighter = function(t) { return this.brighten(t); }; t.prototype.saturate = function(t) { var e, i; null == t && (t = 20); i = this; e = i.lch(); e[1] += t; return l.lch(e); }; t.prototype.desaturate = function(t) { null == t && (t = 20); return this.saturate(-t); }; return t; }(); h = function(t) { var e, i, n, o, r; if (t.match(/^#?([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$/)) { 4 !== t.length && 7 !== t.length || (t = t.substr(1)); if (3 === t.length) { t = t.split(""); t = t[0] + t[0] + t[1] + t[1] + t[2] + t[2]; } r = parseInt(t, 16); n = r >> 16; i = r >> 8 & 255; e = 255 & r; return [ n, i, e ]; } if (o = c(t)) return o; throw "unknown color: " + t; }; c = function(t) { var e, i, n, o; if (null != l.colors && l.colors[t]) return h(l.colors[t]); if (n = t.match(/rgb\(\s*(\-?\d+),\s*(\-?\d+)\s*,\s*(\-?\d+)\s*\)/)) return n.slice(1, 4); if (n = t.match(/rgb\(\s*(\-?\d+)%,\s*(\-?\d+)%\s*,\s*(\-?\d+)%\s*\)/)) { o = n.slice(1, 4); for (i in o) o.hasOwnProperty(i) && (o[i] = Math.round(2.55 * o[i])); return o; } if (n = t.match(/hsl\(\s*(\-?\d+),\s*(\-?\d+)%\s*,\s*(\-?\d+)%\s*\)/)) { e = n.slice(1, 4); e[1] *= .01; e[2] *= .01; return g(e); } }; C = function() { var t, e, i, n, o, r; r = E(arguments), i = r[0], e = r[1], t = r[2]; o = i << 16 | e << 8 | t; n = "000000" + o.toString(16); return "#" + n.substr(n.length - 6); }; p = function() { var t, e, i, n, o, r, a, s, _, l, d, u, c, h, f, g, p, m; u = E(arguments), n = u[0], _ = u[1], d = u[2]; d *= 255; if (0 === _) s = i = t = d; else { 360 === n && (n = 0); n > 360 && (n -= 360); n < 0 && (n += 360); n /= 60; o = Math.floor(n); e = n - o; r = d * (1 - _); a = d * (1 - _ * e); l = d * (1 - _ * (1 - e)); switch (o) { case 0: c = [ d, l, r ], s = c[0], i = c[1], t = c[2]; break; case 1: h = [ a, d, r ], s = h[0], i = h[1], t = h[2]; break; case 2: f = [ r, d, l ], s = f[0], i = f[1], t = f[2]; break; case 3: g = [ r, a, d ], s = g[0], i = g[1], t = g[2]; break; case 4: p = [ l, r, d ], s = p[0], i = p[1], t = p[2]; break; case 5: m = [ d, r, a ], s = m[0], i = m[1], t = m[2]; } } s = Math.round(s); i = Math.round(i); t = Math.round(t); return [ s, i, t ]; }; k = function() { var t, e, i, n, o, r, a, s, _, l; l = E(arguments), a = l[0], i = l[1], t = l[2]; r = Math.min(a, i, t); o = Math.max(a, i, t); e = o - r; _ = o / 255; if (0 === o) { n = void 0; s = 0; } else { s = e / o; a === o && (n = (i - t) / e); i === o && (n = 2 + (t - a) / e); t === o && (n = 4 + (a - i) / e); n *= 60; n < 0 && (n += 360); } return [ n, s, _ ]; }; g = function() { var t, e, i, n, o, r, a, s, _, l, d, u, c, h; c = E(arguments), n = c[0], s = c[1], r = c[2]; if (0 === s) a = i = t = 255 * r; else { d = [ 0, 0, 0 ]; e = [ 0, 0, 0 ]; l = r < .5 ? r * (1 + s) : r + s - r * s; _ = 2 * r - l; n /= 360; d[0] = n + 1 / 3; d[1] = n; d[2] = n - 1 / 3; for (o = u = 0; u <= 2; o = ++u) { d[o] < 0 && (d[o] += 1); d[o] > 1 && (d[o] -= 1); 6 * d[o] < 1 ? e[o] = _ + 6 * (l - _) * d[o] : 2 * d[o] < 1 ? e[o] = l : 3 * d[o] < 2 ? e[o] = _ + (l - _) * (2 / 3 - d[o]) * 6 : e[o] = _; } h = [ Math.round(255 * e[0]), Math.round(255 * e[1]), Math.round(255 * e[2]) ], a = h[0], i = h[1], t = h[2]; } return [ a, i, t ]; }; A = function(t, e, i) { var n, o, r, a, s, _; void 0 !== t && 3 === t.length && (_ = t, t = _[0], e = _[1], i = _[2]); t /= 255; e /= 255; i /= 255; a = Math.min(t, e, i); r = Math.max(t, e, i); o = (r + a) / 2; if (r === a) { s = 0; n = void 0; } else s = o < .5 ? (r - a) / (r + a) : (r - a) / (2 - r - a); t === r ? n = (e - i) / (r - a) : e === r ? n = 2 + (i - t) / (r - a) : i === r && (n = 4 + (t - e) / (r - a)); n *= 60; n < 0 && (n += 360); return [ n, s, o ]; }; 18; a = .95047; s = 1; _ = 1.08883; $ = function(t, e, i) { var n, o, r, l, d, u, c; void 0 !== t && 3 === t.length && (u = t, t = u[0], e = u[1], i = u[2]); void 0 !== t && 3 === t.length && (c = t, t = c[0], e = c[1], i = c[2]); l = (t + 16) / 116; r = l + e / 500; d = l - i / 200; r = b(r) * a; l = b(l) * s; d = b(d) * _; o = L(3.2404542 * r - 1.5371385 * l - .4985314 * d); n = L(-.969266 * r + 1.8760108 * l + .041556 * d); i = L(.0556434 * r - .2040259 * l + 1.0572252 * d); return [ v(o, 0, 255), v(n, 0, 255), v(i, 0, 255) ]; }; I = function() { var t, e, i, n, o, r, l; l = E(arguments), i = l[0], e = l[1], t = l[2]; i = N(i); e = N(e); t = N(t); n = O((.4124564 * i + .3575761 * e + .1804375 * t) / a); o = O((.2126729 * i + .7151522 * e + .072175 * t) / s); r = O((.0193339 * i + .119192 * e + .9503041 * t) / _); return [ 116 * o - 16, 500 * (n - o), 200 * (o - r) ]; }; w = function() { var t, e, i, n; n = E(arguments), i = n[0], t = n[1], e = n[2]; e = e * Math.PI / 180; return [ i, Math.cos(e) * t, Math.sin(e) * t ]; }; x = function(t, e, i) { var n, o, r, a, s, _, l; _ = w(t, e, i), n = _[0], o = _[1], r = _[2]; l = $(n, o, r), s = l[0], a = l[1], r = l[2]; return [ v(s, 0, 255), v(a, 0, 255), v(r, 0, 255) ]; }; b = function(t) { return t > .206893034 ? t * t * t : (t - 4 / 29) / 7.787037; }; O = function(t) { return t > .008856 ? Math.pow(t, 1 / 3) : 7.787037 * t + 4 / 29; }; L = function(t) { return Math.round(255 * (t <= .00304 ? 12.92 * t : 1.055 * Math.pow(t, 1 / 2.4) - .055)); }; N = function(t) { return (t /= 255) <= .04045 ? t / 12.92 : Math.pow((t + .055) / 1.055, 2.4); }; m = function() { var t, e, i, n, o, r; r = E(arguments), o = r[0], t = r[1], e = r[2]; i = Math.sqrt(t * t + e * e); n = Math.atan2(e, t) / Math.PI * 180; return [ o, i, n ]; }; T = function() { var t, e, i, n, o, r, a; r = E(arguments), o = r[0], i = r[1], e = r[2]; a = I(o, i, e), n = a[0], t = a[1], e = a[2]; return m(n, t, e); }; S = function() { var t, e, i, n, o, r, a, s, _; _ = E(arguments), a = _[0], i = _[1], e = _[2]; t = 2 * Math.PI; a /= 255; i /= 255; e /= 255; r = Math.min(a, i, e); o = (a + i + e) / 3; s = 1 - r / o; if (0 === s) n = 0; else { n = (a - i + (a - e)) / 2; n /= Math.sqrt((a - i) * (a - i) + (a - e) * (i - e)); n = Math.acos(n); e > i && (n = t - n); n /= t; } return [ 360 * n, s, o ]; }; f = function(t, e, i) { var n, a, s, _; _ = E(arguments), t = _[0], e = _[1], i = _[2]; t /= 360; if (t < 1 / 3) { n = (1 - e) / 3; s = (1 + e * u(r * t) / u(o - r * t)) / 3; a = 1 - (n + s); } else if (t < 2 / 3) { t -= 1 / 3; s = (1 - e) / 3; a = (1 + e * u(r * t) / u(o - r * t)) / 3; n = 1 - (s + a); } else { t -= 2 / 3; a = (1 - e) / 3; n = (1 + e * u(r * t) / u(o - r * t)) / 3; s = 1 - (a + n); } s = v(i * s * 3); a = v(i * a * 3); n = v(i * n * 3); return [ 255 * s, 255 * a, 255 * n ]; }; d = function(t) { var e; for (e in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(e)) { t[e] < 0 && (t[e] = 0); t[e] > 255 && (t[e] = 255); } return t; }; y = function(t, e, i) { var n; n = E(arguments), t = n[0], e = n[1], i = n[2]; t = j(t); e = j(e); i = j(i); return .2126 * t + .7152 * e + .0722 * i; }; j = function(t) { t /= 255; return t <= .03928 ? t / 12.92 : Math.pow((t + .055) / 1.055, 2.4); }; l.Color = i; l.color = function(t, e, n, o) { return new i(t, e, n, o); }; l.hsl = function(t, e, n) { return new i(t, e, n, "hsl"); }; l.hsv = function(t, e, n) { return new i(t, e, n, "hsv"); }; l.rgb = function(t, e, n) { return new i(t, e, n, "rgb"); }; l.hex = function(t) { return new i(t); }; l.css = function(t) { return new i(t); }; l.lab = function(t, e, n) { return new i(t, e, n, "lab"); }; l.lch = function(t, e, n) { return new i(t, e, n, "lch"); }; l.hsi = function(t, e, n) { return new i(t, e, n, "hsi"); }; l.interpolate = function(t, e, n, o) { if (null == t || null == e) return "#000"; "string" === D(t) && (t = new i(t)); "string" === D(e) && (e = new i(e)); return t.interpolate(n, e, o); }; l.contrast = function(t, e) { var n, o; "string" === D(t) && (t = new i(t)); "string" === D(e) && (e = new i(e)); n = t.luminance(); o = e.luminance(); return n > o ? (n + .05) / (o + .05) : (o + .05) / (n + .05); }; B = void 0 !== e && null !== e ? e : this; l = null != (P = B.chroma) ? P : B.chroma = {}; i = l.Color; n = function() { function t(t) { var e, i, n; null == t && (t = {}); e = this; e.range(t.colors, t.positions); e._mode = null != (i = t.mode) ? i : "rgb"; e._nacol = l.hex(null != (n = t.nacol) ? n : l.hex("#ccc")); e._spread = 0; e._fixed = !1; e.domain([ 0, 1 ]); } t.prototype.range = function(t, e) { var n, o, r, a, s, _, d, u; r = this; null == t && (t = [ "#ddd", "#222" ]); null != t && "string" === D(t) && null != (null != (_ = l.brewer) ? _[t] : void 0) && (t = l.brewer[t].slice(0)); for (n = a = 0, d = t.length - 1; 0 <= d ? a <= d : a >= d; n = 0 <= d ? ++a : --a) { o = t[n]; "string" === D(o) && (t[n] = new i(o)); } r._colors = t; if (null != e) r._pos = e; else { r._pos = []; for (n = s = 0, u = t.length - 1; 0 <= u ? s <= u : s >= u; n = 0 <= u ? ++s : --s) r._pos.push(n / (t.length - 1)); } return r; }; t.prototype.domain = function(t) { var e; null == t && (t = []); e = this; e._domain = t; e._min = t[0]; e._max = t[t.length - 1]; 2 === t.length ? e._numClasses = 0 : e._numClasses = t.length - 1; return e; }; t.prototype.get = function(t) { var e, i, n; n = this; if (isNaN(t)) return n._nacol; if (n._domain.length > 2) { e = n.getClass(t); i = e / (n._numClasses - 1); } else { i = (t - n._min) / (n._max - n._min); i = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, i)); } return n.fColor(i); }; t.prototype.fColor = function(t) { var e, i, n, o, r, a, s; o = this; i = o._colors; for (n = a = 0, s = o._pos.length - 1; 0 <= s ? a <= s : a >= s; n = 0 <= s ? ++a : --a) { r = o._pos[n]; if (t <= r) { e = i[n]; break; } if (t >= r && n === o._pos.length - 1) { e = i[n]; break; } if (t > r && t < o._pos[n + 1]) { t = (t - r) / (o._pos[n + 1] - r); e = l.interpolate(i[n], i[n + 1], t, o._mode); break; } } return e; }; t.prototype.classifyValue = function(t) { var e, i, n, o, r, a, s; o = this; e = o._domain; s = t; if (e.length > 2) { a = e.length - 1; i = o.getClass(t); r = e[0] + (e[1] - e[0]) * (0 + .5 * o._spread); n = e[a - 1] + (e[a] - e[a - 1]) * (1 - .5 * o._spread); s = o._min + (e[i] + .5 * (e[i + 1] - e[i]) - r) / (n - r) * (o._max - o._min); } return s; }; t.prototype.getClass = function(t) { var e, i, n, o; o = this; e = o._domain; if (null != e) { n = e.length - 1; i = 0; for (;i < n && t >= e[i]; ) i++; return i - 1; } return 0; }; t.prototype.validValue = function(t) { return !isNaN(t); }; return t; }(); l.ColorScale = n; l.scale = function(t, e) { var i, n, o; i = new l.ColorScale(); i.range(t, e); o = !1; n = function(t) { var e; e = i.get(t); return o && e[o] ? e[o]() : e; }; n.domain = function(t, e, o, r) { var a; null == o && (o = "e"); if (!arguments.length) return i._domain; if (null != e) { a = l.analyze(t, r); t = 0 === e ? [ a.min, a.max ] : l.limits(a, o, e); } i.domain(t); return n; }; n.mode = function(t) { if (!arguments.length) return i._mode; i._mode = t; return n; }; n.range = function(t, e) { i.range(t, e); return n; }; n.out = function(t) { o = t; return n; }; n.getColor = function(t) { return n(t); }; n.spread = function(t) { if (!arguments.length) return i._spread; i._spread = t; return n; }; return n; }; null == l.scales && (l.scales = {}); l.scales.cool = function() { return l.scale([ l.hsl(180, 1, .9), l.hsl(250, .7, .4) ]); }; l.scales.hot = function() { return l.scale([ "#000", "#f00", "#ff0", "#fff" ], [ 0, .25, .75, 1 ]).mode("rgb"); }; l.analyze = function(t, e, i) { var n, o, r, a, s, _, d; r = { min: Number.MAX_VALUE, max: -1 * Number.MAX_VALUE, sum: 0, values: [], count: 0 }; null == i && (i = function() { return !0; }); n = function(t) { if (null != t && !isNaN(t)) { r.values.push(t); r.sum += t; t < r.min && (r.min = t); t > r.max && (r.max = t); r.count += 1; } }; s = function(t, o) { if (i(t, o)) return n(null != e && "function" === D(e) ? e(t) : null != e && "string" === D(e) || "number" === D(e) ? t[e] : t); }; if ("array" === D(t)) for (_ = 0, d = t.length; _ < d; _++) { a = t[_]; s(a); } else for (o in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(o)) { a = t[o]; s(a, o); } r.domain = [ r.min, r.max ]; r.limits = function(t, e) { return l.limits(r, t, e); }; return r; }; l.limits = function(t, e, i) { var n, o, r, a, s, _, d, u, c, h, f, g, p, m, $, b, w, x, v, y, j, C, S, A, k, I, T, N, B, D, E, O, L, W, P, R, F, M, V, H, q, z, U, G, Y, X, Z, K, Q, J, tt, et, it, nt, ot; null == e && (e = "equal"); null == i && (i = 7); null == t.values && (t = l.analyze(t)); p = t.min; f = t.max; t.sum; k = t.values.sort(function(t, e) { return t - e; }); h = []; if ("c" === e.substr(0, 1)) { h.push(p); h.push(f); } if ("e" === e.substr(0, 1)) { h.push(p); for (d = I = 1, G = i - 1; 1 <= G ? I <= G : I >= G; d = 1 <= G ? ++I : --I) h.push(p + d / i * (f - p)); h.push(f); } else if ("l" === e.substr(0, 1)) { if (p <= 0) throw "Logarithmic scales are only possible for values > 0"; m = Math.LOG10E * Math.log(p); g = Math.LOG10E * Math.log(f); h.push(p); for (d = T = 1, Y = i - 1; 1 <= Y ? T <= Y : T >= Y; d = 1 <= Y ? ++T : --T) h.push(Math.pow(10, m + d / i * (g - m))); h.push(f); } else if ("q" === e.substr(0, 1)) { h.push(p); for (d = N = 1, X = i - 1; 1 <= X ? N <= X : N >= X; d = 1 <= X ? ++N : --N) { v = k.length * d / i; y = Math.floor(v); if (y === v) h.push(k[y]); else { j = v - y; h.push(k[y] * j + k[y + 1] * (1 - j)); } } h.push(f); } else if ("k" === e.substr(0, 1)) { b = k.length; n = new Array(b); s = new Array(i); C = !0; w = 0; r = null; r = []; r.push(p); for (d = B = 1, Z = i - 1; 1 <= Z ? B <= Z : B >= Z; d = 1 <= Z ? ++B : --B) r.push(p + d / i * (f - p)); r.push(f); for (;C; ) { for (u = D = 0, K = i - 1; 0 <= K ? D <= K : D >= K; u = 0 <= K ? ++D : --D) s[u] = 0; for (d = E = 0, Q = b - 1; 0 <= Q ? E <= Q : E >= Q; d = 0 <= Q ? ++E : --E) { A = k[d]; $ = Number.MAX_VALUE; for (u = O = 0, J = i - 1; 0 <= J ? O <= J : O >= J; u = 0 <= J ? ++O : --O) { _ = Math.abs(r[u] - A); if (_ < $) { $ = _; o = u; } } s[o]++; n[d] = o; } x = new Array(i); for (u = L = 0, R = i - 1; 0 <= R ? L <= R : L >= R; u = 0 <= R ? ++L : --L) x[u] = null; for (d = W = 0, F = b - 1; 0 <= F ? W <= F : W >= F; d = 0 <= F ? ++W : --W) { a = n[d]; null === x[a] ? x[a] = k[d] : x[a] += k[d]; } for (u = P = 0, M = i - 1; 0 <= M ? P <= M : P >= M; u = 0 <= M ? ++P : --P) x[u] *= 1 / s[u]; C = !1; for (u = tt = 0, V = i - 1; 0 <= V ? tt <= V : tt >= V; u = 0 <= V ? ++tt : --tt) if (x[u] !== r[d]) { C = !0; break; } r = x; w++; w > 200 && (C = !1); } c = {}; for (u = et = 0, H = i - 1; 0 <= H ? et <= H : et >= H; u = 0 <= H ? ++et : --et) c[u] = []; for (d = it = 0, q = b - 1; 0 <= q ? it <= q : it >= q; d = 0 <= q ? ++it : --it) { a = n[d]; c[a].push(k[d]); } S = []; for (u = nt = 0, z = i - 1; 0 <= z ? nt <= z : nt >= z; u = 0 <= z ? ++nt : --nt) { S.push(c[u][0]); S.push(c[u][c[u].length - 1]); } S = S.sort(function(t, e) { return t - e; }); h.push(S[0]); for (d = ot = 1, U = S.length - 1; ot <= U; d = ot += 2) isNaN(S[d]) || h.push(S[d]); } return h; }; B = void 0 !== e && null !== e ? e : this; D = function() { var t, e, i, n, o; t = {}; o = "Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Undefined Null".split(" "); for (i = 0, n = o.length; i < n; i++) { e = o[i]; t["[object " + e + "]"] = e.toLowerCase(); } return function(e) { var i; i = Object.prototype.toString.call(e); return t[i] || "object"; }; }(); null == B.type && (B.type = D); Array.max = function(t) { return Math.max.apply(Math, t); }; Array.min = function(t) { return Math.min.apply(Math, t); }; v = function(t, e, i) { null == e && (e = 0); null == i && (i = 1); t < e && (t = e); t > i && (t = i); return t; }; E = function(t) { return 3 === t.length ? t : t[0]; }; r = 2 * Math.PI; o = Math.PI / 3; u = Math.cos; B = void 0 !== e && null !== e ? e : this; l = null != (R = B.chroma) ? R : B.chroma = {}; l.brewer = { OrRd: [ "#fff7ec", "#fee8c8", "#fdd49e", "#fdbb84", "#fc8d59", "#ef6548", "#d7301f", "#b30000", "#7f0000" ], PuBu: [ "#fff7fb", "#ece7f2", "#d0d1e6", "#a6bddb", "#74a9cf", "#3690c0", "#0570b0", "#045a8d", "#023858" ], BuPu: [ "#f7fcfd", "#e0ecf4", "#bfd3e6", "#9ebcda", "#8c96c6", "#8c6bb1", "#88419d", "#810f7c", "#4d004b" ], Oranges: [ "#fff5eb", "#fee6ce", "#fdd0a2", "#fdae6b", "#fd8d3c", "#f16913", "#d94801", "#a63603", "#7f2704" ], BuGn: [ "#f7fcfd", "#e5f5f9", "#ccece6", "#99d8c9", "#66c2a4", "#41ae76", "#238b45", "#006d2c", "#00441b" ], YlOrBr: [ "#ffffe5", "#fff7bc", "#fee391", "#fec44f", "#fe9929", "#ec7014", "#cc4c02", "#993404", "#662506" ], YlGn: [ "#ffffe5", "#f7fcb9", "#d9f0a3", "#addd8e", "#78c679", "#41ab5d", "#238443", "#006837", "#004529" ], Reds: [ "#fff5f0", "#fee0d2", "#fcbba1", "#fc9272", "#fb6a4a", "#ef3b2c", "#cb181d", "#a50f15", "#67000d" ], RdPu: [ "#fff7f3", "#fde0dd", "#fcc5c0", "#fa9fb5", "#f768a1", "#dd3497", "#ae017e", "#7a0177", "#49006a" ], Greens: [ "#f7fcf5", "#e5f5e0", "#c7e9c0", "#a1d99b", "#74c476", "#41ab5d", "#238b45", "#006d2c", "#00441b" ], YlGnBu: [ "#ffffd9", "#edf8b1", "#c7e9b4", "#7fcdbb", "#41b6c4", "#1d91c0", "#225ea8", "#253494", "#081d58" ], Purples: [ "#fcfbfd", "#efedf5", "#dadaeb", "#bcbddc", "#9e9ac8", "#807dba", "#6a51a3", "#54278f", "#3f007d" ], GnBu: [ "#f7fcf0", "#e0f3db", "#ccebc5", "#a8ddb5", "#7bccc4", "#4eb3d3", "#2b8cbe", "#0868ac", "#084081" ], Greys: [ "#ffffff", "#f0f0f0", "#d9d9d9", "#bdbdbd", "#969696", "#737373", "#525252", "#252525", "#000000" ], YlOrRd: [ "#ffffcc", "#ffeda0", "#fed976", "#feb24c", "#fd8d3c", "#fc4e2a", "#e31a1c", "#bd0026", "#800026" ], PuRd: [ "#f7f4f9", "#e7e1ef", "#d4b9da", "#c994c7", "#df65b0", "#e7298a", "#ce1256", "#980043", "#67001f" ], Blues: [ "#f7fbff", "#deebf7", "#c6dbef", "#9ecae1", "#6baed6", "#4292c6", "#2171b5", "#08519c", "#08306b" ], PuBuGn: [ "#fff7fb", "#ece2f0", "#d0d1e6", "#a6bddb", "#67a9cf", "#3690c0", "#02818a", "#016c59", "#014636" ], Spectral: [ "#9e0142", "#d53e4f", "#f46d43", "#fdae61", "#fee08b", "#ffffbf", "#e6f598", "#abdda4", "#66c2a5", "#3288bd", "#5e4fa2" ], RdYlGn: [ "#a50026", "#d73027", "#f46d43", "#fdae61", "#fee08b", "#ffffbf", "#d9ef8b", "#a6d96a", "#66bd63", "#1a9850", "#006837" ], RdBu: [ "#67001f", "#b2182b", "#d6604d", "#f4a582", "#fddbc7", "#f7f7f7", "#d1e5f0", "#92c5de", "#4393c3", "#2166ac", "#053061" ], PiYG: [ "#8e0152", "#c51b7d", "#de77ae", "#f1b6da", "#fde0ef", "#f7f7f7", "#e6f5d0", "#b8e186", "#7fbc41", "#4d9221", "#276419" ], PRGn: [ "#40004b", "#762a83", "#9970ab", "#c2a5cf", "#e7d4e8", "#f7f7f7", "#d9f0d3", "#a6dba0", "#5aae61", "#1b7837", "#00441b" ], RdYlBu: [ "#a50026", "#d73027", "#f46d43", "#fdae61", "#fee090", "#ffffbf", "#e0f3f8", "#abd9e9", "#74add1", "#4575b4", "#313695" ], BrBG: [ "#543005", "#8c510a", "#bf812d", "#dfc27d", "#f6e8c3", "#f5f5f5", "#c7eae5", "#80cdc1", "#35978f", "#01665e", "#003c30" ], RdGy: [ "#67001f", "#b2182b", "#d6604d", "#f4a582", "#fddbc7", "#ffffff", "#e0e0e0", "#bababa", "#878787", "#4d4d4d", "#1a1a1a" ], PuOr: [ "#7f3b08", "#b35806", "#e08214", "#fdb863", "#fee0b6", "#f7f7f7", "#d8daeb", "#b2abd2", "#8073ac", "#542788", "#2d004b" ], Set2: [ "#66c2a5", "#fc8d62", "#8da0cb", "#e78ac3", "#a6d854", "#ffd92f", "#e5c494", "#b3b3b3" ], Accent: [ "#7fc97f", "#beaed4", "#fdc086", "#ffff99", "#386cb0", "#f0027f", "#bf5b17", "#666666" ], Set1: [ "#e41a1c", "#377eb8", "#4daf4a", "#984ea3", "#ff7f00", "#ffff33", "#a65628", "#f781bf", "#999999" ], Set3: [ "#8dd3c7", "#ffffb3", "#bebada", "#fb8072", "#80b1d3", "#fdb462", "#b3de69", "#fccde5", "#d9d9d9", "#bc80bd", "#ccebc5", "#ffed6f" ], Dark2: [ "#1b9e77", "#d95f02", "#7570b3", "#e7298a", "#66a61e", "#e6ab02", "#a6761d", "#666666" ], Paired: [ "#a6cee3", "#1f78b4", "#b2df8a", "#33a02c", "#fb9a99", "#e31a1c", "#fdbf6f", "#ff7f00", "#cab2d6", "#6a3d9a", "#ffff99", "#b15928" ], Pastel2: [ "#b3e2cd", "#fdcdac", "#cbd5e8", "#f4cae4", "#e6f5c9", "#fff2ae", "#f1e2cc", "#cccccc" ], Pastel1: [ "#fbb4ae", "#b3cde3", "#ccebc5", "#decbe4", "#fed9a6", "#ffffcc", "#e5d8bd", "#fddaec", "#f2f2f2" ] }; B = void 0 !== e && null !== e ? e : this; l = null != (F = B.chroma) ? F : B.chroma = {}; l.colors = { indigo: "#4b0082", gold: "#ffd700", hotpink: "#ff69b4", firebrick: "#b22222", indianred: "#cd5c5c", yellow: "#ffff00", mistyrose: "#ffe4e1", darkolivegreen: "#556b2f", olive: "#808000", darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f", pink: "#ffc0cb", tomato: "#ff6347", lightcoral: "#f08080", orangered: "#ff4500", navajowhite: "#ffdead", lime: "#00ff00", palegreen: "#98fb98", darkslategrey: "#2f4f4f", greenyellow: "#adff2f", burlywood: "#deb887", seashell: "#fff5ee", mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a", fuchsia: "#ff00ff", papayawhip: "#ffefd5", blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd", chartreuse: "#7fff00", dimgray: "#696969", black: "#000000", peachpuff: "#ffdab9", springgreen: "#00ff7f", aquamarine: "#7fffd4", white: "#ffffff", orange: "#ffa500", lightsalmon: "#ffa07a", darkslategray: "#2f4f4f", brown: "#a52a2a", ivory: "#fffff0", dodgerblue: "#1e90ff", peru: "#cd853f", lawngreen: "#7cfc00", chocolate: "#d2691e", crimson: "#dc143c", forestgreen: "#228b22", darkgrey: "#a9a9a9", lightseagreen: "#20b2aa", cyan: "#00ffff", mintcream: "#f5fffa", silver: "#c0c0c0", antiquewhite: "#faebd7", mediumorchid: "#ba55d3", skyblue: "#87ceeb", gray: "#808080", darkturquoise: "#00ced1", goldenrod: "#daa520", darkgreen: "#006400", floralwhite: "#fffaf0", darkviolet: "#9400d3", darkgray: "#a9a9a9", moccasin: "#ffe4b5", saddlebrown: "#8b4513", grey: "#808080", darkslateblue: "#483d8b", lightskyblue: "#87cefa", lightpink: "#ffb6c1", mediumvioletred: "#c71585", slategrey: "#708090", red: "#ff0000", deeppink: "#ff1493", limegreen: "#32cd32", darkmagenta: "#8b008b", palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa", plum: "#dda0dd", turquoise: "#40e0d0", lightgrey: "#d3d3d3", lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2", darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b", lavender: "#e6e6fa", maroon: "#800000", yellowgreen: "#9acd32", sandybrown: "#f4a460", thistle: "#d8bfd8", violet: "#ee82ee", navy: "#000080", magenta: "#ff00ff", dimgrey: "#696969", tan: "#d2b48c", rosybrown: "#bc8f8f", olivedrab: "#6b8e23", blue: "#0000ff", lightblue: "#add8e6", ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff", honeydew: "#f0fff0", cornflowerblue: "#6495ed", slateblue: "#6a5acd", linen: "#faf0e6", darkblue: "#00008b", powderblue: "#b0e0e6", seagreen: "#2e8b57", darkkhaki: "#bdb76b", snow: "#fffafa", sienna: "#a0522d", mediumblue: "#0000cd", royalblue: "#4169e1", lightcyan: "#e0ffff", green: "#008000", mediumpurple: "#9370db", midnightblue: "#191970", cornsilk: "#fff8dc", paleturquoise: "#afeeee", bisque: "#ffe4c4", slategray: "#708090", darkcyan: "#008b8b", khaki: "#f0e68c", wheat: "#f5deb3", teal: "#008080", darkorchid: "#9932cc", deepskyblue: "#00bfff", salmon: "#fa8072", darkred: "#8b0000", steelblue: "#4682b4", palevioletred: "#db7093", lightslategray: "#778899", aliceblue: "#f0f8ff", lightslategrey: "#778899", lightgreen: "#90ee90", orchid: "#da70d6", gainsboro: "#dcdcdc", mediumseagreen: "#3cb371", lightgray: "#d3d3d3", mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc", lemonchiffon: "#fffacd", cadetblue: "#5f9ea0", lightyellow: "#ffffe0", lavenderblush: "#fff0f5", coral: "#ff7f50", purple: "#800080", aqua: "#00ffff", whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5", mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee", darkorange: "#ff8c00", mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa", darksalmon: "#e9967a", beige: "#f5f5dc", blueviolet: "#8a2be2", azure: "#f0ffff", lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de", oldlace: "#fdf5e6" }; }).call(this); e.chroma.Color.prototype.lighten = function(t) { return this.brighten(t); }; }).call(this, i(369)(t)); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(113), o = { white: "#FFF", black: "#000", grey: "#808080" }; o.clampLuminance = function(t, e, i) { t = o.getChromaObj(t); if (t) { e < 0 && (e = 0); i > 1 && (i = 1); var n = t.luminance(), r = n < e ? e : n > i ? i : n; return n === r ? t : o.getColorAtLuminance(t, r); } }; o.lighten = function(t, e, i) { return n.interpolate(t, o.white, e, i || "rgb"); }; o.darken = function(t, e, i) { return n.interpolate(t, o.black, e, i || "rgb"); }; o.getColorAtLuminance = function(t, e) { if (!(e < 0 || e > 1)) { t = o.getChromaObj(t); if (t) { var i = 0; if (t.luminance() >= e) for (;;) { i++; if (t.luminance() <= e + .05 || i >= 100) return t; t = o.darken(t, .05); } else for (;;) { i++; if (t.luminance() >= e - .05 || i >= 100) return t; t = o.lighten(t, .05); } } } }; o.getColorAtContrast = function(t, e, i) { if (!(i < 1)) { t = o.getChromaObj(t); e = o.getChromaObj(e); if (t && e) { var r = 0; if (n.contrast(t, e) >= i) for (;;) { r++; if (n.contrast(t, e) <= i + .5 || r >= 100) return e; e = e.luminance() >= t.luminance() ? o.darken(e, .05) : o.lighten(e, .05); } else for (var a = n.contrast(t, o.white), s = n.contrast(t, o.black); ;) { r++; if (n.contrast(t, e) >= i - .5 || r >= 100) return e; if (e.luminance() >= t.luminance()) if (a >= i - .5) e = o.lighten(e, .05); else { if (!(s >= i - .5)) return a > s ? o.getChromaObj(o.white) : o.getChromaObj(o.black); e = o.darken(e, .05); } else if (s >= i - .5) e = o.darken(e, .05); else { if (!(a >= i - .5)) return a > s ? o.getChromaObj(o.white) : o.getChromaObj(o.black); e = o.lighten(e, .05); } } } } }; o.getContrastColor = function(t, e, i, n, r, a, s) { t = o.getChromaObj(t); e = o.getChromaObj(e); i = o.getChromaObj(i); if (t && e && i) { var _ = t.luminance(); return "bright" === r ? _ < n ? e : o.getColorAtContrast(t, i, s || 2.5) : "dark" === r ? _ > n ? i : o.getColorAtContrast(t, e, a || 4.5) : void 0; } }; o.isHexColor = function(t) { return !("string" != typeof t || !/^#[0-9A-F]{3}([0-9A-F]{3})?$/i.test(t)); }; o.getChromaObj = function(t) { return o.isHexColor(t) ? n.hex(t) : t instanceof n.constructor && t; }; o.rgbaColor = function(t, e) { t = o.getChromaObj(t); if (t) { if (void 0 === e) e = 1; else { e = parseFloat(e); (isNaN(e) || e > 1) && (e = 1); e < 0 && (e = 0); } return "rgba(" + o.toRGB(t).join(",") + "," + e + ")"; } }; o.toRGB = function(t) { t = o.getChromaObj(t); if (t) { var e = t.rgb(); e[0] = parseInt(e[0], 10); e[1] = parseInt(e[1], 10); e[2] = parseInt(e[2], 10); return e; } }; t.exports = o; }, function(t, e, i) { var n, o, r, a, s = i(22), _ = i(25), l = i(21), d = i(6), u = i(26), c = {}; c.init = function(t) { function e(t, e) { if (t && u.isHexColor(t)) { e = e || ""; var i = {}; i[e] = t; c.setColors(i); } else window.console && window.console.log(u.getPrefix() + ': theme.setColor() Invalid color argument. Color must be in hexadecimal format ("#AABBCC")'); } function i(t) { function e() { var e, i = {}; for (var n in t) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n)) { e = n || "primary"; if (!d.livechat.getLimit() && "primary" != e) continue; "badge" == e && (e = "banner"); e += "$string"; t[n] && s(t[n]) && u.isHexColor(t[n]) && (i[e] = t[n]); } u.saveAPISettings({ settings: { theme: { colors: i } } }); o.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").update({ colors: i }); } if (t && "object" == typeof t) { u.savePopoutAPICalls("theme.setColors", [ t ]); u.callOnFastInit(e, !0); u.callOnRegistered(e, !0); u.instrument("theme.setColors"); } else window.console && window.console.log(u.getPrefix() + ": theme.setColors() Invalid argument. Argument must be an object containing the desired colors in hexadecimal format (#AABBCC)"); } function h(t, e) { function i() { a.getValue() ? u.saveAPISettings({ settings: { theme: { custom_fonts: { config$json: t, font_family$string: e } } } }) : r(u.getPrefix() + ": theme.setFontConfig() API requires your account to be on the Chat Professional/Enterprise or Advanced/Premium (Legacy) plan. Please upgrade your account."); } var n = o.$("connection.status$string").getValue(), r = window.console && window.console.log && window.console.log.bind && window.console.log.bind(window.console) || window.console && window.console.log || function() {}; if (n) r(u.getPrefix() + ": theme.setFontConfig() must be called immediately after embedding script"); else if (f(t) && "string" == typeof e) if (/[^A-Za-z0-9\'\"\-_, ]/.test(e)) r(u.getPrefix() + ": theme.setFontConfig() error: Invalid characters in font-family."); else if (function(t) { for (var e, i = [], n = 0, o = t.length; n < o; n++) { e = t.charAt(n); "'" !== e && '"' !== e || (i[0] === e ? i.shift() : i.unshift(e)); } return 0 === i.length; }(e)) { u.callOnFastInit(i); u.callOnRegistered(i); u.instrument("theme.setFontConfig"); } else r(u.getPrefix() + ": theme.setFontConfig() error: Malformed font-family string."); else r(u.getPrefix() + ": theme.setFontConfig() error: Invalid arguments."); } function f(t) { function e(t) { if (_(t)) return null; if (!l(t) || 0 === t.length) return "is of invalid type"; for (var e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++) if ("string" != typeof t[e]) return "is of invalid type"; return null; } function i(t) { return _(t) ? "is required" : null; } var n = { custom: { urls: [ i, e ] }, fontdeck: { id: [ i, "string" ] }, monotype: { projectId: [ i, "string" ] }, google: { families: [ i, e ], text: [ "string" ] }, typekit: { id: [ i, "string" ], api: [ "string" ] } }, o = [], r = window.console && window.console.log && window.console.log.bind && window.console.log.bind(window.console) || window.console && window.console.log || function() {}; for (var a in t) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a)) { if (!n[a]) { r(u.getPrefix() + ': theme.setFontConfig() error: unknown font provider "' + a + '"'); return !1; } var s, d = n[a], c = t[a]; for (s in d) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d, s)) { var h = d[s], f = function(t, e, i, n) { for (var o = 'attribute "' + e + '" of provider "' + t + '" ', r = 0, a = n.length; r < a; r++) { var s = n[r]; if ("string" == typeof s) { if (void 0 !== i && typeof i !== s) return o + "is of invalid type"; } else { var _ = s(i); if (_) return o + _; } } return null; }(a, s, c[s], h); if (f) { r(u.getPrefix() + ": theme.setFontConfig() error: " + f); return !1; } } for (s in c) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, s) && (d[s] || o.push(a + "." + s)); } o.length > 0 && r(u.getPrefix() + ": theme.setFontConfig() warning: unused paths in web_font_config: " + o.join(", ")); return !0; } function g() { function t() { u.savePopoutAPICalls("theme.reload", []); o.$("livechat").$("ui").update({ theme_reload$bool: !0 }); } u.callOnFastInit(t); u.callOnRegistered(t); u.instrument("theme.reload"); } function p(t) { if (m(t)) { u.instrument("theme.setProfileCardConfig"); $(t); } else window.console && window.console.log(u.getPrefix() + ": setProfileCardConfig() Invalid argument. Please refer to the API documentation."); } function m(t) { if (!t || "object" != typeof t) return !1; for (var e in t) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e) && "boolean" != typeof t[e]) return !1; return !0; } function $(t) { var e = {}; "avatar" in t && (e.display_avatar$bool = t.avatar); "title" in t && (e.display_title_name$bool = t.title); "rating" in t && (e.display_rating$bool = t.rating); b(e); u.savePopoutAPICalls("theme.setProfileCardConfig", [ t ]); } function b(t) { function e() { u.saveAPISettings({ settings: { theme: { chat_window: { profile_card: t } } } }); r.update(t); } u.callOnFastInit(e); u.callOnRegistered(e); u.instrument("theme.setProfileCardDisplay"); } n = t; o = d.root; r = o.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").$("profile_card"); a = o.$("livechat").$("gates").$("set_font_config$bool"); c.setTheme = n.generateLimitedFunction("theme.setTheme", 2, function(t) { function e() { u.saveAPISettings({ settings: { theme: { name$string: t.toString() } } }); o.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").update({ name$string: t.toString() }); } u.savePopoutAPICalls("theme.setTheme", [ t.toString() ]); u.callOnFastInit(e, !0); u.callOnRegistered(e, !0); u.instrument("theme.setTheme"); }); c.setColor = e; c.setColors = n.generateLimitedFunction("theme.setColors", 1, i); c.setFontConfig = h; c.validateConfig = f; c.reload = g; c.setProfileCardConfig = p; }; t.exports = c; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_MenuStack = i(124); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ViewStack = i(54); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_NewChatForm = i(171); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_PreChatOfflineForm = i(163); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_ChatPanel = i(218); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_PostChatForm = i(131); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_CookieForm = i(129); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_CardForm = i(128); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_AgentList = i(127); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_AboutPanel = i(126); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_RatingPanel = i(125); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_MenuStack, "menu_stack", "", [], { id: "menu_stack", addClass: "popout" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ViewStack, "main_stack", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_NewChatForm, "", "", [], { name: "new_chat_form" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_PreChatOfflineForm, "", "", [], { name: "pre_chat_offline_form" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_ChatPanel, "", "", [], { name: "chat_panel" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_PostChatForm, "", "", [], { name: "post_chat_form" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_CookieForm, "", "", [], { name: "cookie_form" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_CardForm, "", "", [], { name: "card_form" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_AgentList, "", "", [], { name: "agent_list" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_AboutPanel, "", "", [], { name: "about_panel" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_RatingPanel, "", "", [], { name: "rating_panel" } ] ], { id: "main_stack", onChildHide: "-1" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:chatWindow": "meshim.widget.components.chatWindow", "xmlns:mobileChatWindow": "meshim.widget.components.mobileChatWindow", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__menu_stack"), f = s.get(o + "__main_stack"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var g = function() { function t() { a.update(""); } var e = i(6), n = e.root.$("livechat"), o = n.$("ui").$("chat_window"), r = o.$("main_stack_name$string"), a = o.$("menu_stack_name$string"); !function() { t(); f.on("click", t); f.on("indexChange", t); c.autobind(r, "value", function() { f.setName(r.getValue()); }); c.autobind(a, "value", function() { h.setName(a.getValue()); }); }(); }(); for (var p in g) c[p] = g[p]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "absolute", "top, left, right, bottom": 0, backgroundColor: "$$windowBg", boxShadow: "$$windowShadow", "-webkit-text-size-adjust, -moz-text-size-adjust, -ms-text-size-adjust, text-size-adjust": "100%" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_MainScreen" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_a = i(43); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_a, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", position: "absolute", top: "0", left: "0", width: "100%", height: "100%" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t() { o.trackEvent("Button Clicked"); u.write({ button_clicked$bool: !0 }); if (h.getValue()) r.userShowWindow(); else if (_.requestPermission()) if (l.isIEMobile) { c.setAttribute("href", s.getPopoutURL()); c.setAttribute("target", e.POPOUT_WINDOW_PREFIX + f.getValue()); } else { a.resetUnreadCount(); s.openPopout(!0); } } var e = i(18), n = i(6), o = i(49), r = i(24), a = i(33), s = i(70), _ = i(40), l = i(35), d = n.root.$("livechat").$("ui"), u = d.$("chat_button"), h = d.$("mobile_overlay$bool"), f = n.root.$("livechat").$("account").$("key$string"); !function() { c.on("click", t); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_html_a.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = {}; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_html_a, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_mobileChatButton_TappingScreen" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__jx_ui_Image = i(230); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont = i(15); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Image, "image", "", [], { id: "image", addClass: "custom_icon" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont, "icon", "", [], { id: "icon", addClass: "default_icon" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "dots", "", [], { id: "dots", addClass: "dots", selectable: "false" } ] ], { addClass: "dots_container" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:mui": "meshim.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__image"), f = s.get(o + "__icon"), g = s.get(o + "__dots"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var p = function() { function t() { function t(t) { d = !t; if (t) { h.setDisplay("none"); f.setDisplay(""); } else { h.setDisplay(""); f.setDisplay("none"); } e(); } if (l) try { l.abort(); } catch (t) {} l = null; if (a) { if (s) { h.setSrc(s); t(!1); return; } var i = function() { for (var t = window.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], e = t.getElementsByTagName("link"), i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++) if ("icon" == e[i].rel || "shortcut icon" == e[i].rel) return e[i].href; }(); if (i) { h.setSrc(i); t(!1); return; } l = function(t) { var e, i = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + "/favicon.ico"; try { if (window.ActiveXObject) { e = new window.ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); e || (e = new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")); } } catch (t) {} e || void 0 === window.XMLHttpRequest || (e = new window.XMLHttpRequest()); if (e) { e.onreadystatechange = function() { 4 === e.readyState && (200 === e.status || e.status >= 300 && e.status < 400 ? t(i) : t()); }; e.open("HEAD", i, !0); e.send(null); } return e; }(function(e) { if (e) { h.setSrc(e); t(!1); } else t(!0); }); } else t(!0); } function e() { if (r || "offline" != o) { f.setIcon("message"); f.removeClass("default_icon_offline"); f.addClass("default_icon_online"); } else { f.setIcon("email"); f.removeClass("default_icon_online"); f.addClass("default_icon_offline"); } if (_ && r && !d) { if (!u) { n(); u = window.setInterval(n, m); } g.setDisplay(""); } else { if (u) { window.clearInterval(u); u = null; } g.setDisplay("none"); } } function n() { var t = g.getText(); g.setText(t.length == $ ? "" : t + "."); } var o, r, a, s, _, l, d, u, p = i(6), m = 1e3, $ = 3, b = p.root.$("livechat").$("account"), w = p.root.$("livechat").$("settings").$("branding"), x = b.$("status$string"), v = p.root.$("livechat").$("channel").$("chatting$bool"), y = w.$("hide_favicon$bool"), j = w.$("custom_favicon_path$string"), C = p.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("chat_button").$("unread_count$int"); !function() { c.autobind(y, "value", function(e) { a = e; t(); }); c.autobind(j, "value", function(e) { s = e; t(); }); c.autobind(v, "value", function(t) { if (r !== t) { r = t; e(); } }); c.autobind(x, "value", function(t) { if (t != o) { o = t; e(); } }); c.autobind(C, "value", function(t) { if (t != _) { _ = t; e(); } }); }(); }(); for (var m in p) c[m] = p[m]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { ".custom_icon": { "width, height": "16px" }, ".default_icon": { fontSize: "16px", width: "16px", display: "inline-block", "&.default_icon_online": { lineHeight: "20px", verticalAlign: "top", color: "$$faviconOnlineColor" }, "&.default_icon_offline": { lineHeight: "18px", verticalAlign: "top", color: "$$faviconOfflineColor" } }, ".dots_container": { fontFamily: "Arial", position: "absolute", width: "100%", textAlign: "center", fontSize: "20px", letterSpacing: "-2px", top: "-3px", left: "-1px", lineHeight: "24px" }, ".dots": { display: "inline-block", width: "12px", lineHeight: "22px", textAlign: "left", color: [ "$$chatButtonBg", "$$faviconBg", "$$faviconDotsColor" ], background: "transparent" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_Favicon" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e) { function i(t) { if (!(this instanceof i)) return new i(t); var e = ""; "object" == typeof t ? e = "object" : /#/.test(t) ? e = "hex" : /hsl\(.+\)/.test(t) ? e = "hsl" : /hsv\(.+\)/.test(t) ? e = "hsv" : /rgba\(.+\)/.test(t) && (e = "rgba"); switch (e) { case "object": o.call(this, t); break; case "hex": n.call(this, t); break; case "hsl": r.call(this, t); break; case "hsv": _.call(this, t); break; case "rgba": s.call(this, t); } "number" != typeof this.alpha && (this.alpha = 1); } function n(t) { t = t.replace(/#/g, "").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s|\s$/g, ""); /^\w{3}/.test(t) && (t = t.replace(/^(\w)(\w)(\w)$/, "$1$1$2$2$3$3")); this.red = parseInt(t.substr(0, 2), 16); this.green = parseInt(t.substr(2, 2), 16); this.blue = parseInt(t.substr(4, 2), 16); } function o(t) { if ("red" in t && "green" in t && "blue" in t) { this.red = t.red; this.green = t.green; this.blue = t.blue; this.alpha = t.alpha; } else "h" in t && "s" in t && "l" in t ? a.call(this, t) : "h" in t && "s" in t && "v" in t && l.call(this, t); } function r(t) { t = t.replace(/[A-Za-z]+|\(|\)/g, "").replace(/,/g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s|\s$/g, ""); var e = t.split(" "), i = { h: parseFloat(e[0]) < 0 ? 360 + parseFloat(e[0]) % 360 : parseFloat(e[0]) % 360, s: e[1].indexOf("%") < 0 ? parseFloat(e[1]) : parseInt(e[1], 10) / 100, l: e[2].indexOf("%") < 0 ? parseFloat(e[2]) : parseInt(e[2], 10) / 100 }; a.call(this, i); } function a(t) { var e, i = t.h, n = t.s, o = t.l, r = (1 - Math.abs(2 * o - 1)) * n, a = i / 60, s = r * (1 - Math.abs(a % 2 - 1)), _ = o - .5 * r; switch (Math.floor(a)) { case 0: e = [ r, s, 0 ]; break; case 1: e = [ s, r, 0 ]; break; case 2: e = [ 0, r, s ]; break; case 3: e = [ 0, s, r ]; break; case 4: e = [ s, 0, r ]; break; case 5: e = [ r, 0, s ]; } this.red = Math.round(255 * (e[0] + _)); this.green = Math.round(255 * (e[1] + _)); this.blue = Math.round(255 * (e[2] + _)); } function s(t) { t = t.replace(/[A-Za-z(,]+/g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s|\s$/g, ""); var e = t.split(" "); this.red = parseInt(e[0], 10); this.green = parseInt(e[1], 10); this.blue = parseInt(e[2], 10); this.alpha = parseFloat(e[3]); } function _(t) { t = t.replace(/[A-Za-z%]+|\(|\)/g, "").replace(/,/g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s|\s$/g, ""); var e = t.split(" "), i = { h: parseFloat(e[0]) < 0 ? (360 + parseFloat(e[0])) % 360 : parseFloat(e[0]) % 360, s: e[1].indexOf("%") < 0 ? parseFloat(e[1]) : parseInt(e[1], 10) / 100, v: e[2].indexOf("%") < 0 ? parseFloat(e[2]) : parseInt(e[2], 10) / 100 }; l.call(this, i); } function l(t) { var e, i = t.h, n = t.s, o = t.v, r = o * n, a = i / 60, s = r * (1 - Math.abs(a % 2 - 1)), _ = o - r; switch (Math.floor(a)) { case 0: e = [ r, s, 0 ]; break; case 1: e = [ s, r, 0 ]; break; case 2: e = [ 0, r, s ]; break; case 3: e = [ 0, s, r ]; break; case 4: e = [ s, 0, r ]; break; case 5: e = [ r, 0, s ]; } this.red = Math.round(255 * (e[0] + _)); this.green = Math.round(255 * (e[1] + _)); this.blue = Math.round(255 * (e[2] + _)); } var d = [ "red", "green", "blue" ]; i.prototype.lighten = function(t) { var e = this.toHSL(); e.l = e.l + (1 - e.l) * t; return new i(e); }; i.prototype.darken = function(t) { var e = this.toHSL(); e.l = e.l - e.l * t; return new i(e); }; i.prototype.blend = function(t, e) { t instanceof i || (t = new i(t)); for (var n = {}, o = 0; o < 3; o++) { var r = this[d[o]], a = t[d[o]]; n[d[o]] = Math.round(r + (a - r) * e); } return new i(n); }; i.prototype.complement = function() { var t = this.red, e = this.blue, n = this.green, o = Math.max(t, e, n), r = Math.min(t, e, n), a = {}; a.red = o + r - t; a.green = o + r - n; a.blue = o + r - e; return new i(a); }; i.prototype.toStrRGB = i.prototype.toRGB = function() { for (var t = [], e = 0; e < 3; e++) { var i = this[d[e]].toString(16); t[e] = i.length < 2 ? "0" + i : i; } return "#" + t.join(""); }; i.prototype.toStrRGBA = function() { return "rgba(" + [ this.red, this.green, this.blue, this.alpha ].join(",") + ")"; }; i.prototype.toHSL = function() { var t, e, i, n, o = this.red / 255, r = this.green / 255, a = this.blue / 255, s = Math.max(o, r, a), _ = Math.min(o, r, a), l = s - _; 0 === l ? n = 0 : s == o ? n = (r - a) / l % 6 : s == r ? n = (a - o) / l + 2 : s == a && (n = (o - r) / l + 4); t = 60 * n; t = t < 0 ? 360 + t % 360 : t % 360; i = .5 * (s + _); e = 0 === l ? 0 : l / (1 - Math.abs(2 * i - 1)); return { h: t, s: e, l: i }; }; i.prototype.toHSV = function() { var t, e, i, n, o = this.red / 255, r = this.green / 255, a = this.blue / 255, s = Math.max(o, r, a), _ = Math.min(o, r, a), l = s - _; 0 === l ? n = 0 : s == o ? n = (r - a) / l % 6 : s == r ? n = (a - o) / l + 2 : s == a && (n = (o - r) / l + 4); t = 60 * n; t = t < 0 ? 360 + t % 360 : t % 360; i = s; e = 0 === l ? 0 : l / i; return { h: t, s: e, v: i }; }; i.prototype.toArray = function() { return [ this.red, this.green, this.blue ]; }; i.prototype.clone = function() { return new i(this); }; i.prototype.validate = function() { for (var t = 0; t < 3; t++) { var e = this[d[t]]; if (!("number" == typeof e && e >= 0 && e <= 255)) return !1; } return "number" == typeof this.alpha && this.alpha >= 0 && this.alpha <= 1; }; t.exports = i; }, function(t, e, i) { "use strict"; function n(t) { return "object" == typeof t && null !== t; } function o(t) { switch ({}.toString.call(t)) { case "[object Error]": case "[object Exception]": case "[object DOMException]": return !0; default: return t instanceof Error; } } function r(t) { function e(e, i) { var n = t(e) || e; return i ? i(n) || n : n; } return e; } t.exports = { isObject: n, isError: o, wrappedCallback: r }; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_FileUploader = i(265); n.__$$__jx_ui_Input = i(42); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_FileUploader, "file_form", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Input, "file_input", "", [], { id: "file_input", name: "file[]", type: "file", multiple: "true", addClass: "file_input" } ] ], { id: "file_form" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__file_form"), f = s.get(o + "__file_input"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var g = function() { function t() { if (a && f.getValue()) { var t = [], i = [], n = 0, o = f.dom.files, s = u.getHost(); if (s) { if (o) { for (var m = 0, $ = o.length; m < $; m++) { if (!l.isValidType(o[m].name, r)) { C.update({ error$string: "type" }); f.setValue(""); return; } t.push(o[m].name); i.push(o[m].type); n += o[m].size || 0; } if (n > _.FILE_UPLOAD_MAX) { C.update({ error$string: "size" }); f.setValue(""); return; } t = t.join(", "); i = i.join(", "); } else { o = f.dom.value || ""; if (!o) return; t = o.substr(o.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1); i = t.substr(t.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); if (!l.isValidType(t, r)) { C.update({ error$string: "type" }); f.setValue(""); return; } } var x = g.livechat.sendFile({ file_name: t, file_type: i, file_size: n }), v = { ts: x, mid: b.getValue(), uid: w.getValue() }, y = "https://" + s + _.FILE_UPLOAD_PATH + "?" + d.buildQuery(v); h.setPath(y); c.fire("before_submit"); o && "FormData" in window ? e(s, x, o) : h.submit(); p.increment("file_upload"); f.setValue(""); } } } function e(t, e, i) { for (var n = new window.XMLHttpRequest(), o = new window.FormData(), r = { ts: e }, a = "https://" + t + _.FILE_UPLOAD_PATH + "?" + d.buildQuery(r), s = 0, l = i.length; s < l; s++) o.append("file_" + i[s].name, i[s]); n.open("POST", a, !0); n.setRequestHeader("X-Zopim-MID", b.getValue()); n.setRequestHeader("X-Zopim-UID", w.getValue()); n.send(o); } function n() { var t = v.getValue(), e = S.getValue("color_customization_enabled$int") || S.getValue("widget_customization_enabled$int"); a = !!e && !1 !== t; } function o() { var t = y.getValue() || ""; r = t.trim().replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ",").split(","); } var r, a, s, _ = i(18), l = i(63), d = i(36), u = i(72), g = i(6), p = i(76), m = g.root, $ = m.$("livechat"), b = $.$("profile").$("mid$string"), w = $.$("profile").$("uid$string"), x = $.$("settings").$("file_sending"), v = x.$("enabled$bool"), y = x.$("allowed_extensions$string"), j = $.$("ui").$("chat_window"), C = j.$("chat_panel").$("file_toast"), S = $.$("settings").$("package"); !function() { f.on("change", function() { if (!s) { s = !0; u.reconnectIfServerRetired(function() { s = !1; t(); }); } }); c.autobind(v, "value", n); c.autobind(S, "value", n); c.autobind(y, "value", o); }(); }(); for (var p in g) c[p] = g[p]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { ".file_input": { fontSize: "1000px", outline: "none", opacity: "0" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_SendFile" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { a = g.root.$$("livechat.settings.sound.disabled$bool"); s = g.root.$$("livechat.profile.notification.sound$bool"); _ = g.root.$$("connection.reattached_timestamp$int"); d = g.root.$$("livechat.ui.sounds"); c = g.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("mobile$bool"); c.getValue() && s.update(!1); h.runAfterFirstChildReady(function() { if (!u) { u = new p(m); d.bindValue(o); } }); } function o(t) { if (t && r()) { l = _.getValue() || 0; if (0 !== l) for (var e in t) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e)) { if (!t[e] || t[e] < l) continue; e = e.substring(0, e.indexOf("$")); u.hasSound(e) || u.create(e, $[e]); u.play(e, 1); } } } function r() { var t = a.getValue(), e = s.getValue(); return "boolean" == typeof e ? e : "boolean" != typeof t || !t; } var a, s, _, l, d, u, c, h = i(14), f = i(18), g = i(6), p = i(272), m = f.SOUNDS_URL, $ = { new_message: "triad_gbd" }, b = { init: n, isSoundEnabled: r, play: function() {} }; t.exports = b; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont = i(15); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { var t = i(12), e = i(9), n = { true: "tick", false: "cross" }, o = c.setIcon; c.setIcon = function(e, i) { i || (e = t(e).toString()); return o.call(c, n[e] || e); }; !function() { e.rtl(c); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { float: "right", lineHeight: 1, position: "relative", top: "3px", verticalAlign: "middle", "&.rtl": { float: "left" } }, "&.left": { float: "left", "&.rtl": { float: "right" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_menu_IconFont" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ViewStack = i(54); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_SettingsMenu = i(275); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_ProfileMenu = i(262); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_EndChatMenu = i(257); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_EmailTranscriptMenu = i(256); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_EmailTranscriptNotification = i(255); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ViewStack, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_SettingsMenu, "", "", [], { name: "settings_menu" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_ProfileMenu, "", "", [], { name: "profile_menu" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_EndChatMenu, "", "", [], { name: "end_chat_menu" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_EmailTranscriptMenu, "", "", [], { name: "email_transcript_menu" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_EmailTranscriptNotification, "", "", [], { name: "email_transcript_notification" } ] ], { "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:chatWindow": "meshim.widget.components.chatWindow", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", onChildHide: "-1" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { i(9).popout(c); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ViewStack.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { overflow: "visible" }, "&.popout": { position: "absolute" }, "&.mobile": {} }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ViewStack, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_MenuStack" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = i(2), _ = i(4); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel = i(39); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowDisconnectedToast = i(84); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowContent = i(27); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ScrollableFrame = i(29); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_RatingBar = i(102); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_TextArea = i(78); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Bottom = i(32); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Controls = i(48); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ConnAwareSubmit = i(77); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button = i(17); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, l, d) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, l, d); o = o || _.generateID(); var u = s(119), c = s(120), h = s(121), f = s(122), g = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowDisconnectedToast, "", "", [], {} ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowContent, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ScrollableFrame, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "rating_desc", "", [], { id: "rating_desc", addClass: "rating_desc" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_RatingBar, "rating_bar", "", [], { id: "rating_bar", addClass: "rating_bar" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ u ], { addClass: "comment_intro" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_TextArea, "comment_area", "", [], { id: "comment_area", addClass: "comment_area", rows: "4", placeholder: c } ] ], {} ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Bottom, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Controls, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ConnAwareSubmit, "send", "", [], { placement: "primary", id: "send", addClass: "send wide", value: h } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button, "cancel", "", [ f ], { placement: "secondary", id: "cancel", addClass: "cancel secondary wide" } ] ], {} ] ], {} ] ], { absPaddingBottom: "bottomHeight" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", titleBar: "hidePopout", actionBar: "" } ], p = g[0].call(this, e, o, null, _.mangleIDs(o, g[3]), g[4]), m = p || this; _.set(o, m); var $ = _.get(o + "__rating_desc"), b = _.get(o + "__rating_bar"), w = _.get(o + "__comment_area"), x = _.get(o + "__send"), v = _.get(o + "__cancel"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var y = function() { function t(t) { _ = t; v.setText(t ? g.END_CHAT : g.DURING_CHAT); } function e(t) { t ? o(t) : $.setText(f.NOT_RATED); } function n() { var t = b.getValue(); t ? o(t) : $.setText(f.UNRATED); } function o(t) { $.setText("good" == t ? f.RATED_GOOD : f.RATED_BAD); } function r() { var t, e = { good: "Good", bad: "Bad" }, i = "rating_panel" + (_ ? "_end_chat" : "_during_chat"), n = b.getValue(), o = j && j.getValue(); if (n !== o) { j && c.writeNode(j, n); u.trackEvent("Chat_Rating_" + (e[n] || "Removed"), i); t = !0; } var r = w.getValue().trim(); if (r) { y.write({ comment$string: r }); u.trackEvent("Chat_Comment_Submitted", i); t = !0; } a(!t); } function a(t) { S.update("chat_panel"); window.setTimeout(function() { if (_) { d.livechat.endChat(); A.update(null); } }, t ? 0 : 2e3); } function s() { b.setValue(j.getValue()); e(j.getValue()); w.setValue(C.getValue() || "").focus(); } var _, l = i(2), d = i(6), u = i(49), c = i(11), h = l(123), f = { NOT_RATED: h, RATED_GOOD: l(124), RATED_BAD: l(125), UNRATED: l(126) }, g = { DURING_CHAT: l(127), END_CHAT: l(128) }, p = d.root.$("livechat"), y = p.$("channel"), j = y.$("rating$string"), C = y.$("comment$string"), S = p.$("ui").$("chat_window").$("main_stack_name$string"), A = p.$("ui").$("chat_window").$("rating_panel").$("end_chat$bool"); !function() { $.setText(f.NOT_RATED); m.autobind(A, "value", t); b.setDataNode(j); b.setSize("big"); x.on("click", r); v.on("click", function() { a(!0); }); m.on("show", s); m.autobind(j, "value", e); b.on("change", n); }(); }(); for (var j in y) m[j] = y[j]; m.fire && m.fire("init"); m.setStyle && m.setStyle(r); m.setAttributes && m.setAttributes(d); "function" == typeof m.addChildren ? m.addChildren(l) : _.addChildren(m, l); if (m !== this) { m.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; m.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return m; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { ".rating_desc": { textAlign: "center", marginBottom: "15px" }, ".rating_bar": { marginBottom: "25px" }, ".comment_intro": { fontWeight: "700" }, ".comment_area": { overflow: "auto", marginTop: "15px" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_RatingPanel" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = i(2), _ = i(4); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel = i(39); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowContent = i(27); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ScrollableFrame = i(29); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Header = i(61); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body = i(38); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button = i(17); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Bottom = i(32); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, l, d) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, l, d); o = o || _.generateID(); var u = s(141), c = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowContent, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ScrollableFrame, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Header, "", "", [], { text: "Zendesk Chat" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "Copyright © 2016 Zendesk, Inc. All Rights Reserved." } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button, "back_top", "", [ u ], { id: "back_top", addClass: "back_top wide" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Header, "", "", [], { text: "Open Source Licenses" } ] ], {} ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Header, "", "", [], { text: "chroma.js - JavaScript library for color conversions" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "Copyright © 2011-2013, Gregor Aisch. All rights reserved." } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer." } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution." } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "3. The name Gregor Aisch may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission." } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: 'THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL GREGOR AISCH OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.' } ] ], { class: "break_top" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Header, "", "", [], { text: "store.js" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "Copyright © 2010-2013 Marcus Westin" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: 'Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:' } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software." } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: 'THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.' } ] ], { class: "break_top" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Header, "", "", [], { text: "d3-timer, d3-interpolate" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "Copyright 2010-2015 Mike Bostock" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "All rights reserved." } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer." } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution." } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "* Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission." } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: 'THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.' } ] ], { class: "break_top" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Header, "", "", [], { text: "d3-ease" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "Copyright 2010-2015 Mike Bostock" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "Copyright 2001 Robert Penner" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "All rights reserved." } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer." } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution." } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: "* Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission." } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "", "", [], { addClass: "body_text", text: 'THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.' } ] ], { class: "break_top" } ] ], { addClass: "ltr" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Bottom, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button, "back", "", [ u ], { id: "back", addClass: "back wide" } ] ], {} ] ], { absPaddingBottom: "bottomHeight" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", titleBar: "hidePopout", actionBar: "" } ], h = c[0].call(this, e, o, null, _.mangleIDs(o, c[3]), c[4]), f = h || this; _.set(o, f); var g = _.get(o + "__back_top"), p = _.get(o + "__back"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var m = function() { var t = i(6), e = i(9), n = t.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("chat_window").$("main_stack_name$string"); !function() { e.mobile(f); p.on("click", function() { n.update("chat_panel"); }); g.on("click", function() { n.update("chat_panel"); }); }(); }(); for (var $ in m) f[$] = m[$]; f.fire && f.fire("init"); f.setStyle && f.setStyle(r); f.setAttributes && f.setAttributes(d); "function" == typeof f.addChildren ? f.addChildren(l) : _.addChildren(f, l); if (f !== this) { f.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; f.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return f; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { ".break_top": { padding: "10px 0", borderTop: "1px solid", borderColor: "$$inputColor", fontSize: "$$fontSizeXS", ".body_text": { color: "$$inputColor", marginBottom: "$$marginS" } }, ".back_top": { display: "none", "&.mobile": { marginBottom: "18px", display: "block" } }, ".ltr": { direction: "ltr" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_AboutPanel" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = i(2), _ = i(4); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel = i(39); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowContent = i(27); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ScrollableFrame = i(29); n.__$$__jx_controls_List = i(147); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_motif_Chat = i(130); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Bottom = i(32); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button = i(17); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, l, d) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, l, d); o = o || _.generateID(); var u = s(118), c = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowContent, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ScrollableFrame, "scrollable_frame", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_controls_List, "list", "", [], { id: "list", addClass: "list" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_motif_Chat, "chat_motif", "", [], { id: "chat_motif", addClass: "chat_motif" } ] ], { id: "scrollable_frame" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Bottom, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button, "back", "", [ u ], { id: "back", addClass: "back wide" } ] ], { addClass: "padding_bottom" } ] ], { absPaddingBottom: "bottomHeightBottomPadding" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:jx": "jx.controls", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:chatWindow": "meshim.widget.components.chatWindow", titleBar: "hidePopout", actionBar: "none" } ], h = c[0].call(this, e, o, null, _.mangleIDs(o, c[3]), c[4]), f = h || this; _.set(o, f); var g = _.get(o + "__scrollable_frame"), p = _.get(o + "__list"), m = _.get(o + "__chat_motif"), $ = _.get(o + "__back"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var b = function() { var t = i(16), e = i(6), n = i(276), o = e.root.$("livechat").$("agents"), r = e.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("chat_window").$("main_stack_name$string"); !function() { p.setRenderer(n); p.setDataNode(o); f.autobind(o, "keys", function() { t(function() { if (f.dom) { var t = p.offsetHeight, e = g.getHeight(), i = m.getHeight(); t <= e && e - t > i ? f.removeClass("many_agents") : f.addClass("many_agents"); } }); }); $.on("click", function() { r.update("chat_panel"); }); }(); }(); for (var w in b) f[w] = b[w]; f.fire && f.fire("init"); f.setStyle && f.setStyle(r); f.setAttributes && f.setAttributes(d); "function" == typeof f.addChildren ? f.addChildren(l) : _.addChildren(f, l); if (f !== this) { f.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; f.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return f; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": {}, ".list": { position: "relative", "width, height": "100%" }, ".chat_motif": { position: "absolute", "bottom, left": 0, transition: "opacity 0.5s", opacity: 1 }, "&.many_agents .chat_motif": { opacity: 0 } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_AgentList" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = i(2), _ = i(4); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel = i(39); n.__$$__jx_ui_Form = i(41); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowContent = i(27); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ScrollableFrame = i(29); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body = i(38); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_form_Profile = i(109); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Form = i(107); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Bottom = i(32); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Controls = i(48); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Submit = i(68); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button = i(17); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, l, d) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, l, d); o = o || _.generateID(); var u = s(116), c = s(117), h = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Form, "form", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowContent, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ScrollableFrame, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Body, "message", "", [], { id: "message" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_form_Profile, "profile", "", [], { id: "profile" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Form, "form_generator", "", [], { id: "form_generator" } ] ], {} ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Bottom, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Controls, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Submit, "", "", [], { placement: "primary", addClass: "wide", value: u } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button, "cancel", "", [ c ], { placement: "secondary", id: "cancel", addClass: "secondary wide" } ] ], {} ] ], {} ] ], { absPaddingBottom: "bottomHeight" } ] ], { id: "form", noValidate: "true" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:components": "meshim.widget.components", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:chatWindow": "meshim.widget.components.chatWindow", titleBar: "hidePopout", actionBar: "" } ], f = h[0].call(this, e, o, null, _.mangleIDs(o, h[3]), h[4]), g = f || this; _.set(o, g); var p = _.get(o + "__form"), m = _.get(o + "__message"), $ = _.get(o + "__profile"), b = _.get(o + "__form_generator"), w = _.get(o + "__cancel"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var x = function() { var t, e = i(6), n = e.root.$("livechat").$("settings").$("forms").$("card_form"), o = n.$("message$string"), r = n.$("form"), a = n.$("form_submitted"), s = n.$("profile_required$bool"), _ = e.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("chat_window").$("main_stack_name$string"); !function() { b.setDataNode(r); $.setDataNode(r); g.autobind(o, "value", function(t) { m.setText(t || ""); }); g.autobind(s, "value", function(e) { t = e; $.setDisplay(e ? "" : "none"); $.setDisabled(e); }); p.on("submit", function(t) { t.preventDefault(); if (p.validate(!0)) { $.submit(); b.submit(a, $); _.update("chat_panel"); } }); w.on("click", function() { _.update("chat_panel"); }); }(); }(); for (var v in x) g[v] = x[v]; g.fire && g.fire("init"); g.setStyle && g.setStyle(r); g.setAttributes && g.setAttributes(d); "function" == typeof g.addChildren ? g.addChildren(l) : _.addChildren(g, l); if (g !== this) { g.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; g.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return g; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = {}; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_CardForm" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel = i(39); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ViewStack = i(54); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_cookieForm_Accept = i(278); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_cookieForm_Decline = i(277); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ViewStack, "vs", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_cookieForm_Accept, "", "", [], {} ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_cookieForm_Decline, "", "", [], {} ] ], { id: "vs" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:cookieForm": "meshim.widget.components.chatWindow.cookieForm", titleBar: "hidePopout", actionBar: "" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__vs"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var f = function() { var t = i(6), e = t.root.$("livechat").$("profile").$("allow_cookies$bool"); !function() { c.autobind(e, "value", function(t) { h.setIndex(!1 === t ? 0 : 1); }); }(); }(); for (var g in f) c[g] = f[g]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { a: { color: "inherit" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_CookieForm" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Motif = i(280); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Motif, "", "", [], { "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", items: "hill, bubble b1, bubble b2, bubble b3, bubble b4, bubble b5" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t(t) { var e = c.dom.getElementsByClassName(t)[0]; if (e) { e.style.OTransform = "none"; e.style.transform = "none"; } } var e = i(8); if (e.isOpera) { t("b3"); t("b4"); t("b5"); } e.isIE8 && c.setDisplay("none"); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Motif.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { width: "100%", height: "50px", fontFamily: 'zopim, "Segoe UI Symbol", "Arial Unicode MS", "Lucida Sans Unicode", sans-serif', "*display": "none" }, "*": { position: "absolute" }, ".hill": { width: "95%", height: "20px", bottom: 0, left: "2.5%", borderTopLeftRadius: "50% 100%", borderTopRightRadius: "50% 100%", background: "$$chatMotifHill" }, ".bubble": { top: 0, color: "$$chatMotifBubble", "&:before": { content: "'\\1f4ac'" } }, ".b1": { fontSize: "24px", top: "12px", left: "10%", opacity: .4 }, ".b2": { fontSize: "16px", top: "16px", left: "21%" }, ".b3": { fontSize: "16px", top: "13px", right: "33.5%", opacity: .4 }, ".b4": { fontSize: "16px", top: "14px", right: "26%" }, ".b5": { fontSize: "35px", top: 0, right: "11%", opacity: .2 }, ".b3, .b4, .b5": { transform: "scale(-1, 1)" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Motif, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_motif_Chat" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel = i(39); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ViewStack = i(54); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_postChatForm_RatingForm = i(281); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_postChatForm_CommentsForm = i(279); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ViewStack, "vs", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_postChatForm_RatingForm, "", "", [], {} ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_postChatForm_CommentsForm, "", "", [], {} ] ], { id: "vs" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:postChatForm": "meshim.widget.components.chatWindow.postChatForm", titleBar: "hidePopout", actionBar: "none" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__vs"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var f = function() { var t, e = i(6), n = e.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("chat_window").$("post_chat_form").$("stack_index$int"), o = e.root.$$("livechat.channel.rating$string"); !function() { c.autobind(n, "value", function(e) { 0 == e && t ? n.update(1) : 1 != e || t ? h.setIndex(e || 0) : n.update(0); }); c.autobind(o, "value", function(e) { t = e; }); }(); }(); for (var g in f) c[g] = f[g]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = {}; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_PostChatForm" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = i(2), _ = i(4); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div = i(13); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, l, d) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, l, d); o = o || _.generateID(); var u = s(182), c = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, "", "", [ " {str_queue_position} " ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html" } ], h = c[0].call(this, e, o, null, _.mangleIDs(o, c[3]), c[4]), f = h || this; _.set(o, f); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var g = function() { function t() { var t = r.getValue(), e = !0; if (t && t > 0) { t > 99 && (t = 99); f.setText(u.replace("", t)); } else e = !1; f[e ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("hidden"); } var e = i(2), n = i(6), o = n.root.$("livechat"), r = o.$("channel").$("queue_position$int"); o.$("ui").$("mobile$bool").getValue(); !function() { f.autobind(r, "value", t); if (e && e.onLanguage) { e.onLanguage(t); f.onDestruction(function() { e.unLanguage(t); }); } }(); }(); for (var p in g) f[p] = g[p]; f.fire && f.fire("init"); f.setStyle && f.setStyle(r); f.setAttributes && f.setAttributes(d); "function" == typeof f.addChildren ? f.addChildren(l) : _.addChildren(f, l); if (f !== this) { f.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; f.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return f; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { fontSize: "$$fontSizeS", color: "$$chatLogSystemMsgColor", background: "$$chatLogSystemMsgBg", borderWidth: "$$chatLogSystemMsgBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$chatLogSystemMsgBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$chatLogSystemMsgBorderColor", padding: "$$chatLogSystemMsgPadding", textAlign: "center" }, "&.hidden": { display: "none" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_QueueMessage" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:jx": "jx.controls" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t() { if ("fast_init" == n) { if (!r) { r = new _(c); r.setDataNode(u); c.autobind(d, "value", e); c.fire("fast_log_appended"); } } else if ("registered" == o || "reattached" == o) { if (r instanceof _) { c.autounbind(d, "value", e); r.destroy(); } r = !0; if (!a) { a = new _(c); a.setDataNode(d); c.fire("chat_log_appended"); } } } function e(t) { if (t) { var e; for (var i in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(i)) { e = t[i]; if (!e) continue; if (e.unverified$bool && !e.nick$string) { e.nick$string = "visitor:local"; u.$(i).update(e); } } } } var n, o, r, a, s = i(6), _ = i(148), l = s.root.$("livechat"), d = l.$("channel").$("log"), u = l.$("temp").$("prev_log"), h = s.root.$("connection"), f = h.$("message$string"), g = h.$("status$string"); !function() { c.autobind(f, "value", function(e) { if (n != e) { n = e; t(); } }); c.autobind(g, "value", function(e) { if (o != e) { o = e; t(); } }); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = {}; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_FastInitChatLog" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_span = i(30); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_span, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_span, "", "", [], { class: "default_value", container: "default_value" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_span, "", "", [], { class: "selected_value", container: "selected_value" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { var t = i(11), e = i(6); t.hoverFix(c); !function() { var t = e.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("mobile$bool"); c.autobind(t, "value", function(t) { t || c.addClass("desktop"); }); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_html_span.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { width: "50%", display: "inline-block", ".default_value": { display: "inline" }, ".selected_value": { display: "none" }, "&.desktop.hover, &.desktop:hover, &.active": { ".default_value": { display: "none" }, ".selected_value": { display: "inline" } } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_html_span, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_ratingBar_emoticon_Button" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_ButtonBar = i(293); t.exports = function() { function t(e, i, o, r, _) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, i, o, r, _); i = i || s.generateID(); var l = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_ButtonBar, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", selectable: "false" } ], d = l[0].call(this, e, i, null, s.mangleIDs(i, l[3]), l[4]), u = d || this; s.set(i, u); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } for (var c in void 0) u[c] = (void 0)[c]; u.fire && u.fire("init"); u.setStyle && u.setStyle(o); u.setAttributes && u.setAttributes(_); "function" == typeof u.addChildren ? u.addChildren(r) : s.addChildren(u, r); if (u !== this) { u.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; u.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return u; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_ButtonBar.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { ".option": { cursor: "pointer", display: "inline-block", textAlign: "center", "&:first-child": {}, "&:last-child": {}, "&.active": { cursor: "default" }, "&:hover": {}, "&.disabled": { cursor: "default", "&.active": { cursor: "default" }, "&:hover": { cursor: "default" } } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_ButtonBar, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_ButtonBar" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div = i(13); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:widget": "meshim.widget", "xmlns:mui": "meshim.ui" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t() { c.setText(o.get(n)); } function e(e) { if (n !== e) { n && c.autounbind(n, "value", t); n = e; n && c.autobind(n, "value", t); } } var n, o = i(10); c.setDataNode = e; }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { whiteSpace: "inherit", overflow: "hidden", textOverflow: "ellipsis", fontWeight: "bold", lineHeight: "1.2", paddingBottom: "2px" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_profileCard_MemberName" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div = i(13); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_table = i(53); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_tbody = i(52); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_tr = i(51); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_td = i(50); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Gravatar = i(83); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_profileCard_MemberName = i(136); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_profileCard_TitleHolder = i(297); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_table, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_tbody, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_tr, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_td, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Gravatar, "gravatar", "", [], { id: "gravatar", addClass: "profile_avatar" } ] ], { class: "avatar_cell" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_td, "content_cell", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_profileCard_MemberName, "name_holder", "", [], { id: "name_holder", addClass: "profile_name" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_profileCard_TitleHolder, "title_holder", "", [], { id: "title_holder", addClass: "profile_title" } ] ], { pseudo: "content_cell", id: "content_cell" } ] ], {} ] ], {} ] ], { class: "profile_table" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:widget": "meshim.widget" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__gravatar"), f = s.get(o + "__content_cell"), g = s.get(o + "__name_holder"), p = s.get(o + "__title_holder"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var m = function() { function t(t) { h.setMemberNode(t); if (t) { n = t.$("display_name$string"); g.setDataNode(n); o = t.$("title$string"); e(o); } else { g.setDataNode(null); e(null); } } function e(t) { o = t; p.setDataNode(o); } var n, o, r = i(6), a = r.root.$("livechat"), s = a.$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").$("profile_card").$("display_avatar$bool"), _ = a.$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").$("profile_card").$("display_title_name$bool"), l = a.$("ui").$("mobile$bool"); !function() { h.on("click", function() { c.onGravatarClick && c.onGravatarClick(); }); f.on("click", function() { c.onContentClick && c.onContentClick(); }); l.getValue() && c.addClass("mobile"); c.autobind(s, "value", function(t) { c[t ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("no_avatar"); }); c.autobind(_, "value", function(t) { c[t ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("no_title_name"); }); c.setDataNode = t; c.setTitleNode = e; }(); }(); for (var $ in m) c[$] = m[$]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { width: "100%", position: "relative", ".profile_table": { width: "100%", tableLayout: "fixed", fontSize: "100%", borderSpacing: "0px", borderCollapse: "collapse", td: { padding: "0px" } }, ".profile_avatar": { width: "32px", height: "32px", borderWidth: "$$profileCardAvatarBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$profileCardAvatarBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$profileCardAvatarBorderColor", borderRadius: "$$profileCardAvatarRadius", boxShadow: "$$profileCardAvatarShadow" }, ".profile_name": { fontWeight: "bold", color: "$$profileCardNameColor" }, ".profile_title": { color: "$$profileCardTitleColor" }, ".profile_name, .profile_title": { lineHeight: "1.2" } }, "**self.no_avatar .profile_table": { ".avatar_cell": { display: "none" }, ".content_cell": { paddingLeft: "0px" } }, "**self.no_title_name .profile_table": { ".content_cell": { visibility: "hidden" } }, "**self.mobile": { ".profile_table": { height: "100%" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_ProfileCard" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ProfileCard = i(137); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ProfileCard, "", "", [], { xmlns: "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t(t) { e.call(c, t); if (t && t !== _) { var i = t.$("title$string"), n = new a(i, l); c.setTitleNode(n); } } var e, n = i(2), o = n(204), r = i(6), a = i(296), s = i(95), _ = r.root.$$("livechat.settings.concierge"), l = new s("title$string"); l.update(o); !function() { e = c.setDataNode || function() {}; c.setDataNode = t; }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ProfileCard.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = {}; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ProfileCard, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_AgentProfileCard" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div = i(13); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_table = i(53); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_tbody = i(52); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_tr = i(51); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_td = i(50); n.__$$__jx_ui_ViewStack = i(172); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_AgentProfileCard = i(138); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_MultiProfilesCard = i(295); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_table, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_tbody, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_tr, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_td, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_ViewStack, "stack", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_AgentProfileCard, "agent_card", "", [], { id: "agent_card", addClass: "card" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_MultiProfilesCard, "multi_agents_card", "", [], { id: "multi_agents_card", addClass: "card cursor_pointer" } ] ], { id: "stack" } ] ], { pseudo: "served_by_cell" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_td, "rating_cell", "", [], { pseudo: "rating_cell", id: "rating_cell", class: "display_none" } ] ], {} ] ], {} ] ], { class: "profile_table" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__stack"), f = s.get(o + "__agent_card"), g = s.get(o + "__multi_agents_card"), p = s.get(o + "__rating_cell"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var m = function() { function t() { var t = v.getKeys().length; if (t > 1) { if (1 === h.getIndex()) return; h.setIndex(1); f.setDataNode(null); g.setDataNode(v); } else { if (0 !== h.getIndex()) { h.setIndex(0); g.setDataNode(null); } var e; if (1 === t) { e = v.$(v.getKeys()[0]); f.addClass("cursor_pointer"); } else { e = C; f.removeClass("cursor_pointer"); } f.setDataNode(e); } } function e() { I.getValue() && _.resetUnreadCount(); v.getKeys().length && k.update("agent_list"); } function n() { var t = s(S.getValue()), e = s(y.getValue()), i = s(A.getValue()); o(t && e && i); } function o(t) { if (t) { b || r(); p.removeClass("display_none"); } else p.addClass("display_none"); } function r() { b = new $(p).setPseudo("rating_bar"); b.setDataNode(j); b.setSize("small"); b.on("change", a); } function a(t) { N && l.scrollToBottom(); j && m.writeNode(j, t); var e = { good: "Good", bad: "Bad" }; u.trackEvent("Chat_Rating_" + (e[t] || "Removed"), "chat_panel"); } var s = i(12), _ = i(33), l = i(60), d = i(6), u = i(49), m = i(11), $ = i(102), b = null, w = d.root.$("livechat"), x = w.$("channel"), v = w.$("agents"), y = x.$("served$bool"), j = x.$("rating$string"), C = w.$("settings").$("concierge"), S = w.$("settings").$("rating").$("enabled$bool"), A = w.$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").$("profile_card").$("display_rating$bool"), k = w.$("ui").$("chat_window").$("main_stack_name$string"), I = w.$("ui").$("popout$bool"), T = w.$("ui").$("mobile$bool").getValue(), N = w.$("ui").$("mobile_overlay$bool").getValue(); !function() { h.on("instantiate", function(t) { var i = h.children[t]; i.onGravatarClick = e; i.onContentClick = e; 0 === t ? f = i : g = i; }); h.setIndex(0); c.autobind(v, "keys", t); c.autobind(S, "value", n); c.autobind(y, "value", n); c.autobind(A, "value", n); T && c.addClass("mobile"); }(); }(); for (var $ in m) c[$] = m[$]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { height: "100%", ".profile_table": { width: "100%" }, ".card": { ".avatar_cell": { width: "50px", verticalAlign: "bottom", ".profile_avatar": { position: "absolute", bottom: "0", "width, height": "50px", borderWidth: "$$chatPanelProfileCardAvatarBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$chatPanelProfileCardAvatarBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$chatPanelProfileCardAvatarBorderColor", borderRadius: "$$chatPanelProfileCardAvatarRadius", boxShadow: "$$chatPanelProfileCardAvatarShadow" } }, ".content_cell": { padding: "0 10px", verticalAlign: "middle", width: "100%", height: "32px", ".profile_name, .profile_title": { overflow: "hidden", width: "100%", whiteSpace: "nowrap" } } }, ".rating_cell": { width: "52px", verticalAlign: "middle" }, ".cursor_pointer": { cursor: "pointer" }, ".display_none": { display: "none" } }, "&.mobile": { ".card": { ".avatar_cell": { width: "40px", verticalAlign: "middle", ".profile_avatar": { position: "relative", "width, height": "40px" } }, ".content_cell": { verticalAlign: "middle", ".profile_name": { marginTop: "3px" } } }, ".rating_cell": { width: "88px" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_ChatPanelHeader" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Toast = i(111); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div = i(13); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Toast, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, "message", "", [], { id: "message" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__message"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var f = function() { function t() { c.setDisplay("none"); } var e = i(8), n = i(14), o = i(16), r = i(6), a = i(63), s = i(18), _ = i(11), l = i(10), d = l.file_upload.error, u = a.prettySize(s.FILE_UPLOAD_MAX, { base2: !0 }), f = 3100, g = _.isStyleSupported("transition"); e.isFF && (g = !1); var p, m = r.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("chat_window").$("chat_panel").$("file_toast").$("error$string"), $ = r.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("popout$bool"); !function() { _.onTransitionEnd(c, c, t); $ && n.window.on("click", t); c.onDestruction(function() { $ && n.window.un("click", t); }); c.autobind(m, "value", function(e) { if (e) { "size" == e ? h.setText(d[e].replace("", u)) : h.setText(d[e] || d.default); p && window.clearTimeout(p); g && c.removeClass("fade_out"); c.setDisplay(""); g && c.dom.offsetHeight; g && o(function() { c.addClass("fade_out"); }); p = window.setTimeout(t, f); } else t(); }); }(); }(); for (var g in f) c[g] = f[g]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Toast.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "absolute", zIndex: "1000", top: "50%", left: "50%", width: "160px", height: "auto", marginTop: "-32px", marginLeft: "-80px", padding: "10px", textAlign: "center", fontWeight: "bold", transition: "opacity 0.5s linear 2.5s", opacity: 1, "&": "$$fileToast", "&.fade_out": { opacity: 0 } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Toast, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_File" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e) { function i(t, e) { function i() { Date.now() - n >= e ? t.call() : o.id = window.requestAnimationFrame(i); } var n = Date.now(), o = new Object(); o.id = window.requestAnimationFrame(i); return o; } function n(t) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(t.id); } function o(t, e) { function o() { t.apply(a, r); } var r, a, s; return function() { s && n(s); r = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); a = this; s = i(o, e); }; } var r = { debounce: o }; t.exports = r; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div = i(13); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t(t) { r && c.autounbind(r, "value", e); a = t; r = a.$("type$string"); c.autobind(r, "value", e); } function e(t) { if (t && !s) { switch (t) { case "chat.memberjoin": s = new d(c); break; case "chat.memberleave": s = new d(c); _ = new g(c); _.setDataNode(a); break; case "chat.changename": s = new u(c); break; case "chat.rating": s = new h(c); break; case "chat.comment": s = new f(c); } n(); } } function n() { if (a) { s && s.setDataNode(a); _ && _.setDataNode(a); } } function o() { l.unLanguage && l.unLanguage(n); } var r, a, s, _, l = i(2), d = i(305), u = i(304), h = i(303), f = i(302), g = i(301); !function() { c.setDataNode = t; c.onDestruction(o); l.onLanguage && l.onLanguage(n); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { fontSize: "$$fontSizeS", color: "$$chatLogSystemMsgColor", background: "$$chatLogSystemMsgBg", borderWidth: "$$chatLogSystemMsgBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$chatLogSystemMsgBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$chatLogSystemMsgBorderColor", padding: "$$chatLogSystemMsgPadding", textAlign: "center" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_SystemLogRenderer" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button = i(17); t.exports = function() { function t(e, i, o, r, _) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, i, o, r, _); i = i || s.generateID(); var l = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", addClass: "secondary chat_log_button" } ], d = l[0].call(this, e, i, null, s.mangleIDs(i, l[3]), l[4]), u = d || this; s.set(i, u); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } for (var c in void 0) u[c] = (void 0)[c]; u.fire && u.fire("init"); u.setStyle && u.setStyle(o); u.setAttributes && u.setAttributes(_); "function" == typeof u.addChildren ? u.addChildren(r) : s.addChildren(u, r); if (u !== this) { u.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; u.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return u; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self.chat_log_button": { width: "auto", maxWidth: "100%", padding: "6px" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_Button" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = i(2), _ = i(4); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div = i(13); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_Button = i(143); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, l, d) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, l, d); o = o || _.generateID(); var u = s(228), c = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_Button, "rate_this_chat", "", [ u ], { id: "rate_this_chat" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], h = c[0].call(this, e, o, null, _.mangleIDs(o, c[3]), c[4]), f = h || this; _.set(o, f); var g = _.get(o + "__rate_this_chat"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var p = function() { function e() { o.update("rating_panel"); } var n = i(6), o = n.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("chat_window").$("main_stack_name$string"); !function() { t.last_instance && t.last_instance.destroy(); t.last_instance = f; f.autobind(g, "click", e); }(); }(); for (var m in p) f[m] = p[m]; f.fire && f.fire("init"); f.setStyle && f.setStyle(r); f.setAttributes && f.setAttributes(d); "function" == typeof f.addChildren ? f.addChildren(l) : _.addChildren(f, l); if (f !== this) { f.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; f.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return f; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { marginTop: "5px", marginBottom: "5px" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_RatingPrompt" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_ArrowBubble = i(309); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_BasicRenderer = i(103); t.exports = function() { function t(e, i, o, r, _) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, i, o, r, _); i = i || s.generateID(); var l = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_ArrowBubble, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_BasicRenderer, "content", "", [], { id: "content", class: "content" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:mui": "meshim.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:logRenderer": "meshim.widget.widgets.chatLogRenderer", addClass: "chat_bubble" } ], d = l[0].call(this, e, i, null, s.mangleIDs(i, l[3]), l[4]), u = d || this; s.set(i, u); var c = s.get(i + "__content"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t(t) { i || c.setDataNode(t); i && u.autounbind(i, "value", e); i = t.$("nick$string"); u.autobind(i, "value", e); } function e(t) { if (t) if (n.test(t)) { u.setArrowPointing("left"); u.removeClass("visitor_bubble"); u.addClass("agent_bubble"); } else if (o.test(t)) { u.setArrowPointing("right"); u.removeClass("agent_bubble"); u.addClass("visitor_bubble"); } } var i, n = /^agent/, o = /^visitor:/; !function() { u.setDataNode = t; }(); }(); for (var f in h) u[f] = h[f]; u.fire && u.fire("init"); u.setStyle && u.setStyle(o); u.setAttributes && u.setAttributes(_); "function" == typeof u.addChildren ? u.addChildren(r) : s.addChildren(u, r); if (u !== this) { u.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; u.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return u; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_ArrowBubble.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { maxWidth: "90%", clear: "both", padding: "5px 10px", margin: "0px 5px", borderRadius: "4px", ".arrow_border": {}, ".arrow_background": {}, ".arrow_border": { top: "auto !important", bottom: "5px", marginTop: "0px", borderWidth: "6px" }, ".arrow_background": { top: "auto !important", bottom: "6px", marginTop: "0px", borderWidth: "5px" }, ".content": { marginTop: "0px" }, "&.agent_bubble": { float: "left" }, "&.rtl.agent_bubble": { float: "right" }, "&.visitor_bubble": { float: "right" }, "&.rtl.visitor_bubble": { float: "left" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_ArrowBubble, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_chatLogRenderer_ChatBubble" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(4), o = n.nativeGenerator("div"); t.exports = o; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__div = i(146); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__div, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__div, "template", "", [ [ n.__$$__div, "", "", [], {} ] ], { id: "template", container: "default", display: "none" } ], [ n.__$$__div, "content", "", [], { id: "content" } ] ], {} ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__template"), f = s.get(o + "__content"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } c.defaultPlacement = h; var g = function() { function t(t) { S && c.autounbind(S, "keys", n); S = t; e(); c.autobind(S, "keys", n); } function e() { f.empty(); I = {}; B = []; if (D) { D = 0; c.fire("jx:list:length", D); } } function n(t, e) { var i = t.length + e.length > 2; i && c.removeChild(f); var n, r, a, s, _ = D; for (r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { n = t[r]; if (!(n in I)) { var l = O(f), d = S.$(n); I[n] = l; D++; C.applySetDataNode(l); a = A ? $(n) : n; s = x(a, l); l.setAttribute("jx:list:rowID", n); l.setDataNode(d); o(s); } } for (r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { n = e[r]; if (n in I) { a = A ? $(n, !0) : n; s = w(a); delete T[a]; I[n] === L && (L = null); I[n].destroy(); delete I[n]; o(s); D--; } } i && c.appendChild(f); _ != D && c.fire("jx:list:length", D); t.length && c.fire("jx:list:added", t); } function o(t) { if (!(t < 0) && B[t]) { var e, i, n = B[t], o = I[n]; if (o) { if (B[t + 1]) { o.setAttribute("jx:list:nextID", B[t + 1]); e = I[B[t + 1]]; e.setAttribute("jx:list:prevID", n); o.fire("update.neighbour", { next: B[t + 1] }); e.fire("update.neighbour", { prev: n }); } else { o.removeAttribute("jx:list:nextID"); o.fire("update.neighbour", { next: null }); } if (B[t - 1]) { o.setAttribute("jx:list:prevID", B[t - 1]); i = I[B[t - 1]]; i.setAttribute("jx:list:nextID", n); o.fire("update.neighbour", { prev: B[t - 1] }); i.fire("update.neighbour", { next: n }); } else { o.removeAttribute("jx:list:prevID"); o.fire("update.neighbour", { prev: null }); } } } } function r(t) { for (;t.parentNode && t != c; ) { var e = t.getAttribute("jx:list:nextID"); if (e) return e; t = t.parentNode; } } function a(t) { for (;t.parentNode && t != c; ) { var e = t.getAttribute("jx:list:prevID"); if (e) return e; t = t.parentNode; } } function s(t) { for (;t.parentNode && t != c; ) { var e = t.getAttribute("jx:list:rowID"); if (e) return e; t = t.parentNode; } } function _() { var t, e, i = []; for (t in I) if (I.hasOwnProperty(t)) { e = I[t].getAttribute("jx:list:rowID"); e && i.push(e); } return i; } function l(t) { var e = I[t]; if (e) return e.jx_wrapper || e; } function d(t) { u(t.target); } function u(t) { var e, i; if (j(t)) { i = t; e = I[i]; } else if ("number" == typeof t) { e = f.childNodes[t]; e && (i = e.getAttribute("jx:list:rowID")); } else { e = t; for (;e.parentNode && e != f; ) { i = e.getAttribute("jx:list:rowID"); if (i) { e.jx_wrapper && (e = e.jx_wrapper); break; } e = e.parentNode; } } if (e && e != L) { g(); L = e.jx_wrapper || e; L.addClass("active"); L.fire("jx:list:selected"); c.fire("jx:list:select", i); } } function g() { L && L.removeClass("active"); L && L.fire("jx:list:deselected"); L = null; } function p(t, e) { if (A != t || k != e) { k = e; A = t; if (A) { if (!E) { c.autobind(S, "value", b); E = !0; } } else { if (E) { c.autounbind(S, "value", b); E = !1; } k = !1; } T = {}; N = {}; D > 1 && m(); } } function m() { var t, e, i; f.innerHTML = ""; B = []; for (e in I) if (I.hasOwnProperty(e)) { if (!I.hasOwnProperty(e)) return; t = A ? $(e) : e; i = x(t, I[e]); N[e] = t; T[t] = e; o(i); } } function $(t, e) { return e ? N[t] : (S.$(t).getValue(A) + "\0" + t).replace(/ /g, "").toLowerCase(); } function b(t) { if (A) { var e, i, n, r, a, s; for (n in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) { if (!t.hasOwnProperty(n)) return; i = t[n]; if (N[n] && i && i[A]) { e = I[n]; f.removeChild(e); a = N[n]; r = $(n); delete T[a]; s = w(a); o(s); T[r] = n; N[n] = r; s = x(r, e, i[A]); o(s); } } } } function w(t) { var e = v(B, t); if (e < 0) return e; B.splice(e, 1); return e; } function x(t, e) { var i = (-v(B, t) >> 0) - 1; i < 0 && "undefined" != typeof console && "log" in console && console.log(t + " is already in List"); B.splice(i, 0, t); k && (i = B.length - i - 1); f.insertBefore(e.dom || e, f.childNodes[i] || null); return i; } function v(t, e) { for (var i, n, o = t.length, r = 0, a = o - 1; r <= a; ) { i = (r + a) / 2 >> 0; n = t[i]; if (n < e) r = i + 1; else { if (!(n > e)) return i; a = i - 1; } } return -(r + 1); } var y = i(4), j = i(22), C = i(324); c.setDataNode = t; c.setRenderer = function(t) { O = t; }; c.getID = s; c.getNextID = r; c.getPrevID = a; c.getRowIDs = _; c.getByID = l; c.clearList = e; c.select = u; c.deselect = g; c.setSort = p; var S, A, k, I = {}, T = {}, N = {}, B = [], D = 0, E = !1, O = function(t) { if (h.lastChild.__jx__native) { var e = h.lastChild.cloneNode(!0); y.extend(e, !0); return e; } return h.lastChild.__jx__constructor(t); }, L = null; f.on("click", d); }(); for (var p in g) c[p] = g[p]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__div.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = {}; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__div, { fqname: "jx_controls_List" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__jx_controls_List = i(147); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_controls_List, "list", "", [], { id: "list" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:jx": "jx.controls", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:renderer": "meshim.widget.widgets.chatLogRenderer" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__list"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var f = function() { var t, e, n, o = i(6), r = i(323), a = o.root.$("livechat"), s = a.$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").$("size$string"), _ = a.$("settings").$("theme").$("message_type$string"); c.setDataNode = function(e) { if (e) { t = e; h.setDataNode(t); } }; !function() { c.autobind(s, "value", function(t) { e && c.removeClass("chat_log_" + e); e = t; e && c.addClass("chat_log_" + e); }); c.autobind(_, "value", function(e) { if (e && n != e) { n = e; c.setDataNode(t); } }); h.setRenderer(r); }(); }(); for (var g in f) c[g] = f[g]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "relative" }, ".visitor .chat_bubble": { background: "$$chatLogVisitorBubbleBg", borderWidth: "$$chatLogVisitorBubbleBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$chatLogVisitorBubbleBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$chatLogVisitorBubbleBorderColor", ".arrow_border": { borderColor: "$$chatLogVisitorBubbleBorderColor" }, ".arrow_background": { borderColor: "$$chatLogVisitorBubbleBg" }, ".image_file_border": { borderColor: "$$chatLogVisitorBubbleBorderColor" }, ".generic_file_border": { borderColor: "$$chatLogVisitorBubbleBorderColor" } }, ".agent .chat_bubble": { background: "$$chatLogAgentBubbleBg", borderWidth: "$$chatLogAgentBubbleBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$chatLogAgentBubbleBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$chatLogAgentBubbleBorderColor", ".arrow_border": { borderColor: "$$chatLogAgentBubbleBorderColor" }, ".arrow_background": { borderColor: "$$chatLogAgentBubbleBg" }, ".image_file_border": { borderColor: "$$chatLogAgentBubbleBorderColor" }, ".generic_file_border": { borderColor: "$$chatLogAgentBubbleBorderColor" } }, ".log_avatar": { borderWidth: "$$chatLogAvatarBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$chatLogAvatarBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$chatLogAvatarBorderColor", borderRadius: "$$chatLogAvatarRadius", boxShadow: "$$chatLogAvatarShadow" }, ".group_head, .card, .group_children.bubble_avatar, .group_children.bubble": { marginTop: "$$margin" }, a: { color: "inherit" }, ".card": { "marginLeft, marginRight": "auto" }, "&.chat_log_small": { ".card": {} }, "&.chat_log_medium": { ".card": { maxWidth: "220px" } }, "&.chat_log_large": { ".card": { maxWidth: "260px" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_ChatLog" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { for (var e, i, n = o.search.url, l = 0, d = []; null !== (i = n.exec(t)); ) { var u = i[0].trim(), c = i[2], h = n.lastIndex - u.length; if (o.tld.test(c)) { h > l && d.push(t.substring(l, h)); e = r.parseURL("//" + u).hostname === s ? _ : "http://"; d.push({ jxmlConstructor: a, attributes: { href: e + u }, children: [ u ] }); l = n.lastIndex; } } l < t.length && d.push(t.substring(l)); return d; } var o = i(64), r = i(330), a = i(150), s = window.location.hostname, _ = window.location.protocol + "//"; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_a = i(43); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_a, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t(t) { t && t.preventDefault(); var e, i; e = c.getAttribute("href"); if (e) { i = window.open(); i.opener = null; i.location.href = e; } } var e = i(8); !function() { c.setAttribute("rel", "noreferrer"); c.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); e.isIE && c.on("click", t); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_html_a.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = {}; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_html_a, { fqname: "meshim_common_stringParser_SafeAnchor" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { for (var e, i = o.search.hurl, n = 0, a = []; null !== (e = i.exec(t)); ) { var s = e[0].trim(), _ = i.lastIndex - s.length; _ > n && a.push(t.substring(n, _)); a.push({ jxmlConstructor: r, attributes: { href: s }, children: [ s ] }); n = i.lastIndex; } n < t.length && a.push(t.substring(n)); return a; } var o = i(64), r = i(150); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e) { function i(t) { for (var e, i = /\r?\n/g, n = 0, o = []; null !== (e = i.exec(t)); ) { var r = e[0], a = i.lastIndex - r.length; a > n && o.push(t.substring(n, a)); o.push({ tagName: "br" }); n = i.lastIndex; } n < t.length && o.push(t.substring(n)); return o; } t.exports = i; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i) { var n = o(e, i); t.addChildren(n); } function o(t, e) { t += ""; s(e) || (e = [ e ]); var i, n, o = [], _ = [ t ]; for (i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i++) _ = a(_, e[i]); for (i = 0, n = _.length; i < n; i++) o[i] = r(_[i]); return o; } function r(t) { if ("string" == typeof t) return t; var e, i = t.children, n = []; e = l.extend({}, t.attributes, t.tagName ? { tagName: t.tagName } : null); if (i) for (var o = 0, a = i.length; o < a; o++) n[o] = r(i[o]); else n = null; return [ t.jxmlConstructor || _, null, null, n, e ]; } function a(t, e) { var i = []; t = t.slice(); for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var o, r = t[n]; if ("string" == typeof r) { o = e(r); s(o) ? i = i.concat(o) : i.push(o); } else { r.children && (r.children = a(r.children, e)); i.push(r); } } return i; } var s = i(21), _ = i(7), l = i(73), d = { appendTo: n, toJXMLElements: o, parseChildrenText: a }; t.exports = d; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName || (r.tagName = "textarea"); a.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(85); n.prototype = r(a.prototype); o(n, a, { fqname: "jx_ui_TextArea" }); n.prototype.setCols = function(t) { this.dom.cols = t; return this; }; n.prototype.getCols = function() { return this.dom.cols; }; n.prototype.setRows = function(t) { this.dom.rows = t; return this; }; n.prototype.getRows = function() { return this.dom.rows; }; n.prototype.setResize = function(t) { "resize" in this.style && (this.style.resize = t); }; n.prototype.getInitialValue = function() { return this._initialValue; }; n.prototype.setInitialValue = function(t) { this._initialValue = t && (t.toString ? t.toString() : t); return this; }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName || (r.tagName = "option"); s.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(12), s = i(42); n.prototype = r(s.prototype); o(n, s, { fqname: "jx_ui_Option" }); n.prototype.getLabel = function() { return this.getAttribute("label") || this.dom.label; }; n.prototype.setLabel = function(t) { this.setAttribute("label", t); return this; }; n.prototype.getSelected = function() { return this.dom.defaultSelected; }; n.prototype.setSelected = function(t) { this.dom.defaultSelected = a(t); return this; }; n.prototype.getPlaceholder = function() { return this.placeholder; }; n.prototype.setPlaceholder = function(t) { this.placeholder = t; return this; }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, a) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, a); if (!n.__jx__jcss_generated) { r.generate(this, n.prototype.__jx__fqname, n.__jx__jcss, null, n); n.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } a || (a = {}); a.tagName || (a.tagName = "select"); _.call(this, t, e, i, o, a); if (this.container) { this.container.addClass(this.__jx__fqname); this.iconFont = new d(this.container, null, null, null, { addClass: "select_icon", icon: "arrow_down" }); this.container.insertBefore(this.iconFont, this.container.getFirstChild()); u.mobile(this.container); u.rtl(this.container); } l.__constructor.call(this); } var o = i(1), r = i(3), a = i(0), s = i(12), _ = i(332), l = i(62), d = i(15), u = i(9); n.__jx__jcss = { "&.mobile.invalid, &.rtl.mobile.invalid": { "paddingRight, paddingLeft": "$$inputPadding" }, ".select_placeholder": { overflow: "hidden", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textOverflow: "ellipsis" }, ".select_icon": { float: "right", marginTop: "3px" }, "&.rtl .select_icon": { float: "left" }, "&.mobile": { ".select_placeholder": { lineHeight: "26px" }, ".select_icon": { marginTop: "8px" } } }; n.prototype = a(_.prototype); o(n, _, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_Select" }); n.prototype.__jx__super = l; n.prototype.setValidity = function(t) { if (this.container) { t = s(t); this.container[t ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("invalid"); } return _.prototype.setValidity.apply(this, arguments); }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, r, a) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, r, a); if (!n.__jx__jcss_generated) { s.generate(this, n.prototype.__jx__fqname, n.__jx__jcss, null, n); n.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } a || (a = {}); a.prompt = a.prompt || String.fromCharCode(160); h.call(this, t, e, i, r, a); this.inputSuffix = "select"; this.departments_label_path = "livechat.settings.forms.pre_chat_form.form.2.label$string"; this.default_departments_label = f.descendsObj(c, this.departments_label_path); this.$departments = u.root.$("livechat").$("departments"); this.$departments_ui = u.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("departments").$("options"); this.$profile_department_id = u.root.$("livechat").$("profile").$("department_id$int"); this.$departments_label = u.root.$$(this.departments_label_path); this.$filter_enabled = u.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("departments").$("filter_enabled$bool"); this.$hide_when_offline = u.root.$("livechat").$("settings").$("chat_button").$("hide_when_offline$bool"); this.prev_value = null; this.avail_departments = {}; var _ = this; this.autobind(this.$departments, "value", function() { _.setOptions(); }); this.autobind(this.$departments_ui, "value", function() { _.setOptions(); }); this.autobind(this.$filter_enabled, "value", function() { _.setOptions(); }); this.autobind(this.$hide_when_offline, "value", function() { _.setOptions(); }); this.autobind(this.$profile_department_id, "value", function(t) { o.call(_, t); }); this.autobind(this.$departments_label, "value", function() { _.updateBlankOption(); }); this.onDestruction(function() { if (_.blank_option) { _.blank_option.destroy(); _.blank_option = null; } }); this.on("change", function() { this.userSelected = !0; }); this.reset(); } function o(t) { this.profile_department = t; this.updateSelectedDepartment(); } function r(t) { function e(t, e) { return t.name$string < e.name$string ? -1 : t.name$string > e.name$string ? 1 : 0; } var i = [], n = []; for (var o in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, o) && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, o) && ("offline" == t[o].status$string ? n.push({ id$int: o, name$string: t[o].name$string, status$string: "offline" }) : i.push({ id$int: o, name$string: t[o].name$string, status$string: "online" })); i.sort(e); n.sort(e); return i.concat(n); } var a = i(1), s = i(3), _ = i(0), l = i(12), d = i(2), u = i(6), c = i(94), h = i(156), f = i(11), g = i(10), p = i(155); n.__jx__jcss = {}; n.prototype = _(h.prototype); a(n, h, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_form_DepartmentSelect" }); n.prototype.__jx__super = h; n.prototype.validate = function() { if (this.isBlank) { this.setValidity(!0); return !0; } return h.prototype.validate.call(this); }; n.prototype.reset = function() { var t = this.$profile_department_id.getValue(); t && this.avail_departments[t] ? this.setValue(t) : this.setSelectedIndex(0); this.userSelected = !1; }; n.prototype.setHide = function(t) { this.isHide = l(t); this.setOptions(); }; n.prototype.setDisableWhenOffline = function(t) { this.overrideDisable = !l(t); this.setOptions(); }; n.prototype.isHidden = function() { return this.isBlank || this.isHide; }; n.prototype.setRequired = function() { var t = h.prototype.setRequired.apply(this, arguments); this.updateBlankOption(); return t; }; n.prototype.updateBlankOption = function() { if (this.blank_option) if (this.getRequired()) this.children[0] == this.blank_option && this.removeChild(this.blank_option); else { this.blank_option.setText(g.get(this.$departments_label) == this.default_departments_label ? g.pre_chat_offline_form.department_any : "—"); this.children[0] !== this.blank_option && this.insertBefore(this.blank_option, this.children[0]); } }; n.prototype.setOptions = function() { if (this.$departments) { var t = this.$departments.getValue(), e = this.$departments_ui.getValue(), i = this.$filter_enabled.getValue(), n = this.$hide_when_offline.getValue(), o = {}, a = ""; if (t) if (null !== this.prev_value) { a = this.prev_value; this.prev_value = null; } else a = this.getValue(); else this.prev_value = this.getValue(); this.isBlank = !0; for (var s in t) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, s)) { if (i && !(e && e[s] && e[s].display$bool)) continue; if (t[s]) { this.isBlank = !1; o[s] = t[s]; } } if (this.isBlank || this.isHide) (this.container || this).parentNode.setDisplay("none"); else { (this.container || this).parentNode.setDisplay(""); this.empty(); var _, l = this.getName(); this.blank_option = _ = new p(this, null, null, null, { name: "", value: "", className: "input_input_" + this.inputSuffix }); (_.container || _).addClass("input"); this.avail_departments = o; o = r(o); for (var u = 0, c = o.length; u < c; u++) { var h = "online" == o[u].status$string; _ = new p(this, null, null, [ o[u].name$string + (h ? "" : " (" + d(209) + ")") ], { name: l, value: o[u].id$int, disabled: !this.overrideDisable && n && !h, className: "input_input_" + this.inputSuffix }); (_.container || _).addClass("input"); a != _.getValue() || _.getDisabled() || this.setValue(a); } this.updateBlankOption(); this.updateSelectedDepartment(); } } }; n.prototype.updateSelectedDepartment = function() { var t = this.profile_department; t && parseInt(this.getValue(), 10) !== t && (this.userSelected || this.avail_departments[t] && this.setValue(t)); }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName = "div"; this.options = []; this.labels = []; _.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); this.on("click", function() { this.validate(); }); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(12), s = i(19), _ = i(42); n.prototype = r(_.prototype); o(n, _, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_form_InputMultiple" }); n.prototype.getRequired = function() { return this.required; }; n.prototype.setRequired = function(t) { this.required = a(t); return this; }; n.prototype.setReadOnly = function(t) { this.readOnly = a(t); return _.prototype.setReadOnly.call(this, t); }; n.prototype.setOptions = function(t, e) { this.empty(); this.options.length = this.labels.length = 0; var i, n, o = this.getName(); for (var r in t) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, r)) { i = new this.optionConstructor(this, null, null, null, { name: o, value: t[r].value$string, checked: t[r].checked$bool, initialChecked: t[r].checked$bool, disabled: this.readOnly, display: this.readOnly && !t[r].checked$bool ? "none" : "", className: "input_input_" + this.inputSuffix }); (i.container || i).addClass("input"); n = new s(this, null, null, [ t[r].label$string || t[r].value$string ], { className: "option_label", display: this.readOnly && !t[r].checked$bool ? "none" : "" }); e && i.setChecked(t[r].checked_user$bool); i.setLabelElement(n); this.options.push(i); this.labels.push(n); } return this; }; n.prototype.getOptions = function(t) { for (var e = {}, i = t ? "checked_user$bool" : "checked$bool", n = 0, o = this.options.length; n < o; n++) { e[n] = {}; e[n][i] = this.options[n].getChecked(); } return e; }; n.prototype.focus = function() { this.options[0] && this.options[0].focus(); return this; }; n.prototype.validate = function(t) { if (this.required) { for (var e = 0, i = this.options.length; e < i; e++) if (this.options[e].getChecked()) { this.hideErrorMessage(); return !0; } t && this.options[0] && this.options[0].focus(); this.showErrorMessage(); return !1; } this.hideErrorMessage(); return !0; }; n.prototype.reset = function() { for (var t = 0, e = this.options.length; t < e; t++) this.options[t].reset(); }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button = i(17); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_iconFont_Auth = i(81); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_iconFont_Auth, "i", "", [], { id: "i", addClass: "auth_icon_font" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "$$defaultplacement$$", "", [], { addClass: "text", container: "default", id: "$$defaultplacement$$" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__i"), f = s.get(o + "__$$defaultplacement$$"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } c.defaultPlacement = f; var g = function() { var t = i(9); c.setIcon = function() { h.setIcon.apply(h, arguments); }; t.rtl(c); }(); for (var p in g) c[p] = g[p]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "relative", overflow: "hidden", paddingTop: "8px", paddingBottom: "8px", paddingLeft: "40px", paddingRight: "8px", fontWeight: "normal", width: "initial", textAlign: "left", background: "$$authButtonBg", borderColor: "$$authButtonBorderColor", boxShadow: "$$authButtonShadow", "&.facebook": { color: "$$facebook" }, "&.twitter": { color: "$$twitter" }, ".text": { color: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)" }, "&.rtl": { textAlign: "right", paddingRight: "40px", paddingLeft: "8px" } }, "&:hover, &:focus, &:active": { ".auth_icon_font": { color: "#FFFFFF" }, "&.facebook": { background: "$$facebook", ".text": { color: "#fff" } }, "&.twitter": { background: "$$twitter" }, "&.google": { background: "#eee" } }, "&.float": { margin: "0 3% 0 0" }, "&.mobile": { ".auth_icon_font": { position: "absolute", top: "10px", left: "8px", display: "inline-block", fontSize: "18px" }, "&.rtl .auth_icon_font": { left: "initial", right: "8px" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_iconFont_AuthButton" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, a) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, a); if (!n.__jx__jcss_generated) { r.generate(this, n.prototype.__jx__fqname, n.__jx__jcss, null, n); n.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } a || (a = {}); a.pattern || (a.pattern = "(^$|[0-9]+)"); a.type || (a.type = "tel"); s.call(this, t, e, i, o, a); _.__constructor.call(this); } var o = i(1), r = i(3), a = i(0), s = i(85), _ = i(62); n.__jx__jcss = {}; n.prototype = a(s.prototype); o(n, s, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_PhoneField" }); n.prototype.__jx__super = _; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Button = i(69); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont = i(15); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Button, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont, "i", "", [], { id: "i" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__i"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var f = function() { i(9).mobile(c); var t; c.setIcon = function(e) { t && h.removeClass(t); t = e; t && h.addClass(t); return h.setIcon.apply(h, arguments); }; }(); for (var g in f) c[g] = f[g]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Button.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { background: "transparent", border: "none", color: "inherit", ".icon_font": { display: "inline", lineHeight: "inherit", verticalAlign: "middle", fontSize: "$$fontSizeL" } }, "&.mobile": { ".icon_font": { position: "relative", fontSize: "$$fontSizeXXL" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Button, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_iconFont_Button" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, a) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, a); if (!n.__jx__jcss_generated) { r.generate(this, n.prototype.__jx__fqname, n.__jx__jcss, null, n); n.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } a || (a = {}); a.tagName || (a.tagName = "div"); s.call(this, t, e, i, o, a); _.__constructor.call(this); } var o = i(1), r = i(3), a = i(0), s = i(7), _ = i(62); n.__jx__jcss = {}; n.prototype = a(s.prototype); o(n, s, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_FakeInput" }); n.prototype.__jx__super = _; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel = i(39); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowDisconnectedToast = i(84); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ViewStack = i(54); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_preChatOfflineForm_Form = i(345); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_preChatOfflineForm_PostSubmit = i(329); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_preChatOfflineForm_OperatingHours = i(328); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_preChatOfflineForm_HistoryPanel = i(325); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowDisconnectedToast, "disconnected_toast", "", [], { id: "disconnected_toast", addClass: "disconnected_toast hide" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ViewStack, "vs", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_preChatOfflineForm_Form, "", "", [], { name: "form" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_preChatOfflineForm_PostSubmit, "", "", [], { name: "post_submit" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_preChatOfflineForm_OperatingHours, "", "", [], { name: "operating_hours" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_preChatOfflineForm_HistoryPanel, "", "", [], { name: "history_panel" } ] ], { id: "vs" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:preChatOfflineForm": "meshim.widget.components.chatWindow.preChatOfflineForm", titleBar: "hidePopout", actionBar: "" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__disconnected_toast"), f = s.get(o + "__vs"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var g = function() { function t(t) { t && h.removeClass("hide"); } var e = i(6), n = i(9), o = e.root, r = o.$("livechat").$("ui").$("chat_window").$("pre_chat_offline_form"), a = o.$("connection").$("reattached_timestamp$int"), s = r.$("stack_index$int"), _ = 8e3; !function() { n.mobile(c); c.autobind(s, "value", function(t) { f.setIndex(t || 0); r.write({ name$string: f.getName() }); }); c.autobind(a, "value", t); setTimeout(function() { t(!0); }, _); }(); }(); for (var p in g) c[p] = g[p]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { ".disconnected_toast.hide": { display: "none" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_PreChatOfflineForm" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t() { var t = r.getVariable(n); c.setStyle("padding-top", n && t || ""); } function e() { var t = r.getVariable(o); c.setStyle("padding-bottom", o && t || ""); } var n, o, r = i(3), a = i(6), s = a.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("theme_loaded$bool"); c.setAbsPaddingTop = function(e) { n = e; t(); }; c.setAbsPaddingBottom = function(t) { o = t; e(); }; !function() { c.autobind(s, "value", function(i) { if (i) { t(); e(); } }); c.updatePaddingTop = t; c.updatePaddingBottom = e; }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "relative", "*overflow": "visible", width: "100%", height: "100%" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_AbsolutePaddingContainer" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = i(2), _ = i(4); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div = i(13); n.__$$__jx_ui_Localizer = i(87); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_a = i(43); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, l, d) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, l, d); o = o || _.generateID(); var u = s(181), c = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Localizer, "localizer", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_a, "", "", [], { class: "cookie_link" } ] ], { id: "localizer", content: u } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:mui": "meshim.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], h = c[0].call(this, e, o, null, _.mangleIDs(o, c[3]), c[4]), f = h || this; _.set(o, f); var g = _.get(o + "__localizer"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var p = function() { var t = i(6), e = t.root.$$("livechat.ui.chat_window"); !function() { g.on("click", function(t) { t.target.jx_wrapper.hasClass("cookie_link") && e.update({ main_stack_name$string: "cookie_form" }); }); }(); }(); for (var m in p) f[m] = p[m]; f.fire && f.fire("init"); f.setStyle && f.setStyle(r); f.setAttributes && f.setAttributes(d); "function" == typeof f.addChildren ? f.addChildren(l) : _.addChildren(f, l); if (f !== this) { f.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; f.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return f; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { ".cookie_link": { textDecoration: "underline", cursor: "pointer" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_CookieLawNotice" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__jx_ui_Label = i(19); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "", "", [], { text: "≡" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t(t) { t ? c.addClass("isActive") : c.removeClass("isActive"); } function e(t) { t.stopPropagation(); o.update("settings_menu" === o.getValue() ? "" : "settings_menu"); } var n = i(6), o = n.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("chat_window").$("menu_stack_name$string"); !function() { c.autobind(o, "value", t); c.on("click", e); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { "width, height": "$$titleBarHeight", lineHeight: "$$titleBarHeight", textAlign: "center", color: "$$actionBarColor", fontSize: "30px", "&.isActive": { backgroundColor: "$$actionBarBg" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_MobileOptionsMenuIcon" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_BorderOverlay = i(88); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Branding = i(89); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_BorderOverlay, "", "", [], {} ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "$$defaultplacement$$", "", [], { addClass: "actions", container: "default", id: "$$defaultplacement$$" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Branding, "", "", [], { addClass: "branding", hideOnMobile: "true" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", class: "action_bar", selectable: "false" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__$$defaultplacement$$"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } c.defaultPlacement = h; var f = function() { var t = i(9); !function() { t.mobile(c); t.rtl(c); }(); }(); for (var g in f) c[g] = f[g]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "absolute", "bottom, left": 0, overflow: "hidden", zIndex: 10, width: "$$actionBarWidth", height: "$$actionBarHeight", color: "$$actionBarColor", background: "$$actionBarBg", "paddingLeft, paddingRight": "$$actionBarPadding" }, ".border_overlay": { borderWidth: "$$actionBarBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$actionBarBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$actionBarBorderColor" }, ".actions": { float: "left" }, ".branding": { position: "relative", float: "right", color: "$$actionBarColor", lineHeight: "$$actionBarHeight", ".icon_font": { "*color": "$$actionBarColor", "*lineHeight": "$$actionBarHeight", "*textDecoration": "none" }, "&:hover": { color: "$$actionBarHoverColor" } }, "&.rtl": { ".actions": { float: "right" }, ".branding": { float: "left" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_ActionBar" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { var t = +new Date(), e = t - h; Math.abs(e - d) > u && r(); h = t; } function o() { for (var t = g.length; t--; ) { for (var e = g[t], i = e.queue.length; i--; ) { "histogram" === e.queue[i].method && e.queue.splice(i, 1); } e.start_ts = {}; } } function r() { f = clearInterval(f); c = !1; o(); } function a() { this.ref_ts = null; this.from_ref_ts = {}; this.start_ts = {}; this.tags = []; this.queue = []; g.push(this); } var s = i(21), _ = i(22), l = i(28), d = 15e3, u = .2 * d, c = !0, h = +new Date(), f = setInterval(n, d), g = [], p = a.prototype; p.flush = function() {}; p.setTags = function(t) { s(t) && (this.tags = t.concat()); }; p.addTag = function(t) { _(t) && t && this.tags.push(t); }; p.setRefTime = function(t) { l(this.ref_ts) || l(t) && (this.ref_ts = t); }; p.fromRefTime = function(t, e, i) { if (c && l(this.ref_ts) && _(t) && t && !this.from_ref_ts[t]) { this.from_ref_ts[t] = !0; var n = +new Date(); n < this.ref_ts ? r() : this.histogram(t, (n - this.ref_ts) / 1e3, e, i); } }; p.start = function(t, e) { c && _(t) && t && (t in this.start_ts || (this.start_ts[t] = l(e) ? e : +new Date())); }; p.end = function(t, e, i) { if (c && _(t) && t && t in this.start_ts) { var n = +new Date(); if (n < this.start_ts[t]) r(); else { this.histogram(t, (n - this.start_ts[t]) / 1e3, e, i); delete this.start_ts[t]; } } }; p.restart = function(t, e) { delete this.start_ts[t]; this.start(t, e); }; p.increment = function(t, e, i) { this._queue("increment", t, 1, e, i); this.flush(); }; p.histogram = function(t, e, i, n) { this._queue("histogram", t, e, i, n); this.flush(); }; p.distribution = function(t, e, i, n) { this._queue("distribution", t, e, i, n); this.flush(); }; p._queue = function(t, e, i, n, o) { if (s(n)) { o = n; n = void 0; } var r = { method: t, name: e, value: i, tags: this.tags.concat(o || []) }; l(n) && (r.sample_rate = n); this.queue.push(r); }; t.exports = a; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = i(2), _ = i(4); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_BorderOverlay = i(88); n.__$$__jx_ui_Label = i(19); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont = i(15); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_titleBar_MinimizeButton = i(358); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, l, d) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, l, d); o = o || _.generateID(); var u = s(177), c = s(178), h = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_BorderOverlay, "", "", [], {} ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "title_text", "", [], { id: "title_text", addClass: "title_text" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "status_text", "", [], { id: "status_text", addClass: "status_text", display: "none" } ] ], { addClass: "title" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "icons", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "popout_container", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont, "popout_button", "", [], { id: "popout_button", icon: "popout", title: u } ] ], { id: "popout_container", addClass: "button_container" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "minimize_container", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_titleBar_MinimizeButton, "minimize_button", "", [], { id: "minimize_button" } ] ], { id: "minimize_container", addClass: "button_container last_child", title: c } ] ], { id: "icons", addClass: "icons" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:titleBar": "meshim.widget.widgets.titleBar", class: "title_bar", selectable: "false" } ], f = h[0].call(this, e, o, null, _.mangleIDs(o, h[3]), h[4]), g = f || this; _.set(o, g); var p = _.get(o + "__title_text"), m = _.get(o + "__status_text"), $ = _.get(o + "__icons"), b = _.get(o + "__popout_container"), w = _.get(o + "__popout_button"), x = _.get(o + "__minimize_container"), v = _.get(o + "__minimize_button"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var y = function() { function t() { var t = r && !a && !s && !d && !c.bugs.noBoxSizing; w.setDisplay(t ? "" : "none"); } function e() { var t = l || s; x.setDisplay(t ? "none" : ""); t ? b.addClass("last_child") : b.removeClass("last_child"); } function n() { o && m.setText(j.get(I.$$(_ + "$string"))); } var o, r, a, s, _, l, d, u = i(12), c = i(8), h = i(6), f = i(70), y = i(24), j = i(10), C = i(9), S = h.root.$("livechat"), A = S.$("settings").$("chat_window").$("title_bar").$("title$string"), k = S.$("ui").$("theme_loaded$bool"), I = S.$("settings").$("chat_window").$("title_bar").$("status_messages"), T = S.$("settings").$("popout").$("enabled$bool"), N = S.$("ui").$("popout$bool"), B = S.$("ui").$("mobile$bool").getValue(), D = S.$("account").$("status$string"), E = S.$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").$("title_bar").$("hide_minimize$bool"), O = S.$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").$("title_bar").$("hide_popout$bool"); g.setHidePopout = function(e) { a = u(e); t(); }; !function() { C.mobile(g); C.rtl(g); C.windowPosition(g); g.autobind(N, "value", function(i) { s = i; t(); e(); g[i ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("title_bar_popout"); }); g.autobind(A, "value", function() { p.setText(j.get(A)); }); B && g.autobind(k, "value", function(t) { t && v.setMobile(!0); }); g.autobind(I, "value", function() { o = I.getValue(); n(); }); g.autobind(D, "value", function(t) { _ = t; n(); }); g.autobind(T, "value", function(e) { r = e; t(); }); g.autobind(E, "value", function(t) { l = t; e(); }); g.autobind(O, "value", function(e) { d = e; t(); }); $.on("mousedown", function(t) { t.stopPropagation(); }); b.on("click", function() { f.openPopout(!0); y.userHideWindow(); }); x.on("click", function() { y.userHideWindow(); }); }(); }(); for (var j in y) g[j] = y[j]; g.fire && g.fire("init"); g.setStyle && g.setStyle(r); g.setAttributes && g.setAttributes(d); "function" == typeof g.addChildren ? g.addChildren(l) : _.addChildren(g, l); if (g !== this) { g.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; g.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return g; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "absolute", "top, left": 0, width: "100%", overflow: "hidden", zIndex: 10, height: "$$titleBarHeight", color: "$$titleBarColor", background: "$$titleBarBg", "&.title_bar_popout": { cursor: "default" } }, ".border_overlay": { borderWidth: "$$titleBarBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$titleBarBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$titleBarBorderColor" }, ".title": { whiteSpace: "nowrap", overflow: "hidden", textOverflow: "ellipsis", cursor: "inherit", textAlign: "$$titleBarTextAlign", fontSize: "$$titleBarFontSize", lineHeight: "$$titleBarHeight", fontWeight: "$$titleBarFontWeight", ".title_text, .status_text": { cursor: "inherit" }, ".title_text": { display: [ "inline", "$$titleBarTitleDisplay" ] }, ".status_text": { display: [ "none", "$$titleBarStatusDisplay" ] } }, "&.ltr .title": { paddingLeft: "$$titleBarPaddingBefore", paddingRight: "$$titleBarPaddingAfter" }, "&.rtl .title": { paddingLeft: "$$titleBarPaddingAfter", paddingRight: "$$titleBarPaddingBefore" }, ".icons": { position: "absolute", cursor: "default", color: "$$titleBarIconsColor", fontSize: "$$fontSizeXS", ".icon_font": { display: "inline-block", textAlign: "center", "paddingRight, paddingLeft": "6px", lineHeight: "$$titleBarHeight", "&:hover": { "&": "$$titleBarItemHover" } }, ".button_container": { display: "inline-block", verticalAlign: "middle", cursor: "pointer", paddingTop: "2px" } }, "&.ltr .icons": { "top, right": 0, ".button_container": { "&.last_child": { paddingRight: "3px" } } }, "&.rtl .icons": { "top, left": 0, ".button_container": { "&.last_child": { paddingLeft: "3px" } } }, "&.br, &.bm, &.bl": { "borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius": "$$windowRadius" }, "&.tr, &.tm, &.tl": {}, "&.mobile": { zIndex: 101, borderRadius: "0", ".title": { fontSize: "$$fontSizeXL" }, "&.ltr .icons, &.rtl .icons": { ".button_container": { padding: 0, "&.last_child": { padding: 0 } } } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_TitleBar" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_a = i(43); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_a, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", target: "_blank" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { var t = i(6), e = i(9), n = t.root.$("livechat"), o = n.$("ui").$("mobile$bool"); !function() { e.mobile(c); o.getValue() && c.on("click", function(t) { t.preventDefault(); window.open(c.getAttribute("href")); }); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_html_a.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { color: "inherit", textDecoration: "inherit" }, "&.mobile": {} }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_html_a, { fqname: "meshim_widget_widgets_branding_Link" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = i(2), _ = i(4); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel = i(39); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_AbsolutePaddingContainer = i(164); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_newChatForm_Banner = i(352); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_newChatForm_Branding = i(351); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont = i(15); n.__$$__jx_ui_Form = i(41); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_newChatForm_TextField = i(350); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, l, d) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, l, d); o = o || _.generateID(); var u = s(138), c = s(139), h = s(140), f = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_AbsolutePaddingContainer, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "content", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_newChatForm_Banner, "banner", "", [], { id: "banner", addClass: "banner" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_newChatForm_Branding, "", "", [], { addClass: "branding" } ] ], { addClass: "branding_container" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont, "close", "", [], { id: "close", addClass: "close", icon: "minimize", title: u } ] ], { id: "content", addClass: "content" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Form, "form", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont, "submit", "", [], { id: "submit", icon: "send", addClass: "send", title: c } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_newChatForm_TextField, "input", "", [], { id: "input", addClass: "input", autocomplete: "false", placeholder: h, tabIndex: "10" } ] ], { class: "input_wrapper" } ] ], { id: "form", addClass: "form", noValidate: "true" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "disabled_overlay", "", [], { id: "disabled_overlay", class: "disabled_overlay", visible: "none" } ] ], { absPaddingBottom: "badgeFormHeight" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:components": "meshim.widget.components", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:chatWindow": "meshim.widget.components.chatWindow", "xmlns:newChatForm": "meshim.widget.components.chatWindow.newChatForm", miniSize: "true", titleBar: "none", actionBar: "none", addClass: "mini" } ], g = f[0].call(this, e, o, null, _.mangleIDs(o, f[3]), f[4]), p = g || this; _.set(o, p); var m = _.get(o + "__content"), $ = _.get(o + "__banner"), b = _.get(o + "__close"), w = _.get(o + "__form"), x = _.get(o + "__submit"), v = _.get(o + "__input"), y = _.get(o + "__disabled_overlay"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var j = function() { function t() { if (!w.getDisabled()) { var t = v.getValue().trim(); if (t) { v.reset(); n(t); } else v.focus(); } } function e() { var t = v.getValue().trim(); t && (o ? j : h).update(t); v.reset(); f.write({ button_clicked$bool: !0 }); n(); } function n(t) { t && h.update(""); s.setBannerUserHidden(); if (o && !r) { t && j.update(t); S.update(!0); c.update("pre_chat_offline_form"); } else { t && a.livechat.sendChatMsg({ msg: t }); c.update("chat_panel"); } } var o, r, a = i(6), s = i(24), _ = i(11), l = i(9), d = a.root, u = d.$("livechat"), c = u.$("ui").$("chat_window").$("main_stack_name$string"), h = u.$("ui").$("chat_window").$("chat_panel").$("textarea").$("value$string"), f = u.$("ui").$("chat_button"), g = u.$("settings").$("forms").$("pre_chat_form").$("required$bool"), j = u.$("settings").$("forms").$("pre_chat_form").$("form").$("3").$("value_user$string"), C = u.$("ui").$("chat_window").$("pre_chat_form").$("submitted$bool"), S = u.$("ui").$("chat_window").$("pre_chat_form").$("form_populate$bool"), A = u.$("settings").$("branding").$("hide_branding$bool"), k = u.$("settings").$("banner").$("layout$string"), I = d.$("connection").$("status$string"); !function() { l.rtl(p); l.windowPosition(p); _.hoverFix(p); p.autobind(g, "value", function(t) { o = t; }); p.autobind(C, "value", function(t) { r = t; }); p.autobind(A, "value", function(t) { $[t ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("hide_branding"); }); p.autobind(k, "value", function(t) { "image_only" == t ? $.addClass("image_only") : $.removeClass("image_only"); }); v.on("input", function() { h.update(v.getValue().trim()); }); w.on("submit", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); t(); }); x.on("click", function() { t(); }); b.on("click", function(t) { t.stopPropagation(); s.userHideBanner(); }); m.on("click", e); y.on("click", e); p.autobind(I, "value", function(t) { if ("idle_disconnect" === t) { w.setDisabled(!0); y.show(); } else { w.setDisabled(!1); y.hide(); } }); }(); }(); for (var C in j) p[C] = j[C]; p.fire && p.fire("init"); p.setStyle && p.setStyle(r); p.setAttributes && p.setAttributes(d); "function" == typeof p.addChildren ? p.addChildren(l) : _.addChildren(p, l); if (p !== this) { p.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; p.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return p; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { ".container": { background: "$$badgeBg", borderWidth: "$$badgeBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$badgeBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$badgeBorderColor" }, ".content": { width: "100%", height: "100%", overflow: "hidden", color: "$$badgeContentColor", background: "$$badgeContentBg", borderWidth: "$$badgeContentBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$badgeContentBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$badgeContentBorderColor" }, ".banner": { width: "100%", height: "100%", position: "relative", cursor: "pointer", fontSize: "1.5em", padding: "20px 10px 10px", "&.hide_branding": { paddingTop: "10px" }, "&.image_only": { padding: "0" } }, ".branding_container": { position: "absolute", top: "6px", left: 0, width: "100%", textAlign: "center", cursor: "pointer", ".branding": { cursor: "pointer" } }, ".close": { position: "absolute", cursor: "pointer", opacity: 0, transition: "opacity 0.2s", "top, right": 0, padding: "9px 10px 2px 2px" }, "&.rtl .close": { left: "6px", right: "auto", padding: "3px 2px 2px 4px" }, "&.hover, &:hover": { ".close": { opacity: 1 } }, ".send": { float: "right", fontSize: "$$fontSizeXXL", padding: "5px", margin: "5px", color: "$$badgeIconColor", opacity: "0.8", cursor: "pointer", "&:hover": { opacity: "1" }, "&.disabled": { cursor: "default", "&:hover": { opacity: "0.8" } } }, ".form, .disabled_overlay": { position: "absolute", "bottom, left": "0", width: "100%", height: "$$badgeFormHeight" }, ".disabled_overlay": { cursor: "pointer" }, ".form": { overflow: "hidden", "*zoom": 1, background: "$$badgeFormBg", borderWidth: "$$badgeFormBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$badgeFormBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$badgeFormBorderColor", "&.disabled": { opacity: "0.5" }, ".input_wrapper": { display: "block", overflow: "hidden", "*width": "165px", ".input": { width: "100%", height: "100%", position: "relative", "*width": "165px", "*overflow": "hidden" } }, ".button": { "*width": "60px" } }, "&.ltr .form": { ".input": { paddingRight: 0 }, ".button": { float: "right" } }, "&.rtl .form": { ".input": { paddingLeft: 0 }, ".button": { float: "left" } }, "&.br, &.bm, &.bl": { ".content": { "borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius": "$$windowRadius" } }, "&.tr, &.tm, &.tl": {} }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowPanel, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_NewChatForm" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); d.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); this.index = void 0; this.length = 0; this.currentChild = null; var a = this; this._onChildHide = function() { switch (a.onChildHide) { case "next": a.next(!0); break; case "prev": a.prev(!0); break; case "first": a.first(!0); break; case "last": a.last(!0); break; default: var t = parseInt(a.onChildHide, 10); if (isNaN(t)) break; a.setIndex(t, !0); } }; this.onDestruction(function() { a.currentChild = null; }); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(21), s = i(12), _ = i(31), l = i(25), d = i(7); n.prototype = r(d.prototype); o(n, d, { fqname: "jx_ui_ViewStack" }); n.prototype.addChildren = function(t) { var e = t && t.length; if (t && e) for (var i = 0; i < e; i++) a(t[i]) && this.appendChild(t[i]); }; n.prototype.appendChild = function(t) { var e = !1; if (a(t)) { this.children.push(t); t[4] && (e = s(t[4].forceInstantiate)); } else if (t.dom) { d.prototype.appendChild.call(this, t); t.setVisible("none"); } else this.dom.appendChild(t); e && this.instantiateChild(t); return t; }; n.prototype.removeChild = function(t) { try { if (a(t)) ; else if (t.dom) { this.dom.removeChild(t.dom); t.parentNode = null; } else this.dom.removeChild(t); var e = _(t, this.children); -1 != e && this.children.splice(e, 1); } catch (t) {} }; n.prototype.setIndex = function(t, e) { t = parseInt(t, 10); if (this.validIndex(t) && t != this.index) { var i, n = this.currentChild; if (!e && (n ? n.fire("beforeIndexChange", t) : 1) + this.fire("beforeIndexChange", t) < 2) return !1; if (n) { this.autounbind(n, "hide", this._onChildHide); n.setVisible("none"); } this.fire("indexChanging", t); if (-1 == t) { this.currentChild = null; this.index = t; this.fire("indexChange", t); return !0; } n = this.children[t]; if (a(n)) { n = this.instantiateChild(n); i = !0; } n.setVisible("block"); this.autobind(n, "hide", this._onChildHide); this.currentChild = n; this.index = t; i && this.fire("instantiate", t); this.fire("indexChange", t); return !0; } }; n.prototype.instantiateChild = function(t) { if (a(t)) { var e = _(t, this.children); if (-1 != e) { t = new t[0](this, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]); this.children[e] = t; this.children.pop(); return t; } } }; n.prototype.validIndex = function(t) { return null != t && t < this.getLength() && t >= -1; }; n.prototype.next = function(t) { return l(this.index, !0) ? this.setIndex(0, t) : this.setIndex(this.index + 1, t); }; n.prototype.prev = function(t) { return l(this.index, !0) ? this.setIndex(this.getLength() - 1, t) : this.setIndex(Math.max(this.index - 1, 0), t); }; n.prototype.first = function(t) { return this.setIndex(0, t); }; n.prototype.last = function(t) { return this.setIndex(this.getLength() - 1, t); }; n.prototype.getName = function() { return this.currentChild && this.currentChild.getName(); }; n.prototype.setName = function(t) { if (!t) return this.setIndex(-1); for (var e = 0, i = this.children.length; e < i; e++) if (a(this.children[e])) { if (this.children[e][4] && this.children[e][4].name === t) return this.setIndex(e); } else if (this.children[e].getName && this.children[e].getName() === t) return this.setIndex(e); }; n.prototype.isFirst = function() { return this.index <= 0; }; n.prototype.isLast = function() { return this.index >= this.getLength() - 1; }; n.prototype.getLength = function() { return this.children.length; }; n.prototype.getChildren = function() { return this.children; }; n.prototype.getCurrentChild = function() { return this.currentChild; }; n.prototype.getIndex = function() { return this.index; }; n.prototype.getOnChildHide = function() { return this.onChildHide; }; n.prototype.setOnChildHide = function(t) { this.onChildHide = t; return this; }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, l) { function f(t) { $.parentNode.setAttribute("lang", t); $.parentNode.setAttribute("dir", _.flip("ltr")); } if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, l); l || (l = {}); l.tagName || (l.tagName = "iframe"); this._top = this._bottom = this._left = this._right = this._width = this._height = NaN; this._position = null; this.pos = ""; this.offsetx = 0; this.offsety = 0; this._snaps = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]; this.useDisplay = !1; this.doc = this.ownerDocument = t.ownerDocument; this.parentNode = t; this.attributes = l; this.tagName = l.tagName; this.isNew = !0; this.dom = this.doc.createElement(this.tagName); this.dom.jx_wrapper = this; this.style = this.dom.style; this.children = []; this._autobinds = []; c.call(this); void 0 !== this.dom.seamless && (this.dom.seamless = !0); this.dom.allowTransparency = "true"; this.dom.frameBorder = "0"; this.style.backgroundColor = "transparent"; this.style.verticalAlign = "text-bottom"; this.style.visibility = "hidden"; t.appendChild(t instanceof h ? this : this.dom); e && r.set(e, this); var g; g = a.bugs.noBoxSizing ? " " : ""; this.dom.src = "about:blank"; this.appendToParent(!0); var p = this.iwin = this.dom.contentWindow, m = this.idoc = s.extend(p.document); m.write(g); m.close(); this.ihead = m.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var $ = this.ibody = s.extend(m.body); _ && _.onLanguage && _.onLanguage(f); _ && _.language && f(_.language); $.style.position = "relative"; $.parentNode.style.overflowY = $.style.overflowY = "hidden"; var b, w; if (a.bugs.noBoxSizing) { b = new u($, null, null, null, { position: "relative", width: "100%", height: "100%", overflow: "hidden" }); b.applyConstraints(); b.setPadding = function(t) { $.style.padding = t; }; } else { b = new u($, null, null, null, { position: "absolute", top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, overflow: "hidden" }); b.applyConstraints(); } for (var x = "Background BackgroundImage Border BorderColor BorderStyle BorderWidth Color Cursor FontFamily FontSize FontWeight LetterSpacing LineHeight Opacity Padding Selectable TextAlign".split(" "); w = x.pop(); ) this["set" + w] = function(t) { return function(e) { b["set" + t](e); return this; }; }(w); this.defaultPlacement = b; this.addChildren(o); this.style.visibility = ""; this.setStyle(i); this.setAttributes(l); d.bindIFrame(this); } var o = i(1), r = i(4), a = i(8), s = i(14), _ = i(2), l = i(0), d = i(3), u = i(7), c = i(183), h = i(23); n.prototype = l(u.prototype); o(n, u, { fqname: "jx_ui_IFrame" }); n.prototype.destroy = function() { d.unbindIFrame(this); this.defaultPlacement && this.defaultPlacement.destroy(); u.prototype.destroy.call(this); }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(18), o = i(114), r = {}; r._super = null; r.defaults = { colors: { primary$string: "#000000", banner$string: "#000000", bubble$string: "#000000" } }; r.overrides = { avatars: { concierge$string: n.IMAGES_URL + "/avatar_simple_agent.png", agent$string: n.IMAGES_URL + "/avatar_simple_agent.png", visitor$string: n.IMAGES_URL + "/avatar_simple_visitor.png" }, chat_button: { display_status$bool: !1, use_bubble$bool: !1 }, chat_window: { profile_card: { display_avatar$bool: !0 }, use_banner$bool: !0 } }; r.generate = function(t) { var e = t.custom_fonts && t.custom_fonts.font_family$string || ""; return { standard: { fontFamily: "Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif", customFontFamily: e ? e + ", Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" : "Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif", fontSizeXS: "10px", fontSizeS: "11px", fontSize: "12px", fontSizeL: "14px", fontSizeXL: "16px", fontSizeXXL: "18px", marginXS: "3px", marginS: "5px", margin: "10px", marginL: "15px", marginXL: "20px", paddingS: "3px", padding: "6px", paddingL: "8px", paddingXL: "10px", borderWidth: "1px", borderStyle: "solid", borderColor: o.black, radiusS: "3px", radius: "5px", headColor: o.white, headBg: o.black, headLowContrastColor: o.grey, contentColor: o.black, contentHeaderColor: o.black, contentBg: o.white, contentBlockBg: o.grey, contentBlockRadius: "$$radius", placeholderColor: o.grey, inputMenuBg: o.white, errorColor: 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badgeBorderStyle: "$$borderStyle", badgeBorderColor: "$$borderColor", badgeContentColor: "$$headColor", badgeContentBg: "", badgeContentBorderWidth: "$$borderWidth", badgeContentBorderStyle: "$$borderStyle", badgeContentBorderColor: "$$borderColor", badgeFormHeight: "36px", badgeFormBg: "", badgeFormBorderWidth: "$$borderWidth", badgeFormBorderStyle: "$$borderStyle", badgeFormBorderColor: "$$borderColor", badgeInputColor: "", badgeInputBorderWidth: "", badgeInputBorderStyle: "", badgeInputBorderColor: "", badgeInputPadding: "$$paddingXL", badgeInputRadius: "$$radius", badgeInputShadow: "", badgeInputFocusColor: "", badgeInputFocusBg: "", badgeInputFocusBorderColor: "", badgeInputFocusShadow: "", badgeInputPlaceholderColor: "", badgeIconColor: "" }, popout: { windowRadius: 0 }, mobile: { fontSizeXS: "12px", fontSizeS: "13px", fontSize: "14px", fontSizeL: "16px", fontSizeXL: "18px", fontSizeXXL: "20px", mobileMaxWidthS: "360px", mobileMaxWidth: "480px", mobileMaxWidthL: "640px", inputPadding: "$$paddingXL", buttonPadding: "$$paddingXL", menuItemPadding: "14px", titleBarHeight: "44px", actionBarWidth: "$$titleBarHeight", actionBarHeight: "$$titleBarHeight", menuRadius: 0, brandingLinkColor: o.grey } }; }; t.exports = r; }, function(t, e) { function i(t) { return window[t]; } var n = { getVariable: i }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e) { c = t; h = e; c.$("livechat").$("channel").$("department_id$int").on("value", function(t) { t && (f = t); }); } function o() { f = void 0; } function r(t, e, i) { var n = parseInt(e, 10) || parseInt(h.getServerTime().toFixed(0), 10), o = n + "", r = c.$("livechat").$("profile"), a = f, s = (t.msg || "") + ""; "department" in t && (a = t.department); c.$("livechat").$("channel").$("log").$(o).write({ timestamp$int: n, type$string: "chat.msg", msg$string: s, nick$string: r.$("nick$string").getValue() || "", display_name$string: r.$("display_name$string").getValue() || "", department_id$int: a, unverified$bool: !0, __client$bool: !0 }, i); } function a(t, e) { var i = parseInt(e, 10) || parseInt(h.getServerTime().toFixed(0), 10), n = i + ""; c.$("livechat").$("channel").$("log").$(n).write({ timestamp$int: i, nick$string: c.$("livechat").$("profile").$("nick$string").getValue() || "", display_name$string: c.$("livechat").$("profile").$("display_name$string").getValue() || "", type$string: "chat.file.upload", file_name$string: t.file_name || "", file_type$string: t.file_type || "", file_size$int: t.file_size || 0, unverified$bool: !0, __client$bool: !0 }); return i; } function s(t, e) { function i(t) { if ("ok" !== t.raw.__status) return e(new window.Error(u(t.raw.error))); if (!t.raw.data || "chat.file" !== t.raw.data.type) return e(new window.Error("INTERNAL_ERROR")); e(null, x.pick(t.raw.data, [ "mime_type", "name", "size", "url", "metadata" ])); } var n = j._validateAndPrepareData([ t ]); e = m.once(e); if (g(n)) p(function() { e(new window.Error(n)); }); else { var o = h.registerCallback(i), r = "https://" + n.host + $.CALLBACK_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH, a = { ts: parseInt(h.getServerTime().toFixed(0), 10), __messageID: o, __socketID: h.getSocketID() }, s = { "X-Zopim-MID": n.mid, "X-Zopim-UID": n.uid }, _ = { error: function() { e(new window.Error("CONN_ERROR")); }, load: function() { if (200 !== this.status) { var t; try { t = JSON.parse(this.responseText); } catch (t) {} e(t && t.error ? new window.Error(u(t.error)) : new window.Error("INTERNAL_ERROR")); } } }; j._uploadFiles(n.form_data, r, a, s, _); } } function _(t, e) { var i = j._validateAndPrepareData(t); if (g(i)) return i; var n = a({ file_name: i.name, file_type: i.type, file_size: i.size }, e), o = "https://" + i.host + $.FILE_UPLOAD_PATH, r = { ts: n }, s = { "X-Zopim-MID": i.mid, "X-Zopim-UID": i.uid }; j._uploadFiles(i.form_data, o, r, s); } function l(t) { if (!window.FormData) return "NOT_SUPPORTED"; var e = c.$("livechat"), i = e.$("settings").$("file_sending"), n = e.$("settings").$("package"), o = i.$("enabled$bool").getValue(), r = (i.$("allowed_extensions$string").getValue() || "").trim().replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ",").split(","), a = n.$("color_customization_enabled$int").getValue() || n.$("widget_customization_enabled$int").getValue(), s = e.$("profile").$("mid$string").getValue(), _ = e.$("profile").$("uid$string").getValue(), l = h.getHost(), d = new window.FormData(), u = [], f = [], g = 0; if (!l) return "CONN_ERROR"; if (!a) return "INVALID_PLAN"; if (!o) return "NOT_ALLOWED"; for (var p = 0, m = t.length; p < m; p++) { if (!b.isValidType(t[p].name, r)) return "INVALID_EXTENSION"; u.push(t[p].name); f.push(t[p].type); g += t[p].size || 0; d.append("file_" + t[p].name, t[p]); } return g > $.FILE_UPLOAD_MAX ? "EXCEED_SIZE_LIMIT" : { form_data: d, name: u.join(", "), type: f.join(", "), size: g, host: l, mid: s, uid: _ }; } function d(t, e, i, n, o) { var r = new window.XMLHttpRequest(), a = e + (Object.keys(i).length ? "?" + w.buildQuery(i) : ""); if (r.upload) { r.open("POST", a, !0); for (var s in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, s) && r.setRequestHeader(s, n[s]); for (var _ in o) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, _) && r.addEventListener(_, o[_]); r.send(t); } } function u(t) { return y[t] || "UNKNOWN_ERROR"; } var c, h, f, g = i(22), p = i(16), m = i(55), $ = i(18), b = i(63), w = i(36), x = i(11), v = { NOT_SUPPORTED: "NOT_SUPPORTED", NOT_ALLOWED: "NOT_ALLOWED", CONN_ERROR: "CONN_ERROR", INVALID_EXTENSION: "INVALID_EXTENSION", INVALID_PLAN: "INVALID_PLAN", EXCEED_SIZE_LIMIT: "EXCEED_SIZE_LIMIT", INTERNAL_ERROR: "INTERNAL_ERROR", UNKNOWN_ERROR: "UNKNOWN_ERROR" }, y = { TOO_LARGE: "EXCEED_SIZE_LIMIT", ILLEGAL_TYPE: "INVALID_EXTENSION", NO_SESSION: "INTERNAL_ERROR", UNEXPECTED_ERROR: "INTERNAL_ERROR", UNABLE_TO_GET_SETTINGS: "INTERNAL_ERROR", S3_UPLOAD_ERROR: "INTERNAL_ERROR", NO_GATES: "INTERNAL_ERROR", FILE_UPLOADS_DISABLED: "NOT_ALLOWED", FILE_UPLOADS_TEMPORARILY_DISABLED: "INVALID_PLAN" }, j = { FILE_SENDING_ERRORS: v, init: n, sendChatMsg: r, sendFiles: _, sendFileWithCallback: s, clearChatDepartmentID: o, _validateAndPrepareData: l, _uploadFiles: d }; t.exports = j; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { g = t || window; h = g.encodeURIComponent; f = g.decodeURIComponent; } function o(t) { return "string" == typeof t && "" != t; } function r() { var t, e, i, n, o = g.document.cookie, r = {}; if (!o || "string" != typeof o) return {}; o = o.split(/;\s/); for (t = o.length; t--; ) try { e = o[t].match(/^([^=]+)(=(.*))?$/); if (!e) continue; i = f(e[1]); n = f(e[3] || ""); r[i] = n; } catch (t) {} return r; } function a(t) { return o(t) ? r()[t] || null : null; } function s(t) { var e = a(t), i = {}; try { i = u.parse(e); } catch (t) {} return i && "object" == typeof i ? i : {}; } function _(t, e, i) { i = i || {}; var n = h(t) + "=" + h(e); if ("ttl" in i) { var o = new Date(), r = 24 * i.ttl * 60 * 60 * 1e3; o.setTime(o.getTime() + r); n += "; expires=" + o.toGMTString(); } "path" in i && (n += "; path=" + i.path); "domain" in i && (n += "; domain=" + i.domain); i.secure && (n += "; secure"); n += "; SameSite=" + (i.samesite || "Lax"); g.document.cookie = n; } function l(t, e, i) { "object" != typeof e && (e = {}); _(t, u.stringify(e), i); } function d(t, e) { e = e || {}; e.ttl = -1; _(t, "", e); } var u = i(56), c = { set: _, get: a, getJSONCookie: s, setJSONCookie: l, remove: d, setActivityWindow: n }, h = window.encodeURIComponent, f = window.decodeURIComponent, g = window; t.exports = c; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, u) { var c, h, f, g, p, m, $ = [], b = []; for (c in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(c)) { h = t[c]; f = void 0; if ("@keyframes" == c) { for (var w in h) if (h.hasOwnProperty(w)) { m = w + " { " + n(h[w]).join(" ") + " } "; b.push("@-webkit-keyframes " + m, "@-moz-keyframes " + m, "@-ms-keyframes " + m, "@-o-keyframes " + m, "@keyframes " + m); } continue; } "@media" == c.slice(0, 6) && (c = [ c, "@mediaend" ].join("")); switch (typeof h) { case "boolean": case "number": case "string": f = c.split(","); for (g = 0, p = f.length; g < p; g++) $.push(r.toStyle(f[g], h)); break; default: if (a(h)) { for (g = 0, p = h.length; g < p; g++) $.push(r.toStyle(c, h[g])); break; } if (_.placeholder.test(c)) { m = c.replace(_.placeholder, ""); f = []; for (g = 0, p = l.placeholder.length; g < p; g++) f.push(d([ m, l.placeholder[g] ])); } a(f) || (f = c.split(",")); for (g = 0, p = f.length; g < p; g++) b = b.concat(n(h, f[g].trim())); } } if ($.length) { if (!u) { $.unshift("{"); $.push("}"); } b.push($.join("")); } if (e || i || o && !(s.isIE < 9)) for (g = 0, p = b.length; g < p; g++) { e && (b[g] = [ e.replace(_.replacePseudo, ".$1"), " ", b[g] ].join("")); i && (b[g] = b[g].replace(_.prePrependFQName, " ").replace(_.prependFQName, i)); o && (b[g] = b[g].replace(_.replaceAppend, "")); o && -1 !== b[g].indexOf("@media") && (b[g] = b[g].replace(_.replaceMedia, "$2 { $1 $3 }")); } return b; } var o = i(97), r = i(179), a = i(21), s = i(8), _ = o.REGEX, l = { placeholder: [ "::-webkit-input-placeholder", ":-moz-placeholder", "::-moz-placeholder", ":-ms-input-placeholder", ".placeholder" ] }, d = o.join; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { n = function() {}; for (var t = [ "Moz", "webkit", "ms" ], e = document.createElement("div").style, i = p.length; i--; ) { var r = p[i]; m[r] = function(i) { if (i in e) return i; for (var n = i.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + i.slice(1), r = t.length; r--; ) { if (t[r] + n in e) return "-" + t[r].toLowerCase() + "-" + o(i); } return i; }(r); } } function o(t) { return t.replace(f.selectorCase, "-$1").replace(f.commaStart, "").toLowerCase(); } function r(t, e) { n(); var i; e += ""; if (f.isVariable.test(e)) return t + ":" + e + ";"; if ("!important" === e.substr(-10)) { i = !0; e = e.substr(0, e.length - 10).trim(); } switch (!0) { case "background" =%3d%3d.html t: return s(e, i); case "display" === t: return h.bugs.noBoxSizing && "inline-block" == e ? "" + a("display", "inline", i) + a("zoom", "1", i) : a("display", e, i); case t in m: return a(m[t], e, i); default: return a(o(t), e, i); } } function a(t, e, i) { return t + ":" + e + (i ? "!important;" : ";"); } function s(t, e) { var i, n = []; i = t.split(" "); switch (i[0]) { case "linear-gradient": i.splice(0, 1); t = i.join(" "); n.push(a("background", "-webkit-linear-gradient" + t, e), a("background", "-o-linear-gradient" + t, e), a("background", "-moz-linear-gradient" + t, e), a("background", "-ms-linear-gradient" + t, e), a("background", "-linear-gradient" + t, e)); break; case "gradient": var o, r; n.push(a("background", _(i[2], i[3]), e)); "top" == i[1] && (o = "bottom"); "left" == i[1] && (o = "right"); "right" == i[1] && (o = "left"); "bottom" == i[1] && (o = "top"); r = $([ "(", i[1], ",", i[2], ",", i[3], ")" ]); n.push(a("background", "-o-linear-gradient" + r, e), a("background", "-moz-linear-gradient" + r, e), a("background", "-ms-linear-gradient" + r, e), a("background", "linear-gradient" + r, e)); if ("left" == i[1] || "right" == i[1]) { n.push(a("background", $([ "-webkit-gradient(linear,", i[1], " center,", o, " center,", "from(", i[2], "),to(", i[3], "))" ]))); r = $([ "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=", l(i[2]), ", endColorstr=", l(i[3]), ", GradientType=1)" ]); n.push(a("filter", r, e), a("-ms-filter", r, e)); } else { n.push(a("background", $([ "-webkit-gradient(linear,", "center ", i[1], ",", "center ", o, ",", "from(", i[2], "),to(", i[3], "))" ]))); r = $([ "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=", l(i[2]), ", endColorstr=", l(i[3]), ")" ]); n.push(a("filter", r, e), a("-ms-filter", r, e)); } break; default: n.push(a("background", t, e)); } return n.join(""); } function _(t, e) { function i(i) { return (16 * Math.round((parseInt(t.substring(i, i + 2), 16) + parseInt(e.substring(i, i + 2), 16)) / 32)).toString(16); } "rgb" == t.slice(0, 3) && (t = d(t, !0)); "rgb" == e.slice(0, 3) && (e = d(e, !0)); t = l(t).substring(1); e = l(e).substring(1); return "#" + i(0) + i(2) + i(4); } function l(t) { if ("string" != typeof t) return ""; var e; e = "#" == t.charAt(0) ? t.substring(1) : t; if ("rgb" == e.slice(0, 3)) return d(e); 3 == e.length && (e = e.charAt(0) + e.charAt(0) + e.charAt(1) + e.charAt(1) + e.charAt(2) + e.charAt(2)); return "#" + e; } function d(t, e) { t = t.slice(5, -1); t = t.split(","); if (3 == t.length || e) return "#" + u(t[0]) + u(t[1]) + u(t[2]); t[3] = (255 * parseFloat(t[3], 10)).toFixed(); return "#" + u(t[3]) + u(t[0]) + u(t[1]) + u(t[2]); } function u(t) { t = parseInt(t, 10).toString(16); 1 == t.length && (t = "0" + t); return t; } var c = i(97), h = i(8), f = c.REGEX, g = { toStyle: r }, p = [ "animation", "userSelect", "appearance", "transform", "transformOrigin" ], m = {}, $ = c.join; t.exports = g; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, n) { t || (t = document); var r = o(t, e); if (r) if (n) r.styleSheet ? r.styleSheet.cssText = i : r[s ? "textContent" : "innerText"] = i; else if (r.styleSheet) r.styleSheet.cssText = [ r.styleSheet.cssText, i ].join(""); else { var a = t.createTextNode(i); r.appendChild(a); } else { r = t.createElement("style"); t.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(r); r.type = "text/css"; e && r.setAttribute("__jx__stylesheet_id", e); if (void 0 !== r.styleSheet) { if (!r.styleSheet) { t.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].removeChild(r); r = null; return; } r.styleSheet.cssText = i; } else r[s ? 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(i[n] = null, i._dirty = !0) : n == o - 1 ? i.pop() : i[n] = i.pop(); break; } return this; } }; o.prototype.unextendEvents = function() { if (this.allCallbacks && this.nativeHandlers) { for (var t in this.nativeHandlers) this.nativeHandlers.hasOwnProperty(t) && this.teardownNativeEventListener(t); this.allCallbacks = this.nativeHandlers = null; } }; o.prototype.fireCustomEvent = function(t, e) { if (!r.isCustomEvents || this.useCustomHandling(t)) { var i = this.allCallbacks[t], n = !0; if (i && i.length) { i._active = !0; var o, s, _; for (o = 0, s = i.length; o < s; o++) try { if (!i[o]) continue; _ = i[o].call(this, e); !1 === _ && (n = !1); } catch (t) { a.fire("error", t); } i._active = !1; if (i._dirty) { for (o = 0; o < s; o++) if (!i[o]) { o == s - 1 ? i.pop() : i[o--] = i.pop(); s--; } i._dirty = !1; } } return n; } return this.dom.dispatchEvent(new r.CustomEvent(t, { bubbles: !1, cancelable: !0, detail: e })); }; o.prototype.fire = o.prototype.fireCustomEvent; o.prototype.on = o.prototype.addEventListener; o.prototype.un = o.prototype.removeEventListener; t.exports = o; }, function(t, e) { function i(t) { t = t.split(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/); for (var e = 1; e < t.length; e++) t[e].length && (t[e] = t[e].substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + t[e].substr(1)); return t.join(""); } var n = { toCamelCase: i }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { var e, i, n = r.extend(this); try { e = new window.ActiveXObject("htmlfile"); e.open(); e.write(""); e.close(); i = e.win; } catch (t) {} if (!i) { var o = this.iframe = document.createElement("iframe"), s = o.style; n.allowTransparency = "true"; n.frameBorder = "0"; s.backgroundColor = "transparent"; s.position = "absolute"; s.width = s.height = "1px"; s.left = s.top = "-9999px"; s.border = 0; document.body.appendChild(o); try { i = o.contentWindow; e = i.document; e.open(); e.close(); } catch (t) { n.fire("error"); n.destroy(); return; } } n.doc = e; n.win = i; n.$Loader = { cleanup: function() { a(function() { n.$Loader.payload ? n.fire("success", n.$Loader.payload) : n.fire("error"); 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i >= 0; i--) if (o[i] == t) { o.splice(i, 1); break; } n.ready(); } } function r() { var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), e = t.shift(); this.fqname = e; this.name = e.split(".").pop(); this.callbacks = []; this.dependencies = t; d.push(this); } function a(t) { t(); } var s = i(5), _ = i(45), l = i(388), d = [], u = /^function *\( *\) *{ *([\s\S]*) *}$/; r.ensureLoaded = function(t, e) { t instanceof r ? t.ensureLoaded(e) : e(); }; r.prototype.ensureLoaded = function(t) { this.ifLoaded(t); this.load(); }; r.prototype.ifLoaded = function(t) { this.callbacks.push(t); }; r.prototype.load = function() { function t(t) { n(t[0], t[1]); } var e, i, o = this.getDependencies(); for (e = 0; e < o.length; e++) { i = o[e]; i.loader || (i.loader = new l(_.baseURL + "/lib/" + _.build_number + "/" + i.fqname + ".js", s, t)); } }; r.prototype.getDependencies = function() { var t, e = this.dependencies, i = [ this ]; for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { var n = s[e[t]]; i = i.concat(n.getDependencies()); } return i; }; r.prototype.ready = function() { if (!this.dependencies.length && this.module_function) { for (t = d.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) if (d[t] == this) { d.splice(t, 1); break; } this.module_function(s); var t, e = s[this.fqname]; e.ifLoaded = e.ensureLoaded = a; for (t = 0; t < this.callbacks.length; t++) this.callbacks[t](e); o(this.fqname); delete this.callbacks; delete this.fqname; delete this.name; delete this.dependencies; delete this.loader; } }; s.Module = r; t.exports = r; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { if (!d) { a = c.root.$("livechat"); s = a.$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").$("profile_card"); _ = a.$("ui").$("chat_window").$("display_profile_card$bool"); l = a.$("settings").$("rating").$("enabled$bool"); s.bindValue(o); l.bindValue(o); d = !0; } } function o() { var t = u(s.getValue("display_avatar$bool")), e = u(s.getValue("display_title_name$bool")), i = u(s.getValue("display_rating$bool")) && u(l.getValue()), n = t || i || e; _.update(n); } function r() { d = !1; } var a, s, _, l, d, u = i(12), c = i(6), h = { init: n, resetState: r }; t.exports = h; }, function(t, e) { function i(t, e) { var i = e.match(t); return i ? i.length : 0; } function n(t, e, n, o) { return Math.pow(i(t, e) / n, 1 / o); } function o(t) { var e, i = 1 - t[0]; for (e = 1; e < t.length; e++) i *= 1 - t[e]; return 1 - i; } function r(t, e, r) { r || (r = i(/ /g, e)); for (var a, s, _, d, u = e.length, c = [], h = 0; h < l[t].length; h += 2) { a = l[t][h]; s = l[t][h + 1]; _ = "\\\\b" == a.toString().substr(1, 2) ? r : u; d = n(a, e, _, s); c.push(d); } "en" == t && c.push(.6 / e.length); return o(c); } function a(t, e) { var n = document.body.getAttribute("lang") || document.documentElement.getAttribute("lang"); if (n) return n; t || (t = _); e || (e = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/]*?>.*?<\/script>/gi, " ").replace(/]*?>.*?<\/style>/gi, " ").replace(//g, " ").replace(/<\/?[^>]+?>/g, " ").replace(/[-_a-z0-9.@]+[.@][-_a-z0-9.@]+/gi, "").replace(/[\s\d!'#$%&'()*+,-.\/:;<=>?@^_{|}~\[\]\/]+/g, " ")); e = e.replace(/\s+/g, " "); var o, a, s = i(/ +/g, e), l = []; for (o = 0; o < t.length; o++) l.push([ t[o], r(t[o], e, s) ]); l.sort(function(t, e) { return e[1] - t[1]; }); a = l[0][0]; a.scores = l; window.__$z_results = s + " " + e.length + " " + e.length / s + "\n" + l.join("\n"); window.__$z_innerText = e; return a; } var s = { guess: a }, _ = [], l = { en: [ /\b(up|me|submit|offers?|about|rights?|more|contact|all|downloads?|how|search|to|do|i[nst]?|your?|that|was|one?|are|with|[bw]e|have|this|f?or|had|by|[hn]ot?|[bo]ut|so|some|what|can|[tw]here|why|other|over|die|ten)\b/gi, 4, /\b(inn|set|end|about|pro|the|of|from|and|a|as|at)\b/gi, 6 ], cs: [ /[\u00e1\u010d\u010f\u00e9\u011b\u00ed\u0148\u00f3\u0159\u0161\u0165\u00fa\u016f\u00fd\u017e]/gi, 5, /\b(by|do|to|[aikosvz])\b/gi, 3, /\b(na|za|se|je|\u017ee|ve|jako|jsem|pro|tak|po|u\u017e|jsou|byl)\b/gi, 6 ], de: [ /[\u00df]/g, 10, /[\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00c4\u00d6\u00dc]/g, 7, /\b(de[mrs]|vo[nm]|zu[mr]?|da[s\u00df]?|eine[mnrs]?|a[lu]s|wir|[sw]ie|n[ao]ch|vor[ms]?|(\u00fcb|od|ab)er|und|im|mit|sich|auf|f\u00fcr|nicht|auch|es|bei|nur|bis|mehr|durch)\b/gi, 6 ], es: [ /[\u00f1]/g, 10, /[\xE1\xE9\xED\xF3\xFA]/gi, 6, /\b(que|nuestro|ingresar|inicio|qu[e\u00e9]|[dt]e|ser?|[ms]i|l?a|e[lns]|y|tu|los?|una?|por|con|para|est(\u00e1|ar))\b/gi, 6 ], fr: [ /[\u0153]/gi, 15, /[\u00e0\u00e2\u00e7\u00e9\u00e8\u00ea\u00eb\u00ee\u00ef\u00f4\u00fb\u00f9\u00fc\u00ff]/gi, 7, /\b(son)\b/gi, 4, /\b(en)\b/gi, 5, /\b([ado]u|aux?|[do]u|la|[cdls]es|es?t|une?|ne|qu[ei]|sur|dans|pa[rs]|il|sont|avec|voir)\b/gi, 6 ], hr: [ /[\u010d\u0107\u0111\u0161\u017e]/gi, 10, /d\u017e|lj|nj/gi, 3, /\b(ali|ja|je|mene|na|ne|od|ovo|se|sve|ti|u|za|znati)\b/gi, 6 ], ms: [ /\b(and)\b/gi, 4, /\b((se)?(biji|buah|orang)|ada|anda|atau|boleh|bukan|dalam|dan|dari|di|ini|kami|ke|lagi|sila|tidak|tinggi|telah|untuk)\b/gi, 6 ], da: [ /[\u00c6\u00e6\u00d8\u00f8\u00c5\u00e5]/g, 10, /\b(de)\b/gi, 5, /\b(ind|l\u00e6s|nyheder|[vt]il|s?om|og|[mv]ed|kan|har|var|tager|af|d?et|de[tn]{2}e|skal|den|set|noget|nogle|mange|hadde|eller|efter|end|blive|er|sekund|viser|ud|(a|vi|sku)lle)\b/gi, 6 ], nb: [ /[\u00c6\u00e6\u00d8\u00f8\u00c5\u00e5]/g, 10, /\b(de)\b/gi, 5, /\b(passord|nyheter|inn|[vt]il|s?om|og|[mv]ed|kan|[htv]ar|av|d?et|de[tn]{2}e|skal|se(g|tt)|noen?|mange|hadde|e[lt]{2}er|enn|blir?|ble|andre|viser|ut|(a|vi|sku)lle)\b/gi, 6 ], nl: [ /\b(in|die)\b/gi, 4, /\b(de|en)\b/gi, 5, /\b(het|dat|van|ik|te|een|hij|niet|zijn)\b/gi, 6 ], pt: [ /[\u00e1\u00e2\u00e3\u00e0\u00e7\u00e9\u00ea\u00ed\u00f3\u00f4\u00f5\u00fa]/gi, 7, /\b(gr\u00e1fico|ao|como|das?|de|dos|ele|em?|mai?s|na|n\u00e3o|os?|para|por|que|se|uma?)\b/gi, 6 ], sk: [ /\u00e1\u00e4\u010d\u010f\u00e9\u00ed\u013e\u013a\u0148\u00f3\u00f4\u0155\u0161\u0165\u00fa\u00fd\u017e/gi, 10, /dz|d\u017e/gi, 5, /\b(ten|to|do|so)\b/gi, 4, /\b(ja|na|za|c\u030co|t\u00e1|po|vo|zo|n\u00e1[s\u030cs])\b/gi, 6 ], tr: [ /[\u00c7\u011e\u0130\u00d6\u015e\u00dc\u00e7\u011f\u0131\u00f6\u015f\u00fc]/g, 7, /\b(son)\b/gi, 4, /\b(formu|bir|ve|ne|bu|i\u00e7in|o|b?en|\u00e7ok|(al|\u00e7\u0131k|ol|yap)mak|(de|gel|git|g\u00f6r|iste|ver)mek|gibi|daha|kendi|ile|ama|sonra|kadar|yer|insan|de\u011fil|y\u0131l|g\u00fcn|biz)\b/gi, 6 ], vi: [ /[\u00e0\u1ea3\u00e3\u00e1\u1ea1\u0103\u1eb1\u1eb3\u1eb5\u1eaf\u1eb7\u00e2\u1ea7\u1ea9\u1eab\u1ea5\u1ead\u0111\u00e8\u1ebb\u1ebd\u00e9\u1eb9\u00ea\u1ec1\u1ec3\u1ec5\u1ebf\u1ec7\u00ec\u1ec9\u0129\u00ed\u1ecb\u00f2\u1ecf\u00f5\u00f3\u1ecd\u00f4\u1ed3\u1ed5\u1ed7\u1ed1\u1ed9\u01a1\u1edd\u1edf\u1ee1\u1edb\u1ee3\u00f9\u1ee7\u0169\u00fa\u1ee5\u01b0\u1eeb\u1eed\u1eef\u1ee9\u1ef1\u1ef3\u1ef7\u1ef9\u00fd\u1ef5]/gi, 8, /\b(v\u00e0|c\u00e1c|c\u1ee7a|c\u00f3|\u0111\u0103ng|\u0111\u00e2y|ho\u1eb7c|kh\u1ea9u|k\u00fd|m\u1ed9t|ng\u00e0y|l\u00e0|trong|cho)\b/gi, 6 ], ja: [ /[\u3041-\u30ff]/g, 10 ], ko: [ /[\uAC00-\uD7A3\u1100-\u11FF\u3131-\u318E\uFFA1-\uFFDC]/g, 10 ], th: [ /[\u0E00-\u0E7F]/g, 10 ], zh_CN: [ /[\u4e00-\u9fb4]/g, 1, /[\u7684\u662f\u8fd9\u6709\u5728\u4e0d\u4e86\u6765\u4e2a\u5230\u4e3a\u548c\u9053\u4e5f\u65f6\u5f97\u5c31\u90a3\u8981\u4ee5\u7740\u53bb\u4e4b\u8fc7\u5bb6\u5bf9\u53ef\u91cc\u540e\u4e48\u591a\u800c\u80fd\u90fd\u7136\u6ca1\u8d77\u8fd8]/g, 7 ], ru: [ /[\u0410-\u042f\u0430-\u044f\u0401\u0451]/g, 3 ], ar: [ /[\u0600-\u06FF\u0750-\u077F\uFB50-\uFDFF\uFE70-\uFEFF]/g, 1 ] }; for (var d in l) l.hasOwnProperty(d) && _.push(d); t.exports = s; }, function(t, e) { function i(t) { "string" != typeof t && (t = ""); return t.replace(/^[A-Za-z]{4}$/, function(t) { return t.slice(0, 2).toLowerCase() + "_" + t.slice(2).toUpperCase(); }); } var n = { "en-us": "en", "en-ca": "en", "en-gb": "en", "es-419": "es", "es-es": "es", fil: "tl", "fr-ca": "fr", no: "nb", pt: "pt_BR", "pt-br": "pt_BR", uk: "ru", "zh-cn": "zh_CN", "zh-tw": "zh_TW" }, o = { en: "en-us", ms: "en-us", tl: "en-us", nb: "no", pt_BR: "pt-br", zh_CN: "zh-cn", zh_TW: "zh-tw" }, r = [ "pt", "uk" ], a = {}; a.zendeskToZopim = function(t, e) { if (!e || -1 === r.indexOf(t)) { var o = "string" == typeof t ? t.toLowerCase() : t, a = n[o]; if (a) return a; } return i(t); }; a.zopimToZendesk = function(t) { return "string" != typeof t ? "" : o[t] || t; }; t.exports = a; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { "--" !== t && t || (t = _.guess()); return s.zendeskToZopim(t, !0); } var o = i(2), r = i(6), a = i(36), s = i(189), _ = i(188), l = {}; l.init = function() { var t, e = r.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("mockup$bool"), i = r.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("popout$bool"), s = r.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("lang_dir$string"), _ = r.root.$("livechat").$("settings").$("language").$("language$string"); if (!e.getValue()) if (i.getValue()) { t = a().get("lang"); t = n(t); _.update(t); o && o.update && o.update(t); o && o.rtl && s.update(o.rtl() ? "rtl" : "ltr"); } else _.bindValue(function(t) { if ("--" !== t && t) { t = n(t); o && o.update && o.update(t); o && o.rtl && s.update(o.rtl() ? "rtl" : "ltr"); } else { t = n(t); _.update(t); } }); }; t.exports = l; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { var t = c.root; u = t.$("connection").$("status$string"); a = t.$("livechat"); s = a.$("agents"); _ = a.$("channel").$("chatting$bool"); l = a.$("account").$("status$string"); d = a.$("ui").$("mockup$bool"); s.bindKeys(r); } function o() { s.unbindKeys(r); a = s = _ = null; l = d = u = null; } function r() { if (!d.getValue() && "reattached" === u.getValue()) { var t = l.getValue(), e = s.getKeys().length; _.getValue() && !e && "offline" == t && c.livechat.endChat(); } } var a, s, _, l, d, u, c = i(6), h = { init: n, reset: o }; t.exports = h; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e) { e = e || window; r = t.$("livechat").$("profile"); var i = { window: a.extend(e, !0), document: a.extend(e.document, !0) }, n = s.throttle(o, l); i.document.on("mousemove", n); i.window.on("click", n); i.window.on("scroll", n); i.window.on("keypress", n); n(); } function o() { r.write({ active$int: +new Date() }); } var r, a = i(14), s = i(34), _ = { init: n }, l = 3e5; t.exports = _; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { a = m.root.$("livechat").$("profile"); s = a.$("display_name$string"); l = a.$("email$string"); u = a.$("auth").$("type$string"); h = a.$("logged_in$bool"); s.on("value", function(t) { _ = t; o(); }); l.on("value", function(t) { d = t; o(); }); u.on("value", function(t) { c = t; o(); }); f = m.root.$("livechat").$("settings"); g = f.$("login").$("allowed_types"); p = f.$("login").$("allowed_types_count$int"); g.on("value", function() { var t = g.getValue(), e = 0; for (var i in t) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i)) { if ("email$bool" == i) continue; t[i] && e++; } e != p.getValue() && p.update(e); }); } function o() { h.update(r()); } function r() { return !!c || (!(!d || !(d + "").trim()) || (!(!_ || !(_ + "").trim() || $.isDefaultName(_)) || void 0)); } var a, s, _, l, d, u, c, h, f, g, p, m = i(6), $ = i(11), b = { init: n }; t.exports = b; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { function e() { a.disableMobileNotifications(t); } if ("boolean" == typeof t) { r.callOnFastInit(e); r.callOnRegistered(e); r.instrument("mobileNotifications.setDisabled"); } else window.console && window.console.log(r.getPrefix() + ": mobileNotifications.setDisabled() expects argument passed to be a boolean"); } function o(t) { function e() { a.mobileNotificationsIgnoreChatButtonVisibility(t); } if ("boolean" == typeof t) { r.callOnFastInit(e); r.callOnRegistered(e); r.instrument("mobileNotifications.setIgnoreChatButtonVisibility"); } else window.console && window.console.log(r.getPrefix() + ": mobileNotifications.setIgnoreChatButtonVisibility() expects argument passed to be a boolean"); } var r = i(26), a = i(24), s = {}; s.setDisabled = n; s.setIgnoreChatButtonVisibility = o; t.exports = s; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { function e() { if (r(t)) { s.saveAPISettings({ settings: { forms: { offline_form: { message$string: t } } } }); o.$("livechat").$("settings").$("forms").$("offline_form").update({ message$string: t }); } else window.console && window.console.log(s.getPrefix() + ": offlineForm.setGreetings() expects passed argument to be a string"); } function i() { s.resetAPISettings({ settings: { forms: { offline_form: { message$string: null } } } }); var t = s.getServerSettings("settings.forms.offline_form.message$string"); t && o.$("livechat").$("settings").$("forms").$("offline_form").update({ message$string: t }); } var n = null === t ? i : e; s.savePopoutAPICalls("offlineForm.setGreetings", [ t ]); s.callOnFastInit(n, !0); s.callOnRegistered(n, !0); s.instrument("offlineForm.setGreetings"); } var o, r = i(22), a = i(6), s = i(26), _ = {}; _.init = function() { o = a.root; }; _.setGreetings = n; t.exports = _; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { function e() { s.saveAPISettings({ settings: { forms: { pre_chat_form: { message$string: t } } } }); o.$("livechat").$("settings").$("forms").$("pre_chat_form").update({ message$string: t }); } if (r(t)) { s.savePopoutAPICalls("prechatForm.setGreetings", [ t ]); s.callOnFastInit(e, !0); s.callOnRegistered(e, !0); s.instrument("prechatForm.setGreetings"); } else window.console && window.console.log(s.getPrefix() + ": prechatForm.setGreetings() expects passed argument to be a string"); } var o, r = i(22), a = i(6), s = i(26), _ = {}; _.init = function() { o = a.root; }; _.setGreetings = n; t.exports = _; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(8), o = i(56), r = i(6), a = {}; a.init = function() { function t(t) { window.console && window.console.log(i ? o.stringify(t) : t); } var e = r.root, i = n.isIE || n.isNewIE; a.connection = function() { t(e.$("connection").getValue()); }; a.livechat = function() { t(e.$("livechat").getValue()); }; a.all = function() { t(e.getValue()); }; }; t.exports = a; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { if (g(t)) { v.instrument("window.onShow"); var e = v.getCallbackCaller(t); x.on("API:window:show", e); } else window.console && window.console.log(v.getPrefix() + ": window.onShow() expects a callback function to be provided"); } function o(t) { if (g(t)) { v.instrument("window.onHide"); var e = v.getCallbackCaller(t); x.on("API:window:hide", e); } else window.console && window.console.log(v.getPrefix() + ": window.onHide() expects a callback function to be provided"); } function r(t) { function e() { v.saveAPISettings({ settings: { chat_window: { title_bar: { title$string: t } } } }); h.$("livechat").$("settings").$("chat_window").$("title_bar").update({ title$string: t }); } t = t && t.toString(); if (f(t)) { v.savePopoutAPICalls("window.setTitle", [ t ]); v.callOnFastInit(e); v.callOnRegistered(e); v.instrument("window.setTitle"); } else window.console && window.console.log(v.getPrefix() + ": window.setTitle expects passed argument to be a string"); } function a() { v.callOnRegistered(function() { x.toggleWindow(); }); v.instrument("window.toggle"); } function s() { v.instrument("window.getDisplay"); return h.$("livechat").$("ui").$("chat_window").$("display$bool").getValue(); } function _(t) { function e() { v.saveAPISettings({ settings: { theme: { chat_window: { v_offset$int: t } } } }); h.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").update({ v_offset$int: t }); } t = parseInt(t, 10); if (isNaN(t) || t < 0) window.console && window.console.log(v.getPrefix() + ': window.setOffsetVertical() Invalid argument. Argument must be a number (20) or in pixels ("20px") and not smaller than 0'); else { v.callOnFastInit(e, !0); v.callOnRegistered(e, !0); v.instrument("window.setOffsetVertical"); } } function l(t) { function e() { v.saveAPISettings({ settings: { theme: { chat_window: { h_offset$int: t } } } }); h.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").update({ h_offset$int: t }); } t = parseInt(t, 10); if (isNaN(t) || t < 0) window.console && window.console.log(v.getPrefix() + ': window.setOffsetHorizontal() Invalid argument. Argument must be a number (20) or in pixels ("20px") and not smaller than 0'); else { v.callOnFastInit(e, !0); v.callOnRegistered(e, !0); v.instrument("window.setOffsetHorizontal"); } } function d(t) { function e() { v.saveAPISettings({ settings: { theme: { chat_window: { position$string: t } } } }); h.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").update({ position$string: t }); } if (f(t)) { v.callOnFastInit(e, !0); v.callOnRegistered(e, !0); v.instrument("window.setPosition"); } else window.console && window.console.log(v.getPrefix() + ": window.setPosition() expects passed argument to be a string"); } function u() { if (b.isAuthenticated()) { window.console && window.console.log(v.getPrefix() + ": openPopout API ignored for authenticated visitors. Falling back to window.show()..."); y.show(); return !1; } if (g(w.isReady) && w.isReady() && m.requestPermission()) { v.instrument("window.openPopout"); return w.openPopout(!0); } return !1; } var c, h, f = i(22), g = i(20), p = i(55), m = i(40), $ = i(6), b = i(44), w = i(70), x = i(24), v = i(26), y = {}; y.init = function(t) { function e() { function t() { x.showWindow(); } var e = p.once(t); v.callOnFastInit(e); v.callOnRegistered(e); v.instrument("window.show"); } function i() { function t() { x.hideWindow(); } var e = p.once(t); v.callOnFastInit(e); v.callOnRegistered(e); v.instrument("window.hide"); } c = t; h = $.root; y.setColor = c.generateDeprecatedFunction("window.setColor", "$zopim.livechat.theme.setColor", function() { v.instrument("window.setColor"); return c.theme.setColor.apply(this, arguments); }); y.setSize = c.generateLimitedFunction("window.setSize", 1, function(t) { function e() { v.saveAPISettings({ settings: { theme: { chat_window: { size$string: t } } } }); h.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_window").update({ size$string: t }); } if (f(t) && t) { v.callOnFastInit(e); v.callOnRegistered(e); v.instrument("window.setSize"); } else window.console && window.console.log(v.getPrefix() + ": window.setSize expects passed argument to be a non-empty string"); }); y.show = e; y.hide = i; }; y.onShow = n; y.onHide = o; y.setTitle = r; y.toggle = a; y.getDisplay = s; y.setOffsetBottom = y.setOffsetVertical = _; y.setOffsetHorizontal = l; y.setPosition = d; y.openPopout = u; t.exports = y; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); v.savePopoutAPICalls("departments.filter", t); v.instrument("departments.filter"); if (arguments.length) { b = t; if (j) r(); else { $.update(!0); g.bindValue(r); j = !0; } } else { $.update(!1); g.unbindValue(r); j = !1; } } function o(t) { var e, i = {}, n = g.getValue(); if (!n) return i; for (var o = t.length; o--; ) { e = t[o]; "number" != typeof e && (e = c(e)); n[e] && (i[e] = !0); } return i; } function r() { if (!w && b) { var t = {}, e = g.getValue(), i = o(b); if (e) { for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && (t[n] = { display$bool: n in i }); w = !0; p.update(t); w = !1; } } } function a(t) { function e() { s(t); } v.callOnFastInit(e); v.callOnRegistered(e, !0); v.instrument("departments.setVisitorDepartment"); } function s(t) { "number" != typeof t && (t = c(t)); t && m.parentNode.write({ department_id$int: t }); } function _() { v.callOnFastInit(l); v.callOnRegistered(l, !0); v.instrument("departments.clearVisitorDepartment"); } function l() { m.parentNode.write({ department_id$int: null }); } function d(t) { "number" != typeof t && (t = c(t)); if (t) { var e = g.$(t).getValue(); if (e) { v.instrument("departments.getDepartment"); return { id: t, name: e.name$string, status: e.status$string }; } } } function u() { var t = g.getValue(), e = []; for (var i in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && e.push({ id: parseInt(i, 10), name: t[i].name$string, status: t[i].status$string }); v.instrument("departments.getAllDepartments"); return e; } function c(t) { t = t && t.toString(); if (t) { var e = g.getValue(); for (var i in e) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, i) && e[i].name$string == t) return parseInt(i, 10); } } function h(t) { function e() { v.saveAPISettings({ settings: { forms: { pre_chat_form: { form: { 2: { label$string: t } } } } } }); f.$("livechat").$("settings").$("forms").$("pre_chat_form").$("form").$("2").update({ label$string: t }); } if (t && "string" == typeof t) { v.savePopoutAPICalls("departments.setLabel", [ t ]); v.callOnFastInit(e, !0); v.callOnRegistered(e, !0); v.instrument("departments.setLabel"); } else window.console && window.console.log(v.getPrefix() + ": departments.setLabel() expects passed argument to be a non-empty string"); } var f, g, p, m, $, b, w, x = i(6), v = i(26), y = {}; y.init = function() { f = x.root; g = f.$("livechat").$("departments"); p = f.$("livechat").$("ui").$("departments").$("options"); m = f.$("livechat").$("profile").$("department_id$int"); $ = f.$("livechat").$("ui").$("departments").$("filter_enabled$bool"); }; var j; y.filter = n; y.setVisitorDepartment = a; y.clearVisitorDepartment = _; y.getDepartment = d; y.getAllDepartments = u; y.setLabel = h; t.exports = y; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { r.enableCookieLaw(); a.instrument("cookieLaw.comply"); } function o() { r.setDefaultImplicitConsent(); a.instrument("cookieLaw.setDefaultImplicitConsent"); } var r = i(40), a = i(26), s = {}; s.init = function() {}; s.comply = n; s.setDefaultImplicitConsent = o; t.exports = s; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { function e() { _.saveAPISettings({ settings: { concierge: t } }); r.$("livechat").$("settings").$("concierge").update(t); } _.callOnFastInit(e, !0); _.callOnRegistered(e, !0); } var o, r, a = i(22), s = i(6), _ = i(26), l = {}; l.init = function(t) { function e(t) { t = t || ""; if (a(t)) { n({ display_name$string: t }); _.savePopoutAPICalls("concierge.setName", [ t ]); _.instrument("concierge.setName"); } else window.console && window.console.log(_.getPrefix() + ": concierge.setName() expects passed argument to be a string"); } function i(t) { t = t || ""; if (a(t)) { n({ title$string: t }); _.savePopoutAPICalls("concierge.setTitle", [ t ]); _.instrument("concierge.setTitle"); } else window.console && window.console.log(_.getPrefix() + ": concierge.setTitle() expects passed argument to be a string"); } o = t; r = s.root; l.setAvatar = o.generateLimitedFunction("concierge.setAvatar", 1, function(t) { t = t || ""; if (a(t)) { n({ avatar_path$string: t }); _.savePopoutAPICalls("concierge.setAvatar", [ t ]); _.instrument("concierge.setAvatar"); } else window.console && window.console.log(_.getPrefix() + ": concierge.setAvatar() expects passed argument to be a string"); }); l.setName = e; l.setTitle = i; }; t.exports = l; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { function t() { $.hideButton(); } var e = p.once(t); w.callOnFastInit(e); w.callOnRegistered(e); w.instrument("button.hide"); } function o() { function t() { $.showButton(); } var e = p.once(t); w.callOnFastInit(e); w.callOnRegistered(e); w.instrument("button.show"); } function r(t) { function e() { w.saveAPISettings({ settings: { theme: { chat_button: { v_offset$int: t } } } }); c.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_button").update({ v_offset$int: t }); } t = parseInt(t, 10); if (isNaN(t) || t < 0) window.console && window.console.log(w.getPrefix() + ': button.setOffsetVertical() Invalid argument. Argument must be a number (20) or in pixels ("20px") and not smaller than 0'); else { w.callOnFastInit(e, !0); w.callOnRegistered(e, !0); w.instrument("button.setOffsetVertical"); } } function a(t) { function e() { w.saveAPISettings({ settings: { theme: { chat_button: { v_offset_mobile$int: t } } } }); c.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_button").update({ v_offset_mobile$int: t }); } t = parseInt(t, 10); if (isNaN(t) || t < 0) window.console && window.console.log(w.getPrefix() + ': button.setOffsetVerticalMobile() Invalid argument. Argument must be a number (20) or in pixels ("20px") and not smaller than 0'); else { w.callOnFastInit(e, !0); w.callOnRegistered(e, !0); w.instrument("button.setOffsetVerticalMobile"); } } function s(t) { function e() { w.saveAPISettings({ settings: { theme: { chat_button: { h_offset$int: t } } } }); c.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_button").update({ h_offset$int: t }); } t = parseInt(t, 10); if (isNaN(t) || t < 0) window.console && window.console.log(w.getPrefix() + ': button.setOffsetHorizontal() Invalid argument. Argument must be a number (20) or in pixels ("20px") and not smaller than 0'); else { w.callOnFastInit(e, !0); w.callOnRegistered(e, !0); w.instrument("button.setOffsetHorizontal"); } } function _(t) { function e() { w.saveAPISettings({ settings: { theme: { chat_button: { h_offset_mobile$int: t } } } }); c.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_button").update({ h_offset_mobile$int: t }); } t = parseInt(t, 10); if (isNaN(t) || t < 0) window.console && window.console.log(w.getPrefix() + ': button.setOffsetHorizontalMobile() Invalid argument. Argument must be a number (20) or in pixels ("20px") and not smaller than 0'); else { w.callOnFastInit(e, !0); w.callOnRegistered(e, !0); w.instrument("button.setOffsetHorizontalMobile"); } } function l(t) { function e() { w.saveAPISettings({ settings: { theme: { chat_button: { position$string: t } } } }); c.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_button").update({ position$string: t }); } if (!h) if (g(t)) { w.callOnFastInit(e, !0); w.callOnRegistered(e, !0); w.instrument("button.setPosition"); } else window.console && window.console.log(w.getPrefix() + ": button.setPosition() expects passed argument to be a string"); } function d(t) { function e() { w.saveAPISettings({ settings: { theme: { chat_button: { position_mobile$string: t } } } }); c.$("livechat").$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_button").update({ position_mobile$string: t }); } if (g(t)) { w.callOnFastInit(e, !0); w.callOnRegistered(e, !0); w.instrument("button.setPositionMobile"); } else window.console && window.console.log(w.getPrefix() + ": button.setPositionMobile() expects passed argument to be a string"); } var u, c, h, f = i(12), g = i(22), p = i(55), m = i(6), $ = i(24), b = i(115), w = i(26), x = {}; x.init = function(t) { function e(t) { function e() { $.setHideWhenOffline(t); } t = f(t); w.callOnFastInit(e, !0); w.callOnRegistered(e, !0); w.instrument("button.setHideWhenOffline"); } u = t; c = m.root; h = c.$("livechat").$("ui").$("mobile$bool").getValue(); x.setColor = u.generateDeprecatedFunction("button.setColor", "$zopim.livechat.theme.setColor", function() { w.instrument("button.setColor"); return b.setColor.apply(this, arguments); }); x.setHideWhenOffline = u.generateLimitedFunction("button.setHideWhenOffline", 1, e); }; x.hide = n; x.show = o; x.setOffsetBottom = x.setOffsetVertical = r; x.setOffsetVerticalMobile = a; x.setOffsetHorizontal = s; x.setOffsetHorizontalMobile = _; x.setPosition = l; x.setPositionMobile = d; t.exports = x; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { function t() { c.showBubble(); } h.callOnFastInit(t); h.callOnRegistered(t); h.instrument("bubble.show"); } function o() { function t() { c.hideBubble(); } h.callOnFastInit(t); h.callOnRegistered(t); h.instrument("bubble.hide"); } function r() { function t() { c.resetBubble(); } h.callOnFastInit(t); h.callOnRegistered(t); h.instrument("bubble.reset"); } function a(t) { function e() { h.saveAPISettings({ settings: { bubble: { title$string: t } } }); l.$("livechat").$("settings").$("bubble").update({ title$string: t }); } if (t && d(t)) { h.callOnFastInit(e, !0); h.callOnRegistered(e, !0); h.instrument("bubble.setTitle"); } else window.console && window.console.log(h.getPrefix() + ": bubble.setTitle() expects passed argument to be a non-empty string"); } function s(t) { function e() { h.saveAPISettings({ settings: { bubble: { text$string: t } } }); l.$("livechat").$("settings").$("bubble").update({ text$string: t }); } if (t && d(t)) { h.callOnFastInit(e, !0); h.callOnRegistered(e, !0); h.instrument("bubble.setText"); } else window.console && window.console.log(h.getPrefix() + ": bubble.setText() expects passed argument to be a non-empty string"); } var _, l, d = i(22), u = i(6), c = i(24), h = i(26), f = {}; f.init = function(t) { _ = t; l = u.root; f.setColor = _.generateLimitedFunction("bubble.setColor", 1, function(t) { h.instrument("bubble.setColor"); return _.theme.setColor(t, "bubble"); }); }; f.show = n; f.hide = o; f.reset = r; f.setTitle = a; f.setText = s; t.exports = f; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { function e() { d.saveAPISettings({ settings: { banner: t } }); r.$("livechat").$("settings").$("banner").update(t); } d.callOnFastInit(e, !0); d.callOnRegistered(e, !0); } var o, r, a = i(31), s = i(22), _ = i(6), l = i(24), d = i(26), u = {}; u.init = function(t) { function e(t) { function e() { t = t || ""; s(t) ? n({ text$string: t }) : window.console && window.console.log(d.getPrefix() + ": badge.setText() expects passed argument to be a string"); } d.callOnFastInit(e, !0); d.callOnRegistered(e, !0); d.instrument("badge.setText"); } function i() { function t() { l.showBanner(); } d.callOnFastInit(t); d.callOnRegistered(t); d.instrument("badge.show"); } function c() { function t() { l.hideBanner(); } d.callOnFastInit(t); d.callOnRegistered(t); d.instrument("badge.hide"); } o = t; r = _.root; u.setLayout = function() { var t = [ "image_right", "image_left", "text_only", "image_only" ], e = t.join(", "); return o.generateLimitedFunction("badge.setLayout", 1, function(i) { function o() { i && -1 != a(i, t) ? n({ layout$string: i }) : window.console && window.console.log("Invalid layout. Valid layouts: " + e); } d.callOnFastInit(o, !0); d.callOnRegistered(o, !0); d.instrument("badge.setLayout"); }); }(); u.setImage = o.generateLimitedFunction("badge.setImage", 1, function(t) { function e() { t = t || ""; s(t) ? n({ image_path$string: t }) : window.console && window.console.log(d.getPrefix() + ": badge.setImage() expects passed argument to be a string"); } d.callOnFastInit(e, !0); d.callOnRegistered(e, !0); d.instrument("badge.setImage"); }); u.setColor = o.generateLimitedFunction("badge.setColor", 1, function(t) { d.instrument("badge.setColor"); return o.theme.setColor(t, "badge"); }); u.setText = e; u.show = i; u.hide = o.generateLimitedFunction("badge.hide", 1, c); }; t.exports = u; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { V = et.root; if (!V.$("livechat").$("ui").$("mockup$bool").getValue()) { var t = this; nt.init(t); ot.init(t); rt.init(t); at.init(t); st.init(t); _t.init(t); lt.init(t); dt.init(t); ut.init(t); ct.init(t); ht.init(t); ft.init(t); O(); V.$("livechat").$("ui").$("popout$bool").getValue() && W(); } } function o() { nt.instrument("livechat.getName"); return V.$("livechat").$("profile").$("display_name$string").getValue() || ""; } function r() { nt.instrument("livechat.getEmail"); return V.$("livechat").$("profile").$("email$string").getValue() || ""; } function a() { nt.instrument("livechat.getPhone"); return V.$("livechat").$("profile").$("phone$string").getValue() || ""; } function s() { nt.instrument("livechat.isChatting"); return V.$("livechat").$("channel").$("chatting$bool").getValue() || !1; } function _(t) { if ("object" == typeof t) { var e, i, n = this; for (i in t) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i)) { e = "set" + F(i); U(n[e]) && n[e](t[i]); } nt.instrument("livechat.html"); return n; } } function l(t) { function e() { z.isAuthenticated() ? window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": setName API ignored for authenticated visitors.") : et.livechat.updateProfile({ name: t }); } t = t && t.toString(); if (V.$("livechat").$("profile").$("display_name$string").getValue() !== t) if (t && t.length > 255) window.console && window.console.warn && window.console.warn(nt.getPrefix() + ": setName(): the provided name cannot exceed 255 characters"); else { nt.callOnFastInit(e); nt.callOnReattached(e); nt.instrument("livechat.setName"); } } function d(t) { function e() { z.isAuthenticated() ? window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": setEmail API ignored for authenticated visitors.") : et.livechat.updateProfile({ email: t }); } t = t && t.toString().trim(); if (V.$("livechat").$("profile").$("email$string").getValue() !== t) if (tt.email.test(t)) { nt.callOnFastInit(e); nt.callOnReattached(e); nt.instrument("livechat.setEmail"); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": setEmail(): the email provided is not valid: [" + t + "]"); } function u(t) { function e() { et.livechat.updateProfile({ phone: t }); } t = t && t.toString(); if (V.$("livechat").$("profile").$("phone$string").getValue() !== t) if (t && t.length > 25) window.console && window.console.warn && window.console.warn(nt.getPrefix() + ": setPhone(): the provided phone number cannot exceed 25 characters"); else { nt.callOnFastInit(e); nt.callOnReattached(e); nt.instrument("livechat.setPhone"); } } function c() { function t() { V.$("livechat").$("channel").$("tags").write({ added$string: n.join(",") }); } if (arguments.length) { for (var e, i = arguments, n = [], o = 0, r = i.length; o < r; o++) { e = (i[o] + "").trim(); e && n.push(e); } nt.callOnFastInit(t); nt.callOnReattached(t); nt.instrument("livechat.addTags"); } } function h(t) { function e() { V.$("livechat").$("session").$("page_path").write({ url$string: i, title$string: n }); } var i, n; if ("object" == typeof t && t && (i = M(t.url))) n = t.title || $t.title || ""; else { if (!G(t)) { window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": sendVisitorPath(): the parameters provided are not valid. Please refer to the API documentation."); return; } i = bt + ""; n = $t.title || ""; } nt.callOnReattached(e); nt.instrument("livechat.sendVisitorPath"); } function f() { function t() { V.$("livechat").$("channel").$("tags").write({ removed$string: n.join(",") }); } if (arguments.length) { for (var e, i = arguments, n = [], o = 0, r = i.length; o < r; o++) { e = (i[o] + "").trim(); e && n.push(e); } nt.callOnFastInit(t); nt.callOnReattached(t); nt.instrument("livechat.removeTags"); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": removeTags(): Please provide at least one tag"); } function g(t) { function e() { V.$("livechat").$("profile").$("notification").update({ sound$bool: !t }); } if ("boolean" == typeof t) { nt.callOnFastInit(e); nt.callOnRegistered(e); nt.instrument("livechat.setDisableSound"); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": setDisableSound() expects passed argument to be true/false"); } function p(t) { function e() { q.setDisabled(t); } if ("boolean" == typeof t) { nt.callOnFastInit(e); nt.callOnRegistered(e); nt.instrument("livechat.setDisableGoogleAnalytics"); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": setDisableGoogleAnalytics() expects passed argument to be true/false"); } function m(t) { function e() { nt.saveAPISettings({ settings: { language: { language$string: t } } }); V.$("livechat").$("settings").$("language").update({ language$string: t }); } if (Y(t) && t) { nt.callOnFastInit(e); nt.callOnRegistered(e); nt.instrument("livechat.setLanguage"); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": setLanguage() expects passed argument to be a non-empty string"); } function $(t) { function e(t) { if (o[t] && Y(o[t])) { var e = {}; e[t + "$string"] = o[t]; nt.saveAPISettings({ settings: { greetings: e } }); V.$("livechat").$("settings").$("greetings").update(e); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ': setGreetings() expects a non-empty string to be provided for "' + t + '"'); } function i(t) { var e = {}; e[t + "$string"] = null; nt.resetAPISettings({ settings: { greetings: e } }); var i = nt.getServerSettings("settings.greetings." + t + "$string"); if (i) { e[t + "$string"] = i; V.$("livechat").$("settings").$("greetings").update(e); } } function n(t, e) { if (e in t) return X(t[e]) ? t[e][0] : t[e]; } if (t && "object" == typeof t) { var o = { online: n(t, "online"), offline: n(t, "offline") }, r = function() { (null === o.online ? i : e)("online"); (null === o.offline ? i : e)("offline"); }; nt.callOnFastInit(r, !0); nt.callOnReattached(r, !0); nt.instrument("livechat.setGreetings"); } } function b() { function t() { et.livechat.clearAll(); et.livechat.reconnect(); } nt.callOnRegistered(t); nt.instrument("livechat.clearAll"); } function w() { function t() { it.hideAll(); } var e = J.once(t); nt.callOnFastInit(e); nt.callOnRegistered(e); nt.instrument("livechat.hideAll"); } function x(t) { if (t && "string" == typeof t) { nt.callOnReattached(function() { var e = V.$("livechat").$("profile").$("department_id$int").getValue(), i = { msg: t }; e && (i.department = e); et.livechat.sendChatMsg(i); mt.window.show(); }); nt.instrument("livechat.say"); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": say() expects a non-empty string to be provided as an argument"); } function v(t) { if (U(t)) { nt.callOnReattached(nt.getCallbackCaller(t), !0); nt.instrument("livechat.setOnConnected"); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": setOnConnected() expects a callback function to be provided"); } function y(t) { var e = xt.last_chatting_state, i = Z(t); if (i !== xt.last_chatting_state) { xt.last_chatting_state = i; i ? xt.start_ready && xt.fire("chat_start") : e && xt.fire("chat_end"); } } function j() { if (!xt.listening) { xt.listening = !0; V.$("livechat").$("channel").$("chatting$bool").bindValue(y); } } function C(t) { if (U(t)) { xt.on("chat_start", nt.getCallbackCaller(t)); j(); nt.instrument("livechat.setOnChatStart"); if (!xt.start_settled) { xt.start_settled = !0; nt.callOnReattached(function() { xt.last_chatting_state = Z(V.$("livechat").$("channel").$("chatting$bool").getValue()); xt.start_ready = !0; }); } } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": setOnChatStart() expects a callback function to be provided"); } function S(t) { if (U(t)) { xt.on("chat_end", nt.getCallbackCaller(t)); j(); nt.instrument("livechat.setOnChatEnd"); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": setOnChatEnd() expects a callback function to be provided"); } function A(t) { U(t) ? nt.callOnRegistered(nt.getCallbackCaller(t), !0) : window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": setOnFlashReady() expects a callback function to be provided"); } function k(t) { function e() { i(n.getValue()); } if (U(t)) { var i = nt.getCallbackCaller(t), n = V.$("livechat").$("account").$("status$string"), o = V.$("livechat").$("departments"), r = H.debounce(e); n.bindValue(r); o.bindValue(r); nt.instrument("livechat.setOnStatus"); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": setOnStatus() expects a callback function to be provided"); } function I(t) { if (U(t)) { var e; t = nt.getCallbackCaller(t); V.$("livechat").$("ui").$("chat_button").$("unread_count$int").bindValue(function(i) { if (K(i) && e != i) { e = i; nt.callNow(t, e); } }); nt.instrument("livechat.setOnUnreadMsgs"); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": setOnUnreadMsgs() expects a callback function to be provided"); } function T() { et.livechat.endChat(); nt.instrument("livechat.endChat"); } function N(t) { function e() { if (Y(t) && t) { t = t.toLowerCase(); if ("online" === t || "offline" === t) { nt.saveAPISettings({ account: { status$string: t } }); V.$("livechat").$("account").update({ status$string: t }); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ': setStatus() only accepts "online" or "offline" as a valid status'); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": setStatus() expects passed argument to be a non-empty string"); } function i() { nt.resetAPISettings({ account: { status$string: null } }); var t = nt.getServerSettings("account.status$string"); t && V.$("livechat").$("account").update({ status$string: t }); } var n = null === t ? i : e; nt.savePopoutAPICalls("setStatus", [ t ]); nt.callOnFastInit(n); nt.callOnReattached(n); nt.instrument("livechat.setStatus"); } function B(t) { function e() { V.$("livechat").$("profile").write({ notes$string: t }); } if (Y(t)) { nt.callOnFastInit(e); nt.callOnReattached(e); nt.instrument("livechat.setNotes"); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": setNotes() expects passed argument to be a string"); } function D(t) { function e() { V.$("livechat").$("profile").write({ notes_append$string: t }); } if (Y(t)) { nt.callOnReattached(e); nt.instrument("livechat.appendNotes"); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": appendNotes() expects passed argument to be a string"); } function E(t) { if ("object" == typeof t && U(t.jwtFn)) { nt.instrument("livechat.authenticate"); V.$("connection").$("status$string").getValue() ? window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": visitor authentication must be initiated immediately after embedding script") : z.setSiteJWTFunc(t.jwtFn); } else window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ": authenticate(): the parameters provided are not valid. Please refer to the API documentation."); } function O() { var t = window.$zopim; window.$zopim = nt.callNow; window.$zopim.livechat = mt; nt.handleDelayed(t && t._); } function L() { var t = window.$zopim, e = t && t.onError; if ("function" == typeof e) { e = nt.getCallbackCaller(e); nt.callNow(e); } } function W() { wt = { "departments.filter": lt.filter, "departments.setLabel": lt.setLabel, "prechatForm.setGreetings": ht.setGreetings, "offlineForm.setGreetings": ft.setGreetings, "theme.setColors": dt.setColors, "theme.reload": dt.reload, "theme.setTheme": dt.setTheme, "theme.setProfileCardConfig": dt.setProfileCardConfig, "concierge.setName": st.setName, "concierge.setTitle": st.setTitle, "concierge.setAvatar": st.setAvatar, "window.setTitle": ut.setTitle, setStatus: mt.setStatus }; for (var t = nt.parseAPIFromQuery(), e = this, i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; i++) { var o = t[i][0], r = t[i][1]; o in wt && wt[o].apply(e, r); } } function P(t, e, i) { return function() { window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ': LiveChatAPI call "' + t + '" is deprecated and may be removed in the future. ' + (e ? 'Use "' + e + '" instead.' : "Refer to http://api.zopim.com/ for the latest API documentation.")); return i.apply(this, arguments); }; } function R(t, e, i) { return function() { var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); return i.apply(this, t); }; } function F(t) { t += ""; return t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.substring(1); } function M(t) { if ("string" != typeof t) return ""; var e, i = tt.search.hurl; i.lastIndex = 0; e = i.exec(t); i.lastIndex = 0; return e ? e[0].trim() : ""; } var V, H = i(34), q = i(49), z = i(44), U = i(20), G = i(25), Y = i(22), X = i(21), Z = i(12), K = i(28), Q = i(14), J = i(55), tt = i(64), et = i(6), it = i(24), nt = i(26), ot = i(204), rt = i(203), at = i(202), st = i(201), _t = i(200), lt = i(199), dt = i(115), ut = i(198), ct = i(197), ht = i(196), ft = i(195), gt = i(194), pt = { interval: 500, limit: 10 }, mt = { badge: ot, bubble: rt, button: at, concierge: st, cookieLaw: _t, departments: lt, theme: dt, window: ut, debug: ct, prechatForm: ht, offlineForm: ft, mobileNotifications: gt, generateDeprecatedFunction: P, generateLimitedFunction: R, authenticate: E, init: n, handleInitError: L, isChatting: s, set: _, getName: o, getEmail: r, getPhone: a, setName: l, setEmail: d, setPhone: u, addTags: c, sendVisitorPath: h, removeTags: f, setDisableSound: g, setLanguage: m, setGreetings: $, clearAll: b, hideAll: w, say: x, setOnConnected: v, setOnChatStart: C, setOnChatEnd: S, setOnFlashReady: A, setOnStatus: k, setOnUnreadMsgs: I, endChat: T, setStatus: nt.rateLimit(N, "setStatus", pt), setNotes: B, appendNotes: D, setDisableGoogleAnalytics: p }, $t = document, bt = window.location, wt = {}, xt = { listening: !1, last_chatting_state: null, start_settled: !1, start_ready: !1 }; Q.extend(xt); var vt = { global: "fire freeze setOnGreeting".split(" "), bubble: "setImage".split(" "), button: "setImage setTheme useFavicon".split(" "), window: "getSettings setBg".split(" "), cookieLaw: "showPrivacyPanel".split(" "), unreadflag: "disable enable".split(" ") }; for (var yt in vt) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(vt, yt)) { var jt, Ct = vt[yt]; if ("global" == yt) jt = mt; else { mt[yt] || (mt[yt] = {}); jt = mt[yt]; } for (var St = 0; St < Ct.length; St++) { var At = Ct[St]; jt[At] = function(t) { return function() { window.console && window.console.log(nt.getPrefix() + ': LiveChatAPI call "' + t + '" is obsolete. Refer to http://api.zopim.com/ for the latest API documentation.'); }; }(At); } } t.exports = mt; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { s = d.root.$("livechat"); _ = s.$("agents"); l = s.$("ui").$("cache_agents"); _.bindValue(r); } function o() { _.unbindValue(r); s = _ = l = null; } function r(t) { t && l.update(a(t)); } function a(t) { var e, i, n = {}; if (!t) return {}; for (e in t) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e)) { i = t[e]; if (null === i) continue; n[e] = "object" == typeof i ? a(i) : i; } return n; } var s, _, l, d = i(6), u = { init: n, reset: o }; t.exports = u; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { a = d.root.$("livechat"); s = a.$("agents"); _ = a.$("triggers").$("agents"); l = a.$("ui").$("chat_window").$("typing_info"); s.on("value", o); _.on("value", o); } function o() { var t, e = s.getValue(), i = _.getValue(), n = []; if (e) for (t in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) && e[t].typing$bool && n.push(e[t].display_name$string); if (i) for (t in i) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, t) && i[t].typing$bool && n.push(t); l.update({ agent_typing$bool: n.length > 0, agent_names$string: n.join(u), num_typing_agents$int: n.length }); } function r() { _.un("value", o); s.un("value", o); a = s = _ = l = void 0; } var a, s, _, l, d = i(6), u = ", ", c = { SEPARATOR: u, init: n, resetState: r }; t.exports = c; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = i(2), _ = i(4); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Gravatar = i(83); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Controls = i(48); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button = i(17); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, l, d) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, l, d); o = o || _.generateID(); var u = s(113), c = s(114), h = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { addClass: "paper" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Gravatar, "gravatar", "", [], { id: "gravatar", addClass: "rounded_avatar" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { addClass: "agent_profile_spacer" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "agent_name", "", [], { id: "agent_name", addClass: "agent_name" } ] ], { addClass: "agent_profile" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "chat_msg", "", [], { id: "chat_msg", addClass: "text_container" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Controls, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button, "reply_btn", "", [ u ], { placement: "primary", id: "reply_btn", addClass: "wide" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button, "dismiss_btn", "", [ c ], { placement: "secondary", id: "dismiss_btn", addClass: "wide secondary" } ] ], { addClass: "controls_container" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:mobileChatNotification": "meshim.widget.components.mobileChatNotification" } ], f = h[0].call(this, e, o, null, _.mangleIDs(o, h[3]), h[4]), g = f || this; _.set(o, g); var p = _.get(o + "__gravatar"), m = _.get(o + "__agent_name"), $ = _.get(o + "__chat_msg"), b = _.get(o + "__reply_btn"), w = _.get(o + "__dismiss_btn"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var x = function() { function t(t) { p.setMemberNode(t); } function e(t) { o && g.autounbind(o, "value", n); o = t; o && g.autobind(o, "value", n); } function n(t) { if (t) { "attachment" in t ? $.setText(r.chat_notification.attachment) : "msg$string" in t && $.setText(t.msg$string); "display_name$string" in t && m.setText(t.display_name$string); } } var o, r = i(10), a = i(6), s = i(24), _ = a.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("chat_notification"); g.setAgentDataNode = t; g.setLogDataNode = e; !function() { w.on("click", function() { s.userDismissMobileNotification(); _.write({ dismiss_clicked$bool: !0 }); }); b.on("click", function() { s.userReplyMobileNotification(); _.write({ reply_clicked$bool: !0 }); }); }(); }(); for (var v in x) g[v] = x[v]; g.fire && g.fire("init"); g.setStyle && g.setStyle(r); g.setAttributes && g.setAttributes(d); "function" == typeof g.addChildren ? g.addChildren(l) : _.addChildren(g, l); if (g !== this) { g.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; g.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return g; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { ".paper": { position: "absolute", top: "14px", "bottom, left, right": 0, backgroundColor: "white", opacity: "0.9", zIndex: "-1", boxShadow: "0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);", borderRadius: "5px", margin: "0 2px 2px" }, ".agent_profile": { width: "100%", display: [ "flex", "-webkit-flex" ], "alignItems, -webkit-align-items": "flex-end", position: "relative", padding: "0 14px" }, ".rounded_avatar": { "flexShrink, -webkit-flex-shrink": "0", borderRadius: "50%", "width, height": "40px", border: "1px solid #ddd" }, ".agent_profile_spacer": { "flexShrink, -webkit-flex-shrink": "0", width: "8px" }, ".agent_name": { "flexGrow, -webkit-flex-grow": "1", position: "relative", bottom: "4px", color: "$$profileCardNameColor", fontWeight: "bold", overflow: "hidden", textOverflow: "ellipsis", whiteSpace: "nowrap" }, ".controls_container": { position: "absolute", "bottom, left, right": 0, padding: "10px" }, ".text_container": { width: "100%", padding: "10px", paddingTop: "6px", overflow: "hidden", textOverflow: "ellipsis", whiteSpace: "nowrap" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_mobileChatNotification_NotificationCard" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame = i(71); n.__$$__jx_ui_FullFrame = i(90); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatNotification_NotificationCard = i(208); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_fontLoader_ZopimFont = i(59); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_FullFrame, "notification_card_container", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatNotification_NotificationCard, "notification_card", "", [], { id: "notification_card", addClass: "notification_card" } ] ], { id: "notification_card_container", addClass: "notification_card_container", overflow: "hidden" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_fontLoader_ZopimFont, "", "", [], {} ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:mobileChatNotification": "meshim.widget.components.mobileChatNotification", position: "fixed", bottom: "0", left: "0", right: "0", width: "100%", height: "132px", minWidth: "220px", maxWidth: "350px", marginLeft: "auto", marginRight: "auto", zIndex: "16000004", useDisplay: "true", visible: "false", addClass: "zopim" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__notification_card_container"), f = s.get(o + "__notification_card"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var g = function() { function t() { var t = window.innerWidth; if (!(t < w)) { var e = parseFloat(B.getValue()), i = e * g.MOBILE_ZOOM_ADDITIONAL; b / i > t && (i = (b + 4) / t); c.setStyle({ maxWidth: b / i + "px", height: $ / i + "px" }); h.setStyle({ transform: "scale(" + 1 / i + ")", "-webkit-transform": "scale(" + 1 / i + ")", transformOrigin: "top left", "-webkit-transform-origin": "top left", width: b + "px", height: $ + "px" }); } } function e(e) { if (e && !(parseFloat(B.getValue()) > 1)) { var i = A.getValue(); if (!(i > e || void 0 === i) && (e < k.getValue() || !k.getValue())) { var n = T.getValue(), o = C.$("log").$(n), r = o.getValue(), a = r.nick$string, s = j.$("agents").$(a); null === s.getValue() && (s = j.$("settings").$("concierge")); t(); f.setAgentDataNode(s); f.setLogDataNode(o); d.showMobileNotification(); } } } function n(t) { c.setVisible(!0); r = clearTimeout(r); a.animate({ endStyle: v, duration: 200 }, function(e) { if (!e) { N.write({ shown$bool: !0 }); r = setTimeout(d.hideMobileNotification, m); } t && t(e); }); } function o(t) { r = clearTimeout(r); a.animate({ endStyle: x, duration: 200 }, function(e) { e || c.setVisible(!1); t && t(e); }); } var r, a, s = i(6), _ = i(57), l = i(92), d = i(24), u = i(65), g = i(35), p = i(46), m = 7200, $ = 132, b = 350, w = 980, x = { opacity: 0, translateY: "100%" }, v = { opacity: 1, translateY: "0%" }, y = s.root, j = y.$("livechat"), C = j.$("channel"), S = j.$("ui"), A = y.$("connection").$("reattached_timestamp$int"), k = C.$("first_visitor_msg_ts$int"), I = C.$("first_account_msg_ts$int"), T = C.$("first_account_msg_id$string"), N = S.$("chat_notification"), B = S.$("chat_button").$("mobile").$("calculated_styles").$("zoom$string"); !function() { c.defaultPlacement.addClass(c.__jx__fqname); c.defaultPlacement.addClass(_.prototype.__jx__fqname); c.setCSSStyle("willChange", "transform"); p(c.ibody); a = new u(c, x); c.autobind(I, "value", e); c.moveDown = o; c.moveUp = n; l.registerChatNotification(c); }(); }(); for (var p in g) c[p] = g[p]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { ".notification_card": { position: "relative", height: "122px", width: "100%" }, ".notification_card_container": { paddingLeft: "5px", paddingRight: "5px" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_MobileChatNotification" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_FullFrame = i(90); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_MainScreen = i(116); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_fontLoader_ZopimFont = i(59); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_FullFrame, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_MainScreen, "", "", [], {} ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_fontLoader_ZopimFont, "", "", [], {} ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:mobileWindow": "meshim.widget.components.mobileChatWindow" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { var t = i(60), e = i(46); !function() { e(c); t.init(); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_FullFrame.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = {}; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_FullFrame, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_PopoutMobileChatWindow" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { var t = u.getDocumentScrollElement(); _ = t.scrollTop; l = t.scrollLeft; } function o() { if (void 0 !== _) { var t = u.getDocumentScrollElement(); t.scrollTop = _; t.scrollLeft = l; } } function r() { if (s) return s; s = document.scrollingElement ? document.scrollingElement : !d.isWebKit && d.isStrict ? document.documentElement : document.body || document.documentElement; return s; } function a() { _ = l = s = void 0; } var s, _, l, d = i(8), u = { store: n, restore: o, resetState: a, getDocumentScrollElement: r }; t.exports = u; }, function(t, e) { function i(t) { var e, i, s; if (document.body && document.body.style) { n = document.body.style, t = !!t; if (t && !o) { for (e = 0, i = r.length; e < i; e++) { s = r[e]; a[s] = n[s]; } n.position = "fixed"; n.overflowY = "hidden"; n.webkitTextSizeAdjust = "100%"; n.width = "100%"; n.minHeight = "100%"; n.margin = "0px"; o = !0; } else if (!t && o) { for (e = 0, i = r.length; e < i; e++) { s = r[e]; n[s] = a[s]; } o = !1; } } } var n, o, r = [ "position", "overflowY", "webkitTextSizeAdjust", "width", "minHeight", "margin" ], a = {}; i.resetState = function() { o = void 0; a = {}; }; t.exports = i; }, function(t, e) { function i(t) { var e; if (t && !s) { e = n(); r = e.getAttribute("content") || ""; e.setAttribute("content", _); s = !0; } else if (!t && s) { e = n(); e.setAttribute("content", r); s = !1; } } function n() { if (a) return a; var t = document.head.querySelectorAll("meta[name=viewport]"); a = t[t.length - 1] || o(); return a; } function o() { var t = document.createElement("meta"); t.setAttribute("name", "viewport"); document.head.appendChild(t); return t; } var r, a, s, _ = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no"; i.resetState = function() { a && a.parentNode.removeChild(a); r = a = s = void 0; }; t.exports = i; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Toast = i(111); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div = i(13); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont = i(15); n.__$$__jx_ui_html_span = i(30); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Toast, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_div, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont, "", "", [], { icon: "arrow_down_long", addClass: "arrow_down_long" } ] ], { addClass: "arrow_container" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_html_span, "message", "", [], { id: "message" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", display: "inline-block", useDisplay: "true", visible: "false" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__message"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var f = function() { function t(t) { t && n(); } function e() { r = !0; c.setVisible(!0); o.animate({ endStyle: f, duration: 300, delay: 500 }); } function n() { if (r) { r = !1; o.animate({ endStyle: u, duration: 100 }, function(t) { t || c.setVisible(!1); }); } } var o, r, a = i(33), s = i(60), _ = i(6), l = i(65), d = i(10), u = { opacity: 0 }, f = { opacity: 1 }, g = _.root.$("livechat").$("ui"), p = g.$("chat_button").$("unread_count$int"), m = g.$("chat_window").$("chat_panel").$("scrollable"), $ = m.$("scrolled_to_bottom$bool"), b = m.$("smooth_scroll_count$int"); !function() { o = new l(c, u); c.autobind($, "value", t); c.autobind(b, "value", t); c.autobind(p, "value", function(t) { if (t > 0) { e(); h.setText(d.chat_panel[1 == t ? "new_message_below" : "new_messages_below"].replace("", t)); } else n(); }); c.on("click", function() { a.resetUnreadCount(); s.scrollToBottom(); }); }(); }(); for (var g in f) c[g] = f[g]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Toast.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { fontWeight: "bold" }, ".arrow_container": { display: "inline-block", paddingRight: "4px", verticalAlign: "bottom" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Toast, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_chatPanel_NewMessagesToast" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_TextArea = i(78); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_TextArea, "", "", [], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", addClass: "unstyled" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t(t) { t = n(t, "checkNull") ? "" : t; t !== c.getValue() && a.call(c, t); e(); } function e() { c.setHeight(0).setHeight(c.getScrollHeight()); } var n = i(25), o = i(6), r = o.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("theme_loaded$bool"), a = c.setValue; !function() { c.setValue = t; c.autobind(r, "value", function(t) { t && e(); }); c.on("input", e); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_TextArea.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { overflowX: "hidden" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_TextArea, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_chatPanel_AutoResizeTextArea" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button = i(17); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont = i(15); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_SendFile = i(121); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_chatPanel_AutoResizeTextArea = i(215); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button, "send", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont, "", "", [], { icon: "send", addClass: "send" } ] ], { id: "send", addClass: "send_button primary fit" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Button, "upload", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont, "", "", [], { icon: "upload", addClass: "upload" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_SendFile, "", "", [], { addClass: "send_file" } ] ], { id: "upload", addClass: "upload_button primary fit" } ] ], { addClass: "send_wrapper" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_chatPanel_AutoResizeTextArea, "textarea", "", [], { id: "textarea", addClass: "textarea" } ] ], { addClass: "textarea_wrapper" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:mui": "meshim.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:mobileChatWindow": "meshim.widget.components.mobileChatWindow" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__send"), f = s.get(o + "__upload"), g = s.get(o + "__textarea"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var p = function() { function t() { v.$("chat_window").update({ menu_stack_name$string: "" }); } function e() { u.resetUnreadCount(); } function n() { d.isIOS && "ja" === s && _ && g.dom.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); p.userInputValue(g.getValue()); } function o(t, e) { if (a !== t || l !== e) { a = t; l = e; if (l && a === I.FILE) { h.setDisplay("none"); f.setDisplay(""); } else { h.setDisplay(""); f.setDisplay("none"); } } } function r() { var t = A.getValue(), e = j.getValue("color_customization_enabled$int") || j.getValue("widget_customization_enabled$int"), i = !0; e ? !1 === t && (i = !1) : i = !1; o(a, i); } var a, s, _, l, d = i(8), u = i(33), p = i(60), m = i(6), $ = i(10), b = i(35), w = m.root, x = w.$("livechat"), v = x.$("ui"), y = v.$("chat_window").$("chat_panel").$("textarea").$("value$string"), j = x.$("settings").$("package"), C = x.$("settings").$("language").$("language$string"), S = x.$("settings").$("file_sending"), A = S.$("enabled$bool"), k = w.$("connection").$("status$string"), I = { TEXT: 0, FILE: 1 }; !function() { g.setPlaceholder($.chat_panel.chattextarea_placeholder); _ = !!g.dom.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded; c.autobind(C, "value", function(t) { s = t; }); c.autobind(y, "value", function(t) { g.setValue(t); o(t ? I.TEXT : I.FILE, l); }); c.autobind(A, "value", r); c.autobind(j, "value", r); g.on("input", n); g.on("focus", function() { e(); t(); p.userFocusTextArea(); }); g.on("keydown", function(t) { if (13 === t.keyCode && !t.shiftKey && !t.ctrlKey && !t.altKey) { t.preventDefault(); p.userSendMessage(g.getValue()); } }); h.on("mousedown", function(i) { b.isChromeIOSMobile || d.isIOS && "ja" === s || i.preventDefault(); d.isAndroid && g.dom.setSelectionRange && g.dom.setSelectionRange(0, 1); p.userSendMessage(g.getValue()); e(); t(); }); c.autobind(k, "value", function(t) { c.setDisabled("idle_disconnect" === t); }); }(); }(); for (var m in p) c[m] = p[m]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { width: "100%", display: [ "flex", "-webkit-flex" ], borderWidth: "$$chatTextAreaBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$chatTextAreaBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$chatTextAreaBorderColor", "&.disabled": { opacity: "0.5" } }, ".textarea": { width: "100%", lineHeight: "1.3em", maxHeight: "3.9em", minHeight: "2em", padding: "10px", paddingBottom: "0px", resize: "none" }, ".textarea_wrapper": { "flexGrow, -webkit-flex-grow": "1", "order, -webkit-order": "1" }, ".send_button, .upload_button": { fontSize: "$$fontSizeXXL", margin: "$$chatTextAreaSubmitMargin", padding: "$$chatTextAreaSubmitPadding", width: "44px", height: "32px", boxShadow: "inset 0px 2px 0px 0px rgba(255,255,255,0.30)", borderRadius: "4px", ".send": { paddingLeft: "3px", paddingTop: "4px" }, ".upload": { paddingTop: "3px" } }, ".send_button.rtl .send": { direction: "ltr" }, ".upload_button": { position: "relative" }, ".send_file": { position: "absolute", "top, left": 0 }, ".send_wrapper": { "flexShrink, -webkit-flex-shrink": "0", "order, -webkit-order": "2", marginTop: "auto" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_chatPanel_ChatTextArea" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t() { var t = a.$("num_typing_agents$int").getValue(); if (t >= 1) { c.setText((1 == t ? o.chat_panel.name_is_typing : o.chat_panel.agents_are_typing).replace("", a.$("agent_names$string").getValue())); c.setDisplay(""); } else c.setDisplay("none"); } var e = i(2), n = i(6), o = i(10), r = n.root.$("livechat"), a = r.$("ui").$("chat_window").$("typing_info"); !function() { c.autobind(a.$("num_typing_agents$int"), "value", t); if (e && e.onLanguage) { e.onLanguage(t); c.onDestruction(function() { e.unLanguage(t); }); } }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { fontSize: "$$fontSizeS", color: "$$chatLogSystemMsgColor", background: "$$chatLogSystemMsgBg", textAlign: "center" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_chatPanel_AgentTypingStatus" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_ChatPanelHeader = i(139); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_Spinner = i(105); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_HistoryLog = i(104); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_FastInitChatLog = i(133); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Branding = i(89); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_chatPanel_AgentTypingStatus = i(217); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_CookieLawNotice = i(165); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_QueueMessage = i(132); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_chatPanel_ChatTextArea = i(216); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_TitleBar = i(169); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_MobileOptionsMenuIcon = i(166); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowDisconnectedToast = i(84); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_File = i(140); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_chatPanel_NewMessagesToast = i(214); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "served_by_container", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_ChatPanelHeader, "", "", [], {} ] ], { id: "served_by_container", addClass: "served_by_container" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "scrollable", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_Spinner, "large_spinner", "", [], { id: "large_spinner", addClass: "large_spinner", size: "big", visible: "false" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_Spinner, "small_spinner", "", [], { id: "small_spinner", visible: "false" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_HistoryLog, "", "", [], {} ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_FastInitChatLog, "", "", [], {} ] ], { addClass: "chat_log_wrapper" } ] ], { addClass: "chatlog_container" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "branding_and_agent_typing_container", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Branding, "chatpanel_branding", "", [], { id: "chatpanel_branding", addClass: "chatpanel_branding" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_chatPanel_AgentTypingStatus, "agent_typing", "", [], { id: "agent_typing", class: "agent_typing" } ] ], { id: "branding_and_agent_typing_container", addClass: "branding_and_agent_typing_container" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_CookieLawNotice, "cookie_law_notice", "", [], { id: "cookie_law_notice", addClass: "cookie_law_notice" } ] ], { id: "scrollable", addClass: "scrollable" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_QueueMessage, "queue_message", "", [], { id: "queue_message", addClass: "queue_message" } ] ], { addClass: "scrollable_container" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_chatPanel_ChatTextArea, "", "", [], {} ] ], { addClass: "textarea_container" } ] ], { addClass: "main_flexbox" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_TitleBar, "", "", [], {} ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_MobileOptionsMenuIcon, "", "", [], { addClass: "mobile_options_menu_icon" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_ChatWindowDisconnectedToast, "", "", [], {} ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatWindow_chatPanel_File, "", "", [], {} ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_chatPanel_NewMessagesToast, "", "", [], { addClass: "new_messages_toast" } ] ], { addClass: "new_messages_toast_parent" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:chatPanel": "meshim.widget.components.chatWindow.chatPanel", "xmlns:mobileChatPanel": "meshim.widget.components.mobileChatWindow.chatPanel" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__served_by_container"), f = s.get(o + "__scrollable"), g = s.get(o + "__large_spinner"), p = s.get(o + "__small_spinner"), m = s.get(o + "__branding_and_agent_typing_container"), $ = s.get(o + "__chatpanel_branding"), b = (s.get(o + "__agent_typing"), s.get(o + "__cookie_law_notice")), w = s.get(o + "__queue_message"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var x = function() { function t() { if (R.getValue() && !P.getValue()) { m.setDisplay("none"); b.setDisplay(""); w.setDisplay("none"); } else { m.setDisplay(""); b.setDisplay("none"); w.setDisplay(""); } } function e(t) { $[t ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("hide"); } function n(t) { h[t ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("hide"); } function o() { F.getValue() > 0 ? $.setDisplay("none") : $.setDisplay(""); } function r(t) { if (!V || !0 === t) { var e = _(); if (e <= I) V = !1; else { var i = Math.floor(Math.max(e * A, k)); M.scrollTop = M.scrollTop + i; if (e - i > 0) { V = !0; H(function() { r(!0); }); } else V = !1; } } } function a() { M.scrollTop = 99999999999; x.userDistFromBottom(0); } function s() { return M.scrollHeight - M.offsetHeight - M.scrollTop; } function _() { var t = s(); x.userDistFromBottom(t); d && q(t); return t; } function l() { function t() { var t = O.getValue(), i = E.getValue(); "chat_panel" === t && !0 === i && e(); } function e() { f.setCSSStyle("webkitOverflowScrolling", "auto"); setTimeout(function() { f.setCSSStyle("webkitOverflowScrolling", "touch"); }, 50); } c.autobind(E, "value", t); c.autobind(O, "value", t); } var d, u = i(16), x = i(60), v = i(67), y = i(6), j = i(9), C = i(11), S = i(34), A = .25, k = 5, I = 1, T = y.root.$("livechat"), N = T.$("ui").$("chat_window").$("chat_panel").$("scrollable"), B = T.$("ui").$("chat_window").$("typing_info").$("agent_typing$bool"), D = T.$("ui").$("chat_window"), E = D.$("display$bool"), O = D.$("main_stack_name$string"), L = D.$("display_profile_card$bool"), W = D.$("chat_panel").$("served_by").$("visible$bool"), P = T.$("profile").$("allow_cookies$bool"), R = T.$("settings").$("cookie_law").$("enabled$bool"), F = T.$("channel").$("queue_position$int"), M = (T.$("ui").$("history").$("spinner_visibility"), f.dom), V = !1, H = window.requestAnimationFrame || u, q = S.debounce(function(t) { M.scrollHeight - M.offsetHeight != 1 && (0 === t ? M.scrollTop = M.scrollHeight - M.offsetHeight - I : 0 === M.scrollTop && (M.scrollTop = I)); }, 50); !function() { j.rtl(c); v.setupScrollListener(f, 60); v.bindSpinnerUI(c, p, g); f.on("scroll", _); c.on("touchstart", x.userTouchStart); c.on("touchmove", x.userTouchMove); c.on("touchend", x.userTouchEnd); c.autobind(B, "value", e); c.autobind(F, "value", o); c.autobind(N.$("smooth_scroll_count$int"), "value", r); c.autobind(N.$("instant_scroll_count$int"), "value", a); c.autobind(R, "value", t); c.autobind(P, "value", t); c.autobind(W, "value", n); d = C.isStyleSupported("overflow-scrolling"); d && l(); c.autobind(L, "value", function(t) { h.setDisplay(t ? "block" : "none"); }); }(); }(); for (var v in x) c[v] = x[v]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { height: "100%" }, ".mobile_options_menu_icon": { position: "absolute", zIndex: "102" }, "&.ltr": { ".mobile_options_menu_icon": { "top, left": 0 } }, "&.rtl": { ".mobile_options_menu_icon": { "top, right": 0 } }, ".main_flexbox": { paddingTop: "$$titleBarHeight", position: "relative", height: "100%", display: [ "flex", "-webkit-flex" ], "flexDirection, -webkit-flex-direction": "column" }, ".scrollable_container": { position: "relative", "flexGrow, -webkit-flex-grow": "1", display: [ "flex", "-webkit-flex" ], overflow: "hidden" }, ".scrollable": { "flexGrow, -webkit-flex-grow": "1", display: [ "flex", "-webkit-flex" ], "flexDirection, -webkit-flex-direction": "column", overflowY: "auto", "-webkit-overflow-scrolling": "touch" }, ".served_by_container": { "flexShrink, -webkit-flex-shrink": "0", transition: "transform 0.3s", position: "absolute", zIndex: 1, width: "100%", padding: "10px", background: "white", borderWidth: "$$chatPanelProfileCardContainerBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$chatPanelProfileCardContainerBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$chatPanelProfileCardContainerBorderColor", "&.hide": { transform: "translateY(-60px)" } }, ".chatlog_container": { position: "relative", marginTop: "auto", "flexShrink, -webkit-flex-shrink": "0" }, ".chat_log_wrapper": { paddingTop: "60px", margin: "$$chatLogMargin" }, ".branding_and_agent_typing_container": { position: "relative", "flexShrink, -webkit-flex-shrink": "0", height: "1.5em", width: "100%" }, ".chatpanel_branding": { position: "absolute", transition: "opacity 2.5s 0.5s", padding: "0px 15px 5px" }, ".chatpanel_branding.hide": { visibility: "hidden", transition: "none", opacity: 0 }, ".agent_typing": { paddingTop: "2px", width: "100%", whiteSpace: "nowrap", overflow: "hidden", textOverflow: "ellipsis" }, ".cookie_law_notice": { "flexShrink, -webkit-flex-shrink": "0", fontSize: "$$fontSizeS", color: "$$chatLogSystemMsgColor", textAlign: "center", height: "21px" }, ".textarea_container": { position: "relative", "flexShrink, -webkit-flex-shrink": "0" }, ".new_messages_toast_parent": { position: "absolute", bottom: "115px", width: "100%", height: "0px", textAlign: "center" }, ".new_messages_toast": { maxWidth: "80%" }, ".large_spinner": { position: "absolute", margin: "auto", "top, left, right": "0", bottom: "40px" }, ".queue_message": { position: "absolute", bottom: "0px", left: "10px", right: "10px", background: "white", height: "30px", padding: "7px 0" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_ChatPanel" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_IFrame = i(173); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_MainScreen = i(116); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_fontLoader_ZopimFont = i(59); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_IFrame, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatWindow_MainScreen, "", "", [], {} ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_fontLoader_ZopimFont, "", "", [], {} ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:mobileWindow": "meshim.widget.components.mobileChatWindow", top: "0", left: "0", width: "100%", height: "100%", position: "fixed", zIndex: "16000003", minWidth: "100%", maxWidth: "100%", minHeight: "100%", maxHeight: "100%", useDisplay: "true", visible: "false" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t(t) { c.setVisible(!0); d.store(); _(!0); o.animate({ endStyle: g, duration: 500 }, function(e) { e || l(!0); t && t(e); }); } function e(t) { l(!1); _(!1); d.restore(); o.animate({ endStyle: f, duration: 300 }, function(e) { e || c.setVisible(!1); t && t(e); }); } function n() { var t = c.idoc.createElement("meta"); t.setAttribute("name", "viewport"); t.setAttribute("content", "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"); c.idoc.head.appendChild(t); } var o, r = i(57), a = i(60), s = i(92), _ = i(213), l = i(212), d = i(211), u = i(65), h = i(46), f = { opacity: 0, translateY: "100%" }, g = { opacity: 1, translateY: "0%" }; !function() { c.defaultPlacement.addClass(c.__jx__fqname); c.defaultPlacement.addClass(r.prototype.__jx__fqname); h(c.ibody); a.init(); n(); o = new u(c, f); c.moveDown = e; c.moveUp = t; s.registerChatWindow(c); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_IFrame.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = {}; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_IFrame, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_MobileChatWindow" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__jx_ui_Label = i(19); t.exports = function() { function t(e, i, o, r, _) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, i, o, r, _); i = i || s.generateID(); var l = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [], { addClass: "unread_badge" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "unread_badge_text", "", [], { id: "unread_badge_text", addClass: "unread_badge_text" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui" } ], d = l[0].call(this, e, i, null, s.mangleIDs(i, l[3]), l[4]), u = d || this; s.set(i, u); var c = s.get(i + "__unread_badge_text"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { var t = 0; u.updateUnread = function(e) { var i = Math.min(e, 99); if (i !== t) { t = i; if (t) { c.setText(t); u.setOpacity(1); } else u.setOpacity(0); } }; }(); for (var f in h) u[f] = h[f]; u.fire && u.fire("init"); u.setStyle && u.setStyle(o); u.setAttributes && u.setAttributes(_); "function" == typeof u.addChildren ? u.addChildren(r) : s.addChildren(u, r); if (u !== this) { u.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; u.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return u; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "relative", width: "22px", height: "22px" }, ".unread_badge": { position: "absolute", top: "0", left: "0", height: "100%", width: "100%", background: "#EF4444", border: "1px solid #AF1E1E", boxShadow: "0px 0px 3px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.6)", borderRadius: "50%" }, ".unread_badge_text": { position: "absolute", top: "0", left: "0", width: "100%", height: "100%", fontWeight: "700", fontSize: "12px", color: "#FFF", lineHeight: "22px", textAlign: "center" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_mobileChatUnreadCountBadge_UnreadCount" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame = i(71); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatUnreadCountBadge_UnreadCount = i(220); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatButton_TappingScreen = i(117); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatUnreadCountBadge_UnreadCount, "mobile_unread", "", [], { id: "mobile_unread", opacity: "0" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatButton_TappingScreen, "", "", [], {} ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:mui": "meshim.ui", "xmlns:components": "meshim.widget.components", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:mobileChatButton": "meshim.widget.components.mobileChatButton", "xmlns:mobileChatUnreadCountBadge": "meshim.widget.components.mobileChatUnreadCountBadge", useDisplay: "true", visible: "false", cursor: "pointer" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__mobile_unread"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var f = function() { function t() { if (v && n && w > 0 && o) { c.setDisplay(""); r.animate({ endStyle: u, duration: 200 }); } else r.animate({ endStyle: d, duration: 200 }, function(t) { t || c.setDisplay("none"); }); } function e() { var t = p.getValue(); if (t && 0 != t.width$string && 0 != t.height$string) { for (var e, i, n, o, r = t.zoom$string, a = t.scale$string, s = 0, _ = l.cssom_prefixes.length; s < _; s++) { c.wrapper.setStyle(l.cssom_prefixes[s] + "Transform", "scale(" + a + ")"); c.wrapper.setStyle(l.cssom_prefixes[s] + "TransformOrigin", "0 0"); } if ("auto" === t.left$string) { e = "auto"; i = parseFloat(t.right$string) - 14 * a; } else { i = "auto"; e = parseFloat(t.left$string) + parseFloat(t.width$string) - 14 * a; } if ("auto" === t.bottom$string) { o = "auto"; n = parseFloat(t.top$string) - 14 * a; } else { n = "auto"; o = parseFloat(t.bottom$string) + parseFloat(t.height$string) - 14 * a; } c.setStyle({ top: "", right: "", bottom: "", left: "" }); c.setStyle({ position: t.position$string, top: n, right: i, left: e, bottom: o, height: c.wrapper.getHeight() / r, width: c.wrapper.getWidth() / r }); } } var n, o, r, a = i(6), s = i(57), _ = i(65), l = i(11), d = { opacity: 0 }, u = { opacity: 1 }, f = a.root.$("livechat"), g = f.$("ui").$("chat_button"), p = g.$("mobile").$("calculated_styles"), m = f.$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_button").$("position_mobile$string"), $ = g.$("fully_visible$bool"), b = g.$("unread_count$int"), w = 0, x = f.$("channel").$("chatting$bool"), v = f.$("ui").$("mobile$bool").getValue(); !function() { if (v) { r = new _(c, d); c.dom.className = "zopim"; c.content.setStyle("textAlign", "left"); c.content.addClass(s.prototype.__jx__fqname); c.wrapper.addClass(c.__jx__fqname); c.iframe.style.verticalAlign = "top"; c.autobind(p, "value", e); c.autobind(m, "value", e); c.autobind($, "value", function(e) { if (n !== e) { n = e; t(); } }); c.autobind(b, "value", function(i) { if (w !== i) { w = i; t(); e(); h.updateUnread(w); } }); c.autobind(x, "value", function(e) { if (o !== e) { o = e; t(); } }); } }(); }(); for (var g in f) c[g] = f[g]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { padding: "3px" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_MobileChatUnreadCountBadge" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t) { t = a.shallowExtend({}, t); for (var e in t) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e) && o(e, r) > -1) { for (var i = "", n = 0, s = r.length; n < s; n++) { var _ = r[n]; if (_ in t) { i += _ + "(" + t[_] + ")"; delete t[_]; } } t.transform = i; t.webkitTransform = i; } return t; } var o = i(31), r = [ "matrix", "translate", "translateX", "translateY", "scale", "scaleX", "scaleY", "rotate", "skew", "skewX", "skewY", "matrix3d", "translate3d", "translateZ", "scale3d", "scaleZ", "rotate3d", "rotateX", "rotateY", "rotateZ", "perspective" ], a = i(11); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { !function(t, i) { !function(t) { "use strict"; function e() {} function i(t) { var e; t = (t + "").trim().toLowerCase(); return (e = b.exec(t)) ? (e = parseInt(e[1], 16), new r(e >> 8 & 15 | e >> 4 & 240, e >> 4 & 15 | 240 & e, (15 & e) << 4 | 15 & e)) : (e = w.exec(t)) ? n(parseInt(e[1], 16)) : (e = x.exec(t)) ? new r(e[1], e[2], e[3]) : (e = v.exec(t)) ? new r(255 * e[1] / 100, 255 * e[2] / 100, 255 * e[3] / 100) : (e = y.exec(t)) ? new s(e[1], e[2] / 100, e[3] / 100) : j.hasOwnProperty(t) ? n(j[t]) : null; } function n(t) { return new r(t >> 16 & 255, t >> 8 & 255, 255 & t); } function o(t, n, o) { if (1 === arguments.length) { t instanceof e || (t = i(t)); if (t) { t = t.rgb(); o = t.b; n = t.g; t = t.r; } else t = n = o = NaN; } return new r(t, n, o); } function r(t, e, i) { this.r = +t; this.g = +e; this.b = +i; } function a(t, n, o) { if (1 === arguments.length) if (t instanceof s) { o = t.l; n = t.s; t = t.h; } else { t instanceof e || (t = i(t)); if (t) { if (t instanceof s) return t; t = t.rgb(); var r = t.r / 255, a = t.g / 255, _ = t.b / 255, l = Math.min(r, a, _), d = Math.max(r, a, _), u = d - l; o = (d + l) / 2; if (u) { n = o < .5 ? u / (d + l) : u / (2 - d - l); t = r === d ? (a - _) / u + 6 * (a < _) : a === d ? (_ - r) / u + 2 : (r - a) / u + 4; t *= 60; } else { t = NaN; n = o > 0 && o < 1 ? 0 : t; } } else t = n = o = NaN; } return new s(t, n, o); } function s(t, e, i) { this.h = +t; this.s = +e; this.l = +i; } function _(t, e, i) { return 255 * (t < 60 ? e + (i - e) * t / 60 : t < 180 ? i : t < 240 ? e + (i - e) * (240 - t) / 60 : e); } function l(t, e, i) { if (1 === arguments.length) if (t instanceof d) { i = t.b; e = t.a; t = t.l; } else if (t instanceof p) { var n = t.h * A; i = Math.sin(n) * t.c; e = Math.cos(n) * t.c; t = t.l; } else { t instanceof r || (t = o(t)); i = f(t.r); e = f(t.g); t = f(t.b); var a = u((.4124564 * i + .3575761 * e + .1804375 * t) / I), s = u((.2126729 * i + .7151522 * e + .072175 * t) / T), _ = u((.0193339 * i + .119192 * e + .9503041 * t) / N); i = 200 * (s - _); e = 500 * (a - s); t = 116 * s - 16; } return new d(t, e, i); } function d(t, e, i) { this.l = +t; this.a = +e; this.b = +i; } function u(t) { return t > O ? Math.pow(t, 1 / 3) : t / E + B; } function c(t) { return t > D ? t * t * t : E * (t - B); } function h(t) { return 255 * (t <= .0031308 ? 12.92 * t : 1.055 * Math.pow(t, 1 / 2.4) - .055); } function f(t) { return (t /= 255) <= .04045 ? t / 12.92 : Math.pow((t + .055) / 1.055, 2.4); } function g(t, e, i) { if (1 === arguments.length) if (t instanceof p) { i = t.l; e = t.c; t = t.h; } else { t instanceof d || (t = l(t)); i = t.l; e = Math.sqrt(t.a * t.a + t.b * t.b); t = Math.atan2(t.b, t.a) * k; t < 0 && (t += 360); } return new p(t, e, i); } function p(t, e, i) { this.h = +t; this.c = +e; this.l = +i; } function m(t, e, i) { if (1 === arguments.length) if (t instanceof $) { i = t.l; e = t.s; t = t.h; } else { t instanceof r || (t = o(t)); var n = t.r / 255, a = t.g / 255, s = t.b / 255; i = (z * s + H * n - q * a) / (z + H - q); var _ = s - i, l = (V * (a - i) - F * _) / M; e = Math.sqrt(l * l + _ * _) / (V * i * (1 - i)); t = e ? Math.atan2(l, _) * k - 120 : NaN; t < 0 && (t += 360); } return new $(t, e, i); } function $(t, e, i) { this.h = +t; this.s = +e; this.l = +i; } var b = /^#([0-9a-f]{3})$/, w = /^#([0-9a-f]{6})$/, x = /^rgb\(\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+)\s*\)$/, v = /^rgb\(\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*\)$/, y = /^hsl\(\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*\)$/, j = { aliceblue: 15792383, antiquewhite: 16444375, aqua: 65535, aquamarine: 8388564, azure: 15794175, beige: 16119260, bisque: 16770244, black: 0, blanchedalmond: 16772045, blue: 255, blueviolet: 9055202, brown: 10824234, burlywood: 14596231, cadetblue: 6266528, chartreuse: 8388352, chocolate: 13789470, coral: 16744272, cornflowerblue: 6591981, cornsilk: 16775388, crimson: 14423100, cyan: 65535, darkblue: 139, darkcyan: 35723, darkgoldenrod: 12092939, darkgray: 11119017, darkgreen: 25600, darkgrey: 11119017, darkkhaki: 12433259, darkmagenta: 9109643, darkolivegreen: 5597999, darkorange: 16747520, darkorchid: 10040012, darkred: 9109504, darksalmon: 15308410, darkseagreen: 9419919, darkslateblue: 4734347, darkslategray: 3100495, darkslategrey: 3100495, darkturquoise: 52945, darkviolet: 9699539, deeppink: 16716947, deepskyblue: 49151, dimgray: 6908265, dimgrey: 6908265, dodgerblue: 2003199, firebrick: 11674146, floralwhite: 16775920, forestgreen: 2263842, fuchsia: 16711935, gainsboro: 14474460, ghostwhite: 16316671, gold: 16766720, goldenrod: 14329120, gray: 8421504, green: 32768, greenyellow: 11403055, grey: 8421504, honeydew: 15794160, hotpink: 16738740, indianred: 13458524, indigo: 4915330, ivory: 16777200, khaki: 15787660, lavender: 15132410, lavenderblush: 16773365, lawngreen: 8190976, lemonchiffon: 16775885, lightblue: 11393254, lightcoral: 15761536, lightcyan: 14745599, lightgoldenrodyellow: 16448210, lightgray: 13882323, lightgreen: 9498256, lightgrey: 13882323, lightpink: 16758465, lightsalmon: 16752762, lightseagreen: 2142890, lightskyblue: 8900346, lightslategray: 7833753, lightslategrey: 7833753, lightsteelblue: 11584734, lightyellow: 16777184, lime: 65280, limegreen: 3329330, linen: 16445670, magenta: 16711935, maroon: 8388608, mediumaquamarine: 6737322, mediumblue: 205, mediumorchid: 12211667, mediumpurple: 9662683, mediumseagreen: 3978097, mediumslateblue: 8087790, mediumspringgreen: 64154, mediumturquoise: 4772300, mediumvioletred: 13047173, midnightblue: 1644912, mintcream: 16121850, mistyrose: 16770273, moccasin: 16770229, navajowhite: 16768685, navy: 128, oldlace: 16643558, olive: 8421376, olivedrab: 7048739, orange: 16753920, orangered: 16729344, orchid: 14315734, palegoldenrod: 15657130, palegreen: 10025880, paleturquoise: 11529966, palevioletred: 14381203, papayawhip: 16773077, peachpuff: 16767673, peru: 13468991, pink: 16761035, plum: 14524637, powderblue: 11591910, purple: 8388736, rebeccapurple: 6697881, red: 16711680, rosybrown: 12357519, royalblue: 4286945, saddlebrown: 9127187, salmon: 16416882, sandybrown: 16032864, seagreen: 3050327, seashell: 16774638, sienna: 10506797, silver: 12632256, skyblue: 8900331, slateblue: 6970061, slategray: 7372944, slategrey: 7372944, snow: 16775930, springgreen: 65407, steelblue: 4620980, tan: 13808780, teal: 32896, thistle: 14204888, tomato: 16737095, turquoise: 4251856, violet: 15631086, wheat: 16113331, white: 16777215, whitesmoke: 16119285, yellow: 16776960, yellowgreen: 10145074 }; i.prototype = e.prototype = { displayable: function() { return this.rgb().displayable(); }, toString: function() { return this.rgb() + ""; } }; var C = o.prototype = r.prototype = new e(); C.brighter = function(t) { t = null == t ? 1 / .7 : Math.pow(1 / .7, t); return new r(this.r * t, this.g * t, this.b * t); }; C.darker = function(t) { t = null == t ? .7 : Math.pow(.7, t); return new r(this.r * t, this.g * t, this.b * t); }; C.rgb = function() { return this; }; C.displayable = function() { return 0 <= this.r && this.r <= 255 && 0 <= this.g && this.g <= 255 && 0 <= this.b && this.b <= 255; }; C.toString = function() { var t = Math.round(this.r), e = Math.round(this.g), i = Math.round(this.b); return "#" + (isNaN(t) || t <= 0 ? "00" : t < 16 ? "0" + t.toString(16) : t >= 255 ? "ff" : t.toString(16)) + (isNaN(e) || e <= 0 ? "00" : e < 16 ? "0" + e.toString(16) : e >= 255 ? "ff" : e.toString(16)) + (isNaN(i) || i <= 0 ? "00" : i < 16 ? "0" + i.toString(16) : i >= 255 ? "ff" : i.toString(16)); }; var S = a.prototype = s.prototype = new e(); S.brighter = function(t) { t = null == t ? 1 / .7 : Math.pow(1 / .7, t); return new s(this.h, this.s, this.l * t); }; S.darker = function(t) { t = null == t ? .7 : Math.pow(.7, t); return new s(this.h, this.s, this.l * t); }; S.rgb = function() { var t = this.h % 360 + 360 * (this.h < 0), e = isNaN(t) || isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s, i = this.l, n = i + (i < .5 ? i : 1 - i) * e, o = 2 * i - n; return new r(_(t >= 240 ? t - 240 : t + 120, o, n), _(t, o, n), _(t < 120 ? t + 240 : t - 120, o, n)); }; S.displayable = function() { return (0 <= this.s && this.s <= 1 || isNaN(this.s)) && 0 <= this.l && this.l <= 1; }; var A = Math.PI / 180, k = 180 / Math.PI, I = .95047, T = 1, N = 1.08883, B = 4 / 29, D = 6 / 29, E = 3 * D * D, O = D * D * D, L = l.prototype = d.prototype = new e(); L.brighter = function(t) { return new d(this.l + 18 * (null == t ? 1 : t), this.a, this.b); }; L.darker = function(t) { return new d(this.l - 18 * (null == t ? 1 : t), this.a, this.b); }; L.rgb = function() { var t = (this.l + 16) / 116, e = isNaN(this.a) ? t : t + this.a / 500, i = isNaN(this.b) ? t : t - this.b / 200; t = T * c(t); e = I * c(e); i = N * c(i); return new r(h(3.2404542 * e - 1.5371385 * t - .4985314 * i), h(-.969266 * e + 1.8760108 * t + .041556 * i), h(.0556434 * e - .2040259 * t + 1.0572252 * i)); }; var W = g.prototype = p.prototype = new e(); W.brighter = function(t) { return new p(this.h, this.c, this.l + 18 * (null == t ? 1 : t)); }; W.darker = function(t) { return new p(this.h, this.c, this.l - 18 * (null == t ? 1 : t)); }; W.rgb = function() { return l(this).rgb(); }; var P = -.14861, R = 1.78277, F = -.29227, M = -.90649, V = 1.97294, H = V * M, q = V * R, z = R * F - M * P, U = m.prototype = $.prototype = new e(); U.brighter = function(t) { t = null == t ? 1 / .7 : Math.pow(1 / .7, t); return new $(this.h, this.s, this.l * t); }; U.darker = function(t) { t = null == t ? .7 : Math.pow(.7, t); return new $(this.h, this.s, this.l * t); }; U.rgb = function() { var t = isNaN(this.h) ? 0 : (this.h + 120) * A, e = +this.l, i = isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s * e * (1 - e), n = Math.cos(t), o = Math.sin(t); return new r(255 * (e + i * (P * n + R * o)), 255 * (e + i * (F * n + M * o)), 255 * (e + i * (V * n))); }; t.version = "0.3.4"; t.color = i; t.rgb = o; t.hsl = a; t.lab = l; t.hcl = g; t.cubehelix = m; }(e); }(); }, function(t, e, i) { !function(t, n) { !function(t, e) { "use strict"; function i(t, i) { t = e.rgb(t); i = e.rgb(i); var n = t.r, o = t.g, r = t.b, a = i.r - n, s = i.g - o, _ = i.b - r; return function(e) { t.r = n + a * e; t.g = o + s * e; t.b = r + _ * e; return t + ""; }; } function n(t, e) { var i, n = [], o = [], r = t ? t.length : 0, a = e ? e.length : 0, s = Math.min(r, a); for (i = 0; i < s; ++i) n.push(l(t[i], e[i])); for (;i < r; ++i) o[i] = t[i]; for (;i < a; ++i) o[i] = e[i]; return function(t) { for (i = 0; i < s; ++i) o[i] = n[i](t); return o; }; } function o(t, e) { return t = +t, e -= t, function(i) { return t + e * i; }; } function r(t, e) { var i, n = {}, o = {}; null !== t && "object" == typeof t || (t = {}); null !== e && "object" == typeof e || (e = {}); for (i in t) i in e ? n[i] = l(t[i], e[i]) : o[i] = t[i]; for (i in e) i in t || (o[i] = e[i]); return function(t) { for (i in n) o[i] = n[i](t); return o; }; } function a(t) { return function() { return t; }; } function s(t) { return function(e) { return t(e) + ""; }; } function _(t, e) { var i, n, r, _ = L.lastIndex = W.lastIndex = 0, l = -1, d = [], u = []; t += "", e += ""; for (;(i = L.exec(t)) && (n = W.exec(e)); ) { if ((r = n.index) > _) { r = e.slice(_, r); d[l] ? d[l] += r : d[++l] = r; } if ((i = i[0]) === (n = n[0])) d[l] ? d[l] += n : d[++l] = n; else { d[++l] = null; u.push({ i: l, x: o(i, n) }); } _ = W.lastIndex; } if (_ < e.length) { r = e.slice(_); d[l] ? d[l] += r : d[++l] = r; } return d.length < 2 ? u[0] ? s(u[0].x) : a(e) : (e = u.length, function(t) { for (var i, n = 0; n < e; ++n) d[(i = u[n]).i] = i.x(t); return d.join(""); }); } function l(t, e) { for (var i, n = P.length; --n >= 0 && !(i = P[n](t, e)); ) ; return i; } function d(t, e) { return t = +t, e -= t, function(i) { return Math.round(t + e * i); }; } function u(t) { O || (O = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g")); t && (O.setAttribute("transform", t), e = O.transform.baseVal.consolidate()); var e, i = e ? e.matrix : F, n = [ i.a, i.b ], o = [ i.c, i.d ], r = h(n), a = c(n, o), s = h(f(o, n, -a)) || 0; if (n[0] * o[1] < o[0] * n[1]) { n[0] *= -1; n[1] *= -1; r *= -1; a *= -1; } this.rotate = (r ? Math.atan2(n[1], n[0]) : Math.atan2(-o[0], o[1])) * R; this.translate = [ i.e, i.f ]; this.scale = [ r, s ]; this.skew = s ? Math.atan2(a, s) * R : 0; } function c(t, e) { return t[0] * e[0] + t[1] * e[1]; } function h(t) { var e = Math.sqrt(c(t, t)); e && (t[0] /= e, t[1] /= e); return e; } function f(t, e, i) { t[0] += i * e[0]; t[1] += i * e[1]; return t; } function g(t) { return t.length ? t.pop() + "," : ""; } function p(t, e, i, n) { if (t[0] !== e[0] || t[1] !== e[1]) { var r = i.push("translate(", null, ",", null, ")"); n.push({ i: r - 4, x: o(t[0], e[0]) }, { i: r - 2, x: o(t[1], e[1]) }); } else (e[0] || e[1]) && i.push("translate(" + e + ")"); } function m(t, e, i, n) { if (t !== e) { t - e > 180 ? e += 360 : e - t > 180 && (t += 360); n.push({ i: i.push(g(i) + "rotate(", null, ")") - 2, x: o(t, e) }); } else e && i.push(g(i) + "rotate(" + e + ")"); } function $(t, e, i, n) { t !== e ? n.push({ i: i.push(g(i) + "skewX(", null, ")") - 2, x: o(t, e) }) : e && i.push(g(i) + "skewX(" + e + ")"); } function b(t, e, i, n) { if (t[0] !== e[0] || t[1] !== e[1]) { var r = i.push(g(i) + "scale(", null, ",", null, ")"); n.push({ i: r - 4, x: o(t[0], e[0]) }, { i: r - 2, x: o(t[1], e[1]) }); } else 1 === e[0] && 1 === e[1] || i.push(g(i) + "scale(" + e + ")"); } function w(t, e) { var i = [], n = []; t = new u(t), e = new u(e); p(t.translate, e.translate, i, n); m(t.rotate, e.rotate, i, n); $(t.skew, e.skew, i, n); b(t.scale, e.scale, i, n); t = e = null; return function(t) { for (var e, o = -1, r = n.length; ++o < r; ) i[(e = n[o]).i] = e.x(t); return i.join(""); }; } function x(t) { return ((t = Math.exp(t)) + 1 / t) / 2; } function v(t) { return ((t = Math.exp(t)) - 1 / t) / 2; } function y(t) { return ((t = Math.exp(2 * t)) - 1) / (t + 1); } function j(t, e) { var i, n, o = t[0], r = t[1], a = t[2], s = e[0], _ = e[1], l = e[2], d = s - o, u = _ - r, c = d * d + u * u; if (c < q) { n = Math.log(l / a) / M; i = function(t) { return [ o + t * d, r + t * u, a * Math.exp(M * t * n) ]; }; } else { var h = Math.sqrt(c), f = (l * l - a * a + H * c) / (2 * a * V * h), g = (l * l - a * a - H * c) / (2 * l * V * h), p = Math.log(Math.sqrt(f * f + 1) - f), m = Math.log(Math.sqrt(g * g + 1) - g); n = (m - p) / M; i = function(t) { var e = t * n, i = x(p), s = a / (V * h) * (i * y(M * e + p) - v(p)); return [ o + s * d, r + s * u, a * i / x(M * e + p) ]; }; } i.duration = 1e3 * n; return i; } function C(t, e) { var i = t - e; return i > 180 || i < -180 ? i - 360 * Math.round(i / 360) : i; } function S(t, i) { t = e.hsl(t); i = e.hsl(i); var n = isNaN(t.h) ? i.h : t.h, o = isNaN(t.s) ? i.s : t.s, r = t.l, a = isNaN(i.h) ? 0 : C(i.h, n), s = isNaN(i.s) ? 0 : i.s - o, _ = i.l - r; return function(e) { t.h = n + a * e; t.s = o + s * e; t.l = r + _ * e; return t + ""; }; } function A(t, i) { t = e.hsl(t); i = e.hsl(i); var n = isNaN(t.h) ? i.h : t.h, o = isNaN(t.s) ? i.s : t.s, r = t.l, a = isNaN(i.h) ? 0 : i.h - n, s = isNaN(i.s) ? 0 : i.s - o, _ = i.l - r; return function(e) { t.h = n + a * e; t.s = o + s * e; t.l = r + _ * e; return t + ""; }; } function k(t, i) { t = e.lab(t); i = e.lab(i); var n = t.l, o = t.a, r = t.b, a = i.l - n, s = i.a - o, _ = i.b - r; return function(e) { t.l = n + a * e; t.a = o + s * e; t.b = r + _ * e; return t + ""; }; } function I(t, i) { t = e.hcl(t); i = e.hcl(i); var n = isNaN(t.h) ? i.h : t.h, o = isNaN(t.c) ? i.c : t.c, r = t.l, a = isNaN(i.h) ? 0 : C(i.h, n), s = isNaN(i.c) ? 0 : i.c - o, _ = i.l - r; return function(e) { t.h = n + a * e; t.c = o + s * e; t.l = r + _ * e; return t + ""; }; } function T(t, i) { t = e.hcl(t); i = e.hcl(i); var n = isNaN(t.h) ? i.h : t.h, o = isNaN(t.c) ? i.c : t.c, r = t.l, a = isNaN(i.h) ? 0 : i.h - n, s = isNaN(i.c) ? 0 : i.c - o, _ = i.l - r; return function(e) { t.h = n + a * e; t.c = o + s * e; t.l = r + _ * e; return t + ""; }; } function N(t, i, n) { arguments.length < 3 && (n = 1); t = e.cubehelix(t); i = e.cubehelix(i); var o = isNaN(t.h) ? i.h : t.h, r = isNaN(t.s) ? i.s : t.s, a = t.l, s = isNaN(i.h) ? 0 : C(i.h, o), _ = isNaN(i.s) ? 0 : i.s - r, l = i.l - a; return function(e) { t.h = o + s * e; t.s = r + _ * e; t.l = a + l * Math.pow(e, n); return t + ""; }; } function B(t, i, n) { arguments.length < 3 && (n = 1); t = e.cubehelix(t); i = e.cubehelix(i); var o = isNaN(t.h) ? i.h : t.h, r = isNaN(t.s) ? i.s : t.s, a = t.l, s = isNaN(i.h) ? 0 : i.h - o, _ = isNaN(i.s) ? 0 : i.s - r, l = i.l - a; return function(e) { t.h = o + s * e; t.s = r + _ * e; t.l = a + l * Math.pow(e, n); return t + ""; }; } function D(t, e) { e = z.call(e); e[0] = null; e.unshift(null); return function(i, n) { e[0] = i; e[1] = n; return t.apply(null, e); }; } function E(t) { return 1 === arguments.length ? t : D(t, arguments); } var O, L = /[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g, W = new RegExp(L.source, "g"), P = [ function(t, a) { var s, l = typeof a; return ("string" === l ? (s = e.color(a)) ? (a = s, i) : _ : a instanceof e.color ? i : Array.isArray(a) ? n : "object" === l && isNaN(a) ? r : o)(t, a); } ], R = 180 / Math.PI, F = { a: 1, b: 0, c: 0, d: 1, e: 0, f: 0 }, M = Math.SQRT2, V = 2, H = 4, q = 1e-12, z = Array.prototype.slice; t.version = "0.4.0"; t.interpolate = l; t.interpolators = P; t.interpolateArray = n; t.interpolateNumber = o; t.interpolateObject = r; t.interpolateRound = d; t.interpolateString = _; t.interpolateTransform = w; t.interpolateZoom = j; t.interpolateRgb = i; t.interpolateHsl = S; t.interpolateHslLong = A; t.interpolateLab = k; t.interpolateHcl = I; t.interpolateHclLong = T; t.interpolateCubehelix = N; t.interpolateCubehelixLong = B; t.interpolateBind = E; }(e, i(223)); }(); }, function(t, e, i) { !function(t, i) { !function(t) { "use strict"; function e(t, e) { return function(i) { return t(i, e); }; } function i(t, e, i) { return function(n) { return t(n, e, i); }; } function n(t, e) { e = D.call(e); e[0] = null; return function(i) { e[0] = i; return t.apply(null, e); }; } function o(t, o, r) { switch (arguments.length) { case 1: return t; case 2: return e(t, o); case 3: return i(t, o, r); default: return n(t, arguments); } } function r(t) { return +t; } function a(t) { return t * t; } function s(t) { return t * (2 - t); } function _(t) { return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? t * t : --t * (2 - t) + 1) / 2; } function l(t) { return t * t * t; } function d(t) { return --t * t * t + 1; } function u(t) { return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? t * t * t : (t -= 2) * t * t + 2) / 2; } function c(t, e) { null == e && (e = 3); return Math.pow(t, e); } function h(t, e) { null == e && (e = 3); return 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, e); } function f(t, e) { null == e && (e = 3); return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? Math.pow(t, e) : 2 - Math.pow(2 - t, e)) / 2; } function g(t) { return 1 - Math.cos(t * O); } function p(t) { return Math.sin(t * O); } function m(t) { return (1 - Math.cos(E * t)) / 2; } function $(t) { return Math.pow(2, 10 * t - 10); } function b(t) { return 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * t); } function w(t) { return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? Math.pow(2, 10 * t - 10) : 2 - Math.pow(2, 10 - 10 * t)) / 2; } function x(t) { return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - t * t); } function v(t) { return Math.sqrt(1 - --t * t); } function y(t) { return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) : Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1) / 2; } function j(t) { return 1 - C(1 - t); } function C(t) { return t < L ? z * t * t : t < P ? z * (t -= W) * t + R : t < M ? z * (t -= F) * t + V : z * (t -= H) * t + q; } function S(t) { return ((t *= 2) <= 1 ? 1 - C(1 - t) : C(t - 1) + 1) / 2; } function A(t, e) { e = null == e ? 1.70158 : +e; return t * t * ((e + 1) * t - e); } function k(t, e) { e = null == e ? 1.70158 : +e; return --t * t * ((e + 1) * t + e) + 1; } function I(t, e) { e = null == e ? 1.70158 : +e; return ((t *= 2) < 1 ? t * t * ((e + 1) * t - e) : (t -= 2) * t * ((e + 1) * t + e) + 2) / 2; } function T(t, e, i) { e = null == e ? 1 : Math.max(1, e); i = (null == i ? .3 : i) / U; return e * Math.pow(2, 10 * --t) * Math.sin((i * Math.asin(1 / e) - t) / i); } function N(t, e, i) { e = null == e ? 1 : Math.max(1, e); i = (null == i ? .3 : i) / U; return 1 - e * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((+t + i * Math.asin(1 / e)) / i); } function B(t, e, i) { e = null == e ? 1 : Math.max(1, e); i = (null == i ? .3 : i) / U; var n = i * Math.asin(1 / e); return ((t = 2 * t - 1) < 0 ? e * Math.pow(2, 10 * t) * Math.sin((n - t) / i) : 2 - e * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((n + t) / i)) / 2; } var D = Array.prototype.slice, E = Math.PI, O = E / 2, L = 4 / 11, W = 6 / 11, P = 8 / 11, R = .75, F = 9 / 11, M = 10 / 11, V = .9375, H = 21 / 22, q = 63 / 64, z = 1 / L / L, U = 2 * Math.PI; t.version = "0.5.1"; t.easeBind = o; t.easeLinearIn = r; t.easeLinearOut = r; t.easeLinearInOut = r; t.easeQuadIn = a; t.easeQuadOut = s; t.easeQuadInOut = _; t.easeCubicIn = l; t.easeCubicOut = d; t.easeCubicInOut = u; t.easePolyIn = c; t.easePolyOut = h; t.easePolyInOut = f; t.easeSinIn = g; t.easeSinOut = p; t.easeSinInOut = m; t.easeExpIn = $; t.easeExpOut = b; t.easeExpInOut = w; t.easeCircleIn = x; t.easeCircleOut = v; t.easeCircleInOut = y; t.easeBounceIn = j; t.easeBounceOut = C; t.easeBounceInOut = S; t.easeBackIn = A; t.easeBackOut = k; t.easeBackInOut = I; t.easeElasticIn = T; t.easeElasticOut = N; t.easeElasticInOut = B; }(e); }(); }, function(t, e, i) { !function(t, i) { !function(t) { "use strict"; function e(t, e, i) { this.id = ++d; this.restart(t, e, i); } function i(t, i, n) { return new e(t, i, n); } function n(t) { t = null == t ? Date.now() : +t; ++_; try { for (var e = a; e; ) { t >= e.time && (0, e.callback)(t - e.time, t); e = e.next; } } finally { --_; } } function o() { _ = l = 0; try { n(); } finally { for (var t, e = a, i = 1 / 0; e; ) if (e.callback) { i > e.time && (i = e.time); e = (t = e).next; } else e = t ? t.next = e.next : a = e.next; s = t; r(i); } } function r(t) { if (!_) { l && (l = clearTimeout(l)); var e = t - Date.now(); e > 24 ? t < 1 / 0 && (l = setTimeout(o, e)) : (_ = 1, c(o)); } } var a, s, _ = 0, l = 0, d = 0, u = {}, c = "undefined" != typeof window && (window.requestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame) || function(t) { return setTimeout(t, 17); }; e.prototype = i.prototype = { restart: function(t, e, i) { if ("function" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("callback is not a function"); i = (null == i ? Date.now() : +i) + (null == e ? 0 : +e); var n = this.id, o = u[n]; if (o) o.callback = t, o.time = i; else { o = { next: null, callback: t, time: i }; s ? s.next = o : a = o; u[n] = s = o; } r(); }, stop: function() { var t = this.id, e = u[t]; if (e) { e.callback = null, e.time = 1 / 0; delete u[t]; r(); } } }; t.version = "0.1.0"; t.timer = i; t.timerFlush = n; }(e); }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Favicon = i(118); n.__$$__jx_ui_Label = i(19); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_BorderOverlay = i(88); t.exports = function() { function t(e, i, o, r, _) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, i, o, r, _); i = i || s.generateID(); var l = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Favicon, "", "", [], { addClass: "favicon" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "status_text_wrapper", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "status_text", "", [], { id: "status_text" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "", "", [], { text: " - " } ] ], { addClass: "status", id: "status_text_wrapper" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "greeting", "", [], { id: "greeting" } ] ], { addClass: "button_text" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_BorderOverlay, "", "", [], {} ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], d = l[0].call(this, e, i, null, s.mangleIDs(i, l[3]), l[4]), u = d || this; s.set(i, u); var c = s.get(i + "__status_text_wrapper"), h = s.get(i + "__status_text"), f = s.get(i + "__greeting"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var g = function() { u.setLanguageDirection = function(t) { "rtl" == t ? u.addClass("is-rtl") : u.removeClass("is-rtl"); }; u.setStatusDisplay = function(t) { c.setDisplay(t ? "" : "none"); }; u.setStatusText = function(t) { h.setText(t); }; u.updateGreeting = function(t) { f.setText(t); }; }(); for (var p in g) u[p] = g[p]; u.fire && u.fire("init"); u.setStyle && u.setStyle(o); u.setAttributes && u.setAttributes(_); "function" == typeof u.addChildren ? u.addChildren(r) : s.addChildren(u, r); if (u !== this) { u.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; u.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return u; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "relative", paddingLeft: "$$faviconWidth", overflow: "hidden" }, "&.is-rtl": { paddingLeft: 0, paddingRight: "$$faviconWidth" }, ".favicon": { position: "absolute", height: "100%", left: 0, verticalAlign: "text-top", textAlign: "center", paddingTop: "8px", width: "$$faviconWidth", background: "$$faviconBg", color: "$$faviconColor", "borderTopLeftRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius": "$$chatButtonRadius" }, "&.is-rtl .favicon": { left: "auto", right: 0, "borderTopLeftRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius": 0, "borderTopRightRadius, borderBottomRightRadius": "$$chatButtonRadius" }, ".button_text": { position: "relative", overflow: "hidden", verticalAlign: "text-top", width: "100%", bottom: "0", whiteSpace: "nowrap", fontWeight: "$$chatButtonFontWeight", lineHeight: "$$chatButtonHeight", paddingLeft: "$$chatButtonPaddingFavicon", paddingRight: "$$chatButtonPadding", ".status": { fontWeight: "$$chatButtonStatusFontWeight" } }, ".border_overlay": { borderWidth: "$$chatButtonBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$chatButtonBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$chatButtonBorderColor" }, "&.is-rtl .button_text": { paddingLeft: "$$chatButtonPadding", paddingRight: "$$chatButtonPaddingFavicon" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_mobileChatButton_ButtonBar" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatButton_ButtonBar = i(227); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatButton_ButtonBar, "button_bar", "", [], { id: "button_bar", addClass: "button_bar" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:mobileChatButton": "meshim.widget.components.mobileChatButton", visibility: "hidden" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__button_bar"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var f = function() { function t() { m(e, c, !0); } function e() { O.update(parseInt(c.getWidth(), 10) || parseInt($.getVariable("chatButtonMinWidth"), 10)); L.update(parseInt($.getVariable("chatButtonHeight"), 10)); if (!f && u) { c.setVisibility(""); f = !0; } } var n, o, r, a, s, _, l, d, u, f, g = i(2), p = i(20), m = i(16), $ = i(3), b = i(6), w = i(9), x = i(10), v = i(101), y = b.root.$("livechat"), j = y.$("ui"), C = j.$("chat_button"), S = C.$("display$bool"), A = y.$("account").$("status$string"), k = y.$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_button").$("display_status$bool"), I = -1, T = y.$("settings").$("greetings"), N = T.$("online$string"), B = T.$("offline$string"), D = y.$("settings").$("cookie_law").$("enabled$bool"), E = y.$("profile").$("allow_cookies$bool"), O = C.$("button_width$int"), L = C.$("button_height$int"), W = j.$("theme_loaded$bool"), P = j.$("lang_dir$string"), R = y.$("channel").$("chatting$bool"); !function() { function e() { var t; t = s && void 0 !== _ && !_ ? x.cookie_law.disabled_mobile : "offline" != o || d ? x.chat_button.mobile_greeting.online : x.chat_button.mobile_greeting.offline; if (u != t) { u = t; h.updateGreeting(t); } } function i() { var t = "offline" == o && d ? x.status.online : x.status[o || "offline"]; h.setStatusText(t); $(e); } function f() { $(e); } function $() { for (var e = 0, i = arguments.length; e < i; e++) p(arguments[e]) && arguments[e](); t(); } w.rtl(c); c.autobind(S, "value", function(t) { if (n !== t) { n = t; $(); } }); c.autobind(N, "value", function(t) { r = t; $(e); }); c.autobind(B, "value", function(t) { a = t; $(e); }); c.autobind(E, "value", function(t) { _ = t; $(e); }); c.autobind(R, "value", function(t) { if (d !== t) { d = t; $(i); } }); c.autobind(D, "value", function(t) { s = t; $(e); }); c.autobind(W, "value", t); if (g && g.onLanguage) { g.onLanguage(f); c.onDestruction(function() { g.unLanguage(f); }); } c.autobind(k, "value", function(t) { if (I !== t) { I = t; h.setStatusDisplay(t); $(); } }); c.autobind(A, "value", function(t) { if (o !== t) { o = t; $(i); } }); c.autobind(P, "value", function(t) { if (void 0 !== t && l !== t) { l = t; h.setLanguageDirection(t); } }); m(v.ieQuirksModeFix); }(); }(); for (var g in f) c[g] = f[g]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { margin: "0 auto", position: "relative", "bottom, left": "auto", paddingRight: "0px", paddingTop: "0px" }, ".button_bar": { minWidth: "0", maxWidth: "$$chatButtonMaxWidth", height: "$$chatButtonHeight", color: "$$chatButtonColor", background: "$$chatButtonBg", boxShadow: "$$chatButtonShadow", borderRadius: "$$chatButtonRadius" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_mobileChatButton_Button" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame = i(71); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_fontLoader_ZopimFont = i(59); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatButton_Button = i(228); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatButton_TappingScreen = i(117); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_fontLoader_ZopimFont, "", "", [], {} ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatButton_Button, "", "", [], {} ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_mobileChatButton_TappingScreen, "", "", [], {} ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:mobileChatButton": "meshim.widget.components.mobileChatButton", useDisplay: "true", visible: "false" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t(t) { c.setVisible(!0); a.animate({ endStyle: v, duration: F ? 200 : 0 }, function(e) { e || T.update(!0); t && t(e); }); F = !0; } function e(t) { T.update(!1); a.animate({ endStyle: y, duration: 200 }, function(e) { e || c.setVisible(!1); t && t(e); }); } function n(t) { return "auto" !== t ? t + "px" : t; } function o() { var t, e, i, o, a, s, l, d, u, h, f, g, $, b, v, y, j, C, S, A, I = c.wrapper.getWidth(), T = c.wrapper.getHeight(); if (R) { t = R.scale; i = R.pageLeft; o = R.pageTop; l = window.innerWidth; d = window.innerHeight; u = R.offsetLeft; h = R.offsetTop; a = R.width; s = R.height; } else { t = m.getZoomLevel(); i = window.pageXOffset; o = window.pageYOffset; a = window.innerWidth; s = window.innerHeight; } e = (1 / t).toFixed(2); f = I / t; g = T / t; v = m.getOffset(); y = "fixed"; _.isIOS && m.iOSVersion < 13 && t >= 1 && (y = "absolute"); for (var N = 0, B = p.cssom_prefixes.length; N < B; N++) { c.wrapper.setStyle(p.cssom_prefixes[N] + "Transform", "scale(" + e + ")"); c.wrapper.setStyle(p.cssom_prefixes[N] + "TransformOrigin", "0 0"); } c.setStyle({ position: y, width: f + "px", height: g + "px", top: "", right: "", bottom: "", left: "" }); $ = P; b = W; if ("br" === r) { void 0 === L.getValue() && (b += w); void 0 === O.getValue() && ($ += x); } $ /= t; b /= t; j = A = C = S = "auto"; if ("fixed" === y) if (R) { "bl" === r ? A = u + $ : C = l - (a + u) + $; S = Math.floor(l - a) < 1 ? b : d - (s + h) + b; } else { "bl" === r ? A = $ : C = $; S = b; } else { j = Math.ceil(o + s - g - b - v.top); A = "bl" === r ? Math.ceil(i + $ - v.left) : Math.floor(i + a - f - $ - v.left); } j = n(j); C = n(C); S = n(S); A = n(A); k.update({ height$string: g, width$string: f, zoom$string: t, scale$string: e, position$string: y, top$string: j, right$string: C, bottom$string: S, left$string: A }); c.setStyle({ top: j, right: C, bottom: S, left: A }); V(); } var r, a, s = i(14), _ = i(8), l = i(34), d = i(55), u = i(6), h = i(92), f = i(57), g = i(65), p = i(11), m = i(35), $ = i(46), b = i(74), w = 5, x = 5, v = { opacity: 1, translateY: "0%" }, y = { opacity: 0, translateY: "50%" }, j = u.root.$("livechat"), C = j.$("settings"), S = j.$("ui"), A = S.$("chat_button"), k = A.$("mobile").$("calculated_styles"), I = A.$("display$bool"), T = A.$("fully_visible$bool"), N = A.$("button_width$int"), B = A.$("button_height$int"), D = C.$("theme").$("chat_button"), E = D.$("position_mobile$string"), O = D.$("h_offset_mobile$int"), L = D.$("v_offset_mobile$int"), W = 10, P = 10, R = window.visualViewport, F = !1; c.on("show", function() { M(); }); var M = l.debounce(o, 300), V = d.once(function() { h.registerChatButton(c); }); !function() { b.bind(c.iwin); R && "offsetTop" in R && "offsetLeft" in R && "pageTop" in R && "pageLeft" in R || (R = null); a = new g(c, y); c.dom.className = "zopim"; c.iframe.setStyle("display", "block"); c.content.addClass(f.prototype.__jx__fqname); c.wrapper.addClass(c.__jx__fqname); c.ibody.style.overflow = "hidden"; $(c.ibody); c.wrapper.addClass("mobile").setStyle({ position: "absolute", top: 0, left: 0 }); c.content.setStyle("textAlign", "left"); c.iframe.style.verticalAlign = "top"; c.autobind(O, "value", function(t) { t = parseInt(t, 10); if (P != t && !isNaN(t) && t >= 0) { P = t; M(); } }); c.autobind(L, "value", function(t) { t = parseInt(t, 10); if (W != t && !isNaN(t) && t >= 0) { W = t; M(); } }); c.autobind(E, "value", function(t) { if (t && r != t) { "bl" != t && "br" != t && (t = "br"); r && c.wrapper.removeClass(r); r = t; r && c.wrapper.addClass(r); M(); } }); if (R) { R.addEventListener("scroll", M); R.addEventListener("resize", M); } else { s.window.on("orientationchange", M); s.window.on("resize", M); s.window.on("scroll", M); } c.autobind(N, "value", function(t) { t && M(); }); c.autobind(B, "value", function(t) { t && M(); }); c.autobind(I, "value", M); c.moveUp = t; c.moveDown = e; }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = {}; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_MobileChatButton" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, o, r) { if (!(this instanceof n)) return new n(t, e, i, o, r); r || (r = {}); r.tagName || (r.tagName = "img"); a.call(this, t, e, i, o, r); } var o = i(1), r = i(0), a = i(7); n.prototype = r(a.prototype); o(n, a, { fqname: "jx_ui_Image" }); n.prototype.getAlt = function() { return this.dom.alt; }; n.prototype.setAlt = function(t) { this.dom.alt = t; return this; }; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Favicon = i(118); n.__$$__jx_ui_Label = i(19); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_BorderOverlay = i(88); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_Favicon, "", "", [], { addClass: "favicon" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "status_text_wrapper", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "status_text", "", [], { id: "status_text" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "", "", [], { text: " - " } ] ], { addClass: "status", id: "status_text_wrapper" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "greeting", "", [], { id: "greeting", addClass: "greeting" } ] ], { addClass: "blinds blinds_top" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Label, "unread", "", [], { id: "unread", text: "XX new messages" } ] ], { addClass: "blinds blinds_bottom" } ] ], { addClass: "button_text" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_BorderOverlay, "", "", [], {} ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__status_text_wrapper"), f = s.get(o + "__status_text"), g = s.get(o + "__greeting"), p = s.get(o + "__unread"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var m = function() { function t() { a && r > 0 ? c.addClass("unread") : c.removeClass("unread"); p.setText(o.chat_button[1 == r ? "unread_one" : "unread_many"].replace("", r)); } var e = i(2), n = i(12), o = i(10), r = 0, a = !1; c.setIsChatting = function(e) { var i = n(e); if (a !== i) { a = i; t(); } }; c.setLanguageDirection = function(t) { "rtl" == t ? c.addClass("is-rtl") : c.removeClass("is-rtl"); }; c.setStatusDisplay = function(t) { h.setDisplay(t ? "" : "none"); }; c.setStatusText = function(t) { f.setText(t); }; c.updateUnread = function(e) { if (r !== e) { r = parseInt(e, 10) || 0; t(); } }; c.updateGreeting = function(t) { g.setText(t); }; !function() { if (e && e.onLanguage) { e.onLanguage(t); c.onDestruction(function() { e.unLanguage(t); }); } }(); }(); for (var $ in m) c[$] = m[$]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "relative", paddingLeft: "$$faviconWidth", overflow: "hidden" }, "&.is-rtl": { paddingLeft: 0, paddingRight: "$$faviconWidth" }, "&.unread .button_text ": { bottom: "100%" }, ".blinds": { "width, height": "100%", overflow: "hidden", textOverflow: "ellipsis", whiteSpace: "nowrap" }, ".favicon": { position: "absolute", height: "100%", left: 0, verticalAlign: "text-top", textAlign: "center", paddingTop: "8px", width: "$$faviconWidth", background: "$$faviconBg", color: "$$faviconColor" }, "&.is-rtl .favicon": { left: "auto", right: 0 }, ".button_text": { position: "relative", overflow: "hidden", verticalAlign: "text-top", width: "100%", bottom: "0", transition: "bottom 0.3s ease-in-out", fontWeight: "$$chatButtonFontWeight", lineHeight: "$$chatButtonHeight", paddingLeft: "$$chatButtonPaddingFavicon", paddingRight: "$$chatButtonPadding", ".status": { fontWeight: "$$chatButtonStatusFontWeight" } }, ".border_overlay": { borderWidth: "$$chatButtonBorderWidth", borderStyle: "$$chatButtonBorderStyle", borderColor: "$$chatButtonBorderColor" }, "&.is-rtl .button_text": { paddingLeft: "$$chatButtonPadding", paddingRight: "$$chatButtonPaddingFavicon" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatButton_ButtonBar" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatButton_ButtonBar = i(231); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatButton_ButtonBar, "button_bar", "", [], { id: "button_bar", addClass: "button_bar" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:chatButton": "meshim.widget.components.chatButton", visibility: "hidden" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__button_bar"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var f = function() { function t() { m(e, c, !0); } function e() { W.update(parseInt(c.getWidth(), 10) || parseInt($.getVariable("chatButtonMinWidth"), 10)); P.update(parseInt($.getVariable("chatButtonHeight"), 10)); if (!f && u) { c.setVisibility(""); f = !0; } } var n, o, r, a, s, _, l, d, u, f, g = i(2), p = i(20), m = i(16), $ = i(3), b = i(6), w = i(9), x = i(10), v = i(101), y = b.root.$("livechat"), j = y.$("ui"), C = j.$("chat_button"), S = C.$("display$bool"), A = C.$("unread_count$int"), k = 0, I = y.$("account").$("status$string"), T = y.$("settings").$("theme").$("chat_button").$("display_status$bool"), N = -1, B = y.$("settings").$("greetings"), D = B.$("online$string"), E = B.$("offline$string"), O = y.$("settings").$("cookie_law").$("enabled$bool"), L = y.$("profile").$("allow_cookies$bool"), W = C.$("button_width$int"), P = C.$("button_height$int"), R = j.$("theme_loaded$bool"), F = j.$("lang_dir$string"), M = y.$("channel").$("chatting$bool"); !function() { function e() { var t; t = s && void 0 !== _ && !_ ? x.cookie_law.disabled : "offline" != o || d ? x.get(D) : x.get(E); if (u != t) { u = t; h.updateGreeting(t); } } function i() { var t = "offline" == o && d ? x.status.online : x.status[o || "offline"]; h.setStatusText(t); b(e); } function f() { h.updateUnread(k); } function $() { b(f, e); } function b() { for (var e = 0, i = arguments.length; e < i; e++) p(arguments[e]) && arguments[e](); t(); } w.rtl(c); c.autobind(S, "value", function(t) { if (n !== t) { n = t; b(); } }); c.autobind(A, "value", function(t) { k = t; b(f); }); c.autobind(D, "value", function(t) { r = t; b(e); }); c.autobind(E, "value", function(t) { a = t; b(e); }); c.autobind(L, "value", function(t) { _ = t; b(e); }); c.autobind(M, "value", function(t) { if (d !== t) { d = t; h.setIsChatting(t); b(i); } }); c.autobind(O, "value", function(t) { s = t; b(e); }); c.autobind(R, "value", t); if (g && g.onLanguage) { g.onLanguage($); c.onDestruction(function() { g.unLanguage($); }); } c.autobind(T, "value", function(t) { if (N !== t) { N = t; h.setStatusDisplay(t); b(); } }); c.autobind(I, "value", function(t) { if (o !== t) { o = t; b(i); } }); c.autobind(F, "value", function(t) { if (void 0 !== t && l !== t) { l = t; h.setLanguageDirection(t); } }); m(v.ieQuirksModeFix); }(); }(); for (var g in f) c[g] = f[g]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { margin: "0 auto", position: "absolute", "bottom, left": 0 }, ".button_bar": { "minWidth, *width": "$$chatButtonMinWidth", maxWidth: "$$chatButtonMaxWidth", height: "$$chatButtonHeight", color: "$$chatButtonColor", background: "$$chatButtonBg", boxShadow: "$$chatButtonShadow" }, "**self, **self *": { cursor: "pointer" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatButton_Button" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, n, s, _) { function l(t, e) { return [ [ t, 0, 0 ], [ 0, e, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ]; } function d(t, e) { return [ [ 1, 0, t ], [ 0, 1, e ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ]; } function u(t) { return [ t[0][0], t[1][0], t[0][1], t[1][1], t[0][2], t[1][2] ].join(" "); } function c(t) { var e = g.generateSvgLinearGradient(m, t), i = m.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "defs"); i.appendChild(e); p.parentNode.appendChild(i); p.setAttribute("fill", "url(#" + e.id + ")"); return p; } function h(t, e) { var i, n, o = []; for (var r in t) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, r)) { i = e ? m.createElementNS(e, r) : m.createElement(r); n = t[r]; for (var a in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, a) && i.setAttribute(a, n[a]); o.push(i); } return o; } function f() { for (var t = [ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) { for (var i = [], n = arguments[e], o = 0; o < 3; o++) { i[o] = []; for (var r = 0; r < 3; r++) { for (var a = 0, s = 0; s < 3; s++) a += t[o][s] * n[s][r]; i[o][r] = a; } } t = i; } return t; } var g = i(58); e = e || o.generateID(); var p, m = t.ownerDocument; p = m.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path"); p.vectorType = "svg"; o.extend(p); r.extend(p); o.set(e, p); var $ = !1; p.appendToParent = function(e) { o.hasParentNode(p) || o.appendChild(t, p); if (e && !$) { t.appendToParent && t.appendToParent(!0); $ = !0; } }; p.setClass = function(t) { p.setAttribute("class", t); return p; }; p.addClass = function(t) { p.setAttribute("class", p.getAttribute("class") + " " + t); return p; }; p.removeClass = function(t) { var e = p.getAttribute("class"), i = new RegExp("\\b" + t + "\\b", "g"); e.replace(i, ""); p.setAttribute("class", e); return p; }; p.setPath = function(t) { p.setAttribute("d", t); return p; }; p.setOpacity = function(t) { p.style.opacity = parseFloat(t); return p; }; p.setFill = function(t) { /linear/.test(t) ? c(t) : p.setAttribute("fill", t); return p; }; p.setStroke = function(t) { p.setAttribute("stroke", t); return p; }; p.setStrokeWidth = function(t) { p.setAttribute("stroke-width", t); return p; }; var b = [ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ]; p.resetTransform = function() { p.setAttribute("transform", ""); b = [ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ]; return p; }; p.moveRight = function(t) { var e = parseInt(t, 10); if (isNaN(e)) return p; b = f(b, d(e, 0)); p.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(" + u(b) + ")"); return p; }; p.setLeft = p.moveRight; p.moveDown = function(t) { var e = parseInt(t, 10); if (isNaN(e)) return p; b = f(b, d(0, e)); p.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(" + u(b) + ")"); return p; }; p.setTop = p.moveDown; p.flipAlong = function(t) { t = t.split(""); for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { var i = p.getBBox(); switch (t[e]) { case "x": b = f(b, l(-1, 1), d(-(2 * i.x + i.width), 0)); p.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(" + u(b) + ")"); break; case "y": b = f(b, l(1, -1), d(0, -(2 * i.y + i.height))); p.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(" + u(b) + ")"); } } if (a.isWebkit) { var n = p.getAttribute("filter"); p.setAttribute("filter", ""); p.setAttribute("filter", n); } return p; }; p.setShadow = function(t) { t = g.parseShadow(t); var e, i; if (!a.isOpera) { var n = { feOffset: { result: "offset-out", in: "SourceGraphic", dx: t.offsetX, dy: t.offsetY }, feColorMatrix: { result: "matrix-out", in: "offset-out", type: "matrix", values: "0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0" }, feGaussianBlur: { result: "blur-out", in: "matrix-out", stdDeviation: t.blurRadius / 2 }, feBlend: { in: "SourceGraphic", in2: "blur-out", mode: "normal" } }; e = m.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "filter"), i = "sha_" + new Date().getTime(); e.setAttribute("id", i); for (var o = h(n, "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), r = 0; r < o.length; r++) e.appendChild(o[r]); var s = m.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "defs"); s.appendChild(e); p.parentNode.appendChild(s); p.setAttribute("filter", "url(#" + i + ")"); return p; } }; o.addChildren(p, s); p.appendToParent(); p.setStyle(n); p.setAttributes(_); return p; } var o = i(4), r = i(14), a = i(8); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, n, a, s) { var _ = i(58); e = e || o.generateID(); var l, d = t.ownerDocument; l = _.createVMLNode(d, "shape"); l.className = "vml"; l.style.width = "100%"; l.style.height = "100%"; l.stroked = !1; l.filled = !0; l.fillColor = "#000000"; l.vectorType = "vml"; var u = _.createVMLNode(d, "skew"); u.className = "vml"; u.setAttribute("on", "true"); u.setAttribute("matrix", "1,0,0,1,0,0"); u.setAttribute("offset", "-0.5,-0.5"); l.appendChild(u); o.extend(l); r.extend(l); o.set(e, l); var c = !1; l.appendToParent = function(e) { o.hasParentNode(l) || o.appendChild(t, l); if (e && !c) { t.appendToParent && t.appendToParent(!0); c = !0; } if ("vml" == l.vectorType) { l.style.width = "100%"; l.style.height = "100%"; } }; l.moveRight = function(t) { var e = parseInt(t, 10); if (isNaN(e)) return l; l.style.left = (parseInt(l.style.left, 10) || 0) + e; var i = l.style.display; l.style.display = "none"; l.style.display = i; }; l.setLeft = l.moveRight; l.moveDown = function(t) { var e = parseInt(t, 10); if (isNaN(e)) return l; l.style.top = (parseInt(l.style.top, 10) || 0) + e; var i = l.style.display; l.style.display = "none"; l.style.display = i; }; l.setTop = l.moveDown; l.setPath = function(t) { var e, i; t = t.replace(/c/g, "v").replace(/z/g, "x").replace(/m/g, "t").replace(/l/g, "r").replace(/L/g, "l") + "e"; i = l.getElementsByTagName("v:path")[0]; e = i || _.createVMLNode(d, "path"); e.className = "vml"; e.setAttribute("v", t); l.appendChild(e); return l; }; l.setOpacity = function(t) { var e = parseFloat(t), i = _.createVMLNode(d, "fill"); i.className = "vml"; i.setAttribute("opacity", e); i.setAttribute("o:opacity2", e); l.appendChild(i); return l; }; l.setFill = function(t) { var e = _.createVMLNode(d, "fill"); e.className = "vml"; if (/linear/.test(t)) e = _.generateVmlLinearGradient(d, t); else { e = _.createVMLNode(d, "fill"); e.className = "vml"; "none" == t ? e.setAttribute("on", "false") : e.setAttribute("on", "true"); e.setAttribute("color", t); } l.appendChild(e); return l; }; l.setStroke = function(t) { var e = _.createVMLNode(d, "stroke"); e.className = "vml"; "none" == t ? e.setAttribute("on", "false") : e.setAttribute("on", "true"); e.setAttribute("color", t); l.appendChild(e); return l; }; l.setStrokeWidth = function(t) { var e = _.createVMLNode(d, "stroke"); e.className = "vml"; t = parseInt(t, 10); e.setAttribute("on", "true"); e.setAttribute("weight", t); l.appendChild(e); return l; }; var h = 1, f = 1; l.resetTransform = function() { h = f = 1; l.style.left = l.style.top = NaN; return l; }; l.flipAlong = function(t) { t = t.split(""); for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) switch (t[e]) { case "x": h = -h; break; case "y": f = -f; } var i = ""; -1 == h && (i += "x"); -1 == f && (i += "y"); l.style.flip = i; return l; }; l.setShadow = function(t) { var e = _.createVMLNode(d, "shadow"); e.className = "vml"; t = _.parseShadow(t); e.setAttribute("on", "true"); e.setAttribute("opacity", t.opacity); e.setAttribute("color", t.color); e.setAttribute("offset", t.offsetX + "px," + t.offsetY + "px"); l.appendChild(e); return l; }; o.addChildren(l, a); l.appendToParent(); l.setStyle(n); l.setAttributes(s); return l; } var o = i(4), r = i(14); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n() { return null; } var o, r = i(234), a = i(233), s = i(58); switch (s.detectedGraphicType) { case "canvas": o = s.CanvasData; break; case "vml": o = r; break; case "svg": o = a; break; case "div": o = n; } t.exports = o; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, n, s, _) { function l() { w && window.clearInterval(w); var t = Math.floor(201 * Math.random()) - 100; w = window.setTimeout(u, 1e3 + t); } function d() { w && window.clearTimeout(w); } function u() { if (j && j.attributes.viewBox) { m(); c(); h(j.childrens); } } function c() { var t = j.attributes.viewBox, e = j.attributes.canvasScale ? parseFloat(j.attributes.canvasScale) : 1; x.width != t.width && (x.width = t.width * e); x.height != t.height && (x.height = t.height * e); v.scale(e, e); v.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, -t.x * e, -t.y * e); a.isWebKit && t.width * t.height > 4e4 ? l() : d(); f(j); } function h(t) { for (var e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++) { var n = t[e]; v.save(); n.childrens && h(n.childrens); f(n); v.restore(); } } function f(t) { var e = t.attributes; g(); e.left && "function" == typeof t.translateX && t.translateX(v, e.left); e.top && "function" == typeof t.translateY && t.translateY(v, e.right); "opacity" in e && (v.globalAlpha = e.opacity * v.globalAlpha); if (e.path) { e.stroke && (v.strokeStyle = e.stroke); e.strokeWidth && (v.lineWidth = e.strokeWidth); e.fill && (v.fillStyle = e.fill(v, e.path.bBox)); if (e.shadow && !a.isOpera) { var i = e.shadow; v.shadowOffsetX = i.offsetX; v.shadowOffsetY = i.offsetY; v.shadowBlur = i.blurRadius; v.shadowColor = i.rgba; } e.path(v); v.fill(); e.shadow && p(); v.stroke(); } } function g() { v.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"; v.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"; v.lineWidth = 0; } function p() { v.shadowOffsetX = 0; v.shadowOffsetY = 0; v.shadowBlur = 0; v.shadowColor = "#000"; } function m() { v.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); v.clearRect(0, 0, x.width, x.height); } function $(t) { for (var e = [], i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; i++) { var o = t[i]; e.push({ constructor: o[0], id: o[1], attributes: o[4], childrens: $(o[3]) }); } return e; } var b = i(58); e = e || o.generateID(); var w, x, v, y = t.ownerDocument, j = new b.parseCanvasData({ type: "canvas", attributes: {}, childrens: [] }); x = y.createElement("canvas"); x.width = 0; x.height = 0; x.vectorType = "canvas"; x.getContext && (v = x.getContext("2d")); o.extend(x); r.extend(x); o.set(e, x); var C = !1; x.appendToParent = function(e) { o.hasParentNode(x) || o.appendChild(t, x); if (e && !C) { t.appendToParent && t.appendToParent(!0); C = !0; } }; x.setData = function(t) { "function" == typeof j.destroy && j.destroy(); j = new b.parseCanvasData(t); d(); u(); j.on("update", u); }; x.onDestruction(function() { d(); "function" == typeof j.destroy && j.destroy(); }); x.setViewBox = function(t) { j.setAttribute("viewBox", t); return x; }; x.setStyle(n); x.setAttributes(_); j = { type: "canvas", attributes: _, childrens: $(s) }; x.setData(j); x.appendToParent(); return x; } var o = i(4), r = i(14), a = i(8); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, n, a) { e = e || o.generateID(); var s, _ = t.ownerDocument; s = _.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg"); s.vectorType = "svg"; o.extend(s); r.extend(s); o.set(e, s); var l = !1; s.appendToParent = function(e) { o.hasParentNode(s) || o.appendChild(t, s); if (e && !l) { t.appendToParent && t.appendToParent(!0); l = !0; } }; s.setClass = function(t) { s.setAttribute("class", t); return s; }; s.addClass = function(t) { s.setAttribute("class", s.getAttribute("class") + " " + t); return s; }; s.removeClass = function(t) { var e = s.getAttribute("class"), i = new RegExp("\\b" + t + "\\b", "g"); e.replace(i, ""); s.setAttribute("class", e); return s; }; s.setViewBox = function(t) { s.setAttribute("viewBox", t); return s; }; s.setStyle(i); s.setAttributes(a); o.addChildren(s, n); s.appendToParent(); return s; } var o = i(4), r = i(14); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, n, a, s) { var _ = i(58); e = e || o.generateID(); var l, d, u, c, h, f = t.ownerDocument; l = f.createElement("span"); l.style.display = "inline-block"; l.style.overflow = "hidden"; l.style.position = "relative"; l.vectorType = "vml"; d = _.createVMLNode(f, "group"); d.className = "vml"; d.style.width = "100px"; d.style.height = "100px"; d.style.border = "0px none"; d.style.padding = "0px"; d.style.margin = "0px"; d.style.position = "absolute"; d.style.top = "0px"; d.style.left = "0px"; l.groupshape = d; u = _.createVMLNode(f, "shape"); u.className = "vml"; u.stroked = !1; u.fill = !1; u.style.width = "1px"; u.style.height = "1px"; d.appendChild(u); l.appendChild(d); l.graphicType = "vml"; l.defaultPlacement = d; o.extend(l); r.extend(l); o.set(e, l); var g = !1; l.appendToParent = function(e) { o.hasParentNode(l) || o.appendChild(t, l); if (e && !g) { t.appendToParent && t.appendToParent(!0); g = !0; } }; l.setCanvasScale = function(t) { t = parseFloat(t); c = t; h && l.setViewBox(h); return l; }; l.setViewBox = function(t) { h = t; t = _.parseViewBox(t); var e = l.getElementsByTagName("*"), i = t.x + ", " + t.y, n = "1, 1"; c && (n = 1 / c + "," + 1 / c); d.coordorigin = i; for (var o = 0, r = e.length; o < r; o++) { var a = e[o].tagName; "shape" !== a && "group" !== a || (e[o].coordsize = n); } u.style.left = t.x + "px"; u.style.right = t.y + "px"; return l; }; var p = l.setWidth, m = l.setHeight; l.setWidth = function(t) { "function" == typeof p && p.call(l, t); d.style.width = "1px"; return l; }; l.setHeight = function(t) { "function" == typeof m && m.call(l, t); d.style.height = "1px"; return l; }; l.setStyle(n); l.setAttributes(s); o.addChildren(l, a); l.appendToParent(); return l; } var o = i(4), r = i(14); t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i, n, o) { e = e || r.generateID(); var s, _ = t.ownerDocument; s = _.createElement("div"); r.extend(s); a.extend(s); r.set(e, s); var l = !1; s.appendToParent = function(e) { r.hasParentNode(s) || r.appendChild(t, s); if (e && !l) { t.appendToParent && t.appendToParent(!0); l = !0; } }; s.setViewBox = function() {}; s.setStyle(i); s.setAttributes(o); r.addChildren(s, n); s.appendToParent(); return s; } var o, r = i(4), a = i(14), s = i(238), _ = i(237), l = i(236), d = i(58); switch (d.detectedGraphicType) { case "canvas": o = l; break; case "vml": o = s; break; case "svg": o = _; break; case "div": o = n; } t.exports = o; }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__meshim_common_GCanvas = i(239); n.__$$__meshim_common_GShape = i(235); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__meshim_common_GCanvas, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_common_GShape, "content", "", [], { id: "content", fill: "linear, top, from(#E0741B), to(#E0981B)", stroke: "#c2c2c2" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:common": "meshim.common" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); var h = s.get(o + "__content"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var f = function() { function t(t, i) { var n = { tl: [ t.x, t.y ], tr: [ t.x + t.width, t.y ], br: [ t.x + t.width, t.y + t.height ], bl: [ t.x, t.y + t.height ] }; i = i.slice(); for (var o = 0; o < i.length; o++) { var r = i[o], a = r[0]; n[a] && (i[o] = e(n[a], r)); } return i; } function e(t, e) { var i = t[0], n = t[1], o = []; e = e.slice(); e.shift(); o.push(e.shift()); for (;e.length > 1; ) { var r = e.splice(0, 2); o.push(i + r[0]); o.push(n + r[1]); } return o; } function n(t) { for (var e = "", i = { cs: o }, n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) { var a = t[n], s = a[0]; i[s] && (a = i[s].apply(null, a.slice(1))); e += " " + a.join(" "); } return e; } function o(t, e, i) { var n = t, o = e, r = Math.round(.5522848 * n), a = Math.round(.5522848 * o); return (i ? -n * o : n * o) > 0 ? [ "c", r, 0, n, o - a, n, o ] : [ "c", 0, a, n - r, o, n, o ]; } function r(e, i) { if (!a(e) || !a(i) || isNaN(e) || isNaN(i)) throw new window.Error("BubbleVector.setDimension(): invalid arguments"); var o = { x: s - 1, y: s - 1, width: e - 2 * s + 2, height: i - 2 * s - 3 }, r = n(t(o, _)); c.setWidth(e + "px").setHeight(i + "px").setViewBox("0 0 " + e + " " + i); h.setPath(r); return c; } var a = i(28), s = 2, _ = [ [ "tl", "M", 0, 8 ], [ "cs", 8, -8, 0 ], [ "tr", "L", -8, 0 ], [ "cs", 8, 8, 0 ], [ "br", "L", 0, -16 ], [ "cs", -8, 8, 0 ], [ "bl", "L", 39, -8 ], [ "bl", "L", 33, 0 ], [ "bl", "L", 27, -8 ], [ "bl", "L", 8, -8 ], [ "cs", -8, -8, 0 ], [ "z" ] ]; !function() { h.setStrokeWidth(s); c.setDimension = r; c.setFill = function(t) { h.setFill(t); }; }(); }(); for (var g in f) c[g] = f[g]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__meshim_common_GCanvas.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = {}; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__meshim_common_GCanvas, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatButton_BubbleVector" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = i(2), _ = i(4); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatButton_BubbleVector = i(240); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont = i(15); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, l, d) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, l, d); o = o || _.generateID(); var u = s(115), c = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatButton_BubbleVector, "bubble_vector", "", [], { id: "bubble_vector", position: "absolute" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_IconFont, "close", "", [], { id: "close", icon: "cross", addClass: "close", title: u } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "bubble_title_container", "", [], { id: "bubble_title_container", class: "bubble_title" } ], [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "bubble_text_container", "", [], { id: "bubble_text_container", class: "bubble_text" } ] ], { class: "bubble_text_wrapper" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:button": "meshim.widget.components.chatButton", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", visibility: "hidden" } ], h = c[0].call(this, e, o, null, _.mangleIDs(o, c[3]), c[4]), f = h || this; _.set(o, f); var g = _.get(o + "__bubble_vector"), p = _.get(o + "__close"), m = _.get(o + "__bubble_title_container"), $ = _.get(o + "__bubble_text_container"); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var b = function() { function t() { if (!l) { l = window.setTimeout(e, 0); 8 == u.isIE && f.setVisibility(""); } } function e() { l = null; if (n && o) { var t = D.getValue(); if (t) { var e = f.getHeight(); if (e) { g.setDimension(t, e); E.update(f.getHeight()); if (!d) { f.setVisibility(""); d = !0; } } } } } var n, o, r, a, s, _, l, d, u = i(8), c = i(6), h = i(24), b = i(9), w = i(10), x = i(119), v = c.root.$("livechat"), y = v.$("settings"), j = v.$("ui"), C = j.$("chat_button"), S = C.$("display$bool"), A = C.$("bubble").$("display$bool"), k = j.$("theme_loaded$bool"), I = y.$("bubble"), T = I.$("title$string"), N = I.$("text$string"), B = y.$("theme").$("colors").$("bubble$string"), D = C.$("button_width$int"), E = C.$("bubble_height$int"); !function() { b.rtl(f); f.autobind(S, "value", function(e) { if (n != e) { n = e; t(); } }); f.autobind(A, "value", function(e) { if (o != e) { o = e; t(); } }); f.autobind(T, "value", function(e) { if (r != e) { r = e; m.setText(w.get(T)); t(); } }); f.autobind(N, "value", function(e) { if (a != e) { a = e; $.setText(w.get(N)); $.setDisplay(e ? "" : "none"); t(); } }); f.autobind(B, "value", function(t) { t && s != t && (s = t); }); f.autobind(k, "value", function(e) { if (e) { if (_ != s) { _ = s; var i = new x(_); g.setFill("linear top from(" + i.lighten(.1).toRGB() + ") to(" + i.darken(.2).toRGB() + ") "); } t(); } }); f.autobind(D, "value", function(e) { e && t(); }); p.on("click", function(t) { t.stopPropagation(); h.userHideBubble(); }); }(); }(); for (var w in b) f[w] = b[w]; f.fire && f.fire("init"); f.setStyle && f.setStyle(r); f.setAttributes && f.setAttributes(d); "function" == typeof f.addChildren ? f.addChildren(l) : _.addChildren(f, l); if (f !== this) { f.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; f.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return f; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "relative" }, ".bubble_text_wrapper": { position: "relative", padding: "10px 12px 26px" }, ".bubble_title": { position: "relative", zIndex: "1", fontSize: "$$fontSizeL", fontWeight: "bold", color: "$$chatBubbleTitleColor", whiteSpace: "pre-wrap" }, ".bubble_text": { position: "relative", zIndex: "1", marginTop: "5px", fontSize: "12px", fontStyle: "italic", color: "$$chatBubbleTextColor", whiteSpace: "pre-wrap" }, ".close": { float: "right", position: "relative", top: "-1px", left: "5px", padding: "6px 4px 2px", zIndex: "2", color: "$$chatBubbleCloseColor", textShadow: "$$chatBubbleCloseShadow", borderRadius: "$$radius", "&:hover": { background: "$$chatBubbleCloseHoverBg" } }, "&.rtl .close": { float: "left", left: "auto", right: "5px" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatButton_BubbleRenderer" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget = i(7); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatButton_BubbleRenderer = i(241); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatButton_BubbleRenderer, "", "", [], { addClass: "bubble_renderer" } ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:button": "meshim.widget.components.chatButton", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { var t = i(6), e = t.root.$("livechat").$("ui").$("chat_button"), n = e.$("bubble").$("display$bool"), o = -1; !function() { c.autobind(n, "value", function(t) { if (o != t) { o = t; c.setDisplay(o ? "" : "none"); } }); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { position: "absolute", width: "100%", "top, left": 0, cursor: "pointer" } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_Widget, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_chatButton_Bubble" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { var n = i(5), o = i(0), r = i(1), a = i(3), s = (i(2), i(4)); n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame = i(71); n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_fontLoader_ZopimFont = i(59); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatButton_Bubble = i(242); n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatButton_Button = i(232); t.exports = function() { function t(e, o, r, _, l) { if (!(this instanceof t)) return new t(e, o, r, _, l); o = o || s.generateID(); var d = [ n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame, "", "", [ [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_widgets_fontLoader_ZopimFont, "", "", [], {} ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatButton_Bubble, "", "", [], { addClass: "bubble" } ], [ n.__$$__meshim_widget_components_chatButton_Button, "", "", [], {} ] ], { xmlns: "jx.ui.html", "xmlns:ui": "jx.ui", "xmlns:widgets": "meshim.widget.widgets", "xmlns:chatButton": "meshim.widget.components.chatButton", cursor: "pointer" } ], u = d[0].call(this, e, o, null, s.mangleIDs(o, d[3]), d[4]), c = u || this; s.set(o, c); if (!t.__jx__jcss_generated) { a.generate(e, t.prototype.__jx__fqname, t.__jx__jcss, null, t); t.__jx__jcss_generated = !0; } var h = function() { function t() { var t = v; c.setDisplay(t ? "" : "none"); o(); } function e() { n(); s.bugs.noBoxSizing && window.setTimeout(function() { c.dom.className = c.dom.className; }, 100); } function n() { if (N) c.setTop("").setRight("").setBottom("").setLeft(""); else switch (a) { case "br": c.setTop("").setLeft("").setMarginLeft("").setRight(D).setBottom(B); break; case "bm": c.setTop("").setRight("").setBottom(B).setLeft("50%").setMarginLeft(-Math.round(c.__width / 2) + "px"); break; case "bl": c.setTop("").setRight("").setMarginLeft("").setBottom(B).setLeft(D); break; case "tr": c.setBottom("").setLeft("").setMarginLeft("").setTop(B).setRight(D); break; case "tm": c.setRight("").setBottom("").setTop(B).setLeft("50%").setMarginLeft(-Math.round(c.__width / 2) + "px"); break; case "tl": c.setRight("").setBottom("").setMarginLeft("").setTop(B).setLeft(D); } } function o() { r(); _(r, c, "once"); } function r() { var t = C.getValue() || 10; t !== c.getWidth() && c.setWidth(t + "px"); var e = S.getValue() || 10; j && (e += A.getValue() || 0); e !== c.getHeight() && c.setHeight(e + "px"); } var a, s = i(8), _ = i(16), l = i(57), d = i(33), u = i(6), h = i(49), f = i(24), g = i(46), p = i(74), m = u.root.$("livechat"), $ = m.$("settings"), b = m.$("ui"), w = b.$("chat_button"), x = w.$("display$bool"), v = -1, y = w.$("bubble").$("display$bool"), j = -1, C = w.$("button_width$int"), S = w.$("button_height$int"), A = w.$("bubble_height$int"), k = $.$("theme").$("chat_button").$("position$string"), I = $.$$("theme.chat_button.h_offset$int"), T = $.$$("theme.chat_button.v_offset$int"), N = b.$("mockup$bool").getValue(), B = 0, D = 10; !function() { p.bind(c.iwin); c.dom.className = "zopim"; c.iframe.setStyle("display", "block"); c.content.addClass(l.prototype.__jx__fqname); c.wrapper.addClass(c.__jx__fqname); c.ibody.style.overflow = "hidden"; g(c.ibody); N && c.setPosition("relative"); c.autobind(y, "value", function(t) { if (j != t) { j = t; o(); } }); c.autobind(I, "value", function(t) { t = parseInt(t, 10); if (!isNaN(t) && t >= 0) { D = t; e(); } }); c.autobind(T, "value", function(t) { t = parseInt(t, 10); if (!isNaN(t) && t >= 0) { B = t; e(); } }); c.autobind(A, "value", function(t) { t && o(); }); c.autobind(k, "value", function(t) { a && c.wrapper.removeClass(a); a = t; a && c.wrapper.addClass(a); e(); }); c.autobind(C, "value", function(t) { t && o(); }); c.autobind(S, "value", function(t) { t && o(); }); c.autobind(x, "value", function(e) { if (v != e) { v = e; t(); } }); c.on("click", function() { h.trackEvent("Button Clicked"); d.resetUnreadCount(); w.write({ button_clicked$bool: !0 }); f.userShowBadgeOrWindow(); }); }(); }(); for (var f in h) c[f] = h[f]; c.fire && c.fire("init"); c.setStyle && c.setStyle(r); c.setAttributes && c.setAttributes(l); "function" == typeof c.addChildren ? c.addChildren(_) : s.addChildren(c, _); if (c !== this) { c.__jx__constructor = this.__jx__constructor; c.__jx__native = this.__jx__native; } return c; } t.prototype = o(n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame.prototype); t.prototype.__jx__native = !1; t.__jx__jcss = { "**self": { "*width": "100%" }, "&.bm, &.tm": { margin: "0 auto" }, "&.br, &.bm, &.bl": { ".button_bar": { "borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius": "$$chatButtonRadius" }, ".favicon": { borderTopLeftRadius: "$$chatButtonRadius" }, ".rtl .favicon": { borderTopLeftRadius: 0, borderTopRightRadius: "$$chatButtonRadius" } }, "&.tr, &.tm, &.tl": { ".button_bar": { "borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius": "$$chatButtonRadius" }, ".favicon": { borderBottomLeftRadius: "$$chatButtonRadius" }, ".rtl .favicon": { borderBottomLeftRadius: 0, borderBottomRightRadius: "$$chatButtonRadius" } } }; "function" == typeof r && r(t, n.__$$__jx_ui_FloatingFrame, { fqname: "meshim_widget_components_ChatButton" }); return t; }(); }, function(t, e, i) { "use strict"; var n = function(t, e, i) { var n = t[e], o = t; if (e in t) { var r = "warn" === e ? "warning" : e; t[e] = function() { var t = [].slice.call(arguments), e = "" + t.join(" "), a = { level: r, logger: "console", extra: { arguments: t } }; i && i(e, a); n && Function.prototype.apply.call(n, o, t); }; } }; t.exports = { wrapMethod: n }; }, function(t, e, i) { "use strict"; function n(t) { this.name = "RavenConfigError"; this.message = t; } n.prototype = new Error(); n.prototype.constructor = n; t.exports = n; }, function(t, e, i) { "use strict"; function n(t, e) { for (var i = 0; i < t.length; ++i) if (t[i] === e) return i; return -1; } function o(t, e, i, n) { return JSON.stringify(t, r(e, n), i); } function r(t, e) { var i = [], o = []; null == e && (e = function(t, e) { return i[0] === e ? "[Circular ~]" : "[Circular ~." + o.slice(0, n(i, e)).join(".") + "]"; }); return function(r, a) { if (i.length > 0) { var s = n(i, this); ~s ? i.splice(s + 1) : i.push(this); ~s ? o.splice(s, 1 / 0, r) : o.push(r); ~n(i, a) && (a = e.call(this, r, a)); } else i.push(a); return null == t ? a : t.call(this, r, a); }; } e = t.exports = o; e.getSerialize = r; }, function(t, e, i) { "use strict"; (function(e) { function n() { return "undefined" == typeof document || void 0 === document.location ? "" : document.location.href; } var o = i(120), r = { collectWindowErrors: !0, debug: !1 }, a = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : void 0 !== e ? e : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : {}, s = [].slice, _ = "?", l = /^(?:[Uu]ncaught (?:exception: )?)?(?:((?:Eval|Internal|Range|Reference|Syntax|Type|URI|)Error): )?(.*)$/; r.report = function() { function t(t) { c(); $.push(t); } function e(t) { for (var e = $.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) $[e] === t && $.splice(e, 1); } function i() { h(); $ = []; } function d(t, e) { var i = null; if (!e || r.collectWindowErrors) { for (var n in $) if ($.hasOwnProperty(n)) try { $[n].apply(null, [ t ].concat(s.call(arguments, 2))); } catch (t) { i = t; } if (i) throw i; } } function u(t, e, i, a, s) { var u = null; if (x) { r.computeStackTrace.augmentStackTraceWithInitialElement(x, e, i, t); f(); } else if (s && o.isError(s)) { u = r.computeStackTrace(s); d(u, !0); } else { var c, h = { url: e, line: i, column: a }, g = void 0, m = t; if ("[object String]" === {}.toString.call(t)) { var c = t.match(l); if (c) { g = c[1]; m = c[2]; } } h.func = _; u = { name: g, message: m, url: n(), stack: [ h ] }; d(u, !0); } return !!p && p.apply(this, arguments); } function c() { if (!m) { p = a.onerror; a.onerror = u; m = !0; } } function h() { if (m) { a.onerror = p; m = !1; p = void 0; } } function f() { var t = x, e = b; b = null; x = null; w = null; d.apply(null, [ t, !1 ].concat(e)); } function g(t, e) { var i = s.call(arguments, 1); if (x) { if (w === t) return; f(); } var n = r.computeStackTrace(t); x = n; w = t; b = i; setTimeout(function() { w === t && f(); }, n.incomplete ? 2e3 : 0); if (!1 !== e) throw t; } var p, m, $ = [], b = null, w = null, x = null; g.subscribe = t; g.unsubscribe = e; g.uninstall = i; return g; }(); r.computeStackTrace = function() { function t(t) { if (void 0 !== t.stack && t.stack) { for (var e, i, o, r = /^\s*at (.*?) ?\(((?:file|https?|blob|chrome-extension|native|eval|webpack||\/).*?)(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?\)?\s*$/i, a = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\((.*?)\))?(?:^|@)((?:file|https?|blob|chrome|webpack|resource|\[native).*?|[^@]*bundle)(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?\s*$/i, s = /^\s*at (?:((?:\[object object\])?.+) )?\(?((?:file|ms-appx|https?|webpack|blob):.*?):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?\)?\s*$/i, l = /(\S+) line (\d+)(?: > eval line \d+)* > eval/i, d = /\((\S*)(?::(\d+))(?::(\d+))\)/, u = t.stack.split("\n"), c = [], h = (/^(.*) is undefined$/.exec(t.message), 0), f = u.length; h < f; ++h) { if (i = r.exec(u[h])) { var g = i[2] && 0 === i[2].indexOf("native"), p = i[2] && 0 === i[2].indexOf("eval"); if (p && (e = d.exec(i[2]))) { i[2] = e[1]; i[3] = e[2]; i[4] = e[3]; } o = { url: g ? null : i[2], func: i[1] || _, args: g ? [ i[2] ] : [], line: i[3] ? +i[3] : null, column: i[4] ? +i[4] : null }; } else if (i = s.exec(u[h])) o = { url: i[2], func: i[1] || _, args: [], line: +i[3], column: i[4] ? +i[4] : null }; else { if (!(i = a.exec(u[h]))) continue; var p = i[3] && i[3].indexOf(" > eval") > -1; if (p && (e = l.exec(i[3]))) { i[3] = e[1]; i[4] = e[2]; i[5] = null; } else 0 !== h || i[5] || void 0 === t.columnNumber || (c[0].column = t.columnNumber + 1); o = { url: i[3], func: i[1] || _, args: i[2] ? i[2].split(",") : [], line: i[4] ? +i[4] : null, column: i[5] ? +i[5] : null }; } !o.func && o.line && (o.func = _); c.push(o); } return c.length ? { name: t.name, message: t.message, url: n(), stack: c } : null; } } function e(t, e, i, n) { var o = { url: e, line: i }; if (o.url && o.line) { t.incomplete = !1; o.func || (o.func = _); if (t.stack.length > 0 && t.stack[0].url === o.url) { if (t.stack[0].line === o.line) return !1; if (!t.stack[0].line && t.stack[0].func === o.func) { t.stack[0].line = o.line; return !1; } } t.stack.unshift(o); t.partial = !0; return !0; } t.incomplete = !0; return !1; } function i(t, a) { for (var s, l, d = /function\s+([_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF][_$a-zA-Z0-9\xA0-\uFFFF]*)?\s*\(/i, u = [], c = {}, h = !1, f = i.caller; f && !h; f = f.caller) if (f !== o && f !== r.report) { l = { url: null, func: _, line: null, column: null }; f.name ? l.func = f.name : (s = d.exec(f.toString())) && (l.func = s[1]); if (void 0 === l.func) try { l.func = s.input.substring(0, s.input.indexOf("{")); } catch (t) {} c["" + f] ? h = !0 : c["" + f] = !0; u.push(l); } a && u.splice(0, a); var g = { name: t.name, message: t.message, url: n(), stack: u }; e(g, t.sourceURL || t.fileName, t.line || t.lineNumber, t.message || t.description); return g; } function o(e, o) { var a = null; o = null == o ? 0 : +o; try { a = t(e); if (a) return a; } catch (t) { if (r.debug) throw t; } try { a = i(e, o + 1); if (a) return a; } catch (t) { if (r.debug) throw t; } return { name: e.name, message: e.message, url: n() }; } o.augmentStackTraceWithInitialElement = e; o.computeStackTraceFromStackProp = t; return o; }(); t.exports = r; }).call(this, i(99)); }, function(t, e, i) { "use strict"; (function(e) { function n() { return +new Date(); } function o(t, e) { return s(e) ? function(i) { return e(i, t); } : e; } function r() { this._hasJSON = !("object" != typeof JSON || !JSON.stringify); this._hasDocument = !a(O); this._hasNavigator = !a(L); this._lastCapturedException = null; this._lastData = null; this._lastEventId = null; this._globalServer = null; this._globalKey = null; this._globalProject = null; this._globalContext = {}; this._globalOptions = { logger: "javascript", ignoreErrors: [], ignoreUrls: [], whitelistUrls: [], includePaths: [], crossOrigin: "anonymous", collectWindowErrors: !0, maxMessageLength: 0, maxUrlLength: 250, stackTraceLimit: 50, autoBreadcrumbs: !0, instrument: !0, sampleRate: 1 }; this._ignoreOnError = 0; this._isRavenInstalled = !1; this._originalErrorStackTraceLimit = Error.stackTraceLimit; this._originalConsole = E.console || {}; this._originalConsoleMethods = {}; this._plugins = []; this._startTime = n(); this._wrappedBuiltIns = []; this._breadcrumbs = []; this._lastCapturedEvent = null; this._keypressTimeout; this._location = E.location; this._lastHref = this._location && this._location.href; this._resetBackoff(); for (var t in this._originalConsole) this._originalConsoleMethods[t] = this._originalConsole[t]; } function a(t) { return void 0 === t; } function s(t) { return "function" == typeof t; } function _(t) { return "[object String]" === W.toString.call(t); } function l(t) { for (var e in t) return !1; return !0; } function d(t, e) { var i, n; if (a(t.length)) for (i in t) f(t, i) && e.call(null, i, t[i]); else { n = t.length; if (n) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) e.call(null, i, t[i]); } } function u(t, e) { if (!e) return t; d(e, function(e, i) { t[e] = i; }); return t; } function c(t) { return !!Object.isFrozen && Object.isFrozen(t); } function h(t, e) { return !e || t.length <= e ? t : t.substr(0, e) + "…"; } function f(t, e) { return W.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e); } function g(t) { for (var e, i = [], n = 0, o = t.length; n < o; n++) { e = t[n]; _(e) ? i.push(e.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1")) : e && e.source && i.push(e.source); } return new RegExp(i.join("|"), "i"); } function p(t) { var e = []; d(t, function(t, i) { e.push(encodeURIComponent(t) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(i)); }); return e.join("&"); } function m(t) { var e = t.match(/^(([^:\/?#]+):)?(\/\/([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$/); if (!e) return {}; var i = e[6] || "", n = e[8] || ""; return { protocol: e[2], host: e[4], path: e[5], relative: e[5] + i + n }; } function $() { var t = E.crypto || E.msCrypto; if (!a(t) && t.getRandomValues) { var e = new Uint16Array(8); t.getRandomValues(e); e[3] = 4095 & e[3] | 16384; e[4] = 16383 & e[4] | 32768; var i = function(t) { for (var e = t.toString(16); e.length < 4; ) e = "0" + e; return e; }; return i(e[0]) + i(e[1]) + i(e[2]) + i(e[3]) + i(e[4]) + i(e[5]) + i(e[6]) + i(e[7]); } return "xxxxxxxxxxxx4xxxyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(t) { var e = 16 * Math.random() | 0; return ("x" === t ? e : 3 & e | 8).toString(16); }); } function b(t) { for (var e, i = [], n = 0, o = 0, r = " > ".length; t && n++ < 5; ) { e = w(t); if ("html" === e || n > 1 && o + i.length * r + e.length >= 80) break; i.push(e); o += e.length; t = t.parentNode; } return i.reverse().join(" > "); } function w(t) { var e, i, n, o, r, a = []; if (!t || !t.tagName) return ""; a.push(t.tagName.toLowerCase()); t.id && a.push("#" + t.id); e = t.className; if (e && _(e)) { i = e.split(/\s+/); for (r = 0; r < i.length; r++) a.push("." + i[r]); } var s = [ "type", "name", "title", "alt" ]; for (r = 0; r < s.length; r++) { n = s[r]; o = t.getAttribute(n); o && a.push("[" + n + '="' + o + '"]'); } return a.join(""); } function x(t, e) { return !!(!!t ^ !!e); } function v(t, e) { if (x(t, e)) return !1; t = t.values[0]; e = e.values[0]; return t.type === e.type && t.value === e.value && y(t.stacktrace, e.stacktrace); } function y(t, e) { if (x(t, e)) return !1; var i = t.frames, n = e.frames; if (i.length !== n.length) return !1; for (var o, r, a = 0; a < i.length; a++) { o = i[a]; r = n[a]; if (o.filename !== r.filename || o.lineno !== r.lineno || o.colno !== r.colno || o.function !== r.function) return !1; } return !0; } function j(t, e, i, n) { var o = t[e]; t[e] = i(o); n && n.push([ t, e, o ]); } var C = i(247), S = i(246), A = i(245), k = i(120), I = k.isError, T = k.isObject, N = i(244).wrapMethod, B = "source protocol user pass host port path".split(" "), D = /^(?:(\w+):)?\/\/(?:(\w+)(:\w+)?@)?([\w\.-]+)(?::(\d+))?(\/.*)/, E = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : void 0 !== e ? e : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : {}, O = E.document, L = E.navigator; r.prototype = { VERSION: "3.17.0", debug: !1, TraceKit: C, config: function(t, e) { var i = this; if (i._globalServer) { this._logDebug("error", "Error: Raven has already been configured"); return i; } if (!t) return i; var n = i._globalOptions; e && d(e, function(t, e) { "tags" === t || "extra" === t || "user" === t ? i._globalContext[t] = e : n[t] = e; }); i.setDSN(t); n.ignoreErrors.push(/^Script error\.?$/); n.ignoreErrors.push(/^Javascript error: Script error\.? on line 0$/); n.ignoreErrors = g(n.ignoreErrors); n.ignoreUrls = !!n.ignoreUrls.length && g(n.ignoreUrls); n.whitelistUrls = !!n.whitelistUrls.length && g(n.whitelistUrls); n.includePaths = g(n.includePaths); n.maxBreadcrumbs = Math.max(0, Math.min(n.maxBreadcrumbs || 100, 100)); var o = { xhr: !0, console: !0, dom: !0, location: !0 }, r = n.autoBreadcrumbs; "[object Object]" === {}.toString.call(r) ? r = u(o, r) : !1 !== r && (r = o); n.autoBreadcrumbs = r; var a = { tryCatch: !0 }, s = n.instrument; "[object Object]" === {}.toString.call(s) ? s = u(a, s) : !1 !== s && (s = a); n.instrument = s; C.collectWindowErrors = !!n.collectWindowErrors; return i; }, install: function() { var t = this; if (t.isSetup() && !t._isRavenInstalled) { C.report.subscribe(function() { t._handleOnErrorStackInfo.apply(t, arguments); }); t._globalOptions.instrument && t._globalOptions.instrument.tryCatch && t._instrumentTryCatch(); t._globalOptions.autoBreadcrumbs && t._instrumentBreadcrumbs(); t._drainPlugins(); t._isRavenInstalled = !0; } Error.stackTraceLimit = t._globalOptions.stackTraceLimit; return this; }, setDSN: function(t) { var e = this, i = e._parseDSN(t), n = i.path.lastIndexOf("https://geektechies.us/"), o = i.path.substr(1, n); e._dsn = t; e._globalKey = i.user; e._globalSecret = i.pass && i.pass.substr(1); e._globalProject = i.path.substr(n + 1); e._globalServer = e._getGlobalServer(i); e._globalEndpoint = e._globalServer + "/" + o + "api/" + e._globalProject + "/store/"; this._resetBackoff(); }, context: function(t, e, i) { if (s(t)) { i = e || []; e = t; t = void 0; } return this.wrap(t, e).apply(this, i); }, wrap: function(t, e, i) { function n() { var n = [], r = arguments.length, a = !t || t && !1 !== t.deep; i && s(i) && i.apply(this, arguments); for (;r--; ) n[r] = a ? o.wrap(t, arguments[r]) : arguments[r]; try { return e.apply(this, n); } catch (e) { o._ignoreNextOnError(); o.captureException(e, t); throw e; } } var o = this; if (a(e) && !s(t)) return t; if (s(t)) { e = t; t = void 0; } if (!s(e)) return e; try { if (e.__raven__) return e; if (e.__raven_wrapper__) return e.__raven_wrapper__; } catch (t) { return e; } for (var r in e) f(e, r) && (n[r] = e[r]); n.prototype = e.prototype; e.__raven_wrapper__ = n; n.__raven__ = !0; n.__inner__ = e; return n; }, uninstall: function() { C.report.uninstall(); this._restoreBuiltIns(); Error.stackTraceLimit = this._originalErrorStackTraceLimit; this._isRavenInstalled = !1; return this; }, captureException: function(t, e) { if (!I(t)) return this.captureMessage(t, u({ trimHeadFrames: 1, stacktrace: !0 }, e)); this._lastCapturedException = t; try { var i = C.computeStackTrace(t); this._handleStackInfo(i, e); } catch (e) { if (t !== e) throw e; } return this; }, captureMessage: function(t, e) { if (!this._globalOptions.ignoreErrors.test || !this._globalOptions.ignoreErrors.test(t)) { e = e || {}; var i = u({ message: t + "" }, e); if (this._globalOptions.stacktrace || e && e.stacktrace) { var n; try { throw new Error(t); } catch (t) { n = t; } n.name = null; e = u({ fingerprint: t, trimHeadFrames: (e.trimHeadFrames || 0) + 1 }, e); var o = C.computeStackTrace(n), r = this._prepareFrames(o, e); i.stacktrace = { frames: r.reverse() }; } this._send(i); return this; } }, captureBreadcrumb: function(t) { var e = u({ timestamp: n() / 1e3 }, t); if (s(this._globalOptions.breadcrumbCallback)) { var i = this._globalOptions.breadcrumbCallback(e); if (T(i) && !l(i)) e = i; else if (!1 === i) return this; } this._breadcrumbs.push(e); this._breadcrumbs.length > this._globalOptions.maxBreadcrumbs && this._breadcrumbs.shift(); return this; }, addPlugin: function(t) { var e = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); this._plugins.push([ t, e ]); this._isRavenInstalled && this._drainPlugins(); return this; }, setUserContext: function(t) { this._globalContext.user = t; return this; }, setExtraContext: function(t) { this._mergeContext("extra", t); return this; }, setTagsContext: function(t) { this._mergeContext("tags", t); return this; }, clearContext: function() { this._globalContext = {}; return this; }, getContext: function() { return JSON.parse(S(this._globalContext)); }, setEnvironment: function(t) { this._globalOptions.environment = t; return this; }, setRelease: function(t) { this._globalOptions.release = t; return this; }, setDataCallback: function(t) { var e = this._globalOptions.dataCallback; this._globalOptions.dataCallback = o(e, t); return this; }, setBreadcrumbCallback: function(t) { var e = this._globalOptions.breadcrumbCallback; this._globalOptions.breadcrumbCallback = o(e, t); return this; }, setShouldSendCallback: function(t) { var e = this._globalOptions.shouldSendCallback; this._globalOptions.shouldSendCallback = o(e, t); return this; }, setTransport: function(t) { this._globalOptions.transport = t; return this; }, lastException: function() { return this._lastCapturedException; }, lastEventId: function() { return this._lastEventId; }, isSetup: function() { if (!this._hasJSON) return !1; if (!this._globalServer) { if (!this.ravenNotConfiguredError) { this.ravenNotConfiguredError = !0; this._logDebug("error", "Error: Raven has not been configured."); } return !1; } return !0; }, afterLoad: function() { var t = E.RavenConfig; t && this.config(t.dsn, t.config).install(); }, showReportDialog: function(t) { if (O) { t = t || {}; var e = t.eventId || this.lastEventId(); if (!e) throw new A("Missing eventId"); var i = t.dsn || this._dsn; if (!i) throw new A("Missing DSN"); var n = encodeURIComponent, o = ""; o += "?eventId=" + n(e); o += "&dsn=" + n(i); var r = t.user || this._globalContext.user; if (r) { r.name && (o += "&name=" + n(r.name)); r.email && (o += "&email=" + n(r.email)); } var a = this._getGlobalServer(this._parseDSN(i)), s = O.createElement("script"); s.async = !0; s.src = a + "/api/embed/error-page/" + o; (O.head || O.body).appendChild(s); } }, _ignoreNextOnError: function() { var t = this; this._ignoreOnError += 1; setTimeout(function() { t._ignoreOnError -= 1; }); }, _triggerEvent: function(t, e) { var i, n; if (this._hasDocument) { e = e || {}; t = "raven" + t.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + t.substr(1); if (O.createEvent) { i = O.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); i.initEvent(t, !0, !0); } else { i = O.createEventObject(); i.eventType = t; } for (n in e) f(e, n) && (i[n] = e[n]); if (O.createEvent) O.dispatchEvent(i); else try { O.fireEvent("on" + i.eventType.toLowerCase(), i); } catch (t) {} } }, _breadcrumbEventHandler: function(t) { var e = this; return function(i) { e._keypressTimeout = null; if (e._lastCapturedEvent !== i) { e._lastCapturedEvent = i; var n; try { n = b(i.target); } catch (t) { n = ""; } e.captureBreadcrumb({ category: "ui." + t, message: n }); } }; }, _keypressEventHandler: function() { var t = this; return function(e) { var i; try { i = e.target; } catch (t) { return; } var n = i && i.tagName; if (n && ("INPUT" === n || "TEXTAREA" === n || i.isContentEditable)) { var o = t._keypressTimeout; o || t._breadcrumbEventHandler("input")(e); clearTimeout(o); t._keypressTimeout = setTimeout(function() { t._keypressTimeout = null; }, 1e3); } }; }, _captureUrlChange: function(t, e) { var i = m(this._location.href), n = m(e), o = m(t); this._lastHref = e; i.protocol === n.protocol && i.host === n.host && (e = n.relative); i.protocol === o.protocol && i.host === o.host && (t = o.relative); this.captureBreadcrumb({ category: "navigation", data: { to: e, from: t } }); }, _instrumentTryCatch: function() { function t(t) { return function(i, n) { for (var o = new Array(arguments.length), r = 0; r < o.length; ++r) o[r] = arguments[r]; var a = o[0]; s(a) && (o[0] = e.wrap(a)); return t.apply ? t.apply(this, o) : t(o[0], o[1]); }; } var e = this, i = e._wrappedBuiltIns, n = this._globalOptions.autoBreadcrumbs; j(E, "setTimeout", t, i); j(E, "setInterval", t, i); E.requestAnimationFrame && j(E, "requestAnimationFrame", function(t) { return function(i) { return t(e.wrap(i)); }; }, i); for (var o = [ "EventTarget", "Window", "Node", "ApplicationCache", "AudioTrackList", "ChannelMergerNode", "CryptoOperation", "EventSource", "FileReader", "HTMLUnknownElement", "IDBDatabase", "IDBRequest", "IDBTransaction", "KeyOperation", "MediaController", "MessagePort", "ModalWindow", "Notification", "SVGElementInstance", "Screen", "TextTrack", "TextTrackCue", "TextTrackList", "WebSocket", "WebSocketWorker", "Worker", "XMLHttpRequest", "XMLHttpRequestEventTarget", "XMLHttpRequestUpload" ], r = 0; r < o.length; r++) !function(t) { var o = E[t] && E[t].prototype; if (o && o.hasOwnProperty && o.hasOwnProperty("addEventListener")) { j(o, "addEventListener", function(i) { return function(o, r, a, s) { try { r && r.handleEvent && (r.handleEvent = e.wrap(r.handleEvent)); } catch (t) {} var _, l, d; if (n && n.dom && ("EventTarget" === t || "Node" === t)) { l = e._breadcrumbEventHandler("click"); d = e._keypressEventHandler(); _ = function(t) { if (t) { var e; try { e = t.type; } catch (t) { return; } return "click" === e ? l(t) : "keypress" === e ? d(t) : void 0; } }; } return i.call(this, o, e.wrap(r, void 0, _), a, s); }; }, i); j(o, "removeEventListener", function(t) { return function(e, i, n, o) { try { i = i && (i.__raven_wrapper__ ? i.__raven_wrapper__ : i); } catch (t) {} return t.call(this, e, i, n, o); }; }, i); } }(o[r]); }, _instrumentBreadcrumbs: function() { function t(t, i) { t in i && s(i[t]) && j(i, t, function(t) { return e.wrap(t); }); } var e = this, i = this._globalOptions.autoBreadcrumbs, n = e._wrappedBuiltIns; if (i.xhr && "XMLHttpRequest" in E) { var o = XMLHttpRequest.prototype; j(o, "open", function(t) { return function(i, n) { _(n) && -1 === n.indexOf(e._globalKey) && (this.__raven_xhr = { method: i, url: n, status_code: null }); return t.apply(this, arguments); }; }, n); j(o, "send", function(i) { return function(n) { function o() { if (r.__raven_xhr && (1 === r.readyState || 4 === r.readyState)) { try { r.__raven_xhr.status_code = r.status; } catch (t) {} e.captureBreadcrumb({ type: "http", category: "xhr", data: r.__raven_xhr }); } } for (var r = this, a = [ "onload", "onerror", "onprogress" ], _ = 0; _ < a.length; _++) t(a[_], r); "onreadystatechange" in r && s(r.onreadystatechange) ? j(r, "onreadystatechange", function(t) { return e.wrap(t, void 0, o); }) : r.onreadystatechange = o; return i.apply(this, arguments); }; }, n); } i.xhr && "fetch" in E && j(E, "fetch", function(t) { return function(i, n) { for (var o = new Array(arguments.length), r = 0; r < o.length; ++r) o[r] = arguments[r]; var a, s = o[0], _ = "GET"; if ("string" == typeof s) a = s; else { a = s.url; s.method && (_ = s.method); } o[1] && o[1].method && (_ = o[1].method); var l = { method: _, url: a, status_code: null }; e.captureBreadcrumb({ type: "http", category: "fetch", data: l }); return t.apply(this, o).then(function(t) { l.status_code = t.status; return t; }); }; }, n); if (i.dom && this._hasDocument) if (O.addEventListener) { O.addEventListener("click", e._breadcrumbEventHandler("click"), !1); O.addEventListener("keypress", e._keypressEventHandler(), !1); } else { O.attachEvent("onclick", e._breadcrumbEventHandler("click")); O.attachEvent("onkeypress", e._keypressEventHandler()); } var r = E.chrome, a = r && r.app && r.app.runtime, l = !a && E.history && history.pushState; if (i.location && l) { var u = E.onpopstate; E.onpopstate = function() { var t = e._location.href; e._captureUrlChange(e._lastHref, t); if (u) return u.apply(this, arguments); }; j(history, "pushState", function(t) { return function() { var i = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0; i && e._captureUrlChange(e._lastHref, i + ""); return t.apply(this, arguments); }; }, n); } if (i.console && "console" in E && console.log) { var c = function(t, i) { e.captureBreadcrumb({ message: t, level: i.level, category: "console" }); }; d([ "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "log" ], function(t, e) { N(console, e, c); }); } }, _restoreBuiltIns: function() { for (var t; this._wrappedBuiltIns.length; ) { t = this._wrappedBuiltIns.shift(); var e = t[0], i = t[1], n = t[2]; e[i] = n; } }, _drainPlugins: function() { var t = this; d(this._plugins, function(e, i) { var n = i[0], o = i[1]; n.apply(t, [ t ].concat(o)); }); }, _parseDSN: function(t) { var e = D.exec(t), i = {}, n = 7; try { for (;n--; ) i[B[n]] = e[n] || ""; } catch (e) { throw new A("Invalid DSN: " + t); } if (i.pass && !this._globalOptions.allowSecretKey) throw new A("Do not specify your secret key in the DSN. See: http://bit.ly/raven-secret-key"); return i; }, _getGlobalServer: function(t) { var e = "//" + t.host + (t.port ? ":" + t.port : ""); t.protocol && (e = t.protocol + ":" + e); return e; }, _handleOnErrorStackInfo: function() { this._ignoreOnError || this._handleStackInfo.apply(this, arguments); }, _handleStackInfo: function(t, e) { var i = this._prepareFrames(t, e); this._triggerEvent("handle", { stackInfo: t, options: e }); this._processException(t.name, t.message, t.url, t.lineno, i, e); }, _prepareFrames: function(t, e) { var i = this, n = []; if (t.stack && t.stack.length) { d(t.stack, function(t, e) { var o = i._normalizeFrame(e); o && n.push(o); }); if (e && e.trimHeadFrames) for (var o = 0; o < e.trimHeadFrames && o < n.length; o++) n[o].in_app = !1; } n = n.slice(0, this._globalOptions.stackTraceLimit); return n; }, _normalizeFrame: function(t) { if (t.url) { var e = { filename: t.url, lineno: t.line, colno: t.column, function: t.func || "?" }; e.in_app = !(this._globalOptions.includePaths.test && !this._globalOptions.includePaths.test(e.filename) || /(Raven|TraceKit)\./.test(e.function) || /raven\.(min\.)?js$/.test(e.filename)); return e; } }, _processException: function(t, e, i, n, o, r) { var a; if (!this._globalOptions.ignoreErrors.test || !this._globalOptions.ignoreErrors.test(e)) { e += ""; if (o && o.length) { i = o[0].filename || i; o.reverse(); a = { frames: o }; } else i && (a = { frames: [ { filename: i, lineno: n, in_app: !0 } ] }); if ((!this._globalOptions.ignoreUrls.test || !this._globalOptions.ignoreUrls.test(i)) && (!this._globalOptions.whitelistUrls.test || this._globalOptions.whitelistUrls.test(i))) { var s = u({ exception: { values: [ { type: t, value: e, stacktrace: a } ] }, culprit: i }, r); this._send(s); } } }, _trimPacket: function(t) { var e = this._globalOptions.maxMessageLength; t.message && (t.message = h(t.message, e)); if (t.exception) { var i = t.exception.values[0]; i.value = h(i.value, e); } var n = t.request; if (n) { n.url && (n.url = h(n.url, this._globalOptions.maxUrlLength)); n.Referer && (n.Referer = h(n.Referer, this._globalOptions.maxUrlLength)); } t.breadcrumbs && t.breadcrumbs.values && this._trimBreadcrumbs(t.breadcrumbs); return t; }, _trimBreadcrumbs: function(t) { for (var e, i, n, o = [ "to", "from", "url" ], r = 0; r < t.values.length; ++r) { i = t.values[r]; if (i.hasOwnProperty("data") && T(i.data) && !c(i.data)) { n = u({}, i.data); for (var a = 0; a < o.length; ++a) { e = o[a]; n.hasOwnProperty(e) && (n[e] = h(n[e], this._globalOptions.maxUrlLength)); } t.values[r].data = n; } } }, _getHttpData: function() { if (this._hasNavigator || this._hasDocument) { var t = {}; this._hasNavigator && L.userAgent && (t.headers = { "User-Agent": navigator.userAgent }); if (this._hasDocument) { O.location && O.location.href && (t.url = O.location.href); if (O.referrer) { t.headers || (t.headers = {}); t.headers.Referer = O.referrer; } } return t; } }, _resetBackoff: function() { this._backoffDuration = 0; this._backoffStart = null; }, _shouldBackoff: function() { return this._backoffDuration && n() - this._backoffStart < this._backoffDuration; }, _isRepeatData: function(t) { var e = this._lastData; return !(!e || t.message !== e.message || t.culprit !== e.culprit) && (t.stacktrace || e.stacktrace ? y(t.stacktrace, e.stacktrace) : !t.exception && !e.exception || v(t.exception, e.exception)); }, _setBackoffState: function(t) { if (!this._shouldBackoff()) { var e = t.status; if (400 === e || 401 === e || 429 === e) { var i; try { i = t.getResponseHeader("Retry-After"); i = 1e3 * parseInt(i, 10); } catch (t) {} this._backoffDuration = i || (2 * this._backoffDuration || 1e3); this._backoffStart = n(); } } }, _send: function(t) { var e = this._globalOptions, i = { project: this._globalProject, logger: e.logger, platform: "javascript" }, o = this._getHttpData(); o && (i.request = o); t.trimHeadFrames && delete t.trimHeadFrames; t = u(i, t); t.tags = u(u({}, this._globalContext.tags), t.tags); t.extra = u(u({}, this._globalContext.extra), t.extra); t.extra["session:duration"] = n() - this._startTime; this._breadcrumbs && this._breadcrumbs.length > 0 && (t.breadcrumbs = { values: [].slice.call(this._breadcrumbs, 0) }); l(t.tags) && delete t.tags; this._globalContext.user && (t.user = this._globalContext.user); e.environment && (t.environment = e.environment); e.release && (t.release = e.release); e.serverName && (t.server_name = e.serverName); s(e.dataCallback) && (t = e.dataCallback(t) || t); t && !l(t) && (s(e.shouldSendCallback) && !e.shouldSendCallback(t) || (this._shouldBackoff() ? this._logDebug("warn", "Raven dropped error due to backoff: ", t) : "number" == typeof e.sampleRate ? Math.random() < e.sampleRate && this._sendProcessedPayload(t) : this._sendProcessedPayload(t))); }, _getUuid: function() { return $(); }, _sendProcessedPayload: function(t, e) { var i = this, n = this._globalOptions; if (this.isSetup()) { this._lastEventId = t.event_id || (t.event_id = this._getUuid()); t = this._trimPacket(t); if (this._globalOptions.allowDuplicates || !this._isRepeatData(t)) { this._lastData = t; this._logDebug("debug", "Raven about to send:", t); var o = { sentry_version: "7", sentry_client: "raven-js/" + this.VERSION, sentry_key: this._globalKey }; this._globalSecret && (o.sentry_secret = this._globalSecret); var r = t.exception && t.exception.values[0]; this.captureBreadcrumb({ category: "sentry", message: r ? (r.type ? r.type + ": " : "") + r.value : t.message, event_id: t.event_id, level: t.level || "error" }); var a = this._globalEndpoint; (n.transport || this._makeRequest).call(this, { url: a, auth: o, data: t, options: n, onSuccess: function() { i._resetBackoff(); i._triggerEvent("success", { data: t, src: a }); e && e(); }, onError: function(n) { i._logDebug("error", "Raven transport failed to send: ", n); n.request && i._setBackoffState(n.request); i._triggerEvent("failure", { data: t, src: a }); n = n || new Error("Raven send failed (no additional details provided)"); e && e(n); } }); } else this._logDebug("warn", "Raven dropped repeat event: ", t); } }, _makeRequest: function(t) { var e = new XMLHttpRequest(); if ("withCredentials" in e || "undefined" != typeof XDomainRequest) { var i = t.url; if ("withCredentials" in e) e.onreadystatechange = function() { if (4 === e.readyState) if (200 === e.status) t.onSuccess && t.onSuccess(); else if (t.onError) { var i = new Error("Sentry error code: " + e.status); i.request = e; t.onError(i); } }; else { e = new XDomainRequest(); i = i.replace(/^https?:/, ""); t.onSuccess && (e.onload = t.onSuccess); t.onError && (e.onerror = function() { var i = new Error("Sentry error code: XDomainRequest"); i.request = e; t.onError(i); }); } e.open("POST.html", i + "?" + p(t.auth)); e.send(S(t.data)); } }, _logDebug: function(t) { this._originalConsoleMethods[t] && this.debug && Function.prototype.apply.call(this._originalConsoleMethods[t], this._originalConsole, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); }, _mergeContext: function(t, e) { a(e) ? delete this._globalContext[t] : this._globalContext[t] = u(this._globalContext[t] || {}, e); } }; var W = Object.prototype; "undefined" != typeof __DEV__ && __DEV__ && (r.utils = { isUndefined: a, isFunction: s, isString: _, isObject: T, isEmptyObject: l, isError: I, each: d, objectMerge: u, truncate: h, hasKey: f, joinRegExp: g, urlencode: p, uuid4: $, htmlTreeAsString: b, htmlElementAsString: w, parseUrl: m, fill: j }); r.prototype.setUser = r.prototype.setUserContext; r.prototype.setReleaseContext = r.prototype.setRelease; t.exports = r; }).call(this, i(99)); }, function(t, e, i) { "use strict"; (function(e) { var n = i(248), o = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : void 0 !== e ? e : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : {}, r = o.Raven, a = new n(); a.noConflict = function() { o.Raven = r; return a; }; a.afterLoad(); t.exports = a; }).call(this, i(99)); }, function(t, e, i) { function n(t, e, i) { _(e) && (i = e, e = null); e || (e = {}); d("POST", t, e, i); } function o(t, e, i) { _(e) && (i = e, e = null); e || (e = {}); d("GET", t, e, i); } function r(t, e, i, n) { var o, r, a, s = "form" + ~~(1e5 * Math.random()), _ = i.timeout || 1e4, d = document.createElement("form"), u = document.createElement("iframe"); d.method = t; d.action = e; u.style.display = "none"; if (i.params) for (r in i.params) if (i.params.hasOwnProperty(r)) { a = document.createElement("input"); a.name = r; a.value = i.params[r]; d.appendChild(a); } document.body.appendChild(d); document.body.appendChild(u); d.target = u.contentWindow.name = s; l(function() { d.submit(); document.body.removeChild(d); a = d = null; u.onload = function() { u.onload = null; u.contentWindow.location.href = "about:blank"; u.onload = function() { u.onload = null; clearTimeout(o); n && n(null, u.contentWindow.name); document.body.removeChild(u); u = null; }; }; }); o = setTimeout(function() { n && n("timeout"); document.body.removeChild(u); u = null; }, _); } function a(t, e, i, n) { function o() { if (h.contentWindow.frames.length) { h.contentWindow.location.href = "about:blank"; clearTimeout(a); setTimeout(function() { n && n(null, h.contentWindow.name); r.body.removeChild(h); r = h = null; }, 0); } else s = setTimeout(o, 100); } var r = document; if (window.ActiveXObject) try { r = new window.ActiveXObject("htmlfile"); r.open(), r.close(); } catch (t) {} var a, s, _, l, d = "form" + ~~(1e5 * Math.random()), u = i.timeout || 1e4, c = r.createElement('
'), h = r.createElement('